import sys
# Let's do some dep checking and handle missing ones gracefully
try :
from PyQt4 . QtCore import *
from PyQt4 . QtGui import *
except ImportError :
print " You need to have PyQT installed to run Electrum in graphical mode. "
print " If you have pip installed try ' sudo pip install pyqt ' if you are on Debian/Ubuntu try ' sudo apt-get install python-qt4 ' . "
sys . exit ( 0 )
from decimal import Decimal as D
from interface import DEFAULT_SERVERS
from util import get_resource_path as rsrc
from i18n import _
import decimal
import exchange_rate
import os . path
import random
import re
import time
import wallet
import webbrowser
import history_widget
import util
import gui_qt
import shutil
bitcoin = lambda v : v * 100000000
def IconButton ( filename , parent = None ) :
pixmap = QPixmap ( filename )
icon = QIcon ( pixmap )
return QPushButton ( icon , " " , parent )
class Timer ( QThread ) :
def run ( self ) :
while True :
self . emit ( SIGNAL ( ' timersignal ' ) )
time . sleep ( 0.5 )
def resize_line_edit_width ( line_edit , text_input ) :
metrics = QFontMetrics ( qApp . font ( ) )
# Create an extra character to add some space on the end
text_input + = " A "
line_edit . setMinimumWidth ( metrics . width ( text_input ) )
def load_theme_name ( theme_path ) :
try :
with open ( os . path . join ( theme_path , " name.cfg " ) ) as name_cfg_file :
return name_cfg_file . read ( ) . rstrip ( " \n " ) . strip ( )
except IOError :
return None
def theme_dirs_from_prefix ( prefix ) :
if not os . path . exists ( prefix ) :
return [ ]
theme_paths = { }
for potential_theme in os . listdir ( prefix ) :
theme_full_path = os . path . join ( prefix , potential_theme )
theme_css = os . path . join ( theme_full_path , " style.css " )
if not os . path . exists ( theme_css ) :
theme_name = load_theme_name ( theme_full_path )
if theme_name is None :
theme_paths [ theme_name ] = prefix , potential_theme
return theme_paths
def load_theme_paths ( ) :
theme_paths = { }
prefixes = ( util . local_data_dir ( ) , util . appdata_dir ( ) )
for prefix in prefixes :
theme_paths . update ( theme_dirs_from_prefix ( prefix ) )
return theme_paths
class ElectrumGui ( QObject ) :
def __init__ ( self , wallet , config ) :
super ( QObject , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . wallet = wallet
self . config = config
self . check_qt_version ( )
self . app = QApplication ( sys . argv )
def check_qt_version ( self ) :
qtVersion = qVersion ( )
if not ( int ( qtVersion [ 0 ] ) > = 4 and int ( qtVersion [ 2 ] ) > = 7 ) :
app = QApplication ( sys . argv )
QMessageBox . warning ( None , " Could not start Lite GUI. " , " Electrum was unable to load the ' Lite GUI ' because it needs Qt version >= 4.7. \n Changing your config to use the ' Classic ' GUI " )
self . config . set_key ( ' gui ' , ' classic ' , True )
sys . exit ( 0 )
def main ( self , url ) :
actuator = MiniActuator ( self . wallet )
self . connect ( self , SIGNAL ( " updateservers() " ) ,
actuator . update_servers_list )
# Should probably not modify the current path but instead
# change the behaviour of rsrc(...)
old_path = QDir . currentPath ( )
actuator . load_theme ( )
self . mini = MiniWindow ( actuator , self . expand , self . config )
driver = MiniDriver ( self . wallet , self . mini )
# Reset path back to original value now that loading the GUI
# is completed.
QDir . setCurrent ( old_path )
if url :
self . set_url ( url )
timer = Timer ( )
timer . start ( )
self . expert = gui_qt . ElectrumWindow ( self . wallet , self . config )
self . expert . app = self . app
self . expert . connect_slots ( timer )
self . expert . update_wallet ( )
self . app . exec_ ( )
def server_list_changed ( self ) :
self . emit ( SIGNAL ( " updateservers() " ) )
def expand ( self ) :
""" Hide the lite mode window and show pro-mode. """
self . mini . hide ( )
self . expert . show ( )
def set_url ( self , url ) :
payto , amount , label , message , signature , identity , url = \
self . wallet . parse_url ( url , self . show_message , self . show_question )
self . mini . set_payment_fields ( payto , amount )
def show_message ( self , message ) :
QMessageBox . information ( self . mini , _ ( " Message " ) , message , _ ( " OK " ) )
def show_question ( self , message ) :
choice = QMessageBox . question ( self . mini , _ ( " Message " ) , message ,
QMessageBox . Yes | QMessageBox . No ,
QMessageBox . No )
return choice == QMessageBox . Yes
def restore_or_create ( self ) :
qt_gui_object = gui_qt . ElectrumGui ( self . wallet , self . app )
return qt_gui_object . restore_or_create ( )
class MiniWindow ( QDialog ) :
def __init__ ( self , actuator , expand_callback , config ) :
super ( MiniWindow , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . actuator = actuator
self . config = config
self . btc_balance = None
self . quote_currencies = [ " EUR " , " USD " , " GBP " ]
self . actuator . set_configured_currency ( self . set_quote_currency )
self . exchanger = exchange_rate . Exchanger ( self )
# Needed because price discovery is done in a different thread
# which needs to be sent back to this main one to update the GUI
self . connect ( self , SIGNAL ( " refresh_balance() " ) , self . refresh_balance )
self . balance_label = BalanceLabel ( self . change_quote_currency )
self . balance_label . setObjectName ( " balance_label " )
self . receive_button = QPushButton ( _ ( " &Receive " ) )
self . receive_button . setObjectName ( " receive_button " )
self . receive_button . setDefault ( True )
self . receive_button . clicked . connect ( self . copy_address )
# Bitcoin address code
self . address_input = QLineEdit ( )
self . address_input . setPlaceholderText ( _ ( " Enter a Bitcoin address... " ) )
self . address_input . setObjectName ( " address_input " )
self . address_input . textEdited . connect ( self . address_field_changed )
resize_line_edit_width ( self . address_input ,
" 1BtaFUr3qVvAmwrsuDuu5zk6e4s2rxd2Gy " )
self . address_completions = QStringListModel ( )
address_completer = QCompleter ( self . address_input )
address_completer . setCaseSensitivity ( False )
address_completer . setModel ( self . address_completions )
self . address_input . setCompleter ( address_completer )
address_layout = QHBoxLayout ( )
address_layout . addWidget ( self . address_input )
self . amount_input = QLineEdit ( )
self . amount_input . setPlaceholderText ( _ ( " ... and amount " ) )
self . amount_input . setObjectName ( " amount_input " )
# This is changed according to the user's displayed balance
self . amount_validator = QDoubleValidator ( self . amount_input )
self . amount_validator . setNotation ( QDoubleValidator . StandardNotation )
self . amount_validator . setDecimals ( 8 )
self . amount_input . setValidator ( self . amount_validator )
# This removes the very ugly OSX highlighting, please leave this in :D
self . address_input . setAttribute ( Qt . WA_MacShowFocusRect , 0 )
self . amount_input . setAttribute ( Qt . WA_MacShowFocusRect , 0 )
self . amount_input . textChanged . connect ( self . amount_input_changed )
self . send_button = QPushButton ( _ ( " &Send " ) )
self . send_button . setObjectName ( " send_button " )
self . send_button . setDisabled ( True ) ;
self . send_button . clicked . connect ( self . send )
main_layout = QGridLayout ( self )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . balance_label , 0 , 0 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . receive_button , 0 , 1 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . address_input , 1 , 0 , 1 , - 1 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . amount_input , 2 , 0 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . send_button , 2 , 1 )
self . history_list = history_widget . HistoryWidget ( )
self . history_list . setObjectName ( " history " )
self . history_list . hide ( )
self . history_list . setAlternatingRowColors ( True )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . history_list , 3 , 0 , 1 , - 1 )
menubar = QMenuBar ( )
electrum_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &Bitcoin " ) )
servers_menu = electrum_menu . addMenu ( _ ( " &Servers " ) )
servers_group = QActionGroup ( self )
self . actuator . set_servers_gui_stuff ( servers_menu , servers_group )
self . actuator . populate_servers_menu ( )
electrum_menu . addSeparator ( )
brain_seed = electrum_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &BrainWallet Info " ) )
brain_seed . triggered . connect ( self . actuator . show_seed_dialog )
quit_option = electrum_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Quit " ) )
quit_option . triggered . connect ( self . close )
view_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &View " ) )
extra_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &Extra " ) )
backup_wallet = extra_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Create wallet backup " ) )
backup_wallet . triggered . connect ( self . backup_wallet )
expert_gui = view_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Classic GUI " ) )
expert_gui . triggered . connect ( expand_callback )
themes_menu = view_menu . addMenu ( _ ( " &Themes " ) )
selected_theme = self . actuator . selected_theme ( )
theme_group = QActionGroup ( self )
for theme_name in self . actuator . theme_names ( ) :
theme_action = themes_menu . addAction ( theme_name )
theme_action . setCheckable ( True )
if selected_theme == theme_name :
theme_action . setChecked ( True )
class SelectThemeFunctor :
def __init__ ( self , theme_name , toggle_theme ) :
self . theme_name = theme_name
self . toggle_theme = toggle_theme
def __call__ ( self , checked ) :
if checked :
self . toggle_theme ( self . theme_name )
delegate = SelectThemeFunctor ( theme_name , self . toggle_theme )
theme_action . toggled . connect ( delegate )
theme_group . addAction ( theme_action )
view_menu . addSeparator ( )
show_history = view_menu . addAction ( _ ( " Show History " ) )
show_history . setCheckable ( True )
show_history . toggled . connect ( self . show_history )
help_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &Help " ) )
the_website = help_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Website " ) )
the_website . triggered . connect ( self . the_website )
help_menu . addSeparator ( )
report_bug = help_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Report Bug " ) )
report_bug . triggered . connect ( self . show_report_bug )
show_about = help_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &About " ) )
show_about . triggered . connect ( self . show_about )
main_layout . setMenuBar ( menubar )
quit_shortcut = QShortcut ( QKeySequence ( " Ctrl+Q " ) , self )
quit_shortcut . activated . connect ( self . close )
close_shortcut = QShortcut ( QKeySequence ( " Ctrl+W " ) , self )
close_shortcut . activated . connect ( self . close )
g = self . config . get ( " winpos-lite " , [ 4 , 25 , 351 , 149 ] )
self . setGeometry ( g [ 0 ] , g [ 1 ] , g [ 2 ] , g [ 3 ] )
show_hist = self . config . get ( " gui_show_history " , False )
show_history . setChecked ( show_hist )
self . show_history ( show_hist )
self . setWindowIcon ( QIcon ( " :electrum.png " ) )
self . setWindowTitle ( " Electrum " )
self . setWindowFlags ( Qt . Window | Qt . MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint )
self . layout ( ) . setSizeConstraint ( QLayout . SetFixedSize )
self . setObjectName ( " main_window " )
self . show ( )
def toggle_theme ( self , theme_name ) :
old_path = QDir . currentPath ( )
self . actuator . change_theme ( theme_name )
# Recompute style globally
qApp . style ( ) . unpolish ( self )
qApp . style ( ) . polish ( self )
QDir . setCurrent ( old_path )
def closeEvent ( self , event ) :
g = self . geometry ( )
self . config . set_key ( " winpos-lite " , [ g . left ( ) , g . top ( ) , g . width ( ) , g . height ( ) ] , True )
self . config . set_key ( " gui_show_history " , self . history_list . isVisible ( ) , True )
super ( MiniWindow , self ) . closeEvent ( event )
qApp . quit ( )
def set_payment_fields ( self , dest_address , amount ) :
self . address_input . setText ( dest_address )
self . address_field_changed ( dest_address )
self . amount_input . setText ( amount )
def activate ( self ) :
def deactivate ( self ) :
def set_quote_currency ( self , currency ) :
""" Set and display the fiat currency country. """
assert currency in self . quote_currencies
self . quote_currencies . remove ( currency )
self . quote_currencies . insert ( 0 , currency )
self . refresh_balance ( )
def change_quote_currency ( self ) :
self . quote_currencies = \
self . quote_currencies [ 1 : ] + self . quote_currencies [ 0 : 1 ]
self . actuator . set_config_currency ( self . quote_currencies [ 0 ] )
self . refresh_balance ( )
def refresh_balance ( self ) :
if self . btc_balance is None :
# Price has been discovered before wallet has been loaded
# and server connect... so bail.
self . set_balances ( self . btc_balance )
self . amount_input_changed ( self . amount_input . text ( ) )
def set_balances ( self , btc_balance ) :
""" Set the bitcoin balance and update the amount label accordingly. """
self . btc_balance = btc_balance
quote_text = self . create_quote_text ( btc_balance )
if quote_text :
quote_text = " ( %s ) " % quote_text
btc_balance = " %.2f " % ( btc_balance / bitcoin ( 1 ) )
self . balance_label . set_balance_text ( btc_balance , quote_text )
self . setWindowTitle ( " Electrum - %s BTC " % btc_balance )
def amount_input_changed ( self , amount_text ) :
""" Update the number of bitcoins displayed. """
self . check_button_status ( )
try :
amount = D ( str ( amount_text ) )
except decimal . InvalidOperation :
self . balance_label . show_balance ( )
else :
quote_text = self . create_quote_text ( amount * bitcoin ( 1 ) )
if quote_text :
self . balance_label . set_amount_text ( quote_text )
self . balance_label . show_amount ( )
else :
self . balance_label . show_balance ( )
def create_quote_text ( self , btc_balance ) :
""" Return a string copy of the amount fiat currency the
user has in bitcoins . """
quote_currency = self . quote_currencies [ 0 ]
quote_balance = self . exchanger . exchange ( btc_balance , quote_currency )
if quote_balance is None :
quote_text = " "
else :
quote_text = " %.2f %s " % ( ( quote_balance / bitcoin ( 1 ) ) ,
quote_currency )
return quote_text
def send ( self ) :
if self . actuator . send ( self . address_input . text ( ) ,
self . amount_input . text ( ) , self ) :
self . address_input . setText ( " " )
self . amount_input . setText ( " " )
def check_button_status ( self ) :
""" Check that the bitcoin address is valid and that something
is entered in the amount before making the send button clickable . """
try :
value = D ( str ( self . amount_input . text ( ) ) ) * 10 * * 8
except decimal . InvalidOperation :
value = None
# returns a qVariant, not a bool.
# The == is needed to properly invoke a comparison.
if ( self . address_input . property ( " isValid " ) == True and
value is not None and 0 < value < = self . btc_balance ) :
self . send_button . setDisabled ( False )
else :
self . send_button . setDisabled ( True )
def address_field_changed ( self , address ) :
if self . actuator . is_valid ( address ) :
self . check_button_status ( )
self . address_input . setProperty ( " isValid " , True )
self . recompute_style ( self . address_input )
else :
self . send_button . setDisabled ( True )
self . address_input . setProperty ( " isValid " , False )
self . recompute_style ( self . address_input )
if len ( address ) == 0 :
self . address_input . setProperty ( " isValid " , None )
self . recompute_style ( self . address_input )
def recompute_style ( self , element ) :
self . style ( ) . unpolish ( element )
self . style ( ) . polish ( element )
def copy_address ( self ) :
receive_popup = ReceivePopup ( self . receive_button )
self . actuator . copy_address ( receive_popup )
def update_completions ( self , completions ) :
self . address_completions . setStringList ( completions )
def update_history ( self , tx_history ) :
for tx in tx_history [ - 10 : ] :
tx_hash = tx [ ' tx_hash ' ]
label = self . actuator . wallet . get_label ( tx_hash ) [ 0 ]
value = self . actuator . wallet . get_tx_value ( tx_hash )
amount = D ( value ) / 10 * * 8
self . history_list . append ( label , amount )
def acceptbit ( self ) :
self . actuator . acceptbit ( self . quote_currencies [ 0 ] )
def the_website ( self ) :
webbrowser . open ( " " )
def show_about ( self ) :
QMessageBox . about ( self , " Electrum " ,
_ ( " Electrum ' s focus is speed, with low resource usage and simplifying Bitcoin. You do not need to perform regular backups, because your wallet can be recovered from a secret phrase that you can memorize or write on paper. Startup times are instant because it operates in conjuction with high-performance servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin system. \n \n Send donations to 1JwTMv4GWaPdf931N6LNPJeZBfZgZJ3zX1 " ) )
def show_report_bug ( self ) :
QMessageBox . information ( self , " Electrum - " + _ ( " Reporting Bugs " ) ,
_ ( " Email bug reports to %s " ) % " genjix " + " @ " + " " )
def show_history ( self , toggle_state ) :
if toggle_state :
self . history_list . show ( )
else :
self . history_list . hide ( )
def backup_wallet ( self ) :
try :
folderName = QFileDialog . getExistingDirectory ( QWidget ( ) , ' Select folder to save a copy of your wallet to ' , os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/ ' ) )
if folderName :
sourceFile = util . user_dir ( ) + ' /electrum.dat '
shutil . copy2 ( sourceFile , str ( folderName ) )
QMessageBox . information ( None , " Wallet backup created " , " A copy of your wallet file was created in ' %s ' " % str ( folderName ) )
except ( IOError , os . error ) , reason :
QMessageBox . critical ( None , " Unable to create backup " , " Electrum was unable copy your wallet file to the specified location. \n " + str ( reason ) )
class BalanceLabel ( QLabel ) :
def __init__ ( self , change_quote_currency , parent = None ) :
super ( QLabel , self ) . __init__ ( _ ( " Connecting... " ) , parent )
self . change_quote_currency = change_quote_currency
self . state = self . SHOW_CONNECTING
self . balance_text = " "
self . amount_text = " "
def mousePressEvent ( self , event ) :
""" Change the fiat currency selection if window background is clicked. """
if self . state != self . SHOW_CONNECTING :
self . change_quote_currency ( )
def set_balance_text ( self , btc_balance , quote_text ) :
""" Set the amount of bitcoins in the gui. """
if self . state == self . SHOW_CONNECTING :
self . state = self . SHOW_BALANCE
self . balance_text = " <span style= ' font-size: 18pt ' > %s </span> <span style= ' font-size: 10pt ' >BTC</span> <span style= ' font-size: 10pt ' > %s </span> " % ( btc_balance , quote_text )
if self . state == self . SHOW_BALANCE :
self . setText ( self . balance_text )
def set_amount_text ( self , quote_text ) :
self . amount_text = " <span style= ' font-size: 10pt ' > %s </span> " % quote_text
if self . state == self . SHOW_AMOUNT :
self . setText ( self . amount_text )
def show_balance ( self ) :
if self . state == self . SHOW_AMOUNT :
self . state = self . SHOW_BALANCE
self . setText ( self . balance_text )
def show_amount ( self ) :
if self . state == self . SHOW_BALANCE :
self . state = self . SHOW_AMOUNT
self . setText ( self . amount_text )
def ok_cancel_buttons ( dialog ) :
row_layout = QHBoxLayout ( )
row_layout . addStretch ( 1 )
ok_button = QPushButton ( _ ( " OK " ) )
row_layout . addWidget ( ok_button )
ok_button . clicked . connect ( dialog . accept )
cancel_button = QPushButton ( _ ( " Cancel " ) )
row_layout . addWidget ( cancel_button )
cancel_button . clicked . connect ( dialog . reject )
return row_layout
class PasswordDialog ( QDialog ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
super ( QDialog , self ) . __init__ ( parent )
self . setModal ( True )
self . password_input = QLineEdit ( )
self . password_input . setEchoMode ( QLineEdit . Password )
main_layout = QVBoxLayout ( self )
message = _ ( ' Please enter your password ' )
main_layout . addWidget ( QLabel ( message ) )
grid = QGridLayout ( )
grid . setSpacing ( 8 )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Password ' ) ) , 1 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( self . password_input , 1 , 1 )
main_layout . addLayout ( grid )
main_layout . addLayout ( ok_cancel_buttons ( self ) )
self . setLayout ( main_layout )
def run ( self ) :
if not self . exec_ ( ) :
return unicode ( self . password_input . text ( ) )
class ReceivePopup ( QDialog ) :
def leaveEvent ( self , event ) :
self . close ( )
def setup ( self , address ) :
label = QLabel ( _ ( " Copied your Bitcoin address to the clipboard! " ) )
address_display = QLineEdit ( address )
address_display . setReadOnly ( True )
resize_line_edit_width ( address_display , address )
main_layout = QVBoxLayout ( self )
main_layout . addWidget ( label )
main_layout . addWidget ( address_display )
self . setMouseTracking ( True )
self . setWindowTitle ( " Electrum - " + _ ( " Receive Bitcoin payment " ) )
self . setWindowFlags ( Qt . Window | Qt . FramelessWindowHint |
Qt . MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint )
self . layout ( ) . setSizeConstraint ( QLayout . SetFixedSize )
def popup ( self ) :
parent = self . parent ( )
top_left_pos = parent . mapToGlobal ( parent . rect ( ) . bottomLeft ( ) )
self . move ( top_left_pos )
center_mouse_pos = self . mapToGlobal ( self . rect ( ) . center ( ) )
QCursor . setPos ( center_mouse_pos )
self . show ( )
class MiniActuator :
""" Initialize the definitions relating to themes and
sending / recieving bitcoins . """
def __init__ ( self , wallet ) :
""" Retrieve the gui theme used in previous session. """
self . wallet = wallet
self . theme_name = self . wallet . config . get ( ' litegui_theme ' , ' Cleanlook ' )
self . themes = load_theme_paths ( )
def load_theme ( self ) :
""" Load theme retrieved from wallet file. """
try :
theme_prefix , theme_path = self . themes [ self . theme_name ]
except KeyError :
util . print_error ( " Theme not found! " , self . theme_name )
QDir . setCurrent ( os . path . join ( theme_prefix , theme_path ) )
with open ( rsrc ( " style.css " ) ) as style_file :
qApp . setStyleSheet ( style_file . read ( ) )
def theme_names ( self ) :
""" Sort themes. """
return sorted ( self . themes . keys ( ) )
def selected_theme ( self ) :
""" Select theme. """
return self . theme_name
def change_theme ( self , theme_name ) :
""" Change theme. """
self . theme_name = theme_name
self . wallet . config . set_key ( ' litegui_theme ' , theme_name )
self . load_theme ( )
def set_configured_currency ( self , set_quote_currency ) :
""" Set the inital fiat currency conversion country (USD/EUR/GBP) in
the GUI to what it was set to in the wallet . """
currency = self . wallet . config . get ( ' conversion_currency ' )
# currency can be none when Electrum is used for the first
# time and no setting has been created yet.
if currency is not None :
set_quote_currency ( currency )
def set_config_currency ( self , conversion_currency ) :
""" Change the wallet fiat currency country. """
self . wallet . config . set_key ( ' conversion_currency ' , conversion_currency , True )
def set_servers_gui_stuff ( self , servers_menu , servers_group ) :
self . servers_menu = servers_menu
self . servers_group = servers_group
def populate_servers_menu ( self ) :
interface = self . wallet . interface
if not interface . servers :
print " No servers loaded yet. "
self . servers_list = [ ]
for server_string in DEFAULT_SERVERS :
host , port , protocol = server_string . split ( ' : ' )
transports = [ ( protocol , port ) ]
self . servers_list . append ( ( host , transports ) )
else :
print " Servers loaded. "
self . servers_list = interface . servers
server_names = [ details [ 0 ] for details in self . servers_list ]
current_server = interface . server . split ( " : " ) [ 0 ]
for server_name in server_names :
server_action = self . servers_menu . addAction ( server_name )
server_action . setCheckable ( True )
if server_name == current_server :
server_action . setChecked ( True )
class SelectServerFunctor :
def __init__ ( self , server_name , server_selected ) :
self . server_name = server_name
self . server_selected = server_selected
def __call__ ( self , checked ) :
if checked :
# call server_selected
self . server_selected ( self . server_name )
delegate = SelectServerFunctor ( server_name , self . server_selected )
server_action . toggled . connect ( delegate )
self . servers_group . addAction ( server_action )
def update_servers_list ( self ) :
# Clear servers_group
for action in self . servers_group . actions ( ) :
self . servers_group . removeAction ( action )
self . populate_servers_menu ( )
def server_selected ( self , server_name ) :
match = [ transports for ( host , transports ) in self . servers_list
if host == server_name ]
assert len ( match ) == 1
match = match [ 0 ]
# Default to TCP if available else use anything
# TODO: protocol should be selectable.
tcp_port = [ port for ( protocol , port ) in match if protocol == " t " ]
if len ( tcp_port ) == 0 :
protocol = match [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
port = match [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
else :
protocol = " t "
port = tcp_port [ 0 ]
server_line = " %s : %s : %s " % ( server_name , port , protocol )
# Should this have exception handling?
self . wallet . interface . set_server ( server_line , self . wallet . config . get ( " proxy " ) )
def copy_address ( self , receive_popup ) :
""" Copy the wallet addresses into the client. """
addrs = [ addr for addr in self . wallet . all_addresses ( )
if not self . wallet . is_change ( addr ) ]
# Select most recent addresses from gap limit
addrs = addrs [ - self . wallet . gap_limit : ]
copied_address = random . choice ( addrs )
qApp . clipboard ( ) . setText ( copied_address )
receive_popup . setup ( copied_address )
receive_popup . popup ( )
def send ( self , address , amount , parent_window ) :
""" Send bitcoins to the target address. """
dest_address = self . fetch_destination ( address )
if dest_address is None or not self . wallet . is_valid ( dest_address ) :
QMessageBox . warning ( parent_window , _ ( ' Error ' ) ,
_ ( ' Invalid Bitcoin Address ' ) + ' : \n ' + address , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
return False
convert_amount = lambda amount : \
int ( D ( unicode ( amount ) ) * bitcoin ( 1 ) )
amount = convert_amount ( amount )
if self . wallet . use_encryption :
password_dialog = PasswordDialog ( parent_window )
password = password_dialog . run ( )
if not password :
else :
password = None
fee = 0
# 0.1 BTC = 10000000
if amount < bitcoin ( 1 ) / 10 :
# 0.001 BTC
fee = bitcoin ( 1 ) / 1000
try :
tx = self . wallet . mktx ( dest_address , amount , " " , password , fee )
except BaseException as error :
QMessageBox . warning ( parent_window , _ ( ' Error ' ) , str ( error ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
return False
status , message = self . wallet . sendtx ( tx )
if not status :
import tempfile
dumpf = tempfile . NamedTemporaryFile ( delete = False )
dumpf . write ( tx )
dumpf . close ( )
print " Dumped error tx to " , dumpf . name
QMessageBox . warning ( parent_window , _ ( ' Error ' ) , message , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
return False
QMessageBox . information ( parent_window , ' ' ,
_ ( ' Payment sent. ' ) + ' \n ' + message , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
return True
def fetch_destination ( self , address ) :
recipient = unicode ( address ) . strip ( )
# alias
match1 = re . match ( " ^(|([ \ w \ - \ .]+)@)(( \ w[ \ w \ -]+ \ .)+[ \ w \ -]+)$ " ,
recipient )
# label or alias, with address in brackets
match2 = re . match ( " (.*?) \ s* \ <([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z] { 26,}) \ > " ,
recipient )
if match1 :
dest_address = \
self . wallet . get_alias ( recipient , True ,
self . show_message , self . question )
return dest_address
elif match2 :
return match2 . group ( 2 )
else :
return recipient
def is_valid ( self , address ) :
""" Check if bitcoin address is valid. """
return self . wallet . is_valid ( address )
def acceptbit ( self , currency ) :
master_pubkey = self . wallet . master_public_key
url = " %s / %s " % ( master_pubkey , currency )
webbrowser . open ( url )
def show_seed_dialog ( self ) :
gui_qt . ElectrumWindow . show_seed_dialog ( self . wallet )
class MiniDriver ( QObject ) :
def __init__ ( self , wallet , window ) :
super ( QObject , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . wallet = wallet
self . window = window
self . wallet . interface . register_callback ( ' updated ' , self . update_callback )
self . wallet . interface . register_callback ( ' connected ' , self . update_callback )
self . wallet . interface . register_callback ( ' disconnected ' , self . update_callback )
self . state = None
self . initializing ( )
self . connect ( self , SIGNAL ( " updatesignal() " ) , self . update )
self . update_callback ( )
# This is a hack to workaround that Qt does not like changing the
# window properties from this other thread before the runloop has
# been called from.
def update_callback ( self ) :
self . emit ( SIGNAL ( " updatesignal() " ) )
def update ( self ) :
if not self . wallet . interface :
self . initializing ( )
elif not self . wallet . interface . is_connected :
self . connecting ( )
elif not self . wallet . up_to_date :
self . synchronizing ( )
else :
self . ready ( )
if self . wallet . up_to_date :
self . update_balance ( )
self . update_completions ( )
self . update_history ( )
def initializing ( self ) :
if self . state == self . INITIALIZING :
self . state = self . INITIALIZING
self . window . deactivate ( )
def connecting ( self ) :
if self . state == self . CONNECTING :
self . state = self . CONNECTING
self . window . deactivate ( )
def synchronizing ( self ) :
if self . state == self . SYNCHRONIZING :
self . state = self . SYNCHRONIZING
self . window . deactivate ( )
def ready ( self ) :
if self . state == self . READY :
self . state = self . READY
self . window . activate ( )
def update_balance ( self ) :
conf_balance , unconf_balance = self . wallet . get_balance ( )
balance = D ( conf_balance + unconf_balance )
self . window . set_balances ( balance )
def update_completions ( self ) :
completions = [ ]
for addr , label in self . wallet . labels . items ( ) :
if addr in self . wallet . addressbook :
completions . append ( " %s < %s > " % ( label , addr ) )
completions = completions + self . wallet . aliases . keys ( )
self . window . update_completions ( completions )
def update_history ( self ) :
tx_history = self . wallet . get_tx_history ( )
self . window . update_history ( tx_history )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
app = QApplication ( sys . argv )
with open ( rsrc ( " style.css " ) ) as style_file :
app . setStyleSheet ( style_file . read ( ) )
mini = MiniWindow ( )
sys . exit ( app . exec_ ( ) )