import traceback
import sys
import json
import binascii
import asyncio
import time
import os
from lib.bitcoin import sha256
from decimal import Decimal
from lib.constants import set_testnet, set_simnet
from lib.simple_config import SimpleConfig
from lib.network import Network
from lib.storage import WalletStorage
from lib.wallet import Wallet
from lib.lnbase import Peer, node_list, Outpoint, ChannelConfig, LocalState, RemoteState, Keypair, OnlyPubkeyKeypair, OpenChannel, ChannelConstraints
from lib.lightning_payencode.lnaddr import lnencode, LnAddr
import lib.constants as constants
is_key = lambda k: k.endswith("_basepoint") or k.endswith("_key")
def maybeDecode(k, v):
if k in ["pubkey", "privkey", "next_per_commitment_point", "per_commitment_secret_seed"] and v is not None:
return binascii.unhexlify(v)
return v
def decodeAll(v):
return {i: maybeDecode(i, j) for i, j in v.items()} if isinstance(v, dict) else v
def typeWrap(k, v, local):
if is_key(k):
if local:
return Keypair(**v)
return OnlyPubkeyKeypair(**v)
return v
def reconstruct_namedtuples(openingchannel):
openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(funding_outpoint=Outpoint(**openingchannel.funding_outpoint))
new_local_config = {k: typeWrap(k, decodeAll(v), True) for k, v in openingchannel.local_config.items()}
openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(local_config=ChannelConfig(**new_local_config))
new_remote_config = {k: typeWrap(k, decodeAll(v), False) for k, v in openingchannel.remote_config.items()}
openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(remote_config=ChannelConfig(**new_remote_config))
new_local_state = decodeAll(openingchannel.local_state)
openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(local_state=LocalState(**new_local_state))
new_remote_state = decodeAll(openingchannel.remote_state)
openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(remote_state=RemoteState(**new_remote_state))
openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(constraints=ChannelConstraints(**openingchannel.constraints))
return openingchannel
def serialize_channels(channels):
serialized_channels = []
for chan in channels:
namedtuples_to_dict = lambda v: {i: j._asdict() if isinstance(j, tuple) else j for i, j in v._asdict().items()}
serialized_channels.append({k: namedtuples_to_dict(v) if isinstance(v, tuple) else v for k, v in chan._asdict().items()})
class MyJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, bytes):
return binascii.hexlify(o).decode("ascii")
return super(MyJsonEncoder, self)
dumped = MyJsonEncoder().encode(serialized_channels)
roundtripped = json.loads(dumped)
reconstructed = [reconstruct_namedtuples(x) for x in roundtripped]
if reconstructed != channels:
raise Exception("Channels did not roundtrip serialization without changes:\n" + repr(reconstructed) + "\n" + repr(channels))
return roundtripped
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
host, port, pubkey = sys.argv[3:6]
host, port, pubkey = node_list[0]
pubkey = binascii.unhexlify(pubkey)
port = int(port)
if sys.argv[1] not in ["new_channel", "reestablish_channel"]:
raise Exception("first argument must be new_channel or reestablish_channel")
if sys.argv[2] not in ["simnet", "testnet"]:
raise Exception("second argument must be simnet or testnet")
if sys.argv[2] == "simnet":
config = SimpleConfig({'lnbase':True, 'simnet':True})
config = SimpleConfig({'lnbase':True, 'testnet':True})
# start network
config.set_key('lightning_peers', [])
network = Network(config)
# wallet
storage = WalletStorage(config.get_wallet_path())
wallet = Wallet(storage)
# start peer
privkey = sha256("0123456789")
peer = Peer(host, port, pubkey, privkey, request_initial_sync=False, network=network)
network.futures.append(asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(peer.main_loop(), network.asyncio_loop))
funding_satoshis = 1000000
push_msat = 500000000
# run blocking test
async def async_test():
payment_preimage = bytes.fromhex("01"*32)
RHASH = sha256(payment_preimage)
channels = wallet.storage.get("channels", None)
if sys.argv[1] == "new_channel":
openingchannel = await peer.channel_establishment_flow(wallet, config, None, funding_satoshis, push_msat, temp_channel_id=os.urandom(32))
openchannel = await peer.wait_for_funding_locked(openingchannel, wallet)
dumped = serialize_channels([openchannel])
wallet.storage.put("channels", dumped)
return openchannel.channel_id
if channels is None or len(channels) < 1:
raise Exception("Can't reestablish: No channel saved")
openchannel = channels[0]
openchannel = reconstruct_namedtuples(openchannel)
openchannel = await peer.reestablish_channel(openchannel)
expected_received_sat = 400000
pay_req = lnencode(LnAddr(RHASH, amount=Decimal("0.00000001")*expected_received_sat, tags=[('d', 'one cup of coffee')]), peer.privkey[:32])
print("payment request", pay_req)
last_pcs_index = 2**48 - 1
await peer.receive_commitment_revoke_ack(openchannel, expected_received_sat, payment_preimage)
fut = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(async_test(), network.asyncio_loop)
while not fut.done():
if fut.exception():
raise fut.exception()
print("result", fut.result())