diff --git a/electrum/interface.py b/electrum/interface.py
index 527bff8a1..522d291fb 100644
--- a/electrum/interface.py
+++ b/electrum/interface.py
@@ -938,14 +938,21 @@ class Interface(Logger):
         res = await self.session.send_request('blockchain.scripthash.get_history', [sh])
         # check response
+        prev_height = 1
         for tx_item in res:
-            assert_dict_contains_field(tx_item, field_name='height')
+            height = assert_dict_contains_field(tx_item, field_name='height')
             assert_dict_contains_field(tx_item, field_name='tx_hash')
-            assert_integer(tx_item['height'])
+            assert_integer(height)
-            if tx_item['height'] in (-1, 0):
+            if height in (-1, 0):
                 assert_dict_contains_field(tx_item, field_name='fee')
+                prev_height = - float("inf")  # this ensures confirmed txs can't follow mempool txs
+            else:
+                # check monotonicity of heights
+                if height < prev_height:
+                    raise RequestCorrupted(f'heights of confirmed txs must be in increasing order')
+                prev_height = height
         return res
     async def listunspent_for_scripthash(self, sh: str) -> List[dict]: