@ -58,69 +58,40 @@ class InstallWizard(QDialog): |
grid = QGridLayout() |
grid.setSpacing(5) |
label = QLabel(_("What do you want to do?")) |
label.setWordWrap(True) |
grid.addWidget(label, 0, 0) |
gb1 = QGroupBox() |
grid.addWidget(gb1, 0, 0) |
group1 = QButtonGroup() |
gb1 = QGroupBox(_("What do you want to do?")) |
vbox.addWidget(gb1) |
b1 = QRadioButton(gb1) |
b1.setText(_("Create new wallet")) |
b1.setChecked(True) |
b2 = QRadioButton(gb1) |
b2.setText(_("Restore an existing wallet")) |
group1 = QButtonGroup() |
group1.addButton(b1) |
group1.addButton(b2) |
vbox.addWidget(b1) |
vbox.addWidget(b2) |
grid.addWidget(b1, 1, 0) |
grid.addWidget(b2, 2, 0) |
vbox.addLayout(grid) |
grid2 = QGridLayout() |
grid2.setSpacing(5) |
class ClickableLabel(QLabel): |
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev): |
self.emit(SIGNAL('clicked()')) |
label2 = ClickableLabel(_("Wallet type:") + " [+]") |
hbox = QHBoxLayout() |
hbox.addWidget(label2) |
grid2.addLayout(hbox, 0, 0) |
gb2 = QGroupBox() |
grid.addWidget(gb2, 3, 0) |
gb2 = QGroupBox(_("Wallet type:")) |
vbox.addWidget(gb2) |
group2 = QButtonGroup() |
self.wallet_types = filter(lambda x: x[0] not in ['old','xpub','imported'], electrum.wallet.wallet_types) |
for i, (t,l,c) in enumerate(self.wallet_types): |
self.wallet_types = [ |
('standard', _("Standard wallet")), |
#('2fa', _("Wallet with two-factor authentication")), |
('multisig', _("Multi-signatures wallet")), |
('hardware', _("Hardware wallet")), |
] |
for i, (t,l) in enumerate(self.wallet_types): |
button = QRadioButton(gb2) |
button.setText(l) |
grid2.addWidget(button, i+1, 0) |
vbox.addWidget(button) |
group2.addButton(button) |
group2.setId(button, i) |
if i==0: |
button.setChecked(True) |
#else: |
# button.setHidden(True) |
def toggle(): |
buttons = group2.buttons() |
x = buttons[1].isHidden() |
label2.setText(_("Wallet type:") + (' [+]' if x else ' [-]')) |
for b in buttons[1:]: |
b.setHidden(not x) |
self.connect(label2, SIGNAL('clicked()'), toggle) |
grid2.addWidget(label2) |
vbox.addLayout(grid2) |
vbox.addStretch(1) |
hbox, button = ok_cancel_buttons2(self, _('Next')) |
vbox.addLayout(hbox) |
@ -292,7 +263,6 @@ class InstallWizard(QDialog): |
return |
def show_message(self, msg, icon=None): |
vbox = QVBoxLayout() |
self.set_layout(vbox) |
@ -307,6 +277,29 @@ class InstallWizard(QDialog): |
return None |
def choice(self, title, msg, choices): |
vbox = QVBoxLayout() |
self.set_layout(vbox) |
vbox.addWidget(QLabel(title)) |
gb2 = QGroupBox(msg) |
vbox.addWidget(gb2) |
group2 = QButtonGroup() |
for i,c in enumerate(choices): |
button = QRadioButton(gb2) |
button.setText(c[1]) |
vbox.addWidget(button) |
group2.addButton(button) |
group2.setId(button, i) |
if i==0: |
button.setChecked(True) |
vbox.addStretch(1) |
vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(self, _("Next"))) |
if not self.exec_(): |
return |
wallet_type = choices[group2.checkedId()][0] |
return wallet_type |
def question(self, msg, yes_label=_('OK'), no_label=_('Cancel'), icon=None): |
vbox = QVBoxLayout() |
self.set_layout(vbox) |
@ -314,7 +307,6 @@ class InstallWizard(QDialog): |
logo = QLabel() |
logo.setPixmap(icon) |
vbox.addWidget(logo) |
label = QLabel(msg) |
label.setWordWrap(True) |
vbox.addWidget(label) |
@ -347,6 +339,16 @@ class InstallWizard(QDialog): |
if action == 'new': |
action, wallet_type = self.restore_or_create() |
if wallet_type == 'multisig': |
wallet_type = self.choice(_("Multi Signature Wallet"), 'Select wallet type', [('2of2', _("2 of 2")),('2of3',_("2 of 3"))]) |
if not wallet_type: |
return |
elif wallet_type == 'hardware': |
hardware_wallets = [('trezor',_("Trezor")), ('btchip',_("BTChip"))] |
wallet_type = self.choice(_("Hardware Wallet"), 'Select your hardware wallet', hardware_wallets) |
if not wallet_type: |
return |
if action == 'create': |
self.storage.put('wallet_type', wallet_type) |