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496 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- mode: python -*-
14 years ago
# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
# Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious
9 years ago
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
# subject to the following conditions:
14 years ago
9 years ago
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
14 years ago
9 years ago
import os
import sys
MIN_PYTHON_VERSION = "3.8.0" # FIXME duplicated from
_min_python_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, (MIN_PYTHON_VERSION.split("."))))
if sys.version_info[:3] < _min_python_version_tuple:
sys.exit("Error: Electrum requires Python version >= %s..." % MIN_PYTHON_VERSION)
import warnings
import asyncio
fix main script hanging (not exiting after exception) in some cases Previously an unhandled exception in the main script could cause the main thread to die but the process to hang, as the event loop thread would keep running. example: $ ./run_electrum -o signmessage tb1qeh090ruc3cs5hry90tev4fsvrnegulw8xssdzx &#34;mymsg&#34; -w ~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/test_segwit_2 Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 424, in &lt;module&gt; init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False) File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 146, in init_cmdline db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 72, in __init__ self.load_data(raw) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 103, in load_data self._after_upgrade_tasks() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 189, in _after_upgrade_tasks self._load_transactions() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 406, in &lt;lambda&gt; return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(args, kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 402, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1139, in _load_transactions = StoredDict(, self, []) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 79, in __init__ self.__setitem__(k, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 44, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 105, in __setitem__ v = self.db._convert_dict(self.path, key, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in _convert_dict v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in &lt;genexpr&gt; v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 110, in from_json return OnchainInvoice(**x) File &#34;&lt;attrs generated init electrum.invoices.OnchainInvoice&gt;&#34;, line 8, in __init__ File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 68, in _decode_outputs output = PartialTxOutput.from_legacy_tuple(*output) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 131, in from_legacy_tuple return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 104, in from_address_and_value return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)), File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 422, in address_to_script raise BitcoinException(f&#34;invalid bitcoin address: {addr}&#34;) electrum.util.BitcoinException: invalid bitcoin address: tb1qckp4ztmstwtyxzml3dmfvegeq5mfxwu2h3q94l
5 years ago
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
is_pyinstaller = getattr(sys, 'frozen', False)
is_android = 'ANDROID_DATA' in os.environ
is_appimage = 'APPIMAGE' in os.environ
# is_local: unpacked tar.gz but not pip installed, or git clone
is_local = (not is_pyinstaller and not is_android and not is_appimage
and os.path.exists(os.path.join(script_dir, "electrum.desktop")))
is_git_clone = is_local and os.path.exists(os.path.join(script_dir, ".git"))
if is_git_clone:
# developers should probably see all deprecation warnings.
warnings.simplefilter('default', DeprecationWarning)
if is_local or is_android:
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(script_dir, 'packages'))
if is_pyinstaller:
# Keep an open file handle for the binary that started us. On Windows, this
# prevents users from moving or renaming the exe file while running (doing which
# causes ImportErrors and other runtime failures). (see #4072)
_file = open(sys.executable, 'rb')
def check_imports():
# pure-python dependencies need to be imported here for pyinstaller
import dns
import certifi
import qrcode
import google.protobuf
import aiorpcx
except ImportError as e:
sys.exit(f"Error: {str(e)}. Try 'sudo python3 -m pip install <module-name>'")
if not ((0, 22, 0) <= aiorpcx._version < (0, 23)):
raise RuntimeError(f'aiorpcX version {aiorpcx._version} does not match required: 0.22.0<=ver<0.23')
# the following imports are for pyinstaller
from google.protobuf import descriptor
from google.protobuf import message
from google.protobuf import reflection
from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2
# make sure that certificates are here
assert os.path.exists(certifi.where())
if not is_android:
from electrum.logging import get_logger, configure_logging # import logging submodule first
from electrum import util
from electrum import constants
from electrum import SimpleConfig
from electrum.wallet_db import WalletDB
from electrum.wallet import Wallet
from import WalletStorage
7 years ago
from electrum.util import print_msg, print_stderr, json_encode, json_decode, UserCancelled
from electrum.util import InvalidPassword
from electrum.commands import get_parser, known_commands, Commands, config_variables
from electrum import daemon
from electrum import keystore
from electrum.util import create_and_start_event_loop
from electrum.i18n import set_language
6 years ago
fix main script hanging (not exiting after exception) in some cases Previously an unhandled exception in the main script could cause the main thread to die but the process to hang, as the event loop thread would keep running. example: $ ./run_electrum -o signmessage tb1qeh090ruc3cs5hry90tev4fsvrnegulw8xssdzx &#34;mymsg&#34; -w ~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/test_segwit_2 Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 424, in &lt;module&gt; init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False) File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 146, in init_cmdline db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 72, in __init__ self.load_data(raw) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 103, in load_data self._after_upgrade_tasks() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 189, in _after_upgrade_tasks self._load_transactions() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 406, in &lt;lambda&gt; return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(args, kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 402, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1139, in _load_transactions = StoredDict(, self, []) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 79, in __init__ self.__setitem__(k, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 44, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 105, in __setitem__ v = self.db._convert_dict(self.path, key, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in _convert_dict v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in &lt;genexpr&gt; v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 110, in from_json return OnchainInvoice(**x) File &#34;&lt;attrs generated init electrum.invoices.OnchainInvoice&gt;&#34;, line 8, in __init__ File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 68, in _decode_outputs output = PartialTxOutput.from_legacy_tuple(*output) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 131, in from_legacy_tuple return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 104, in from_address_and_value return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)), File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 422, in address_to_script raise BitcoinException(f&#34;invalid bitcoin address: {addr}&#34;) electrum.util.BitcoinException: invalid bitcoin address: tb1qckp4ztmstwtyxzml3dmfvegeq5mfxwu2h3q94l
5 years ago
import threading
from electrum.plugin import Plugins
6 years ago
_logger = get_logger(__name__)
# get password routine
def prompt_password(prompt, confirm=True):
import getpass
password = getpass.getpass(prompt, stream=None)
if password and confirm:
password2 = getpass.getpass("Confirm: ")
if password != password2:
sys.exit("Error: Passwords do not match.")
if not password:
password = None
return password
fix main script hanging (not exiting after exception) in some cases Previously an unhandled exception in the main script could cause the main thread to die but the process to hang, as the event loop thread would keep running. example: $ ./run_electrum -o signmessage tb1qeh090ruc3cs5hry90tev4fsvrnegulw8xssdzx &#34;mymsg&#34; -w ~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/test_segwit_2 Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 424, in &lt;module&gt; init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False) File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 146, in init_cmdline db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 72, in __init__ self.load_data(raw) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 103, in load_data self._after_upgrade_tasks() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 189, in _after_upgrade_tasks self._load_transactions() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 406, in &lt;lambda&gt; return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(args, kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 402, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1139, in _load_transactions = StoredDict(, self, []) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 79, in __init__ self.__setitem__(k, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 44, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 105, in __setitem__ v = self.db._convert_dict(self.path, key, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in _convert_dict v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in &lt;genexpr&gt; v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 110, in from_json return OnchainInvoice(**x) File &#34;&lt;attrs generated init electrum.invoices.OnchainInvoice&gt;&#34;, line 8, in __init__ File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 68, in _decode_outputs output = PartialTxOutput.from_legacy_tuple(*output) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 131, in from_legacy_tuple return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 104, in from_address_and_value return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)), File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 422, in address_to_script raise BitcoinException(f&#34;invalid bitcoin address: {addr}&#34;) electrum.util.BitcoinException: invalid bitcoin address: tb1qckp4ztmstwtyxzml3dmfvegeq5mfxwu2h3q94l
5 years ago
def init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, server, *, config: 'SimpleConfig'):
cmdname = config.get('cmd')
cmd = known_commands[cmdname]
14 years ago
if cmdname in ['payto', 'paytomany'] and config.get('unsigned'):
cmd.requires_password = False
if cmdname in ['payto', 'paytomany'] and config.get('broadcast'):
cmd.requires_network = True
# instantiate wallet for command-line
storage = WalletStorage(wallet_path)
if cmd.requires_wallet and not storage.file_exists():
print_msg("Error: Wallet file not found.")
print_msg("Type 'electrum create' to create a new wallet, or provide a path to a wallet with the -w option")
# important warning
if in ['getprivatekeys']:
print_stderr("WARNING: ALL your private keys are secret.")
print_stderr("Exposing a single private key can compromise your entire wallet!")
print_stderr("In particular, DO NOT use 'redeem private key' services proposed by third parties.")
# will we need a password
if not storage.is_encrypted():
db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False)
use_encryption = db.get('use_encryption')
use_encryption = True
# commands needing password
if ((cmd.requires_wallet and storage.is_encrypted() and server is False)\
or (cmdname == 'load_wallet' and storage.is_encrypted())\
or (cmd.requires_password and use_encryption)):
if storage.is_encrypted_with_hw_device():
# this case is handled later in the control flow
password = None
elif config.get('password'):
password = config.get('password')
password = prompt_password('Password:', False)
if not password:
print_msg("Error: Password required")
password = None
config_options['password'] = config_options.get('password') or password
13 years ago
if == 'password' and 'new_password' not in config_options:
new_password = prompt_password('New password:')
config_options['new_password'] = new_password
def get_connected_hw_devices(plugins: 'Plugins'):
supported_plugins = plugins.get_hardware_support()
# scan devices
devices = []
devmgr = plugins.device_manager
for splugin in supported_plugins:
name, plugin =, splugin.plugin
if not plugin:
e = splugin.exception
6 years ago
_logger.error(f"{name}: error during plugin init: {repr(e)}")
u = devmgr.unpaired_device_infos(None, plugin)
6 years ago
except Exception as e:
_logger.error(f'error getting device infos for {name}: {repr(e)}')
devices += list(map(lambda x: (name, x), u))
return devices
def get_password_for_hw_device_encrypted_storage(plugins: 'Plugins') -> str:
devices = get_connected_hw_devices(plugins)
if len(devices) == 0:
7 years ago
print_msg("Error: No connected hw device found. Cannot decrypt this wallet.")
elif len(devices) > 1:
print_msg("Warning: multiple hardware devices detected. "
"The first one will be used to decrypt the wallet.")
# FIXME we use the "first" device, in case of multiple ones
name, device_info = devices[0]
devmgr = plugins.device_manager
7 years ago
client = devmgr.client_by_id(device_info.device.id_)
return client.get_password_for_storage_encryption()
7 years ago
except UserCancelled:
async def run_offline_command(config, config_options, plugins: 'Plugins'):
cmdname = config.get('cmd')
cmd = known_commands[cmdname]
password = config_options.get('password')
if 'wallet_path' in cmd.options and config_options.get('wallet_path') is None:
config_options['wallet_path'] = config.get_wallet_path()
if cmd.requires_wallet:
storage = WalletStorage(config.get_wallet_path())
if storage.is_encrypted():
if storage.is_encrypted_with_hw_device():
password = get_password_for_hw_device_encrypted_storage(plugins)
config_options['password'] = password
db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False)
wallet = Wallet(db, storage, config=config)
config_options['wallet'] = wallet
wallet = None
# check password
if cmd.requires_password and wallet.has_password():
except InvalidPassword:
print_msg("Error: This password does not decode this wallet.")
if cmd.requires_network:
print_msg("Warning: running command offline")
# arguments passed to function
8 years ago
args = [config.get(x) for x in cmd.params]
# decode json arguments
if cmdname not in ('setconfig',):
args = list(map(json_decode, args))
# options
kwargs = {}
for x in cmd.options:
kwargs[x] = (config_options.get(x) if x in ['wallet_path', 'wallet', 'password', 'new_password'] else config.get(x))
cmd_runner = Commands(config=config)
func = getattr(cmd_runner,
result = await func(*args, **kwargs)
# save wallet
if wallet:
return result
def init_plugins(config, gui_name):
from electrum.plugin import Plugins
return Plugins(config, gui_name)
fix main script hanging (not exiting after exception) in some cases Previously an unhandled exception in the main script could cause the main thread to die but the process to hang, as the event loop thread would keep running. example: $ ./run_electrum -o signmessage tb1qeh090ruc3cs5hry90tev4fsvrnegulw8xssdzx &#34;mymsg&#34; -w ~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/test_segwit_2 Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 424, in &lt;module&gt; init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False) File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 146, in init_cmdline db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 72, in __init__ self.load_data(raw) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 103, in load_data self._after_upgrade_tasks() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 189, in _after_upgrade_tasks self._load_transactions() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 406, in &lt;lambda&gt; return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(args, kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 402, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1139, in _load_transactions = StoredDict(, self, []) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 79, in __init__ self.__setitem__(k, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 44, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 105, in __setitem__ v = self.db._convert_dict(self.path, key, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in _convert_dict v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in &lt;genexpr&gt; v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 110, in from_json return OnchainInvoice(**x) File &#34;&lt;attrs generated init electrum.invoices.OnchainInvoice&gt;&#34;, line 8, in __init__ File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 68, in _decode_outputs output = PartialTxOutput.from_legacy_tuple(*output) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 131, in from_legacy_tuple return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 104, in from_address_and_value return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)), File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 422, in address_to_script raise BitcoinException(f&#34;invalid bitcoin address: {addr}&#34;) electrum.util.BitcoinException: invalid bitcoin address: tb1qckp4ztmstwtyxzml3dmfvegeq5mfxwu2h3q94l
5 years ago
loop = None # type: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]
stop_loop = None # type: Optional[asyncio.Future]
loop_thread = None # type: Optional[threading.Thread]
def sys_exit(i):
# stop event loop and exit
fix main script hanging (not exiting after exception) in some cases Previously an unhandled exception in the main script could cause the main thread to die but the process to hang, as the event loop thread would keep running. example: $ ./run_electrum -o signmessage tb1qeh090ruc3cs5hry90tev4fsvrnegulw8xssdzx &#34;mymsg&#34; -w ~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/test_segwit_2 Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 424, in &lt;module&gt; init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False) File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 146, in init_cmdline db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 72, in __init__ self.load_data(raw) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 103, in load_data self._after_upgrade_tasks() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 189, in _after_upgrade_tasks self._load_transactions() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 406, in &lt;lambda&gt; return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(args, kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 402, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1139, in _load_transactions = StoredDict(, self, []) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 79, in __init__ self.__setitem__(k, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 44, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 105, in __setitem__ v = self.db._convert_dict(self.path, key, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in _convert_dict v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in &lt;genexpr&gt; v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 110, in from_json return OnchainInvoice(**x) File &#34;&lt;attrs generated init electrum.invoices.OnchainInvoice&gt;&#34;, line 8, in __init__ File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 68, in _decode_outputs output = PartialTxOutput.from_legacy_tuple(*output) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 131, in from_legacy_tuple return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 104, in from_address_and_value return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)), File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 422, in address_to_script raise BitcoinException(f&#34;invalid bitcoin address: {addr}&#34;) electrum.util.BitcoinException: invalid bitcoin address: tb1qckp4ztmstwtyxzml3dmfvegeq5mfxwu2h3q94l
5 years ago
if loop:
loop.call_soon_threadsafe(stop_loop.set_result, 1)
fix main script hanging (not exiting after exception) in some cases Previously an unhandled exception in the main script could cause the main thread to die but the process to hang, as the event loop thread would keep running. example: $ ./run_electrum -o signmessage tb1qeh090ruc3cs5hry90tev4fsvrnegulw8xssdzx &#34;mymsg&#34; -w ~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/test_segwit_2 Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 424, in &lt;module&gt; init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False) File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 146, in init_cmdline db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 72, in __init__ self.load_data(raw) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 103, in load_data self._after_upgrade_tasks() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 189, in _after_upgrade_tasks self._load_transactions() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 406, in &lt;lambda&gt; return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(args, kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 402, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1139, in _load_transactions = StoredDict(, self, []) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 79, in __init__ self.__setitem__(k, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 44, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 105, in __setitem__ v = self.db._convert_dict(self.path, key, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in _convert_dict v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in &lt;genexpr&gt; v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 110, in from_json return OnchainInvoice(**x) File &#34;&lt;attrs generated init electrum.invoices.OnchainInvoice&gt;&#34;, line 8, in __init__ File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 68, in _decode_outputs output = PartialTxOutput.from_legacy_tuple(*output) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 131, in from_legacy_tuple return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 104, in from_address_and_value return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)), File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 422, in address_to_script raise BitcoinException(f&#34;invalid bitcoin address: {addr}&#34;) electrum.util.BitcoinException: invalid bitcoin address: tb1qckp4ztmstwtyxzml3dmfvegeq5mfxwu2h3q94l
5 years ago
def main():
# The hook will only be used in the Qt GUI right now
7 years ago
# on macOS, delete Process Serial Number arg generated for apps launched in Finder
8 years ago
sys.argv = list(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('-psn'), sys.argv))
# old 'help' syntax
8 years ago
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'help':
# old '-v' syntax
# Due to this workaround that keeps old -v working,
# more advanced usages of -v need to use '-v='.
# e.g. -v=debug,network=warning,interface=error
i = sys.argv.index('-v')
except ValueError:
sys.argv[i] = '-v*'
# read arguments from stdin pipe and prompt
for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
if arg == '-':
if not sys.stdin.isatty():
sys.argv[i] =
raise Exception('Cannot get argument from stdin')
elif arg == '?':
8 years ago
sys.argv[i] = input("Enter argument:")
elif arg == ':':
sys.argv[i] = prompt_password('Enter argument (will not echo):', False)
# parse command line
parser = get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
# config is an object passed to the various constructors (wallet, interface, gui)
if is_android:
import importlib.util
android_gui = 'kivy' if importlib.util.find_spec('kivy') else 'qml'
config_options = {
'verbosity': '*' if util.is_android_debug_apk() else '',
'cmd': 'gui',
'gui': android_gui,
config_options = args.__dict__
8 years ago
f = lambda key: config_options[key] is not None and key not in config_variables.get(args.cmd, {}).keys()
config_options = {key: config_options[key] for key in filter(f, config_options.keys())}
if config_options.get('server'):
config_options['auto_connect'] = False
config_options['cwd'] = cwd = os.getcwd()
# fixme: this can probably be achieved with a runtime hook (pyinstaller)
if is_pyinstaller and os.path.exists(os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'is_portable')):
config_options['portable'] = True
10 years ago
if config_options.get('portable'):
if is_local:
# running from git clone or local source: put datadir next to main script
datadir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'electrum_data')
# Running a binary or installed source. The most generic but still reasonable thing
# is to use the current working directory. (see #7732)
# note: The main script is often unpacked to a temporary directory from a bundled executable,
# and we don't want to put the datadir inside a temp dir.
# note: Re the portable .exe on Windows, when the user double-clicks it, CWD gets set
# to the parent dir, i.e. we will put the datadir next to the exe.
datadir = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(cwd), 'electrum_data')
config_options['electrum_path'] = datadir
10 years ago
if not config_options.get('verbosity'):
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning)
# check uri
uri = config_options.get('url')
if uri and not util.is_uri(uri):
print_stderr('unknown command:', uri)
config = SimpleConfig(config_options)
# set language as early as possible
# Note: we are already too late for strings that are declared in the global scope
# of an already imported module. However, the GUI and the plugins at least have
# not been imported yet.
# Note: it is ok to call set_language() again later. E.g. the Qt GUI has additional
# tools to figure out the default language so it will get called again there.
if config.get('testnet'):
elif config.get('regtest'):
elif config.get('simnet'):
elif config.get('signet'):
cmdname = config.get('cmd')
if cmdname == 'daemon' and config.get("detach"):
# fork before creating the asyncio event loop
pid = os.fork()
if pid:
print_stderr("starting daemon (PID %d)" % pid)
# redirect standard file descriptors
si = open(os.devnull, 'r')
so = open(os.devnull, 'w')
se = open(os.devnull, 'w')
os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno())
os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
fix main script hanging (not exiting after exception) in some cases Previously an unhandled exception in the main script could cause the main thread to die but the process to hang, as the event loop thread would keep running. example: $ ./run_electrum -o signmessage tb1qeh090ruc3cs5hry90tev4fsvrnegulw8xssdzx &#34;mymsg&#34; -w ~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/test_segwit_2 Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 424, in &lt;module&gt; init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False) File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 146, in init_cmdline db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 72, in __init__ self.load_data(raw) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 103, in load_data self._after_upgrade_tasks() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 189, in _after_upgrade_tasks self._load_transactions() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 406, in &lt;lambda&gt; return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(args, kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 402, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1139, in _load_transactions = StoredDict(, self, []) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 79, in __init__ self.__setitem__(k, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 44, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 105, in __setitem__ v = self.db._convert_dict(self.path, key, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in _convert_dict v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in &lt;genexpr&gt; v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 110, in from_json return OnchainInvoice(**x) File &#34;&lt;attrs generated init electrum.invoices.OnchainInvoice&gt;&#34;, line 8, in __init__ File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 68, in _decode_outputs output = PartialTxOutput.from_legacy_tuple(*output) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 131, in from_legacy_tuple return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 104, in from_address_and_value return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)), File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 422, in address_to_script raise BitcoinException(f&#34;invalid bitcoin address: {addr}&#34;) electrum.util.BitcoinException: invalid bitcoin address: tb1qckp4ztmstwtyxzml3dmfvegeq5mfxwu2h3q94l
5 years ago
global loop, stop_loop, loop_thread
loop, stop_loop, loop_thread = create_and_start_event_loop()
fix main script hanging (not exiting after exception) in some cases Previously an unhandled exception in the main script could cause the main thread to die but the process to hang, as the event loop thread would keep running. example: $ ./run_electrum -o signmessage tb1qeh090ruc3cs5hry90tev4fsvrnegulw8xssdzx &#34;mymsg&#34; -w ~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/test_segwit_2 Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 424, in &lt;module&gt; init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False) File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 146, in init_cmdline db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 72, in __init__ self.load_data(raw) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 103, in load_data self._after_upgrade_tasks() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 189, in _after_upgrade_tasks self._load_transactions() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 406, in &lt;lambda&gt; return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(args, kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 402, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1139, in _load_transactions = StoredDict(, self, []) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 79, in __init__ self.__setitem__(k, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 44, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 105, in __setitem__ v = self.db._convert_dict(self.path, key, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in _convert_dict v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in &lt;genexpr&gt; v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 110, in from_json return OnchainInvoice(**x) File &#34;&lt;attrs generated init electrum.invoices.OnchainInvoice&gt;&#34;, line 8, in __init__ File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 68, in _decode_outputs output = PartialTxOutput.from_legacy_tuple(*output) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 131, in from_legacy_tuple return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 104, in from_address_and_value return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)), File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 422, in address_to_script raise BitcoinException(f&#34;invalid bitcoin address: {addr}&#34;) electrum.util.BitcoinException: invalid bitcoin address: tb1qckp4ztmstwtyxzml3dmfvegeq5mfxwu2h3q94l
5 years ago
except Exception:
def handle_cmd(*, cmdname: str, config: 'SimpleConfig', config_options: dict):
if cmdname == 'gui':
fd = daemon.get_file_descriptor(config)
if fd is not None:
plugins = init_plugins(config, config.get('gui', 'qt'))
d = daemon.Daemon(config, fd)
d.run_gui(config, plugins)
except BaseException as e:
_logger.exception('daemon.run_gui errored')
result = daemon.request(config, 'gui', (config_options,))
elif cmdname == 'daemon':
fd = daemon.get_file_descriptor(config)
if fd is not None:
# run daemon
init_plugins(config, 'cmdline')
d = daemon.Daemon(config, fd)
# FIXME this message is lost in detached mode (parent process already exited after forking)
print_msg("Daemon already running")
# command line
configure_logging(config, log_to_file=False) # don't spam logfiles for each client-side RPC, but support "-v"
cmd = known_commands[cmdname]
wallet_path = config.get_wallet_path()
if not config.get('offline'):
fix main script hanging (not exiting after exception) in some cases Previously an unhandled exception in the main script could cause the main thread to die but the process to hang, as the event loop thread would keep running. example: $ ./run_electrum -o signmessage tb1qeh090ruc3cs5hry90tev4fsvrnegulw8xssdzx &#34;mymsg&#34; -w ~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/test_segwit_2 Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 424, in &lt;module&gt; init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False) File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 146, in init_cmdline db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 72, in __init__ self.load_data(raw) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 103, in load_data self._after_upgrade_tasks() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 189, in _after_upgrade_tasks self._load_transactions() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 406, in &lt;lambda&gt; return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(args, kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 402, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1139, in _load_transactions = StoredDict(, self, []) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 79, in __init__ self.__setitem__(k, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 44, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 105, in __setitem__ v = self.db._convert_dict(self.path, key, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in _convert_dict v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in &lt;genexpr&gt; v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 110, in from_json return OnchainInvoice(**x) File &#34;&lt;attrs generated init electrum.invoices.OnchainInvoice&gt;&#34;, line 8, in __init__ File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 68, in _decode_outputs output = PartialTxOutput.from_legacy_tuple(*output) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 131, in from_legacy_tuple return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 104, in from_address_and_value return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)), File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 422, in address_to_script raise BitcoinException(f&#34;invalid bitcoin address: {addr}&#34;) electrum.util.BitcoinException: invalid bitcoin address: tb1qckp4ztmstwtyxzml3dmfvegeq5mfxwu2h3q94l
5 years ago
init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, True, config=config)
timeout = config.get('timeout', 60)
if timeout: timeout = int(timeout)
result = daemon.request(config, 'run_cmdline', (config_options,), timeout)
except daemon.DaemonNotRunning:
print_msg("Daemon not running; try 'electrum daemon -d'")
if not cmd.requires_network:
print_msg("To run this command without a daemon, use --offline")
except Exception as e:
print_stderr(str(e) or repr(e))
if cmd.requires_network:
print_msg("This command cannot be run offline")
fix main script hanging (not exiting after exception) in some cases Previously an unhandled exception in the main script could cause the main thread to die but the process to hang, as the event loop thread would keep running. example: $ ./run_electrum -o signmessage tb1qeh090ruc3cs5hry90tev4fsvrnegulw8xssdzx &#34;mymsg&#34; -w ~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/test_segwit_2 Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 424, in &lt;module&gt; init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False) File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 146, in init_cmdline db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 72, in __init__ self.load_data(raw) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 103, in load_data self._after_upgrade_tasks() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 189, in _after_upgrade_tasks self._load_transactions() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 406, in &lt;lambda&gt; return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(args, kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 402, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1139, in _load_transactions = StoredDict(, self, []) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 79, in __init__ self.__setitem__(k, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 44, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 105, in __setitem__ v = self.db._convert_dict(self.path, key, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in _convert_dict v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in &lt;genexpr&gt; v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 110, in from_json return OnchainInvoice(**x) File &#34;&lt;attrs generated init electrum.invoices.OnchainInvoice&gt;&#34;, line 8, in __init__ File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 68, in _decode_outputs output = PartialTxOutput.from_legacy_tuple(*output) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 131, in from_legacy_tuple return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 104, in from_address_and_value return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)), File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 422, in address_to_script raise BitcoinException(f&#34;invalid bitcoin address: {addr}&#34;) electrum.util.BitcoinException: invalid bitcoin address: tb1qckp4ztmstwtyxzml3dmfvegeq5mfxwu2h3q94l
5 years ago
init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False, config=config)
plugins = init_plugins(config, 'cmdline')
coro = run_offline_command(config, config_options, plugins)
fut = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, loop)
result = fut.result()
except Exception as e:
print_stderr(str(e) or repr(e))
8 years ago
if isinstance(result, str):
elif type(result) is dict and result.get('error'):
elif result is not None:
fix main script hanging (not exiting after exception) in some cases Previously an unhandled exception in the main script could cause the main thread to die but the process to hang, as the event loop thread would keep running. example: $ ./run_electrum -o signmessage tb1qeh090ruc3cs5hry90tev4fsvrnegulw8xssdzx &#34;mymsg&#34; -w ~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/test_segwit_2 Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 424, in &lt;module&gt; init_cmdline(config_options, wallet_path, False) File &#34;./run_electrum&#34;, line 146, in init_cmdline db = WalletDB(, manual_upgrades=False) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 72, in __init__ self.load_data(raw) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 103, in load_data self._after_upgrade_tasks() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 189, in _after_upgrade_tasks self._load_transactions() File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 406, in &lt;lambda&gt; return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(args, kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 402, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1139, in _load_transactions = StoredDict(, self, []) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 79, in __init__ self.__setitem__(k, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 44, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 105, in __setitem__ v = self.db._convert_dict(self.path, key, v) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in _convert_dict v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 1182, in &lt;genexpr&gt; v = dict((k, Invoice.from_json(x)) for k, x in v.items()) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 110, in from_json return OnchainInvoice(**x) File &#34;&lt;attrs generated init electrum.invoices.OnchainInvoice&gt;&#34;, line 8, in __init__ File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 68, in _decode_outputs output = PartialTxOutput.from_legacy_tuple(*output) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 131, in from_legacy_tuple return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val) File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 104, in from_address_and_value return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)), File &#34;/home/user/wspace/electrum/electrum/;, line 422, in address_to_script raise BitcoinException(f&#34;invalid bitcoin address: {addr}&#34;) electrum.util.BitcoinException: invalid bitcoin address: tb1qckp4ztmstwtyxzml3dmfvegeq5mfxwu2h3q94l
5 years ago
if __name__ == '__main__':