@ -67,6 +67,81 @@ TX_STATUS = [
def relayfee ( network ) :
RELAY_FEE = 5000
f = network . relay_fee if network and network . relay_fee else RELAY_FEE
return min ( f , MAX_RELAY_FEE )
def dust_threshold ( network ) :
# Change <= dust threshold is added to the tx fee
return 182 * 3 * relayfee ( network ) / 1000
def append_utxos_to_inputs ( inputs , network , pubkey , txin_type , imax ) :
if txin_type != ' p2pk ' :
address = bitcoin . pubkey_to_address ( txin_type , pubkey )
sh = bitcoin . address_to_scripthash ( address )
else :
script = bitcoin . public_key_to_p2pk_script ( pubkey )
sh = bitcoin . script_to_scripthash ( script )
address = ' (pubkey) '
u = network . synchronous_get ( ( ' blockchain.scripthash.listunspent ' , [ sh ] ) )
for item in u :
if len ( inputs ) > = imax :
item [ ' address ' ] = address
item [ ' type ' ] = txin_type
item [ ' prevout_hash ' ] = item [ ' tx_hash ' ]
item [ ' prevout_n ' ] = item [ ' tx_pos ' ]
item [ ' pubkeys ' ] = [ pubkey ]
item [ ' x_pubkeys ' ] = [ pubkey ]
item [ ' signatures ' ] = [ None ]
item [ ' num_sig ' ] = 1
inputs . append ( item )
def sweep ( privkeys , network , config , recipient , fee = None , imax = 100 ) :
def find_utxos_for_privkey ( txin_type , privkey , compressed ) :
pubkey = bitcoin . public_key_from_private_key ( privkey , compressed )
append_utxos_to_inputs ( inputs , network , pubkey , txin_type , imax )
keypairs [ pubkey ] = privkey , compressed
inputs = [ ]
keypairs = { }
for sec in privkeys :
txin_type , privkey , compressed = bitcoin . deserialize_privkey ( sec )
find_utxos_for_privkey ( txin_type , privkey , compressed )
# do other lookups to increase support coverage
if is_minikey ( sec ) :
# minikeys don't have a compressed byte
# we lookup both compressed and uncompressed pubkeys
find_utxos_for_privkey ( txin_type , privkey , not compressed )
elif txin_type == ' p2pkh ' :
# WIF serialization does not distinguish p2pkh and p2pk
# we also search for pay-to-pubkey outputs
find_utxos_for_privkey ( ' p2pk ' , privkey , compressed )
if not inputs :
raise BaseException ( _ ( ' No inputs found. (Note that inputs need to be confirmed) ' ) )
total = sum ( i . get ( ' value ' ) for i in inputs )
if fee is None :
outputs = [ ( TYPE_ADDRESS , recipient , total ) ]
tx = Transaction . from_io ( inputs , outputs )
fee = config . estimate_fee ( tx . estimated_size ( ) )
if total - fee < 0 :
raise BaseException ( _ ( ' Not enough funds on address. ' ) + ' \n Total: %d satoshis \n Fee: %d ' % ( total , fee ) )
if total - fee < dust_threshold ( network ) :
raise BaseException ( _ ( ' Not enough funds on address. ' ) + ' \n Total: %d satoshis \n Fee: %d \n Dust Threshold: %d ' % ( total , fee , dust_threshold ( network ) ) )
outputs = [ ( TYPE_ADDRESS , recipient , total - fee ) ]
locktime = network . get_local_height ( )
tx = Transaction . from_io ( inputs , outputs , locktime = locktime )
tx . set_rbf ( True )
tx . sign ( keypairs )
return tx
class Abstract_Wallet ( PrintError ) :
Wallet classes are created to handle various address generation methods .
@ -89,7 +164,6 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
self . multiple_change = storage . get ( ' multiple_change ' , False )
self . labels = storage . get ( ' labels ' , { } )
self . frozen_addresses = set ( storage . get ( ' frozen_addresses ' , [ ] ) )
self . stored_height = storage . get ( ' stored_height ' , 0 ) # last known height (for offline mode)
self . history = storage . get ( ' addr_history ' , { } ) # address -> list(txid, height)
self . load_keystore ( )
@ -316,7 +390,7 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
def get_local_height ( self ) :
""" return last known height if we are offline """
return self . network . get_local_height ( ) if self . network else self . stored_height
return self . network . get_local_height ( ) if self . network else self . storage . get ( ' stor ed_height ' , 0 )
def get_tx_height ( self , tx_hash ) :
""" return the height and timestamp of a verified transaction. """
@ -776,14 +850,10 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
return status , status_str
def relayfee ( self ) :
RELAY_FEE = 5000
f = self . network . relay_fee if self . network and self . network . relay_fee else RELAY_FEE
return min ( f , MAX_RELAY_FEE )
return relayfee ( self . network )
def dust_threshold ( self ) :
# Change <= dust threshold is added to the tx fee
return 182 * 3 * self . relayfee ( ) / 1000
return dust_threshold ( self . network )
def make_unsigned_transaction ( self , inputs , outputs , config , fixed_fee = None , change_addr = None ) :
# check outputs
@ -826,7 +896,7 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
# Fee estimator
if fixed_fee is None :
fee_estimator = partial ( self . estimate_fee , config )
fee_estimator = self . config . estimate_fee
else :
fee_estimator = lambda size : fixed_fee
@ -853,85 +923,12 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
run_hook ( ' make_unsigned_transaction ' , self , tx )
return tx
def estimate_fee ( self , config , size ) :
fee = int ( config . fee_per_kb ( ) * size / 1000. )
return fee
def mktx ( self , outputs , password , config , fee = None , change_addr = None , domain = None ) :
coins = self . get_spendable_coins ( domain , config )
tx = self . make_unsigned_transaction ( coins , outputs , config , fee , change_addr )
self . sign_transaction ( tx , password )
return tx
def _append_utxos_to_inputs ( self , inputs , network , pubkey , txin_type , imax ) :
if txin_type != ' p2pk ' :
address = bitcoin . pubkey_to_address ( txin_type , pubkey )
sh = bitcoin . address_to_scripthash ( address )
else :
script = bitcoin . public_key_to_p2pk_script ( pubkey )
sh = bitcoin . script_to_scripthash ( script )
address = ' (pubkey) '
u = network . synchronous_get ( ( ' blockchain.scripthash.listunspent ' , [ sh ] ) )
for item in u :
if len ( inputs ) > = imax :
item [ ' address ' ] = address
item [ ' type ' ] = txin_type
item [ ' prevout_hash ' ] = item [ ' tx_hash ' ]
item [ ' prevout_n ' ] = item [ ' tx_pos ' ]
item [ ' pubkeys ' ] = [ pubkey ]
item [ ' x_pubkeys ' ] = [ pubkey ]
item [ ' signatures ' ] = [ None ]
item [ ' num_sig ' ] = 1
inputs . append ( item )
def sweep ( self , privkeys , network , config , recipient , fee = None , imax = 100 ) :
def find_utxos_for_privkey ( txin_type , privkey , compressed ) :
pubkey = bitcoin . public_key_from_private_key ( privkey , compressed )
self . _append_utxos_to_inputs ( inputs , network , pubkey , txin_type , imax )
keypairs [ pubkey ] = privkey , compressed
inputs = [ ]
keypairs = { }
for sec in privkeys :
txin_type , privkey , compressed = bitcoin . deserialize_privkey ( sec )
find_utxos_for_privkey ( txin_type , privkey , compressed )
# do other lookups to increase support coverage
if is_minikey ( sec ) :
# minikeys don't have a compressed byte
# we lookup both compressed and uncompressed pubkeys
find_utxos_for_privkey ( txin_type , privkey , not compressed )
elif txin_type == ' p2pkh ' :
# WIF serialization does not distinguish p2pkh and p2pk
# we also search for pay-to-pubkey outputs
find_utxos_for_privkey ( ' p2pk ' , privkey , compressed )
if not inputs :
raise BaseException ( _ ( ' No inputs found. (Note that inputs need to be confirmed) ' ) )
total = sum ( i . get ( ' value ' ) for i in inputs )
if fee is None :
outputs = [ ( TYPE_ADDRESS , recipient , total ) ]
tx = Transaction . from_io ( inputs , outputs )
fee = self . estimate_fee ( config , tx . estimated_size ( ) )
if total - fee < 0 :
raise BaseException ( _ ( ' Not enough funds on address. ' ) + ' \n Total: %d satoshis \n Fee: %d ' % ( total , fee ) )
if total - fee < self . dust_threshold ( ) :
raise BaseException ( _ ( ' Not enough funds on address. ' ) + ' \n Total: %d satoshis \n Fee: %d \n Dust Threshold: %d ' % ( total , fee , self . dust_threshold ( ) ) )
outputs = [ ( TYPE_ADDRESS , recipient , total - fee ) ]
locktime = self . get_local_height ( )
tx = Transaction . from_io ( inputs , outputs , locktime = locktime )
tx . set_rbf ( True )
tx . sign ( keypairs )
return tx
def is_frozen ( self , addr ) :
return addr in self . frozen_addresses