committed by
13 changed files with 418 additions and 786 deletions
@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ |
<ScreenReceiveContent@BoxLayout> |
opacity: 0 |
padding: '12dp', '12dp', '12dp', '12dp' |
spacing: '12dp' |
mode: 'qr' |
orientation: 'vertical' |
SendReceiveToggle |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_qr |
text: 'QR' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'qr' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/qrcode' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_address' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'qr': root.mode = 'nr' |
root.mode = 'qr' |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_nfc |
text: 'NFC' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'nfc' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/nfc' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_nfc' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'nfc': root.mode = 'nr' |
root.mode = 'nfc' |
GridLayout: |
id: grid |
cols: 1 |
#size_hint: 1, None |
#height: self.minimum_height |
SendReceiveCardTop |
height: '110dp' |
BoxLayout: |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '42dp' |
rows: 1 |
Label: |
color: amount_e.foreground_color |
bold: True |
text_size: self.size |
valign: 'bottom' |
font_size: '22sp' |
text: app.base_unit |
size_hint_x: .25 |
ELTextInput: |
id: amount_e |
input_type: 'number' |
multiline: False |
bold: True |
font_size: '50sp' |
foreground_color: .308, .308, .308, 1 |
background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/tab_btn' |
pos_hint: {'top': 1.5} |
size_hint: .7, None |
height: '67dp' |
hint_text: 'Amount' |
text: '0.0' |
on_text_validate: payto_e.focus = True |
CardSeparator |
BoxLayout: |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '32dp' |
spacing: '5dp' |
Label: |
id: lbl_quote |
font_size: '12dp' |
size_hint: .5, 1 |
color: .761, .761, .761, 1 |
#text: app.create_quote_text(Decimal(amount_e.text)) |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'left' |
valign: 'middle' |
Label: |
color: lbl_quote.color |
font_size: '12dp' |
text: 'Ask to scan the QR below' |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'right' |
valign: 'middle' |
SendReceiveBlueBottom |
id: blue_bottom |
padding: '12dp', 0, '12dp', '12dp' |
WalletSelector: |
id: wallet_selection |
foreground_color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
CardSeparator |
opacity: wallet_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
AddressSelector: |
id: address_selection |
foreground_color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
on_text: |
if not args[1].startswith('Select'):\ |
||| = app.encode_uri(self.text) |
CardSeparator |
opacity: address_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
Widget: |
size_hint_y: None |
height: dp(10) |
BoxLayout |
#size_hint: 1, None |
#height: '160dp' if app.expert_mode else '220dp' |
Widget |
QRCodeWidget: |
id: qr |
size_hint: None, 1 |
width: self.height |
data: app.encode_uri(app.wallet.addresses()[0]) if app.wallet.addresses() else '' |
on_touch_down: |
if self.collide_point(*args[1].pos):\ |
app.show_info_bubble(icon=self.ids.qrimage.texture, text='texture') |
Widget |
CreateAccountButtonGreen: |
background_color: (1, 1, 1, 1) if self.disabled else ((.258, .80, .388, 1) if self.state == 'normal' else (.203, .490, .741, 1)) |
text: _('Goto next step') if app.wallet.seed else _('Create unsigned transaction') |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '38dp' |
disabled: True if wallet_selection.opacity == 0 else False |
on_release: |
message = 'sending {} {} to {}'.format(\ |
app.base_unit, amount_e.text, payto_e.text) |
app.gui.main_gui.do_send(self, message=message) |
@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ |
<TextInputSendBlue@TextInput> |
padding: '5dp' |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '27dp' |
pos_hint: {'center_y':.5} |
multiline: False |
hint_text_color: self.foreground_color |
foreground_color: .843, .914, .972, 1 |
background_color: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/tab_btn' |
background_active: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/textinput_active' |
<ScreenSendContent@BoxLayout> |
opacity: 0 |
padding: '12dp', '12dp', '12dp', '12dp' |
spacing: '12dp' |
orientation: 'vertical' |
mode: 'address' |
SendReceiveToggle: |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_address |
text: 'ADDRESS' |
group: 'send_type' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'address' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/globe' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_address' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'address': root.mode = 'fc' |
root.mode = 'address' |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_nfc |
text: 'NFC' |
group: 'send_type' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'nfc' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/nfc' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_nfc' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'nfc': root.mode = 'str' |
root.mode = 'nfc' |
GridLayout: |
id: grid |
cols: 1 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: self.minimum_height |
SendReceiveCardTop |
id: card_address |
BoxLayout |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '42dp' |
rows: 1 |
Label |
bold: True |
color: amount_e.foreground_color |
text_size: self.size |
valign: 'bottom' |
font_size: '22sp' |
text: app.base_unit |
size_hint_x: .25 |
ELTextInput: |
id: amount_e |
input_type: 'number' |
multiline: False |
bold: True |
font_size: '50sp' |
foreground_color: .308, .308, .308, 1 |
background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/tab_btn' |
pos_hint: {'top': 1.5} |
size_hint: .7, None |
height: '67dp' |
hint_text: 'Amount' |
text: '0.0' |
on_text_validate: payto_e.focus = True |
CardSeparator |
BoxLayout: |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '42dp' |
spacing: '5dp' |
Label: |
font_size: '12dp' |
color: lbl_fee.color |
text: app.gui.main_gui.create_quote_text(Decimal(amount_e.text)) if hasattr(app, 'gui') else '0' |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'left' |
valign: 'middle' |
Label: |
id: lbl_fee |
color: .761, .761, .761, 1 |
font_size: '12dp' |
text: '[b]{}[/b] of fee'.format(fee_e.value) |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'right' |
valign: 'middle' |
IconButton: |
id: fee_e |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/contact' |
text: str(self.value) |
value: .0005 |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '32dp', '32dp' |
on_release: print 'TODO' |
SendReceiveBlueBottom: |
id: blue_bottom |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: self.minimum_height |
BoxLayout |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height |
spacing: '5dp' |
Image: |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/contact' |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '22dp', '22dp' |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
TextInputSendBlue: |
id: payto_e |
hint_text: "Enter Contact or adress" |
on_text_validate: |
Factory.Animation(opacity=1,\ |
height=blue_bottom.item_height)\ |
.start(message_selection) |
message_e.focus = True |
Widget: |
size_hint: None, None |
width: dp(2) |
height: qr.height |
pos_hint: {'center_y':.5} |
canvas.after: |
Rectangle: |
size: self.size |
pos: self.pos |
IconButton: |
id: qr |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/qrcode' |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '22dp', '22dp' |
CardSeparator |
opacity: message_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
BoxLayout: |
id: message_selection |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
spacing: '5dp' |
Image: |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/pen' |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '22dp', '22dp' |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
TextInputSendBlue: |
id: message_e |
hint_text: 'Enter description here' |
on_text_validate: |
anim = Factory.Animation(opacity=1, height=blue_bottom.item_height) |
anim.start(wallet_selection) |
#anim.start(address_selection) |
CardSeparator |
opacity: wallet_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
WalletSelector: |
id: wallet_selection |
foreground_color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
CardSeparator |
opacity: address_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
AddressSelector: |
id: address_selection |
foreground_color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
CreateAccountButtonGreen: |
background_color: (1, 1, 1, 1) if self.disabled else ((.258, .80, .388, 1) if self.state == 'normal' else (.203, .490, .741, 1)) |
text: _('Goto next step') if app.wallet.seed else _('Create unsigned transaction') |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '38dp' |
disabled: True if wallet_selection.opacity == 0 else False |
on_release: |
message = 'sending {} {} to {}'.format(\ |
app.base_unit, amount_e.text, payto_e.text) |
app.gui.main_gui.do_send(self, message=message) |
Widget |
@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ |
#:import Decimal decimal.Decimal |
<ScreenReceiveContent@BoxLayout> |
opacity: 0 |
padding: '12dp', '12dp', '12dp', '12dp' |
spacing: '12dp' |
mode: 'qr' |
orientation: 'vertical' |
on_parent: |
if args[1]:\ |
first_address = app.wallet.addresses()[0];\ |
||| = app.encode_uri(first_address,\ |
amount=amount_e.text,\ |
label=app.wallet.labels.get(first_address, first_address),\ |
message='') if app.wallet.addresses() else '' |
SendReceiveToggle |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_qr |
text: 'QR' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'qr' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/qrcode' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_address' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'qr': root.mode = 'nr' |
root.mode = 'qr' |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_nfc |
text: 'NFC' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'nfc' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/nfc' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_nfc' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'nfc': root.mode = 'nr' |
root.mode = 'nfc' |
GridLayout: |
id: grid |
cols: 1 |
#size_hint: 1, None |
#height: self.minimum_height |
SendReceiveCardTop |
height: '110dp' |
BoxLayout: |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '42dp' |
rows: 1 |
Label: |
color: amount_e.foreground_color |
bold: True |
text_size: self.size |
valign: 'bottom' |
font_size: '22sp' |
text: |
u'[font={fnt}]{smbl}[/font]'.\ |
format(smbl=btc_symbol if app.base_unit == 'BTC' else mbtc_symbol, fnt=font_light) |
size_hint_x: .25 |
ELTextInput: |
id: amount_e |
input_type: 'number' |
multiline: False |
bold: True |
font_size: '50sp' |
foreground_color: .308, .308, .308, 1 |
background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/tab_btn' |
pos_hint: {'top': 1.5} |
size_hint: .7, None |
height: '67dp' |
hint_text: 'Amount' |
text: '0.0' |
CardSeparator |
BoxLayout: |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '32dp' |
spacing: '5dp' |
Label: |
color: lbl_quote.color |
font_size: '12dp' |
text: 'Ask to scan the QR below' |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'left' |
valign: 'middle' |
Label: |
id: lbl_quote |
font_size: '12dp' |
size_hint: .5, 1 |
color: .761, .761, .761, 1 |
text: u'= {}'.format(app.create_quote_text(Decimal(float(amount_e.text)), mode='symbol')) if amount_e.text else u'0' |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'right' |
valign: 'middle' |
SendReceiveBlueBottom |
id: blue_bottom |
padding: '12dp', 0, '12dp', '12dp' |
WalletSelector: |
id: wallet_selection |
foreground_color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height |
CardSeparator |
opacity: wallet_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
AddressSelector: |
id: address_selection |
foreground_color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
on_text: |
if not args[1].startswith('Select'):\ |
||| = app.encode_uri(args[1],\ |
amount=amount_e.text,\ |
label=app.wallet.labels.get(args[1], args[1]),\ |
message='') |
CardSeparator |
opacity: address_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
Widget: |
size_hint_y: None |
height: dp(10) |
FloatLayout |
id: bl |
QRCodeWidget: |
id: qr |
size_hint: None, 1 |
width: min(self.height, bl.width) |
pos_hint: {'center': (.5, .5)} |
on_touch_down: |
if self.collide_point(*args[1].pos):\ |
app.show_info_bubble(icon=self.ids.qrimage.texture, text='texture') |
CreateAccountButtonGreen: |
background_color: (1, 1, 1, 1) if self.disabled else ((.258, .80, .388, 1) if self.state == 'normal' else (.203, .490, .741, 1)) |
text: _('Goto next step') if app.wallet.seed else _('Create unsigned transaction') |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '38dp' |
disabled: True if wallet_selection.opacity == 0 else False |
on_release: |
message = 'sending {} {} to {}'.format(\ |
app.base_unit, amount_e.text, payto_e.text) |
app.gui.main_gui.do_send(self, message=message) |
@ -1,232 +0,0 @@ |
#:import Decimal decimal.Decimal |
<TextInputSendBlue@TextInput> |
padding: '5dp' |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '27dp' |
pos_hint: {'center_y':.5} |
multiline: False |
hint_text_color: self.foreground_color |
foreground_color: .843, .914, .972, 1 |
background_color: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/tab_btn' |
background_active: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/textinput_active' |
<TransactionFeeDialog@SelectionDialog> |
return_obj: None |
min_fee: app.format_amount(app.wallet.fee) |
title: |
'[size=9dp] \n[/size]Transaction Fee[size=9dp]\n'\ |
'[color=#ADAEAE]Minimum is BTC {}[/color][/size]'.format(self.min_fee) |
title_size: '24sp' |
on_activate: |
ti_fee.focus = True |
if self.return_obj:\ |
ti_fee.text = "BTC " + self.return_obj.amt |
on_deactivate: ti_fee.focus = False |
on_release: |
if self.return_obj and ti_fee.text:\ |
txt = ti_fee.text;\ |
spc = txt.rfind(' ') + 1;\ |
txt = '' if spc == 0 else txt[spc:];\ |
num = 0 if not txt else float(txt);\ |
self.return_obj.amt = max(self.min_fee, txt) |
root.dismiss() |
ELTextInput |
id: ti_fee |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '34dp' |
multiline: False |
on_text_validate: root.dispatch('on_release', self) |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .7} |
text: "BTC " + root.min_fee |
input_type: 'number' |
<ScreenSendContent@BoxLayout> |
opacity: 0 |
padding: '12dp', '12dp', '12dp', '12dp' |
spacing: '12dp' |
orientation: 'vertical' |
mode: 'address' |
SendReceiveToggle: |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_address |
text: 'ADDRESS' |
group: 'send_type' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'address' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/globe' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_address' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'address': root.mode = 'fc' |
root.mode = 'address' |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_nfc |
text: 'NFC' |
group: 'send_type' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'nfc' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/nfc' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_nfc' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'nfc': root.mode = 'str' |
root.mode = 'nfc' |
GridLayout: |
id: grid |
cols: 1 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: self.minimum_height |
SendReceiveCardTop |
id: card_address |
BoxLayout |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '42dp' |
rows: 1 |
Label |
id: lbl_symbl |
bold: True |
color: amount_e.foreground_color |
text_size: self.size |
valign: 'bottom' |
halign: 'left' |
font_size: '22sp' |
text: |
u'[font={fnt}]{smbl}[/font]'.\ |
format(smbl=btc_symbol if app.base_unit == 'BTC' else mbtc_symbol, fnt=font_light) |
size_hint_x: .25 |
ELTextInput: |
id: amount_e |
input_type: 'number' |
multiline: False |
bold: True |
font_size: '50sp' |
foreground_color: .308, .308, .308, 1 |
background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/tab_btn' |
pos_hint: {'top': 1.5} |
size_hint: .7, None |
height: '67dp' |
hint_text: 'Amount' |
text: '0.0' |
on_text_validate: payto_e.focus = True |
CardSeparator |
BoxLayout: |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '42dp' |
spacing: '5dp' |
Label: |
id: fee_e |
color: .761, .761, .761, 1 |
font_size: '12dp' |
amt: app.format_amount(app.wallet.fee) |
text: |
u'[b]{sign}{symbl}{amt}[/b] of fee'.\ |
format(symbl=lbl_symbl.text,\ |
sign='+' if self.amt > 0 else '-', amt=self.amt) |
size_hint_x: None |
width: self.texture_size[0] |
halign: 'left' |
valign: 'middle' |
IconButton: |
color: 0.694, 0.694, 0.694, 1 |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/gear' |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '22dp', '22dp' |
on_release: |
dlg = Cache.get('electrum_widgets', 'TransactionFeeDialog') |
if not dlg:\ |
Factory.register('SelectionDialog', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.dialogs');\ |
dlg = Factory.TransactionFeeDialog();\ |
Cache.append('electrum_widgets', 'TransactionDialog', dlg) |
dlg.return_obj = fee_e |
||| |
Label: |
font_size: '12dp' |
color: fee_e.color |
text: u'= {}'.format(app.create_quote_text(Decimal(float(amount_e.text)), mode='symbol')) if amount_e.text else u'0' |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'right' |
valign: 'middle' |
SendReceiveBlueBottom: |
id: blue_bottom |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: self.minimum_height |
BoxLayout |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height |
spacing: '5dp' |
Image: |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/contact' |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '22dp', '22dp' |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
TextInputSendBlue: |
id: payto_e |
hint_text: "Enter Contact or adress" |
on_text_validate: |
Factory.Animation(opacity=1,\ |
height=blue_bottom.item_height)\ |
.start(message_selection) |
message_e.focus = True |
Widget: |
size_hint: None, None |
width: dp(2) |
height: qr.height |
pos_hint: {'center_y':.5} |
canvas.after: |
Rectangle: |
size: self.size |
pos: self.pos |
IconButton: |
id: qr |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/qrcode' |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '22dp', '22dp' |
CardSeparator |
opacity: message_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
BoxLayout: |
id: message_selection |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
spacing: '5dp' |
Image: |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/pen' |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '22dp', '22dp' |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
TextInputSendBlue: |
id: message_e |
hint_text: 'Enter description here' |
on_text_validate: |
anim = Factory.Animation(opacity=1, height=blue_bottom.item_height) |
anim.start(wallet_selection) |
#anim.start(address_selection) |
CardSeparator |
opacity: wallet_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
WalletSelector: |
id: wallet_selection |
foreground_color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
CardSeparator |
opacity: address_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
AddressSelector: |
id: address_selection |
foreground_color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
CreateAccountButtonGreen: |
background_color: (1, 1, 1, 1) if self.disabled else ((.258, .80, .388, 1) if self.state == 'normal' else (.203, .490, .741, 1)) |
text: _('Goto next step') if app.wallet.seed else _('Create unsigned transaction') |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '38dp' |
disabled: True if wallet_selection.opacity == 0 else False |
on_release: app.do_send() |
Widget |
Reference in new issue