#!/usr/bin/env python
# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
# Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import android
from interface import WalletSynchronizer
from wallet import Wallet , format_satoshis
import mnemonic
from decimal import Decimal
import datetime , re
def modal_dialog ( title , msg = None ) :
droid . dialogCreateAlert ( title , msg )
droid . dialogSetPositiveButtonText ( ' OK ' )
droid . dialogShow ( )
droid . dialogGetResponse ( )
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
def modal_input ( title , msg , value = None , etype = None ) :
droid . dialogCreateInput ( title , msg , value , etype )
droid . dialogSetPositiveButtonText ( ' OK ' )
droid . dialogSetNegativeButtonText ( ' Cancel ' )
droid . dialogShow ( )
response = droid . dialogGetResponse ( ) . result
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
if response . get ( ' which ' ) == ' positive ' :
return response . get ( ' value ' )
def modal_question ( q , msg , pos_text = ' OK ' , neg_text = ' Cancel ' ) :
droid . dialogCreateAlert ( q , msg )
droid . dialogSetPositiveButtonText ( pos_text )
droid . dialogSetNegativeButtonText ( neg_text )
droid . dialogShow ( )
response = droid . dialogGetResponse ( ) . result
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
return response . get ( ' which ' ) == ' positive '
def edit_label ( addr ) :
v = modal_input ( ' Edit label ' , None , wallet . labels . get ( addr ) )
if v is not None :
if v :
wallet . labels [ addr ] = v
else :
if addr in wallet . labels . keys ( ) :
wallet . labels . pop ( addr )
wallet . update_tx_history ( )
wallet . save ( )
droid . fullSetProperty ( " labelTextView " , " text " , v )
def select_from_contacts ( ) :
title = ' Contacts: '
droid . dialogCreateAlert ( title )
l = [ ]
for i in range ( len ( wallet . addressbook ) ) :
addr = wallet . addressbook [ i ]
label = wallet . labels . get ( addr , addr )
l . append ( label )
droid . dialogSetItems ( l )
droid . dialogSetPositiveButtonText ( ' New contact ' )
droid . dialogShow ( )
response = droid . dialogGetResponse ( ) . result
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
if response . get ( ' which ' ) == ' positive ' :
return ' newcontact '
result = response . get ( ' item ' )
print result
if result is not None :
addr = wallet . addressbook [ result ]
return addr
def select_from_addresses ( ) :
droid . dialogCreateAlert ( " Addresses: " )
l = [ ]
for i in range ( len ( wallet . addresses ) ) :
addr = wallet . addresses [ i ]
label = wallet . labels . get ( addr , addr )
l . append ( label )
droid . dialogSetItems ( l )
droid . dialogShow ( )
response = droid . dialogGetResponse ( )
result = response . result . get ( ' item ' )
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
if result is not None :
addr = wallet . addresses [ result ]
return addr
def protocol_name ( p ) :
if p == ' t ' : return ' TCP/stratum '
if p == ' h ' : return ' HTTP/Stratum '
if p == ' n ' : return ' TCP/native '
def protocol_dialog ( host , protocol , z ) :
droid . dialogCreateAlert ( ' Protocol ' , host )
if z :
protocols = z . keys ( )
else :
protocols = [ ' t ' , ' h ' , ' n ' ]
l = [ ]
current = protocols . index ( protocol )
for p in protocols :
l . append ( protocol_name ( p ) )
droid . dialogSetSingleChoiceItems ( l , current )
droid . dialogSetPositiveButtonText ( ' OK ' )
droid . dialogSetNegativeButtonText ( ' Cancel ' )
droid . dialogShow ( )
response = droid . dialogGetResponse ( ) . result
if not response : return
if response . get ( ' which ' ) == ' positive ' :
response = droid . dialogGetSelectedItems ( ) . result [ 0 ]
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
p = protocols [ response ]
port = z [ p ]
return host + ' : ' + port + ' : ' + p
def make_layout ( s , scrollable = False ) :
content = """
< LinearLayout
android : id = " @+id/zz "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content "
android : background = " #ff222222 " >
< TextView
android : id = " @+id/textElectrum "
android : text = " Electrum "
android : textSize = " 7pt "
android : textColor = " #ff4444ff "
android : gravity = " left "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
/ >
< / LinearLayout >
% s """ %s
if scrollable :
content = """
< ScrollView
android : id = " @+id/scrollview "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " match_parent " >
< LinearLayout
android : orientation = " vertical "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content " >
% s
< / LinearLayout >
< / ScrollView >
""" %c ontent
return """ <?xml version= " 1.0 " encoding= " utf-8 " ?>
< LinearLayout xmlns : android = " http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android "
android : id = " @+id/background "
android : orientation = " vertical "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " match_parent "
android : background = " #ff000022 " >
% s
< / LinearLayout > """ %c ontent
def main_layout ( ) :
return make_layout ( """
< TextView android : id = " @+id/balanceTextView "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : text = " "
android : textColor = " #ffffffff "
android : textAppearance = " ?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge "
android : padding = " 7dip "
android : textSize = " 8pt "
android : gravity = " center_vertical|center_horizontal|left " >
< / TextView >
< TextView android : id = " @+id/historyTextView "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content "
android : text = " Recent transactions "
android : textAppearance = " ?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge "
android : gravity = " center_vertical|center_horizontal|center " >
< / TextView >
% s """ %g et_history_layout(15),True)
def qr_layout ( addr ) :
return make_layout ( """
< TextView android : id = " @+id/addrTextView "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " 50 "
android : text = " %s "
android : textAppearance = " ?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge "
android : gravity = " center_vertical|center_horizontal|center " >
< / TextView >
< ImageView
android : id = " @+id/qrView "
android : gravity = " center "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " 350 "
android : antialias = " false "
android : src = " file:///sdcard/sl4a/qrcode.bmp " / >
< TextView android : id = " @+id/labelTextView "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " 50 "
android : text = " %s "
android : textAppearance = " ?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge "
android : gravity = " center_vertical|center_horizontal|center " >
< / TextView >
""" % (addr,wallet.labels.get(addr, ' ' )), True)
payto_layout = make_layout ( """
< TextView android : id = " @+id/recipientTextView "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content "
android : text = " Pay to: "
android : textAppearance = " ?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge "
android : gravity = " left " >
< / TextView >
< EditText android : id = " @+id/recipient "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content "
android : tag = " Tag Me " android : inputType = " text " >
< / EditText >
< LinearLayout android : id = " @+id/linearLayout1 "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content " >
< Button android : id = " @+id/buttonQR " android : layout_width = " wrap_content "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content " android : text = " From QR code " > < / Button >
< Button android : id = " @+id/buttonContacts " android : layout_width = " wrap_content "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content " android : text = " From Contacts " > < / Button >
< / LinearLayout >
< TextView android : id = " @+id/labelTextView "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content "
android : text = " Description: "
android : textAppearance = " ?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge "
android : gravity = " left " >
< / TextView >
< EditText android : id = " @+id/label "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content "
android : tag = " Tag Me " android : inputType = " text " >
< / EditText >
< TextView android : id = " @+id/amountLabelTextView "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content "
android : text = " Amount: "
android : textAppearance = " ?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge "
android : gravity = " left " >
< / TextView >
< EditText android : id = " @+id/amount "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content "
android : tag = " Tag Me " android : inputType = " numberDecimal " >
< / EditText >
< LinearLayout android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content " android : id = " @+id/linearLayout1 " >
< Button android : id = " @+id/buttonPay " android : layout_width = " wrap_content "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content " android : text = " Send " > < / Button >
< / LinearLayout > """ ,False)
settings_layout = make_layout ( """ <ListView
android : id = " @+id/myListView "
android : layout_width = " match_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content " / > """ )
def get_history_values ( n ) :
values = [ ]
h = wallet . get_tx_history ( )
length = min ( n , len ( h ) )
for i in range ( length ) :
line = h [ - i - 1 ]
v = line [ ' value ' ]
try :
dt = datetime . datetime . fromtimestamp ( line [ ' timestamp ' ] )
if dt . date ( ) == dt . today ( ) . date ( ) :
time_str = str ( dt . time ( ) )
else :
time_str = str ( dt . date ( ) )
conf = ' v '
except :
print line [ ' timestamp ' ]
time_str = ' pending '
conf = ' o '
tx_hash = line [ ' tx_hash ' ]
label = wallet . labels . get ( tx_hash )
is_default_label = ( label == ' ' ) or ( label is None )
if is_default_label : label = line [ ' default_label ' ]
values . append ( ( conf , ' ' + time_str , ' ' + format_satoshis ( v , True ) , ' ' + label ) )
return values
def get_history_layout ( n ) :
rows = " "
i = 0
values = get_history_values ( n )
for v in values :
a , b , c , d = v
color = " #ff00ff00 " if a == ' v ' else " #ffff0000 "
rows + = """
< TableRow >
< TextView
android : id = " @+id/hl_ %d _col1 "
android : layout_column = " 0 "
android : text = " %s "
android : textColor = " %s "
android : padding = " 3 " / >
< TextView
android : id = " @+id/hl_ %d _col2 "
android : layout_column = " 1 "
android : text = " %s "
android : padding = " 3 " / >
< TextView
android : id = " @+id/hl_ %d _col3 "
android : layout_column = " 2 "
android : text = " %s "
android : padding = " 3 " / >
< TextView
android : id = " @+id/hl_ %d _col4 "
android : layout_column = " 3 "
android : text = " %s "
android : padding = " 4 " / >
< / TableRow > """ % (i,a,color,i,b,i,c,i,d)
i + = 1
output = """
< TableLayout xmlns : android = " http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android "
android : layout_width = " fill_parent "
android : layout_height = " wrap_content "
android : stretchColumns = " 0,1,2,3 " >
% s
< / TableLayout > """ % r ows
return output
def set_history_layout ( n ) :
values = get_history_values ( n )
i = 0
for v in values :
a , b , c , d = v
droid . fullSetProperty ( " hl_ %d _col1 " % i , " text " , a )
if a == ' v ' :
droid . fullSetProperty ( " hl_ %d _col1 " % i , " textColor " , " #ff00ff00 " )
else :
droid . fullSetProperty ( " hl_ %d _col1 " % i , " textColor " , " #ffff0000 " )
droid . fullSetProperty ( " hl_ %d _col2 " % i , " text " , b )
droid . fullSetProperty ( " hl_ %d _col3 " % i , " text " , c )
droid . fullSetProperty ( " hl_ %d _col4 " % i , " text " , d )
i + = 1
status_text = ' '
def update_layout ( ) :
global status_text
if not wallet . interface . is_connected :
text = " Not connected... "
elif wallet . blocks == 0 :
text = " Server not ready "
elif not wallet . up_to_date :
text = " Synchronizing... "
else :
c , u = wallet . get_balance ( )
text = " Balance: " + format_satoshis ( c )
if u : text + = ' [ ' + format_satoshis ( u , True ) . strip ( ) + ' ] '
# vibrate if status changed
if text != status_text :
if status_text and wallet . interface . is_connected and wallet . up_to_date :
droid . vibrate ( )
status_text = text
droid . fullSetProperty ( " balanceTextView " , " text " , status_text )
if wallet . up_to_date :
set_history_layout ( 15 )
def pay_to ( recipient , amount , fee , label ) :
if wallet . use_encryption :
password = droid . dialogGetPassword ( ' Password ' ) . result
if not password : return
else :
password = None
droid . dialogCreateSpinnerProgress ( " Electrum " , " signing transaction... " )
droid . dialogShow ( )
try :
tx = wallet . mktx ( recipient , amount , label , password , fee )
except BaseException , e :
modal_dialog ( ' error ' , e . message )
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
r , h = wallet . sendtx ( tx )
if r :
modal_dialog ( ' Payment sent ' , h )
return True
else :
modal_dialog ( ' Error ' , h )
def recover ( ) :
droid . dialogCreateAlert ( " Wallet not found " , " Do you want to create a new wallet, or restore an existing one? " )
droid . dialogSetPositiveButtonText ( ' Create ' )
droid . dialogSetNeutralButtonText ( ' Restore ' )
droid . dialogSetNegativeButtonText ( ' Cancel ' )
droid . dialogShow ( )
response = droid . dialogGetResponse ( ) . result
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
if response . get ( ' which ' ) == ' negative ' :
exit ( 1 )
is_recovery = response . get ( ' which ' ) == ' neutral '
if not is_recovery :
wallet . new_seed ( None )
else :
if modal_question ( " Input method " , None , ' QR Code ' , ' mnemonic ' ) :
code = droid . scanBarcode ( )
r = code . result
if r :
seed = r [ ' extras ' ] [ ' SCAN_RESULT ' ]
else :
exit ( 1 )
else :
m = modal_input ( ' Mnemonic ' , ' please enter your code ' )
try :
seed = mnemonic . mn_decode ( m . split ( ' ' ) )
except :
modal_dialog ( ' error: could not decode this seed ' )
exit ( 1 )
wallet . seed = str ( seed )
modal_dialog ( ' Your seed is: ' , wallet . seed )
modal_dialog ( ' Mnemonic code: ' , ' ' . join ( mnemonic . mn_encode ( wallet . seed ) ) )
msg = " recovering wallet... " if is_recovery else " creating wallet... "
droid . dialogCreateSpinnerProgress ( " Electrum " , msg )
droid . dialogShow ( )
wallet . init_mpk ( wallet . seed )
WalletSynchronizer ( wallet , True ) . start ( )
wallet . update ( )
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
droid . vibrate ( )
if is_recovery :
if wallet . is_found ( ) :
wallet . update_tx_history ( )
wallet . fill_addressbook ( )
modal_dialog ( " recovery successful " )
else :
if not modal_question ( " no transactions found for this seed " , " do you want to keep this wallet? " ) :
exit ( 1 )
change_password_dialog ( )
wallet . save ( )
def make_new_contact ( ) :
code = droid . scanBarcode ( )
r = code . result
if r :
data = r [ ' extras ' ] [ ' SCAN_RESULT ' ]
if data :
if re . match ( ' ^bitcoin: ' , data ) :
address , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ = wallet . parse_url ( data , None , None )
elif wallet . is_valid ( data ) :
address = data
else :
address = None
if address :
if modal_question ( ' Add to contacts? ' , address ) :
wallet . addressbook . append ( address )
wallet . save ( )
else :
modal_dialog ( ' Invalid address ' , data )
do_refresh = False
def update_callback ( ) :
global do_refresh
print " gui callback " , wallet . interface . is_connected , wallet . up_to_date
do_refresh = True
droid . eventPost ( " refresh " , ' z ' )
def main_loop ( ) :
global do_refresh
update_layout ( )
out = None
quitting = False
while out is None :
event = droid . eventWait ( 1000 ) . result
if event is None :
if do_refresh :
update_layout ( )
do_refresh = False
print " got event in main loop " , repr ( event )
if event == ' OK ' : continue
if event is None : continue
#if event["name"]=="refresh":
# request 2 taps before we exit
if event [ " name " ] == " key " :
if event [ " data " ] [ " key " ] == ' 4 ' :
if quitting :
out = ' quit '
else :
quitting = True
else : quitting = False
if event [ " name " ] == " click " :
id = event [ " data " ] [ " id " ]
elif event [ " name " ] == " settings " :
out = ' settings '
elif event [ " name " ] in menu_commands :
out = event [ " name " ]
if out == ' contacts ' :
global contact_addr
contact_addr = select_from_contacts ( )
if contact_addr == ' newcontact ' :
make_new_contact ( )
contact_addr = None
if not contact_addr :
out = None
elif out == " receive " :
global receive_addr
receive_addr = select_from_addresses ( )
if receive_addr :
amount = modal_input ( ' Amount ' , ' Amount you want receive. ' , ' ' , " numberDecimal " )
if amount :
receive_addr = ' bitcoin: %s ?amount= %s ' % ( receive_addr , amount )
if not receive_addr :
out = None
return out
def payto_loop ( ) :
global recipient
if recipient :
droid . fullSetProperty ( " recipient " , " text " , recipient )
recipient = None
out = None
while out is None :
event = droid . eventWait ( ) . result
print " got event in payto loop " , event
if event [ " name " ] == " click " :
id = event [ " data " ] [ " id " ]
if id == " buttonPay " :
droid . fullQuery ( )
recipient = droid . fullQueryDetail ( " recipient " ) . result . get ( ' text ' )
label = droid . fullQueryDetail ( " label " ) . result . get ( ' text ' )
amount = droid . fullQueryDetail ( ' amount ' ) . result . get ( ' text ' )
if not wallet . is_valid ( recipient ) :
modal_dialog ( ' Error ' , ' Invalid Bitcoin address ' )
try :
amount = int ( 100000000 * Decimal ( amount ) )
except :
modal_dialog ( ' Error ' , ' Invalid amount ' )
result = pay_to ( recipient , amount , wallet . fee , label )
if result :
out = ' main '
elif id == " buttonContacts " :
addr = select_from_contacts ( )
droid . fullSetProperty ( " recipient " , " text " , addr )
elif id == " buttonQR " :
code = droid . scanBarcode ( )
r = code . result
if r :
data = r [ ' extras ' ] [ ' SCAN_RESULT ' ]
if data :
if re . match ( ' ^bitcoin: ' , data ) :
payto , amount , label , _ , _ , _ , _ = wallet . parse_url ( data , None , None )
droid . fullSetProperty ( " recipient " , " text " , payto )
droid . fullSetProperty ( " amount " , " text " , amount )
droid . fullSetProperty ( " label " , " text " , label )
else :
droid . fullSetProperty ( " recipient " , " text " , data )
elif event [ " name " ] in menu_commands :
out = event [ " name " ]
elif event [ " name " ] == " key " :
if event [ " data " ] [ " key " ] == ' 4 ' :
out = ' main '
#elif event["name"]=="screen":
# if event["data"]=="destroy":
# out = 'main'
return out
receive_addr = ' '
contact_addr = ' '
recipient = ' '
def receive_loop ( ) :
out = None
while out is None :
event = droid . eventWait ( ) . result
print " got event " , event
if event [ " name " ] == " key " :
if event [ " data " ] [ " key " ] == ' 4 ' :
out = ' main '
elif event [ " name " ] == " clipboard " :
droid . setClipboard ( receive_addr )
modal_dialog ( ' Address copied to clipboard ' , receive_addr )
elif event [ " name " ] == " edit " :
edit_label ( receive_addr )
return out
def contacts_loop ( ) :
global recipient
out = None
while out is None :
event = droid . eventWait ( ) . result
print " got event " , event
if event [ " name " ] == " key " :
if event [ " data " ] [ " key " ] == ' 4 ' :
out = ' main '
elif event [ " name " ] == " clipboard " :
droid . setClipboard ( contact_addr )
modal_dialog ( ' Address copied to clipboard ' , contact_addr )
elif event [ " name " ] == " edit " :
edit_label ( contact_addr )
elif event [ " name " ] == " paytocontact " :
recipient = contact_addr
out = ' send '
elif event [ " name " ] == " deletecontact " :
if modal_question ( ' delete contact ' , contact_addr ) :
out = ' main '
return out
def server_dialog ( plist ) :
droid . dialogCreateAlert ( " Public servers " )
droid . dialogSetItems ( plist . keys ( ) )
droid . dialogSetPositiveButtonText ( ' Private server ' )
droid . dialogShow ( )
response = droid . dialogGetResponse ( ) . result
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
if response . get ( ' which ' ) == ' positive ' :
return modal_input ( ' Private server ' , None )
i = response . get ( ' item ' )
if i is not None :
response = plist . keys ( ) [ i ]
return response
def seed_dialog ( ) :
if wallet . use_encryption :
password = droid . dialogGetPassword ( ' Seed ' ) . result
if not password : return
else :
password = None
try :
seed = wallet . pw_decode ( wallet . seed , password )
except :
modal_dialog ( ' error ' , ' incorrect password ' )
modal_dialog ( ' Your seed is ' , seed )
modal_dialog ( ' Mnemonic code: ' , ' ' . join ( mnemonic . mn_encode ( seed ) ) )
def change_password_dialog ( ) :
if wallet . use_encryption :
password = droid . dialogGetPassword ( ' Your wallet is encrypted ' ) . result
if password is None : return
else :
password = None
try :
seed = wallet . pw_decode ( wallet . seed , password )
except :
modal_dialog ( ' error ' , ' incorrect password ' )
new_password = droid . dialogGetPassword ( ' Choose a password ' ) . result
if new_password == None :
if new_password != ' ' :
password2 = droid . dialogGetPassword ( ' Confirm new password ' ) . result
if new_password != password2 :
modal_dialog ( ' error ' , ' passwords do not match ' )
wallet . update_password ( seed , password , new_password )
if new_password :
modal_dialog ( ' Password updated ' , ' your wallet is encrypted ' )
else :
modal_dialog ( ' No password ' , ' your wallet is not encrypted ' )
return True
def settings_loop ( ) :
def set_listview ( ) :
server , port , p = wallet . server . split ( ' : ' )
fee = str ( Decimal ( wallet . fee ) / 100000000 )
is_encrypted = ' yes ' if wallet . use_encryption else ' no '
protocol = protocol_name ( p )
droid . fullShow ( settings_layout )
droid . fullSetList ( " myListView " , [ ' Server: ' + server , ' Protocol: ' + protocol , ' Port: ' + port , ' Transaction fee: ' + fee , ' Password: ' + is_encrypted , ' Seed ' ] )
set_listview ( )
out = None
while out is None :
event = droid . eventWait ( ) . result
print " got event " , event
if event == ' OK ' : continue
if not event : continue
plist = { }
for item in wallet . interface . servers :
host , pp = item
z = { }
for item2 in pp :
protocol , port = item2
z [ protocol ] = port
plist [ host ] = z
if event [ " name " ] == " itemclick " :
pos = event [ " data " ] [ " position " ]
host , port , protocol = wallet . server . split ( ' : ' )
if pos == " 0 " : #server
host = server_dialog ( plist )
if host :
p = plist [ host ]
port = p [ ' t ' ]
srv = host + ' : ' + port + ' :t '
try :
wallet . set_server ( srv )
except :
modal_dialog ( ' error ' , ' invalid server ' )
set_listview ( )
elif pos == " 1 " : #protocol
if host in plist :
srv = protocol_dialog ( host , protocol , plist [ host ] )
if srv :
try :
wallet . set_server ( srv )
except :
modal_dialog ( ' error ' , ' invalid server ' )
set_listview ( )
elif pos == " 2 " : #port
a_port = modal_input ( ' Port number ' , ' If you use a public server, this field is set automatically when you set the protocol ' , port , " number " )
if a_port :
if a_port != port :
srv = host + ' : ' + a_port + ' : ' + protocol
try :
wallet . set_server ( srv )
except :
modal_dialog ( ' error ' , ' invalid port number ' )
set_listview ( )
elif pos == " 3 " : #fee
fee = modal_input ( ' Transaction fee ' , ' The fee will be this amount multiplied by the number of inputs in your transaction. ' , str ( Decimal ( wallet . fee ) / 100000000 ) , " numberDecimal " )
if fee :
try :
fee = int ( 100000000 * Decimal ( fee ) )
except :
modal_dialog ( ' error ' , ' invalid fee value ' )
if wallet . fee != fee :
wallet . fee = fee
wallet . save ( )
set_listview ( )
elif pos == " 4 " :
if change_password_dialog ( ) :
set_listview ( )
elif pos == " 5 " :
seed_dialog ( )
elif event [ " name " ] in menu_commands :
out = event [ " name " ]
elif event [ " name " ] == ' cancel ' :
out = ' main '
elif event [ " name " ] == " key " :
if event [ " data " ] [ " key " ] == ' 4 ' :
out = ' main '
return out
menu_commands = [ " send " , " receive " , " settings " , " contacts " , " main " ]
droid = android . Android ( )
wallet = Wallet ( update_callback )
wallet . set_path ( " /sdcard/electrum.dat " )
wallet . read ( )
if not wallet . file_exists :
recover ( )
else :
WalletSynchronizer ( wallet , True ) . start ( )
s = ' main '
def add_menu ( s ) :
droid . clearOptionsMenu ( )
if s == ' main ' :
droid . addOptionsMenuItem ( " Send " , " send " , None , " " )
droid . addOptionsMenuItem ( " Receive " , " receive " , None , " " )
droid . addOptionsMenuItem ( " Contacts " , " contacts " , None , " " )
droid . addOptionsMenuItem ( " Settings " , " settings " , None , " " )
elif s == ' receive ' :
droid . addOptionsMenuItem ( " Copy " , " clipboard " , None , " " )
droid . addOptionsMenuItem ( " Label " , " edit " , None , " " )
elif s == ' contacts ' :
droid . addOptionsMenuItem ( " Copy " , " clipboard " , None , " " )
droid . addOptionsMenuItem ( " Label " , " edit " , None , " " )
droid . addOptionsMenuItem ( " Pay to " , " paytocontact " , None , " " )
def make_bitmap ( addr ) :
# fixme: this is highly inefficient
droid . dialogCreateSpinnerProgress ( " please wait " )
droid . dialogShow ( )
try :
import pyqrnative , bmp
qr = pyqrnative . QRCode ( 4 , pyqrnative . QRErrorCorrectLevel . L )
qr . addData ( addr )
qr . make ( )
k = qr . getModuleCount ( )
assert k == 33
bmp . save_qrcode ( qr , " /sdcard/sl4a/qrcode.bmp " )
finally :
droid . dialogDismiss ( )
while True :
add_menu ( s )
if s == ' main ' :
droid . fullShow ( main_layout ( ) )
s = main_loop ( )
elif s == ' send ' :
droid . fullShow ( payto_layout )
s = payto_loop ( )
elif s == ' receive ' :
make_bitmap ( receive_addr )
droid . fullShow ( qr_layout ( receive_addr ) )
s = receive_loop ( )
elif s == ' contacts ' :
make_bitmap ( contact_addr )
droid . fullShow ( qr_layout ( contact_addr ) )
s = contacts_loop ( )
elif s == ' settings ' :
s = settings_loop ( )
else :
droid . makeToast ( " Bye! " )