Browse Source

register commands, check for their arguments

thomasv 12 years ago
  1. 93
  2. 127


@ -297,20 +297,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# open session
if cmd not in offline_commands and not options.offline:
interface = Interface(config)
interface.register_callback('connected', lambda: sys.stderr.write("Connected to " + interface.connection_msg + "\n"))
wallet.interface = interface
verifier = WalletVerifier(interface, config)
synchronizer = WalletSynchronizer(wallet, config)
# important warning
if cmd in ['dumpprivkey', 'dumpprivkeys']:
@ -338,38 +324,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
password = None
# check and format the arguments
# add missing arguments
if cmd == 'importprivkey':
# See if they specificed a key on the cmd line, if not prompt
if len(args) == 1:
args[1] = prompt_password('Enter PrivateKey (will not echo):', False)
elif cmd == 'signmessage':
if len(args) < 3:
print_msg("Error: Invalid usage of signmessage.")
address = args[1]
message = ' '.join(args[2:])
if len(args) > 3:
print_msg("Warning: Message was reconstructed from several arguments:", repr(message))
args = [ cmd, address, message ]
elif cmd == 'verifymessage':
address = args[1]
signature = args[2]
message = ' '.join(args[3:])
print_msg("Error: Not all parameters were given, displaying help instead.")
if len(args) > 4:
print_msg("Warning: Message was reconstructed from several arguments:", repr(message))
args = [ cmd, address, signature, message]
elif cmd == 'signrawtransaction':
import json
args = [ cmd, args[1], json.loads(args[2]) if len(args)>2 else [], json.loads(args[3]) if len(args)>3 else []]
elif cmd == 'createmultisig':
@ -380,15 +341,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
elif cmd=='listaddresses':
args = [cmd, options.show_all, options.show_balance, options.show_labels]
elif cmd == 'setlabel':
tx = args[1]
label = ' '.join(args[2:])
print_msg("Error. Syntax: label <tx_hash> <text>")
args = [ cmd, tx, label ]
elif cmd in ['payto', 'mktx']:
@ -434,6 +386,44 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# del(wallet.history[from_addr])
# check the number of arguments
min_args, max_args, description, syntax, options_syntax = known_commands[cmd]
if len(args) - 1 < min_args:
print_msg("Not enough arguments")
print_msg("Syntax:", syntax)
if max_args >= 0 and len(args) - 1 > max_args:
print_msg("too many arguments", args)
print_msg("Syntax:", syntax)
if max_args < 0:
if len(args) > min_args:
message = ' '.join(args[min_args:])
print_msg("Warning: Final argument was reconstructed from several arguments:", repr(message))
args = args[0:min_args] + [ message ]
# open session
if cmd not in offline_commands and not options.offline:
interface = Interface(config)
interface.register_callback('connected', lambda: sys.stderr.write("Connected to " + interface.connection_msg + "\n"))
wallet.interface = interface
verifier = WalletVerifier(interface, config)
synchronizer = WalletSynchronizer(wallet, config)
# run the command
@ -445,7 +435,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print_msg("Type 'electrum --help' to see the list of options")
print_msg("List of commands:", ', '.join(known_commands))
_, _, description, syntax, options_syntax = known_commands[cmd2]
if syntax: print_msg("Syntax: " + syntax)
if options_syntax: print_msg("options:\n" + options_syntax)
elif cmd == 'deseed':
if not wallet.seed:


@ -22,85 +22,60 @@ from bitcoin import *
from decimal import Decimal
import bitcoin
known_commands = {
'help':'Prints this help',
'validateaddress':'Check that the address is valid',
'getbalance': "Display the balance of your wallet or of an address.\nSyntax: getbalance [<address>]",
'contacts': "Show your list of contacts",
'create':'Create a wallet',
'restore':'Restore a wallet',
'payto':"""Create and broadcast a transaction.
Syntax: payto <recipient> <amount> [label]
<recipient> can be a bitcoin address or a label
options:\n --fee, -f: set transaction fee\n --fromaddr, -s: send from address -\n --changeaddr, -c: send change to address
'Broadcasts a transaction to the network. \nSyntax: sendrawtransaction <tx in hexadecimal>',
"Changes your password",
"""Shows your list of addresses.
-a: show all addresses, including change addresses
-b: include balance in results
-l: include labels in results
'history':"Shows the transaction history",
'setlabel':'Assign a label to an item\nSyntax: label <tx_hash> <label>',
"""Create a signed transaction, password protected.
Syntax: mktx <recipient> <amount> [label]
options:\n --fee, -f: set transaction fee\n --fromaddr, -s: send from address -\n --changeaddr, -c: send change to address
"Print the generation seed of your wallet.",
'Import a private key\nSyntax: importprivkey <privatekey>',
'Signs a message with a key\nSyntax: signmessage <address> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "',
'Verifies a signature\nSyntax: verifymessage <address> <signature> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "',
"Run python eval() on an object\nSyntax: eval <expression>\nExample: eval \"wallet.aliases\"",
"Get config parameter.",
"Set config parameter.",
"Create a seedless, watching-only wallet.",
'dumpprivkey':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'dumpprivkeys':'dump all private keys',
'listunspent':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'createmultisig':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'createrawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'decoderawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'signrawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'get_history': 'get history for an address'
known_commands = {}
offline_commands = []
protected_commands = []
def register_command(name, min_args, max_args, is_protected, is_offline, description, syntax = '', options_syntax = ''):
global known_commands, protected_commands, offline_commands
known_commands[name] = (min_args, max_args, description, syntax, options_syntax)
if is_protected:
if is_offline:
payto_options = ' --fee, -f: set transaction fee\n --fromaddr, -s: send from address -\n --changeaddr, -c: send change to address'
listaddr_options = " -a: show all addresses, including change addresses\n -b: include balance in results\n -l: include labels in results"
register_command('contacts', 0, 0, False, True, 'Show your list of contacts')
register_command('create', 0, 0, False, True, 'Create a new wallet')
register_command('createmultisig', 2, 2, False, True, 'similar to bitcoind\'s command')
register_command('createrawtransaction', 2, 2, False, True, 'similar to bitcoind\'s command')
register_command('deseed', 0, 0, False, True, 'Create a seedless, watching-only wallet.')
register_command('decoderawtransaction', 1, 1, False, True, 'similar to bitcoind\'s command')
register_command('dumpprivkey', 1, 1, True, True, 'similar to bitcoind\'s command')
register_command('dumpprivkeys', 0, 0, True, True, 'dump all private keys')
register_command('eval', 1, 1, False, True, 'Run python eval() on an object', 'eval <expression>\nExample: eval \"wallet.aliases\"')
register_command('freeze', 1, 1, False, True, 'Freeze the funds at one of your wallet\'s addresses')
register_command('getbalance', 0, 1, False, False, 'Display the balance of your wallet or of an address', 'getbalance [<address>]')
register_command('getaddresshistory', 1, 1, False, False, 'get history for an address')
register_command('getconfig', 1, 1, False, True, 'Return a configuration variable', 'getconfig <name>')
register_command('getseed', 0, 0, True, True, 'Print the generation seed of your wallet.')
register_command('help', 0, 1, False, True, 'Prints this help')
register_command('history', 0, 0, False, False, 'Returns the transaction history of your wallet')
register_command('importprivkey', 1, 1, True, True, 'Import a private key', 'importprivkey <privatekey>')
register_command('listaddresses', 3, 3, False, True, 'Returns your list of addresses.', '', listaddr_options)
register_command('listunspent', 0, 0, False, True, 'Returns a list of unspent inputs in your wallet.')
register_command('mktx', 5, 5, True, True, 'Create a signed transaction', 'mktx <recipient> <amount> [label]', payto_options)
register_command('payto', 5, 5, True, False, 'Create and broadcast a transaction.', "payto <recipient> <amount> [label]\n<recipient> can be a bitcoin address or a label", payto_options)
register_command('password', 0, 0, True, True, 'Change your password')
register_command('restore', 0, 0, False, False, 'Restore a wallet')
register_command('setconfig', 2, 2, False, True, 'Set a configuration variable', 'setconfig <name> <value>')
register_command('setlabel', 2,-1, False, True, 'Assign a label to an item', 'setlabel <tx_hash> <label>')
register_command('sendrawtransaction', 1, 1, False, False, 'Broadcasts a transaction to the network.', 'sendrawtransaction <tx in hexadecimal>')
register_command('prioritize', 1, 1, False, True, '')
register_command('signrawtransaction', 1, 3, True, True, 'similar to bitcoind\'s command')
register_command('signmessage', 2,-1, True, True, 'Sign a message with a key', 'signmessage <address> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "')
register_command('unprioritize', 1, 1, False, True, '')
register_command('unfreeze', 1, 1, False, True, '')
register_command('validateaddress', 1, 1, False, True, 'Check that the address is valid')
register_command('verifymessage', 3,-1, False, True, 'Verifies a signature', 'verifymessage <address> <signature> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "')
offline_commands = [ 'password', 'mktx',
'setlabel', 'contacts',
'help', 'validateaddress',
'signmessage', 'verifymessage',
'eval', 'set', 'get', 'create', 'listaddresses',
'importprivkey', 'getseed',
'createmultisig', 'createrawtransaction', 'decoderawtransaction', 'signrawtransaction'
protected_commands = ['payto', 'password', 'mktx', 'getseed', 'importprivkey','signmessage', 'signrawtransaction', 'dumpprivkey', 'dumpprivkeys' ]
class Commands:
def __init__(self, wallet, interface, callback = None):
@ -118,7 +93,7 @@ class Commands:
apply(self._callback, ())
return result
def get_history(self, addr):
def getaddresshistory(self, addr):
h = self.wallet.get_history(addr)
if h is None: h = self.wallet.interface.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.address.get_history',[addr]) ])[0]
return h
