@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ try:
import hid
import json
import math
import binascii
import struct
import hashlib
from ecdsa . ecdsa import generator_secp256k1
@ -30,6 +31,9 @@ except ImportError as e:
# USB HID interface
def to_hexstr ( s ) :
return binascii . hexlify ( s ) . decode ( ' ascii ' )
class DigitalBitbox_Client ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , hidDevice ) :
@ -72,14 +76,14 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
def get_xpub ( self , bip32_path ) :
if self . check_device_dialog ( ) :
msg = ' { " xpub " : " ' + bip32_path + ' " } '
msg = b ' { " xpub " : " %s " } ' % bip32_path . encode ( ' utf8 ' )
reply = self . hid_send_encrypt ( msg )
return reply [ ' xpub ' ]
return None
def dbb_has_password ( self ) :
reply = self . hid_send_plain ( ' { " ping " : " " } ' )
reply = self . hid_send_plain ( b ' { " ping " : " " } ' )
if ' ping ' not in reply :
raise Exception ( ' Device communication error. Please unplug and replug your Digital Bitbox. ' )
if reply [ ' ping ' ] == ' password ' :
@ -89,7 +93,7 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
def stretch_key ( self , key ) :
import pbkdf2 , hmac
return pbkdf2 . PBKDF2 ( key , ' Digital Bitbox ' , iterations = 20480 , macmodule = hmac , digestmodule = hashlib . sha512 ) . read ( 64 ) . encode ( ' hex ' )
return binascii . hexlify ( pbkdf2 . PBKDF2 ( key , b ' Digital Bitbox ' , iterations = 20480 , macmodule = hmac , digestmodule = hashlib . sha512 ) . read ( 64 ) )
def backup_password_dialog ( self ) :
@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
elif len ( password ) > 64 :
msg = _ ( " Password must have less than 64 characters. \r \n \r \n Enter password: " )
else :
return str ( password )
return password . encode ( ' utf8 ' )
def password_dialog ( self , msg ) :
@ -116,7 +120,7 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
elif len ( password ) > 64 :
msg = _ ( " Password must have less than 64 characters. \r \n \r \n Enter password: " )
else :
self . password = str ( password )
self . password = password . encode ( ' utf8 ' )
return True
@ -130,16 +134,16 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
" You cannot access your coins or a backup without the password. \r \n " \
" A backup is saved automatically when generating a new wallet. " )
if self . password_dialog ( msg ) :
reply = self . hid_send_plain ( ' { " password " : " ' + self . password + ' " } ' )
reply = self . hid_send_plain ( b ' { " password " : " ' + self . password + ' " } ' )
else :
return False
# Get password from user if not yet set
msg = _ ( " Enter your Digital Bitbox password: " )
while self . password is None :
if not self . password_dialog ( msg ) :
return False
reply = self . hid_send_encrypt ( ' { " led " : " blink " } ' )
reply = self . hid_send_encrypt ( b ' { " led " : " blink " } ' )
if ' error ' in reply :
self . password = None
if reply [ ' error ' ] [ ' code ' ] == 109 :
@ -151,17 +155,17 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
msg = _ ( " Unexpected error occurred. \r \n \r \n " \
+ reply [ ' error ' ] [ ' message ' ] + " \r \n \r \n " \
" Enter your Digital Bitbox password: " )
# Initialize device if not yet initialized
if not self . setupRunning :
self . isInitialized = True # Wallet exists. Electrum code later checks if the device matches the wallet
elif not self . isInitialized :
reply = self . hid_send_encrypt ( ' { " device " : " info " } ' )
reply = self . hid_send_encrypt ( b ' { " device " : " info " } ' )
if reply [ ' device ' ] [ ' id ' ] != " " :
self . recover_or_erase_dialog ( ) # Already seeded
else :
self . seed_device_dialog ( ) # Seed if not initialized
return self . isInitialized
@ -206,8 +210,8 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
def dbb_generate_wallet ( self ) :
key = self . stretch_key ( self . password )
filename = " Electrum- " + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d - % H- % M- % S " ) + " .pdf "
msg = ' { " seed " : { " source " : " create " , " key " : " %s " , " filename " : " %s " , " entropy " : " %s " }} ' % ( key , filename , ' Digital Bitbox Electrum Plugin ' )
filename = b " Electrum- " + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d - % H- % M- % S " ) + " .pdf "
msg = b ' { " seed " : { " source " : " create " , " key " : " %s " , " filename " : " %s " , " entropy " : " %s " }} ' % ( key , filename , b ' Digital Bitbox Electrum Plugin ' )
reply = self . hid_send_encrypt ( msg )
if ' error ' in reply :
raise Exception ( reply [ ' error ' ] [ ' message ' ] )
@ -217,7 +221,7 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
self . handler . show_message ( _ ( " Are you sure you want to erase the Digital Bitbox? \r \n \r \n " \
" To continue, touch the Digital Bitbox ' s light for 3 seconds. \r \n \r \n " \
" To cancel, briefly touch the light or wait for the timeout. " ) )
hid_reply = self . hid_send_encrypt ( ' { " reset " : " __ERASE__ " } ' )
hid_reply = self . hid_send_encrypt ( b ' { " reset " : " __ERASE__ " } ' )
self . handler . clear_dialog ( )
if ' error ' in hid_reply :
raise Exception ( hid_reply [ ' error ' ] [ ' message ' ] )
@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
def dbb_load_backup ( self , show_msg = True ) :
backups = self . hid_send_encrypt ( ' { " backup " : " list " } ' )
backups = self . hid_send_encrypt ( b ' { " backup " : " list " } ' )
if ' error ' in backups :
raise Exception ( backups [ ' error ' ] [ ' message ' ] )
try :
@ -242,7 +246,7 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
self . handler . show_message ( _ ( " Loading backup... \r \n \r \n " \
" To continue, touch the Digital Bitbox ' s light for 3 seconds. \r \n \r \n " \
" To cancel, briefly touch the light or wait for the timeout. " ) )
msg = ' { " seed " : { " source " : " backup " , " key " : " %s " , " filename " : " %s " }} ' % ( key , backups [ ' backup ' ] [ f ] )
msg = b ' { " seed " : { " source " : " backup " , " key " : " %s " , " filename " : " %s " }} ' % ( key , backups [ ' backup ' ] [ f ] . encode ( ' utf8 ' ) )
hid_reply = self . hid_send_encrypt ( msg )
self . handler . clear_dialog ( )
if ' error ' in hid_reply :
@ -253,7 +257,6 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
def hid_send_frame ( self , data ) :
HWW_CID = 0xFF000000
HWW_CMD = 0x80 + 0x40 + 0x01
data = bytearray ( data )
data_len = len ( data )
seq = 0 ;
idx = 0 ;
@ -262,18 +265,18 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
if idx == 0 :
# INIT frame
write = data [ idx : idx + min ( data_len , self . usbReportSize - 7 ) ]
self . dbb_hid . write ( ' \0 ' + struct . pack ( " >IBH " , HWW_CID , HWW_CMD , data_len & 0xFFFF ) + write + ' \xEE ' * ( self . usbReportSize - 7 - len ( write ) ) )
else :
self . dbb_hid . write ( b ' \0 ' + struct . pack ( " >IBH " , HWW_CID , HWW_CMD , data_len & 0xFFFF ) + write + b ' \xEE ' * ( self . usbReportSize - 7 - len ( write ) ) )
else :
# CONT frame
write = data [ idx : idx + min ( data_len , self . usbReportSize - 5 ) ]
self . dbb_hid . write ( ' \0 ' + struct . pack ( " >IB " , HWW_CID , seq ) + write + ' \xEE ' * ( self . usbReportSize - 5 - len ( write ) ) )
self . dbb_hid . write ( b ' \0 ' + struct . pack ( " >IB " , HWW_CID , seq ) + write + b ' \xEE ' * ( self . usbReportSize - 5 - len ( write ) ) )
seq + = 1
idx + = len ( write )
def hid_read_frame ( self ) :
# INIT response
read = self . dbb_hid . read ( self . usbReportSize )
read = bytearray ( self . dbb_hid . read ( self . usbReportSize ) )
cid = ( ( read [ 0 ] * 256 + read [ 1 ] ) * 256 + read [ 2 ] ) * 256 + read [ 3 ]
cmd = read [ 4 ]
data_len = read [ 5 ] * 256 + read [ 6 ]
@ -281,7 +284,7 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
idx = len ( read ) - 7 ;
while idx < data_len :
# CONT response
read = self . dbb_hid . read ( self . usbReportSize )
read = bytearray ( self . dbb_hid . read ( self . usbReportSize ) )
data + = read [ 5 : ]
idx + = len ( read ) - 5
return data
@ -293,15 +296,15 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
serial_number = self . dbb_hid . get_serial_number_string ( )
if " v2.0. " in serial_number or " v1. " in serial_number :
hidBufSize = 4096
self . dbb_hid . write ( ' \0 ' + bytearray ( msg ) + ' \0 ' * ( hidBufSize - len ( msg ) ) )
r = [ ]
self . dbb_hid . write ( ' \0 ' + msg + ' \0 ' * ( hidBufSize - len ( msg ) ) )
r = bytearray ( )
while len ( r ) < hidBufSize :
r = r + self . dbb_hid . read ( hidBufSize )
r + = bytearray ( self . dbb_hid . read ( hidBufSize ) )
else :
self . hid_send_frame ( msg )
r = self . hid_read_frame ( )
r = st r( bytearray ( r ) ) . rstrip ( ' \t \r \n \0 ' )
r = r . replace ( " \0 " , ' ' )
r = r . rstrip ( b ' \t \r \n \0 ' )
r = r . replace ( b " \0 " , b ' ' )
reply = json . loads ( r )
except Exception as e :
print_error ( ' Exception caught ' + str ( e ) )
@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DigitalBitbox_KeyStore ( Hardware_KeyStore ) :
@ -357,19 +360,21 @@ class DigitalBitbox_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
def sign_message ( self , sequence , message , password ) :
sig = None
try :
message = message . encode ( ' utf8 ' )
inputPath = self . get_derivation ( ) + " / %d / %d " % sequence
inputHash = Hash ( msg_magic ( message ) ) . encode ( ' hex ' )
msg_hash = Hash ( msg_magic ( message ) )
inputHash = to_hexstr ( msg_hash )
hasharray = [ ]
hasharray . append ( { ' hash ' : inputHash , ' keypath ' : inputPath } )
hasharray = json . dumps ( hasharray )
msg = ' { " sign " : { " meta " : " sign message " , " data " : %s }} ' % ( hasharray )
msg = b ' { " sign " : { " meta " : " sign message " , " data " : %s }} ' % hasharray . encode ( ' utf8 ' )
dbb_client = self . plugin . get_client ( self )
if not dbb_client . is_paired ( ) :
raise Exception ( " Could not sign message. " )
reply = dbb_client . hid_send_encrypt ( msg )
self . handler . show_message ( _ ( " Signing message ... \r \n \r \n " \
" To continue, touch the Digital Bitbox ' s blinking light for 3 seconds. \r \n \r \n " \
@ -379,15 +384,14 @@ class DigitalBitbox_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
if ' error ' in reply :
raise Exception ( reply [ ' error ' ] [ ' message ' ] )
if ' sign ' not in reply :
raise Exception ( " Could not sign message. " )
if ' recid ' in reply [ ' sign ' ] [ 0 ] :
# firmware > v2.1.1
sig = chr ( 27 + int ( reply [ ' sign ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' recid ' ] , 16 ) + 4 ) + reply [ ' sign ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' sig ' ] . decode ( ' hex ' )
h = Hash ( msg_magic ( message ) )
pk , compressed = pubkey_from_signature ( sig , h )
sig = bytes ( [ 27 + int ( reply [ ' sign ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' recid ' ] , 16 ) + 4 ] ) + binascii . unhexlify ( reply [ ' sign ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' sig ' ] )
pk , compressed = pubkey_from_signature ( sig , msg_hash )
pk = point_to_ser ( pk . pubkey . point , compressed )
addr = public_key_to_p2pkh ( pk )
if verify_message ( addr , sig , message ) is False :
@ -395,17 +399,17 @@ class DigitalBitbox_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
elif ' pubkey ' in reply [ ' sign ' ] [ 0 ] :
# firmware <= v2.1.1
for i in range ( 4 ) :
sig = chr ( 27 + i + 4 ) + reply [ ' sign ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' sig ' ] . decode ( ' hex ' )
sig = bytes ( [ 27 + i + 4 ] ) + binascii . unhexlify ( reply [ ' sign ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' sig ' ] )
try :
addr = public_key_to_p2pkh ( reply [ ' sign ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' pubkey ' ] . decode ( ' hex ' ) )
addr = public_key_to_p2pkh ( binascii . unhexlify ( reply [ ' sign ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' pubkey ' ] ) )
if verify_message ( addr , sig , message ) :
except Exception :
else :
raise Exception ( " Could not sign message " )
except BaseException as e :
self . give_error ( e )
return sig
@ -421,33 +425,33 @@ class DigitalBitbox_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
inputhasharray = [ ]
hasharray = [ ]
pubkeyarray = [ ]
# Build hasharray from inputs
for i , txin in enumerate ( tx . inputs ( ) ) :
if txin [ ' type ' ] == ' coinbase ' :
self . give_error ( " Coinbase not supported " ) # should never happen
if txin [ ' type ' ] in [ ' p2sh ' ] :
p2shTransaction = True
for x_pubkey in txin [ ' x_pubkeys ' ] :
if x_pubkey in derivations :
index = derivations . get ( x_pubkey )
inputPath = " %s / %d / %d " % ( self . get_derivation ( ) , index [ 0 ] , index [ 1 ] )
inputHash = Hash ( tx . serialize_preimage ( i ) . decode ( ' hex ' ) )
hasharray_i = { ' hash ' : inputHash . encode ( ' hex ' ) , ' keypath ' : inputPath }
inputHash = Hash ( binascii . unhexlify ( tx . serialize_preimage ( i ) ) )
hasharray_i = { ' hash ' : to_hexstr ( inputHash ) , ' keypath ' : inputPath }
hasharray . append ( hasharray_i )
inputhasharray . append ( inputHash )
else :
self . give_error ( " No matching x_key for sign_transaction " ) # should never happen
# Sanity check
if p2shTransaction :
for txinput in tx . inputs ( ) :
if txinput [ ' type ' ] != ' p2sh ' :
self . give_error ( " P2SH / regular input mixed in same transaction not supported " ) # should never happen
# Build pubkeyarray from outputs (unused because echo for smart verification not implemented)
if not p2shTransaction :
for _type , address , amount in tx . outputs ( ) :
@ -459,29 +463,28 @@ class DigitalBitbox_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
changePubkey = self . derive_pubkey ( index [ 0 ] , index [ 1 ] )
pubkeyarray_i = { ' pubkey ' : changePubkey , ' keypath ' : changePath }
pubkeyarray . append ( pubkeyarray_i )
# Build sign command
dbb_signatures = [ ]
steps = math . ceil ( 1.0 * len ( hasharray ) / self . maxInputs )
for step in range ( int ( steps ) ) :
hashes = hasharray [ step * self . maxInputs : ( step + 1 ) * self . maxInputs ]
msg = ' { " sign " : { " meta " : " %s " , " data " : %s , " checkpub " : %s } } ' % \
( Hash ( tx . serialize ( ) ) . encode ( ' hex ' ) , json . dumps ( hashes ) , json . dumps ( pubkeyarray ) )
msg = ( ' { " sign " : { " meta " : " %s " , " data " : %s , " checkpub " : %s } } ' % \
( to_hexstr ( Hash ( tx . serialize ( ) ) ) , json . dumps ( hashes ) , json . dumps ( pubkeyarray ) ) ) . encode ( ' utf8 ' )
dbb_client = self . plugin . get_client ( self )
if not dbb_client . is_paired ( ) :
raise Exception ( " Could not sign transaction. " )
reply = dbb_client . hid_send_encrypt ( msg )
if ' error ' in reply :
raise Exception ( reply [ ' error ' ] [ ' message ' ] )
if ' echo ' not in reply :
raise Exception ( " Could not sign transaction. " )
if steps > 1 :
self . handler . show_message ( _ ( " Signing large transaction. Please be patient ... \r \n \r \n " \
" To continue, touch the Digital Bitbox ' s blinking light for 3 seconds. " \
@ -491,25 +494,25 @@ class DigitalBitbox_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
self . handler . show_message ( _ ( " Signing transaction ... \r \n \r \n " \
" To continue, touch the Digital Bitbox ' s blinking light for 3 seconds. \r \n \r \n " \
" To cancel, briefly touch the blinking light or wait for the timeout. " ) )
reply = dbb_client . hid_send_encrypt ( msg ) # Send twice, first returns an echo for smart verification (not implemented)
self . handler . clear_dialog ( )
if ' error ' in reply :
raise Exception ( reply [ ' error ' ] [ ' message ' ] )
if ' sign ' not in reply :
raise Exception ( " Could not sign transaction. " )
dbb_signatures . extend ( reply [ ' sign ' ] )
# Fill signatures
if len ( dbb_signatures ) != len ( tx . inputs ( ) ) :
raise Exception ( " Incorrect number of transactions signed. " ) # Should never occur
for i , txin in enumerate ( tx . inputs ( ) ) :
num = txin [ ' num_sig ' ]
for pubkey in txin [ ' pubkeys ' ] :
signatures = filter ( None , txin [ ' signatures ' ] )
signatures = list ( filter ( None , txin [ ' signatures ' ] ) )
if len ( signatures ) == num :
break # txin is complete
ii = txin [ ' pubkeys ' ] . index ( pubkey )
@ -517,10 +520,10 @@ class DigitalBitbox_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
if ' recid ' in signed :
# firmware > v2.1.1
recid = int ( signed [ ' recid ' ] , 16 )
s = signed [ ' sig ' ] . decode ( ' hex ' )
s = binascii . unhexlify ( signed [ ' sig ' ] )
h = inputhasharray [ i ]
pk = MyVerifyingKey . from_signature ( s , recid , h , curve = SECP256k1 )
pk = point_to_ser ( pk . pubkey . point , True ) . encode ( ' hex ' )
pk = to_hexstr ( point_to_ser ( pk . pubkey . point , True ) )
elif ' pubkey ' in signed :
# firmware <= v2.1.1
pk = signed [ ' pubkey ' ]
@ -529,9 +532,8 @@ class DigitalBitbox_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
sig_r = int ( signed [ ' sig ' ] [ : 64 ] , 16 )
sig_s = int ( signed [ ' sig ' ] [ 64 : ] , 16 )
sig = sigencode_der ( sig_r , sig_s , generator_secp256k1 . order ( ) )
txin [ ' signatures ' ] [ ii ] = sig . encode ( ' hex ' ) + ' 01 '
txin [ ' signatures ' ] [ ii ] = to_hexstr ( sig ) + ' 01 '
tx . _inputs [ i ] = txin
except BaseException as e :
self . give_error ( e , True )
else :
@ -540,11 +542,11 @@ class DigitalBitbox_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
class DigitalBitboxPlugin ( HW_PluginBase ) :
libraries_available = DIGIBOX
keystore_class = DigitalBitbox_KeyStore
client = None
( 0x03eb , 0x2402 ) # Digital Bitbox
@ -571,7 +573,7 @@ class DigitalBitboxPlugin(HW_PluginBase):
return None
def setup_device ( self , device_info , wizard ) :
def setup_device ( self , device_info , wizard ) :
devmgr = self . device_manager ( )
device_id = device_info . device . id_
client = devmgr . client_by_id ( device_id )
@ -593,8 +595,7 @@ class DigitalBitboxPlugin(HW_PluginBase):
devmgr = self . device_manager ( )
handler = keystore . handler
with devmgr . hid_lock :
client = devmgr . client_for_keystore ( self , handler , keystore , force_pair )
client = devmgr . client_for_keystore ( self , handler , keystore , force_pair )
if client is not None :
client . check_device_dialog ( )
return client