25 changed files with 31 additions and 1041 deletions
@ -1,315 +0,0 @@ |
# source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2758159/how-to-embed-a-python-interpreter-in-a-pyqt-widget |
import sys, os, re |
import traceback, platform |
from PyQt4 import QtCore |
from PyQt4 import QtGui |
from electrum import util |
if platform.system() == 'Windows': |
MONOSPACE_FONT = 'Lucida Console' |
elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': |
else: |
MONOSPACE_FONT = 'monospace' |
class Console(QtGui.QPlainTextEdit): |
def __init__(self, prompt='>> ', startup_message='', parent=None): |
QtGui.QPlainTextEdit.__init__(self, parent) |
self.prompt = prompt |
self.history = [] |
self.namespace = {} |
self.construct = [] |
self.setGeometry(50, 75, 600, 400) |
self.setWordWrapMode(QtGui.QTextOption.WrapAnywhere) |
self.setUndoRedoEnabled(False) |
self.document().setDefaultFont(QtGui.QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT, 10, QtGui.QFont.Normal)) |
self.showMessage(startup_message) |
self.updateNamespace({'run':self.run_script}) |
self.set_json(False) |
def set_json(self, b): |
self.is_json = b |
def run_script(self, filename): |
with open(filename) as f: |
script = f.read() |
result = eval(script, self.namespace, self.namespace) |
def updateNamespace(self, namespace): |
self.namespace.update(namespace) |
def showMessage(self, message): |
self.appendPlainText(message) |
self.newPrompt() |
def clear(self): |
self.setPlainText('') |
self.newPrompt() |
def newPrompt(self): |
if self.construct: |
prompt = '.' * len(self.prompt) |
else: |
prompt = self.prompt |
self.completions_pos = self.textCursor().position() |
self.completions_visible = False |
self.appendPlainText(prompt) |
self.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) |
def getCommand(self): |
doc = self.document() |
curr_line = unicode(doc.findBlockByLineNumber(doc.lineCount() - 1).text()) |
curr_line = curr_line.rstrip() |
curr_line = curr_line[len(self.prompt):] |
return curr_line |
def setCommand(self, command): |
if self.getCommand() == command: |
return |
doc = self.document() |
curr_line = unicode(doc.findBlockByLineNumber(doc.lineCount() - 1).text()) |
self.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) |
for i in range(len(curr_line) - len(self.prompt)): |
self.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) |
self.textCursor().removeSelectedText() |
self.textCursor().insertText(command) |
self.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) |
def show_completions(self, completions): |
if self.completions_visible: |
self.hide_completions() |
c = self.textCursor() |
c.setPosition(self.completions_pos) |
completions = map(lambda x: x.split('.')[-1], completions) |
t = '\n' + ' '.join(completions) |
if len(t) > 500: |
t = t[:500] + '...' |
c.insertText(t) |
self.completions_end = c.position() |
self.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) |
self.completions_visible = True |
def hide_completions(self): |
if not self.completions_visible: |
return |
c = self.textCursor() |
c.setPosition(self.completions_pos) |
l = self.completions_end - self.completions_pos |
for x in range(l): c.deleteChar() |
self.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) |
self.completions_visible = False |
def getConstruct(self, command): |
if self.construct: |
prev_command = self.construct[-1] |
self.construct.append(command) |
if not prev_command and not command: |
ret_val = '\n'.join(self.construct) |
self.construct = [] |
return ret_val |
else: |
return '' |
else: |
if command and command[-1] == (':'): |
self.construct.append(command) |
return '' |
else: |
return command |
def getHistory(self): |
return self.history |
def setHisory(self, history): |
self.history = history |
def addToHistory(self, command): |
if command.find("importprivkey") > -1: |
return |
if command and (not self.history or self.history[-1] != command): |
self.history.append(command) |
self.history_index = len(self.history) |
def getPrevHistoryEntry(self): |
if self.history: |
self.history_index = max(0, self.history_index - 1) |
return self.history[self.history_index] |
return '' |
def getNextHistoryEntry(self): |
if self.history: |
hist_len = len(self.history) |
self.history_index = min(hist_len, self.history_index + 1) |
if self.history_index < hist_len: |
return self.history[self.history_index] |
return '' |
def getCursorPosition(self): |
c = self.textCursor() |
return c.position() - c.block().position() - len(self.prompt) |
def setCursorPosition(self, position): |
self.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.StartOfLine) |
for i in range(len(self.prompt) + position): |
self.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right) |
def register_command(self, c, func): |
methods = { c: func} |
self.updateNamespace(methods) |
def runCommand(self): |
command = self.getCommand() |
self.addToHistory(command) |
command = self.getConstruct(command) |
if command: |
tmp_stdout = sys.stdout |
class stdoutProxy(): |
def __init__(self, write_func): |
self.write_func = write_func |
self.skip = False |
def flush(self): |
pass |
def write(self, text): |
if not self.skip: |
stripped_text = text.rstrip('\n') |
self.write_func(stripped_text) |
QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() |
self.skip = not self.skip |
if type(self.namespace.get(command)) == type(lambda:None): |
self.appendPlainText("'%s' is a function. Type '%s()' to use it in the Python console."%(command, command)) |
self.newPrompt() |
return |
sys.stdout = stdoutProxy(self.appendPlainText) |
try: |
try: |
result = eval(command, self.namespace, self.namespace) |
if result != None: |
if self.is_json: |
util.print_json(result) |
else: |
self.appendPlainText(repr(result)) |
except SyntaxError: |
exec command in self.namespace |
except SystemExit: |
self.close() |
except: |
traceback_lines = traceback.format_exc().split('\n') |
# Remove traceback mentioning this file, and a linebreak |
for i in (3,2,1,-1): |
traceback_lines.pop(i) |
self.appendPlainText('\n'.join(traceback_lines)) |
sys.stdout = tmp_stdout |
self.newPrompt() |
self.set_json(False) |
def keyPressEvent(self, event): |
if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab: |
self.completions() |
return |
self.hide_completions() |
if event.key() in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter, QtCore.Qt.Key_Return): |
self.runCommand() |
return |
if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Home: |
self.setCursorPosition(0) |
return |
if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_PageUp: |
return |
elif event.key() in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Left, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace): |
if self.getCursorPosition() == 0: |
return |
elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Up: |
self.setCommand(self.getPrevHistoryEntry()) |
return |
elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Down: |
self.setCommand(self.getNextHistoryEntry()) |
return |
elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_L and event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: |
self.clear() |
super(Console, self).keyPressEvent(event) |
def completions(self): |
cmd = self.getCommand() |
lastword = re.split(' |\(|\)',cmd)[-1] |
beginning = cmd[0:-len(lastword)] |
path = lastword.split('.') |
ns = self.namespace.keys() |
if len(path) == 1: |
ns = ns |
prefix = '' |
else: |
obj = self.namespace.get(path[0]) |
prefix = path[0] + '.' |
ns = dir(obj) |
completions = [] |
for x in ns: |
if x[0] == '_':continue |
xx = prefix + x |
if xx.startswith(lastword): |
completions.append(xx) |
completions.sort() |
if not completions: |
self.hide_completions() |
elif len(completions) == 1: |
self.hide_completions() |
self.setCommand(beginning + completions[0]) |
else: |
# find common prefix |
p = os.path.commonprefix(completions) |
if len(p)>len(lastword): |
self.hide_completions() |
self.setCommand(beginning + p) |
else: |
self.show_completions(completions) |
welcome_message = ''' |
--------------------------------------------------------------- |
Welcome to a primitive Python interpreter. |
--------------------------------------------------------------- |
''' |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) |
console = Console(startup_message=welcome_message) |
console.updateNamespace({'myVar1' : app, 'myVar2' : 1234}) |
console.show(); |
sys.exit(app.exec_()) |
@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ |
from decimal import Decimal |
_ = lambda x:x |
#from i18n import _ |
from electrum import mnemonic_encode, WalletStorage, Wallet |
from electrum.util import format_satoshis, set_verbosity |
from electrum.bitcoin import is_valid |
from electrum.network import filter_protocol |
import sys, getpass, datetime |
# minimal fdisk like gui for console usage |
# written by rofl0r, with some bits stolen from the text gui (ncurses) |
class ElectrumGui: |
def __init__(self, config, network): |
self.network = network |
self.config = config |
storage = WalletStorage(config) |
if not storage.file_exists: |
print "Wallet not found. try 'electrum create'" |
exit() |
self.done = 0 |
self.last_balance = "" |
set_verbosity(False) |
self.str_recipient = "" |
self.str_description = "" |
self.str_amount = "" |
self.str_fee = "" |
self.wallet = Wallet(storage) |
self.wallet.start_threads(network) |
self.wallet.network.register_callback('updated', self.updated) |
self.wallet.network.register_callback('connected', self.connected) |
self.wallet.network.register_callback('disconnected', self.disconnected) |
self.wallet.network.register_callback('disconnecting', self.disconnecting) |
self.wallet.network.register_callback('peers', self.peers) |
self.wallet.network.register_callback('banner', self.print_banner) |
self.commands = [_("[h] - displays this help text"), \ |
_("[i] - display transaction history"), \ |
_("[o] - enter payment order"), \ |
_("[p] - print stored payment order"), \ |
_("[s] - send stored payment order"), \ |
_("[r] - show own receipt addresses"), \ |
_("[c] - display contacts"), \ |
_("[b] - print server banner"), \ |
_("[q] - quit") ] |
self.num_commands = len(self.commands) |
def main_command(self): |
self.print_balance() |
c = raw_input("enter command: ") |
if c == "h" : self.print_commands() |
elif c == "i" : self.print_history() |
elif c == "o" : self.enter_order() |
elif c == "p" : self.print_order() |
elif c == "s" : self.send_order() |
elif c == "r" : self.print_addresses() |
elif c == "c" : self.print_contacts() |
elif c == "b" : self.print_banner() |
elif c == "n" : self.network_dialog() |
elif c == "e" : self.settings_dialog() |
elif c == "q" : self.done = 1 |
else: self.print_commands() |
def peers(self): |
print("got peers list:") |
l = filter_protocol(self.wallet.network.get_servers(), 's') |
for s in l: |
print (s) |
def connected(self): |
print ("connected") |
def disconnected(self): |
print ("disconnected") |
def disconnecting(self): |
print ("disconnecting") |
def updated(self): |
s = self.get_balance() |
if s != self.last_balance: |
print(s) |
self.last_balance = s |
return True |
def print_commands(self): |
self.print_list(self.commands, "Available commands") |
def print_history(self): |
width = [20, 40, 14, 14] |
delta = (80 - sum(width) - 4)/3 |
format_str = "%"+"%d"%width[0]+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[1]+delta)+"s"+"%" \ |
+ "%d"%(width[2]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[3]+delta)+"s" |
b = 0 |
messages = [] |
for item in self.wallet.get_tx_history(): |
tx_hash, confirmations, is_mine, value, fee, balance, timestamp = item |
if confirmations: |
try: |
time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3] |
except: |
time_str = "unknown" |
else: |
time_str = 'pending' |
label, is_default_label = self.wallet.get_label(tx_hash) |
messages.append( format_str%( time_str, label, format_satoshis(value, whitespaces=True), format_satoshis(balance, whitespaces=True) ) ) |
self.print_list(messages[::-1], format_str%( _("Date"), _("Description"), _("Amount"), _("Balance"))) |
def print_balance(self): |
print(self.get_balance()) |
def get_balance(self): |
if self.wallet.network.interface and self.wallet.network.interface.is_connected: |
if not self.wallet.up_to_date: |
msg = _( "Synchronizing..." ) |
else: |
c, u = self.wallet.get_balance() |
msg = _("Balance")+": %f "%(Decimal( c ) / 100000000) |
if u: msg += " [%f unconfirmed]"%(Decimal( u ) / 100000000) |
else: |
msg = _( "Not connected" ) |
return(msg) |
def print_contacts(self): |
messages = map(lambda addr: "%30s %30s "%(addr, self.wallet.labels.get(addr,"")), self.wallet.addressbook) |
self.print_list(messages, "%19s %25s "%("Address", "Label")) |
def print_addresses(self): |
messages = map(lambda addr: "%30s %30s "%(addr, self.wallet.labels.get(addr,"")), self.wallet.addresses()) |
self.print_list(messages, "%19s %25s "%("Address", "Label")) |
def print_order(self): |
print("send order to " + self.str_recipient + ", amount: " + self.str_amount \ |
+ "\nfee: " + self.str_fee + ", desc: " + self.str_description) |
def enter_order(self): |
self.str_recipient = raw_input("Pay to: ") |
self.str_description = raw_input("Description : ") |
self.str_amount = raw_input("Amount: ") |
self.str_fee = raw_input("Fee: ") |
def send_order(self): |
self.do_send() |
def print_banner(self): |
for i, x in enumerate( self.wallet.network.banner.split('\n') ): |
print( x ) |
def print_list(self, list, firstline): |
self.maxpos = len(list) |
if not self.maxpos: return |
print(firstline) |
for i in range(self.maxpos): |
msg = list[i] if i < len(list) else "" |
print(msg) |
def main(self,url): |
while self.done == 0: self.main_command() |
def do_send(self): |
if not is_valid(self.str_recipient): |
print(_('Invalid Bitcoin address')) |
return |
try: |
amount = int( Decimal( self.str_amount) * 100000000 ) |
except: |
print(_('Invalid Amount')) |
return |
try: |
fee = int( Decimal( self.str_fee) * 100000000 ) |
except: |
print(_('Invalid Fee')) |
return |
if self.wallet.use_encryption: |
password = self.password_dialog() |
if not password: |
return |
else: |
password = None |
c = "" |
while c != "y": |
c = raw_input("ok to send (y/n)?") |
if c == "n": return |
try: |
tx = self.wallet.mktx( [(self.str_recipient, amount)], password, fee) |
except BaseException, e: |
print(str(e)) |
return |
if self.str_description: |
self.wallet.labels[tx.hash()] = self.str_description |
h = self.wallet.send_tx(tx) |
print(_("Please wait...")) |
self.wallet.tx_event.wait() |
status, msg = self.wallet.receive_tx( h ) |
if status: |
print(_('Payment sent.')) |
#self.do_clear() |
#self.update_contacts_tab() |
else: |
print(_('Error')) |
def network_dialog(self): |
print("use 'electrum setconfig server/proxy' to change your network settings") |
return True |
def settings_dialog(self): |
print("use 'electrum setconfig' to change your settings") |
return True |
def password_dialog(self): |
return getpass.getpass() |
# XXX unused |
def run_receive_tab(self, c): |
#if c == 10: |
# out = self.run_popup('Address', ["Edit label", "Freeze", "Prioritize"]) |
return |
def run_contacts_tab(self, c): |
pass |
# if c == 10 and self.wallet.addressbook: |
# out = self.run_popup('Adress', ["Copy", "Pay to", "Edit label", "Delete"]).get('button') |
# address = self.wallet.addressbook[self.pos%len(self.wallet.addressbook)] |
# if out == "Pay to": |
# self.tab = 1 |
# self.str_recipient = address |
# self.pos = 2 |
# elif out == "Edit label": |
# s = self.get_string(6 + self.pos, 18) |
# if s: |
# self.wallet.labels[address] = s |
@ -1,444 +0,0 @@ |
import curses, datetime |
from decimal import Decimal |
_ = lambda x:x |
#from i18n import _ |
from electrum.util import format_satoshis, set_verbosity |
from electrum.bitcoin import is_valid |
from electrum import Wallet, WalletStorage |
import tty, sys |
class ElectrumGui: |
def __init__(self, config, network): |
self.config = config |
self.network = network |
storage = WalletStorage(config) |
if not storage.file_exists: |
print "Wallet not found. try 'electrum create'" |
exit() |
self.wallet = Wallet(storage) |
self.wallet.start_threads(network) |
self.stdscr = curses.initscr() |
curses.noecho() |
curses.cbreak() |
curses.start_color() |
curses.use_default_colors() |
curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) |
curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_CYAN) |
self.stdscr.keypad(1) |
self.stdscr.border(0) |
self.maxy, self.maxx = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() |
self.set_cursor(0) |
self.w = curses.newwin(10, 50, 5, 5) |
set_verbosity(False) |
self.tab = 0 |
self.pos = 0 |
self.popup_pos = 0 |
self.str_recipient = "" |
self.str_description = "" |
self.str_amount = "" |
self.str_fee = "" |
self.network.register_callback('updated', self.refresh) |
self.network.register_callback('connected', self.refresh) |
self.network.register_callback('disconnected', self.refresh) |
self.network.register_callback('disconnecting', self.refresh) |
self.tab_names = [_("History"), _("Send"), _("Receive"), _("Contacts"), _("Wall")] |
self.num_tabs = len(self.tab_names) |
def set_cursor(self, x): |
try: |
curses.curs_set(x) |
except: |
pass |
def restore_or_create(self): |
pass |
def verify_seed(self): |
pass |
def get_string(self, y, x): |
self.set_cursor(1) |
curses.echo() |
self.stdscr.addstr( y, x, " "*20, curses.A_REVERSE) |
s = self.stdscr.getstr(y,x) |
curses.noecho() |
self.set_cursor(0) |
return s |
def print_history(self): |
width = [20, 40, 14, 14] |
delta = (self.maxx - sum(width) - 4)/3 |
format_str = "%"+"%d"%width[0]+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[1]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[2]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[3]+delta)+"s" |
b = 0 |
messages = [] |
for item in self.wallet.get_tx_history(): |
tx_hash, conf, is_mine, value, fee, balance, timestamp = item |
if conf: |
try: |
time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3] |
except: |
time_str = "------" |
else: |
time_str = 'pending' |
label, is_default_label = self.wallet.get_label(tx_hash) |
messages.append( format_str%( time_str, label, format_satoshis(value, whitespaces=True), format_satoshis(balance, whitespaces=True) ) ) |
self.print_list(messages[::-1], format_str%( _("Date"), _("Description"), _("Amount"), _("Balance"))) |
def print_balance(self): |
if self.network.interface and self.network.interface.is_connected: |
if not self.wallet.up_to_date: |
msg = _( "Synchronizing..." ) |
else: |
c, u = self.wallet.get_balance() |
msg = _("Balance")+": %f "%(Decimal( c ) / 100000000) |
if u: msg += " [%f unconfirmed]"%(Decimal( u ) / 100000000) |
else: |
msg = _( "Not connected" ) |
self.stdscr.addstr( self.maxy -1, 3, msg) |
for i in range(self.num_tabs): |
self.stdscr.addstr( 0, 2 + 2*i + len(''.join(self.tab_names[0:i])), ' '+self.tab_names[i]+' ', curses.A_BOLD if self.tab == i else 0) |
self.stdscr.addstr( self.maxy -1, self.maxx-30, ' '.join([_("Settings"), _("Network"), _("Quit")])) |
def print_contacts(self): |
messages = map(lambda addr: "%30s %30s "%(addr, self.wallet.labels.get(addr,"")), self.wallet.addressbook) |
self.print_list(messages, "%19s %25s "%("Address", "Label")) |
def print_receive(self): |
messages = map(lambda addr: "%30s %30s "%(addr, self.wallet.labels.get(addr,"")), self.wallet.addresses()) |
self.print_list(messages, "%19s %25s "%("Address", "Label")) |
def print_edit_line(self, y, label, text, index, size): |
text += " "*(size - len(text) ) |
self.stdscr.addstr( y, 2, label) |
self.stdscr.addstr( y, 15, text, curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==index else curses.color_pair(1)) |
def print_send_tab(self): |
self.stdscr.clear() |
self.print_edit_line(3, _("Pay to"), self.str_recipient, 0, 40) |
self.print_edit_line(5, _("Description"), self.str_description, 1, 40) |
self.print_edit_line(7, _("Amount"), self.str_amount, 2, 15) |
self.print_edit_line(9, _("Fee"), self.str_fee, 3, 15) |
self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 15, _("[Send]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==4 else curses.color_pair(2)) |
self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 25, _("[Clear]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==5 else curses.color_pair(2)) |
def print_banner(self): |
for i, x in enumerate( self.network.banner.split('\n') ): |
self.stdscr.addstr( 1+i, 1, x ) |
def print_list(self, list, firstline): |
self.maxpos = len(list) |
if not self.maxpos: return |
firstline += " "*(self.maxx -2 - len(firstline)) |
self.stdscr.addstr( 1, 1, firstline ) |
for i in range(self.maxy-4): |
msg = list[i] if i < len(list) else "" |
msg += " "*(self.maxx - 2 - len(msg)) |
self.stdscr.addstr( i+2, 1, msg[0:self.maxx - 2], curses.A_REVERSE if i == (self.pos % self.maxpos) else 0) |
def refresh(self): |
if self.tab == -1: return |
self.stdscr.border(0) |
self.print_balance() |
self.stdscr.refresh() |
def main_command(self): |
c = self.stdscr.getch() |
print c |
if c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: self.tab = (self.tab + 1)%self.num_tabs |
elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: self.tab = (self.tab - 1)%self.num_tabs |
elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.pos +=1 |
elif c == curses.KEY_UP: self.pos -= 1 |
elif c == 9: self.pos +=1 # tab |
elif curses.unctrl(c) in ['^W', '^C', '^X', '^Q']: self.tab = -1 |
elif curses.unctrl(c) in ['^N']: self.network_dialog() |
elif curses.unctrl(c) == '^S': self.settings_dialog() |
else: return c |
if self.pos<0: self.pos=0 |
if self.pos>=self.maxpos: self.pos=self.maxpos - 1 |
def run_tab(self, i, print_func, exec_func): |
while self.tab == i: |
self.stdscr.clear() |
print_func() |
self.refresh() |
c = self.main_command() |
if c: exec_func(c) |
def run_history_tab(self, c): |
if c == 10: |
out = self.run_popup('',["blah","foo"]) |
def edit_str(self, target, c, is_num=False): |
# detect backspace |
if c in [8, 127, 263] and target: |
target = target[:-1] |
elif not is_num or curses.unctrl(c) in '0123456789.': |
target += curses.unctrl(c) |
return target |
def run_send_tab(self, c): |
if self.pos%6 == 0: |
self.str_recipient = self.edit_str(self.str_recipient, c) |
if self.pos%6 == 1: |
self.str_description = self.edit_str(self.str_description, c) |
if self.pos%6 == 2: |
self.str_amount = self.edit_str(self.str_amount, c, True) |
elif self.pos%6 == 3: |
self.str_fee = self.edit_str(self.str_fee, c, True) |
elif self.pos%6==4: |
if c == 10: self.do_send() |
elif self.pos%6==5: |
if c == 10: self.do_clear() |
def run_receive_tab(self, c): |
if c == 10: |
out = self.run_popup('Address', ["Edit label", "Freeze", "Prioritize"]) |
def run_contacts_tab(self, c): |
if c == 10 and self.wallet.addressbook: |
out = self.run_popup('Adress', ["Copy", "Pay to", "Edit label", "Delete"]).get('button') |
address = self.wallet.addressbook[self.pos%len(self.wallet.addressbook)] |
if out == "Pay to": |
self.tab = 1 |
self.str_recipient = address |
self.pos = 2 |
elif out == "Edit label": |
s = self.get_string(6 + self.pos, 18) |
if s: |
self.wallet.labels[address] = s |
def run_banner_tab(self, c): |
self.show_message(repr(c)) |
pass |
def main(self,url): |
tty.setraw(sys.stdin) |
while self.tab != -1: |
self.run_tab(0, self.print_history, self.run_history_tab) |
self.run_tab(1, self.print_send_tab, self.run_send_tab) |
self.run_tab(2, self.print_receive, self.run_receive_tab) |
self.run_tab(3, self.print_contacts, self.run_contacts_tab) |
self.run_tab(4, self.print_banner, self.run_banner_tab) |
tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin) |
curses.nocbreak() |
self.stdscr.keypad(0) |
curses.echo() |
curses.endwin() |
def do_clear(self): |
self.str_amount = '' |
self.str_recipient = '' |
self.str_fee = '' |
self.str_description = '' |
def do_send(self): |
if not is_valid(self.str_recipient): |
self.show_message(_('Invalid Bitcoin address')) |
return |
try: |
amount = int( Decimal( self.str_amount) * 100000000 ) |
except: |
self.show_message(_('Invalid Amount')) |
return |
try: |
fee = int( Decimal( self.str_fee) * 100000000 ) |
except: |
self.show_message(_('Invalid Fee')) |
return |
if self.wallet.use_encryption: |
password = self.password_dialog() |
if not password: |
return |
else: |
password = None |
try: |
tx = self.wallet.mktx( [(self.str_recipient, amount)], password, fee) |
except BaseException, e: |
self.show_message(str(e)) |
return |
if self.str_description: |
self.wallet.labels[tx.hash()] = self.str_description |
h = self.wallet.send_tx(tx) |
self.show_message(_("Please wait..."), getchar=False) |
self.wallet.tx_event.wait() |
status, msg = self.wallet.receive_tx( h ) |
if status: |
self.show_message(_('Payment sent.')) |
self.do_clear() |
#self.update_contacts_tab() |
else: |
self.show_message(_('Error')) |
def show_message(self, message, getchar = True): |
w = self.w |
w.clear() |
w.border(0) |
w.addstr(2,2,message) |
w.refresh() |
if getchar: c = self.stdscr.getch() |
def run_popup(self, title, items): |
return self.run_dialog(title, map(lambda x: {'type':'button','label':x}, items), interval=1, y_pos = self.pos+3) |
def network_dialog(self): |
out = self.run_dialog('Network', [ |
{'label':'server', 'type':'str', 'value':self.network.interface.server}, |
{'label':'proxy', 'type':'str', 'value':self.config.get('proxy', '')}, |
], buttons = 1) |
if out: |
if out.get('server'): |
server = out.get('server') |
if out.get('proxy'): |
proxy = self.parse_proxy_options(out.get('proxy')) |
else: |
proxy = None |
self.wallet.config.set_key("proxy", proxy, True) |
self.wallet.config.set_key("server", server, True) |
self.network.interface.set_server(server, proxy) |
def settings_dialog(self): |
out = self.run_dialog('Settings', [ |
{'label':'Default GUI', 'type':'list', 'choices':['classic','lite','gtk','text'], 'value':self.config.get('gui')}, |
{'label':'Default fee', 'type':'satoshis', 'value': format_satoshis(self.wallet.fee).strip() } |
], buttons = 1) |
if out: |
if out.get('Default GUI'): |
self.config.set_key('gui', out['Default GUI'], True) |
if out.get('Default fee'): |
fee = int ( Decimal( out['Default fee']) *10000000 ) |
self.config.set_key('fee_per_kb', fee, True) |
def password_dialog(self): |
out = self.run_dialog('Password', [ |
{'label':'Password', 'type':'password', 'value':''} |
], buttons = 1) |
return out.get('Password') |
def run_dialog(self, title, items, interval=2, buttons=None, y_pos=3): |
self.popup_pos = 0 |
self.w = curses.newwin( 5 + len(items)*interval + (2 if buttons else 0), 50, y_pos, 5) |
w = self.w |
out = {} |
while True: |
w.clear() |
w.border(0) |
w.addstr( 0, 2, title) |
num = len(items) |
numpos = num |
if buttons: numpos += 2 |
for i in range(num): |
item = items[i] |
label = item.get('label') |
if item.get('type') == 'list': |
value = item.get('value','') |
elif item.get('type') == 'satoshis': |
value = item.get('value','') |
elif item.get('type') == 'str': |
value = item.get('value','') |
elif item.get('type') == 'password': |
value = '*'*len(item.get('value','')) |
else: |
value = '' |
if len(value)<20: value += ' '*(20-len(value)) |
if item.has_key('value'): |
w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 2, label) |
w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 15, value, curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==i else curses.color_pair(1) ) |
else: |
w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 2, label, curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==i else 0) |
if buttons: |
w.addstr( 5+interval*i, 10, "[ ok ]", curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==(numpos-2) else curses.color_pair(2)) |
w.addstr( 5+interval*i, 25, "[cancel]", curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==(numpos-1) else curses.color_pair(2)) |
w.refresh() |
c = self.stdscr.getch() |
if c in [ord('q'), 27]: break |
elif c in [curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_UP]: self.popup_pos -= 1 |
elif c in [curses.KEY_RIGHT, curses.KEY_DOWN]: self.popup_pos +=1 |
else: |
i = self.popup_pos%numpos |
if buttons and c==10: |
if i == numpos-2: |
return out |
elif i == numpos -1: |
return {} |
item = items[i] |
_type = item.get('type') |
if _type == 'str': |
item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c) |
out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') |
elif _type == 'password': |
item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c) |
out[item.get('label')] = item ['value'] |
elif _type == 'satoshis': |
item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c, True) |
out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') |
elif _type == 'list': |
choices = item.get('choices') |
try: |
j = choices.index(item.get('value')) |
except: |
j = 0 |
new_choice = choices[(j + 1)% len(choices)] |
item['value'] = new_choice |
out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') |
elif _type == 'button': |
out['button'] = item.get('label') |
break |
return out |
Reference in new issue