@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import json
import sys
import ipaddress
import asyncio
from typing import NamedTuple , Optional , Sequence , List
from typing import NamedTuple , Optional , Sequence , List , Dict
import traceback
import dns
@ -172,10 +172,9 @@ class Network(PrintError):
self . config = SimpleConfig ( config ) if isinstance ( config , dict ) else config
self . num_server = 10 if not self . config . get ( ' oneserver ' ) else 0
blockchain . blockchains = blockchain . read_blockchains ( self . config )
self . print_error ( " blockchains " , list ( blockchain . blockchains . keys ( ) ) )
self . blockchain_index = config . get ( ' blockchain_index ' , 0 )
if self . blockchain_index not in blockchain . blockchains . keys ( ) :
self . blockchain_index = 0
self . print_error ( " blockchains " , list ( blockchain . blockchains ) )
self . _blockchain_preferred_block = self . config . get ( ' blockchain_preferred_block ' , None ) # type: Optional[Dict]
self . _blockchain_index = 0
# Server for addresses and transactions
self . default_server = self . config . get ( ' server ' , None )
# Sanitize default server
@ -213,11 +212,10 @@ class Network(PrintError):
# retry times
self . server_retry_time = time . time ( )
self . nodes_retry_time = time . time ( )
# kick off the network. interface is the main server we are currently
# communicating with. interfaces is the set of servers we are connecting
# to or have an ongoing connection with
# the main server we are currently communicating with
self . interface = None # type: Interface
self . interfaces = { }
# set of servers we have an ongoing connection with
self . interfaces = { } # type: Dict[str, Interface]
self . auto_connect = self . config . get ( ' auto_connect ' , True )
self . connecting = set ( )
self . server_queue = None
@ -227,8 +225,8 @@ class Network(PrintError):
self . _run_forever = asyncio . Future ( )
self . _thread = threading . Thread ( target = self . asyncio_loop . run_until_complete ,
args = ( self . _run_forever , ) ,
name = ' Network ' )
args = ( self . _run_forever , ) ,
name = ' Network ' )
self . _thread . start ( )
def run_from_another_thread ( self , coro ) :
@ -523,20 +521,40 @@ class Network(PrintError):
async def switch_lagging_interface ( self ) :
''' If auto_connect and lagging, switch interface '''
if await self . _server_is_lagging ( ) and self . auto_connect :
if self . auto_connect and await self . _server_is_lagging ( ) :
# switch to one that has the correct header (not height)
header = self . blockchain ( ) . read_header ( self . get_local_height ( ) )
def filt ( x ) :
a = x [ 1 ] . tip_header
b = header
assert type ( a ) is type ( b )
return a == b
with self . interfaces_lock : interfaces_items = list ( self . interfaces . items ( ) )
filtered = list ( map ( lambda x : x [ 0 ] , filter ( filt , interfaces_items ) ) )
best_header = self . blockchain ( ) . read_header ( self . get_local_height ( ) )
with self . interfaces_lock : interfaces = list ( self . interfaces . values ( ) )
filtered = list ( filter ( lambda iface : iface . tip_header == best_header , interfaces ) )
if filtered :
choice = random . choice ( filtered )
await self . switch_to_interface ( choice )
chosen_iface = random . choice ( filtered )
await self . switch_to_interface ( chosen_iface . server )
async def switch_unwanted_fork_interface ( self ) :
""" If auto_connect and main interface is not on preferred fork,
try to switch to preferred fork .
if not self . auto_connect :
with self . interfaces_lock : interfaces = list ( self . interfaces . values ( ) )
# try to switch to preferred fork
if self . _blockchain_preferred_block :
pref_height = self . _blockchain_preferred_block [ ' height ' ]
pref_hash = self . _blockchain_preferred_block [ ' hash ' ]
filtered = list ( filter ( lambda iface : iface . blockchain . check_hash ( pref_height , pref_hash ) ,
interfaces ) )
if filtered :
chosen_iface = random . choice ( filtered )
await self . switch_to_interface ( chosen_iface . server )
# try to switch to longest chain
if self . blockchain ( ) . parent_id is None :
return # already on longest chain
filtered = list ( filter ( lambda iface : iface . blockchain . parent_id is None ,
interfaces ) )
if filtered :
chosen_iface = random . choice ( filtered )
await self . switch_to_interface ( chosen_iface . server )
async def switch_to_interface ( self , server : str ) :
""" Switch to server as our main interface. If no connection exists,
@ -704,8 +722,8 @@ class Network(PrintError):
def blockchain ( self ) - > Blockchain :
interface = self . interface
if interface and interface . blockchain is not None :
self . blockchain_index = interface . blockchain . forkpoint
return blockchain . blockchains [ self . blockchain_index ]
self . _ blockchain_index = interface . blockchain . forkpoint
return blockchain . blockchains [ self . _ blockchain_index]
def get_blockchains ( self ) :
out = { } # blockchain_id -> list(interfaces)
@ -724,24 +742,42 @@ class Network(PrintError):
await self . connection_down ( interface . server )
return ifaces
async def follow_chain ( self , chain_id ) :
bc = blockchain . blockchains . get ( chain_id )
if bc :
self . blockchain_index = chain_id
self . config . set_key ( ' blockchain_index ' , chain_id )
with self . interfaces_lock : interfaces_values = list ( self . interfaces . values ( ) )
for iface in interfaces_values :
if iface . blockchain == bc :
await self . switch_to_interface ( iface . server )
else :
raise Exception ( ' blockchain not found ' , chain_id )
def _set_preferred_chain ( self , chain : Blockchain ) :
height = chain . get_max_forkpoint ( )
header_hash = chain . get_hash ( height )
self . _blockchain_preferred_block = {
' height ' : height ,
' hash ' : header_hash ,
self . config . set_key ( ' blockchain_preferred_block ' , self . _blockchain_preferred_block )
if self . interface :
net_params = self . get_parameters ( )
host , port , protocol = deserialize_server ( self . interface . server )
net_params = net_params . _replace ( host = host , port = port , protocol = protocol )
await self . set_parameters ( net_params )
async def follow_chain_given_id ( self , chain_id : int ) - > None :
bc = blockchain . blockchains . get ( chain_id )
if not bc :
raise Exception ( ' blockchain {} not found ' . format ( chain_id ) )
self . _set_preferred_chain ( bc )
# select server on this chain
with self . interfaces_lock : interfaces = list ( self . interfaces . values ( ) )
interfaces_on_selected_chain = list ( filter ( lambda iface : iface . blockchain == bc , interfaces ) )
if len ( interfaces_on_selected_chain ) == 0 : return
chosen_iface = random . choice ( interfaces_on_selected_chain )
# switch to server (and save to config)
net_params = self . get_parameters ( )
host , port , protocol = deserialize_server ( chosen_iface . server )
net_params = net_params . _replace ( host = host , port = port , protocol = protocol )
await self . set_parameters ( net_params )
async def follow_chain_given_server ( self , server_str : str ) - > None :
# note that server_str should correspond to a connected interface
iface = self . interfaces . get ( server_str )
if iface is None :
self . _set_preferred_chain ( iface . blockchain )
# switch to server (and save to config)
net_params = self . get_parameters ( )
host , port , protocol = deserialize_server ( server_str )
net_params = net_params . _replace ( host = host , port = port , protocol = protocol )
await self . set_parameters ( net_params )
def get_local_height ( self ) :
return self . blockchain ( ) . height ( )