@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import util
import csv
import datetime
from version import ELECTRUM_VERSION as electrum_version
from wallet import format_satoshis
import gui_qt
import shutil
@ -85,16 +86,62 @@ def load_theme_paths():
return theme_paths
def csv_transaction ( wallet ) :
try :
fileName = QFileDialog . getSaveFileName ( QWidget ( ) , ' Select file to export your wallet transactions to ' , os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/electrum-history.csv ' ) , " *.csv " )
if fileName :
with open ( fileName , " w+ " ) as csvfile :
transaction = csv . writer ( csvfile )
transaction . writerow ( [ " transaction_hash " , " label " , " confirmations " , " value " , " fee " , " balance " , " timestamp " ] )
for item in wallet . get_tx_history ( ) :
tx_hash , confirmations , is_mine , value , fee , balance , timestamp = item
if confirmations :
if timestamp is not None :
try :
time_string = datetime . datetime . fromtimestamp ( timestamp ) . isoformat ( ' ' ) [ : - 3 ]
except [ RuntimeError , TypeError , NameError ] as reason :
time_string = " unknown "
else :
time_string = " unknown "
else :
time_string = " pending "
if value is not None :
value_string = format_satoshis ( value , True , wallet . num_zeros )
else :
value_string = ' -- '
if fee is not None :
fee_string = format_satoshis ( fee , True , wallet . num_zeros )
else :
fee_string = ' 0 '
if tx_hash :
label , is_default_label = wallet . get_label ( tx_hash )
else :
label = " "
balance_string = format_satoshis ( balance , False , wallet . num_zeros )
transaction . writerow ( [ tx_hash , label , confirmations , value_string , fee_string , balance_string , time_string ] )
QMessageBox . information ( None , " CSV Export created " , " Your CSV export has been successfully created. " )
except ( IOError , os . error ) , reason :
QMessageBox . critical ( None , " Unable to create csv " , " Electrum was unable to produce a transaction export. \n " + str ( reason ) )
class ElectrumGui ( QObject ) :
def __init__ ( self , wallet , config ) :
def __init__ ( self , wallet , config , expert = None ) :
super ( QObject , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . wallet = wallet
self . config = config
self . check_qt_version ( )
self . app = QApplication ( sys . argv )
self . expert = expert
if self . expert != None :
self . app = self . expert . app
else :
self . app = QApplication ( sys . argv )
def check_qt_version ( self ) :
qtVersion = qVersion ( )
@ -121,17 +168,19 @@ class ElectrumGui(QObject):
if url :
self . set_url ( url )
timer = Timer ( )
timer . start ( )
self . expert = gui_qt . ElectrumWindow ( self . wallet , self . config )
self . expert . app = self . app
self . expert . connect_slots ( timer )
self . expert . update_wallet ( )
self . app . exec_ ( )
if self . expert == None :
timer = Timer ( )
timer . start ( )
self . expert = gui_qt . ElectrumWindow ( self . wallet , self . config )
self . expert . app = self . app
self . expert . connect_slots ( timer )
self . expert . update_wallet ( )
self . app . exec_ ( )
def expand ( self ) :
""" Hide the lite mode window and show pro-mode. """
self . config . set_key ( ' gui ' , ' classic ' , True )
self . mini . hide ( )
self . expert . show ( )
@ -196,7 +245,7 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
self . actuator = actuator
self . config = config
self . btc_balance = None
self . quote_currencies = [ " EUR " , " USD " , " GBP " ]
self . quote_currencies = [ " BRL " , " CNY " , " EUR " , " GBP " , " RUB " , " USD " ]
self . actuator . set_configured_currency ( self . set_quote_currency )
self . exchanger = exchange_rate . Exchanger ( self )
# Needed because price discovery is done in a different thread
@ -209,12 +258,12 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
# Bitcoin address code
self . address_input = QLineEdit ( )
self . address_input . setPlaceholderText ( _ ( " Enter a Bitcoin address... " ) )
self . address_input . setPlaceholderText ( _ ( " Enter a Bitcoin address or contact " ) )
self . address_input . setObjectName ( " address_input " )
self . address_input . setFocusPolicy ( Qt . ClickFocus )
self . address_input . textEdit ed . connect ( self . address_field_changed )
self . address_input . textChang ed . connect ( self . address_field_changed )
resize_line_edit_width ( self . address_input ,
" 1BtaFUr3qVvAmwrsuDuu5zk6e4s2rxd2Gy " )
@ -249,27 +298,28 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
self . send_button . clicked . connect ( self . send )
# Creating the receive button
self . receive_button = QPushButton ( _ ( " &Receive " ) )
self . receive_button . setObjectName ( " receive_button " )
self . receive_button . setDefault ( True )
self . switch_button = QPushButton ( QIcon ( " :icons/switchgui.png " ) , ' ' )
self . switch_button . setMaximumWidth ( 25 )
self . switch_button . setFlat ( True )
self . switch_button . clicked . connect ( expand_callback )
main_layout = QGridLayout ( self )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . balance_label , 0 , 0 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . receive _button, 0 , 1 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . balance_label , 0 , 0 , 1 , 3 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . switch _button, 0 , 3 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . address_input , 1 , 0 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . address_input , 1 , 0 , 1 , 4 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . amount_input , 2 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . send_button , 2 , 2 , 1 , 2 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . amount_input , 2 , 0 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . send_button , 2 , 1 )
self . send_button . setMaximumWidth ( 125 )
self . history_list = history_widget . HistoryWidget ( )
self . history_list . setObjectName ( " history " )
self . history_list . hide ( )
self . history_list . setAlternatingRowColors ( True )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . history_list , 3 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . history_list , 3 , 0 , 1 , 4 )
self . receiving = receiving_widget . ReceivingWidget ( self )
self . receiving . setObjectName ( " receiving " )
@ -288,6 +338,7 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
self . receiving . itemDoubleClicked . connect ( self . receiving . edit_label )
self . receiving . itemChanged . connect ( self . receiving . update_label )
# Label
extra_layout . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Selecting an address will copy it to the clipboard. \n Double clicking the label will allow you to edit it. ' ) ) , 0 , 0 )
@ -296,18 +347,15 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
extra_layout . setColumnMinimumWidth ( 0 , 200 )
self . receiving_box . setLayout ( extra_layout )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . receiving_box , 0 , 3 , - 1 , 3 )
main_layout . addWidget ( self . receiving_box , 0 , 4 , - 1 , 3 )
self . receiving_box . hide ( )
self . receive_button . clicked . connect ( self . toggle_receiving_layout )
# Creating the menu bar
menubar = QMenuBar ( )
electrum_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &Bitcoin " ) )
electrum_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &Electrum " ) )
electrum_menu . addSeparator ( )
quit_option = electrum_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Close " ) )
quit_option = electrum_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Quit " ) )
quit_option . triggered . connect ( self . close )
view_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &View " ) )
@ -317,7 +365,7 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
backup_wallet . triggered . connect ( self . backup_wallet )
export_csv = extra_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Export transactions to CSV " ) )
export_csv . triggered . connect ( self . actuator . csv_transaction )
export_csv . triggered . connect ( lambda : csv_transaction ( self . actuator . wallet ) )
master_key = extra_menu . addAction ( _ ( " Copy master public key to clipboard " ) )
master_key . triggered . connect ( self . actuator . copy_master_public_key )
@ -343,6 +391,18 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
theme_action . toggled . connect ( delegate )
theme_group . addAction ( theme_action )
view_menu . addSeparator ( )
show_receiving = view_menu . addAction ( _ ( " Show Receiving addresses " ) )
show_receiving . setCheckable ( True )
show_receiving . toggled . connect ( self . toggle_receiving_layout )
show_receiving_toggle = self . config . get ( " gui_show_receiving " , False )
show_receiving . setChecked ( show_receiving_toggle )
self . show_receiving = show_receiving
self . toggle_receiving_layout ( show_receiving_toggle )
show_history = view_menu . addAction ( _ ( " Show History " ) )
show_history . setCheckable ( True )
show_history . toggled . connect ( self . show_history )
@ -377,19 +437,6 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
self . setObjectName ( " main_window " )
self . show ( )
def toggle_receiving_layout ( self ) :
if self . receiving_box . isVisible ( ) :
self . receiving_box . hide ( )
self . receive_button . setProperty ( " isActive " , False )
qApp . style ( ) . unpolish ( self . receive_button )
qApp . style ( ) . polish ( self . receive_button )
else :
self . receiving_box . show ( )
self . receive_button . setProperty ( " isActive " , ' true ' )
qApp . style ( ) . unpolish ( self . receive_button )
qApp . style ( ) . polish ( self . receive_button )
def toggle_theme ( self , theme_name ) :
old_path = QDir . currentPath ( )
@ -403,6 +450,7 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
g = self . geometry ( )
self . config . set_key ( " winpos-lite " , [ g . left ( ) , g . top ( ) , g . width ( ) , g . height ( ) ] , True )
self . config . set_key ( " gui_show_history " , self . history_list . isVisible ( ) , True )
self . config . set_key ( " gui_show_receiving " , self . receiving_box . isVisible ( ) , True )
super ( MiniWindow , self ) . closeEvent ( event )
qApp . quit ( )
@ -447,7 +495,7 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
quote_text = " ( %s ) " % quote_text
btc_balance = " %.2f " % ( btc_balance / bitcoin ( 1 ) )
self . balance_label . set_balance_text ( btc_balance , quote_text )
self . setWindowTitle ( " Electrum - %s BTC " % btc_balance )
self . setWindowTitle ( " Electrum %s - %s BTC " % ( electrum_version , btc_balance ) )
def amount_input_changed ( self , amount_text ) :
""" Update the number of bitcoins displayed. """
@ -499,6 +547,13 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
self . send_button . setDisabled ( True )
def address_field_changed ( self , address ) :
# label or alias, with address in brackets
match2 = re . match ( " (.*?) \ s* \ <([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z] { 26,}) \ > " ,
address )
if match2 :
address = match2 . group ( 2 )
self . address_input . setText ( address )
if self . actuator . is_valid ( address ) :
self . check_button_status ( )
self . address_input . setProperty ( " isValid " , True )
@ -540,15 +595,21 @@ class MiniWindow(QDialog):
self . actuator . acceptbit ( self . quote_currencies [ 0 ] )
def the_website ( self ) :
webbrowser . open ( " http://electrum-desktop.com " )
webbrowser . open ( " http://electrum.org " )
def show_about ( self ) :
QMessageBox . about ( self , " Electrum " ,
_ ( " Electrum ' s focus is speed, with low resource usage and simplifying Bitcoin. You do not need to perform regular backups, because your wallet can be recovered from a secret phrase that you can memorize or write on paper. Startup times are instant because it operates in conjuction with high-performance servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin system. \n \n Send donations to 1JwTMv4GWaPdf931N6LNPJeZBfZgZJ3zX1 " ) )
_ ( " Electrum ' s focus is speed, with low resource usage and simplifying Bitcoin. You do not need to perform regular backups, because your wallet can be recovered from a secret phrase that you can memorize or write on paper. Startup times are instant because it operates in conjun ction with high-performance servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin system. " ) )
def show_report_bug ( self ) :
QMessageBox . information ( self , " Electrum - " + _ ( " Reporting Bugs " ) ,
_ ( " Please report any bugs as issues on github: https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/issues " ) )
_ ( " Please report any bugs as issues on github: <a href= \" https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/issues \" >https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/issues</a> " ) )
def toggle_receiving_layout ( self , toggle_state ) :
if toggle_state :
self . receiving_box . show ( )
else :
self . receiving_box . hide ( )
def show_history ( self , toggle_state ) :
if toggle_state :
@ -684,7 +745,7 @@ class ReceivePopup(QDialog):
class MiniActuator :
""" Initialize the definitions relating to themes and
sending / reci eving bitcoins . """
sending / recei ving bitcoins . """
def __init__ ( self , wallet ) :
@ -761,47 +822,6 @@ class MiniActuator:
w . exec_ ( )
w . destroy ( )
def csv_transaction ( self ) :
try :
fileName = QFileDialog . getSaveFileName ( QWidget ( ) , ' Select file to export your wallet transactions to ' , os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/ ' ) , " *.csv " )
if fileName :
with open ( fileName , " w+ " ) as csvfile :
transaction = csv . writer ( csvfile )
transaction . writerow ( [ " transaction_hash " , " label " , " confirmations " , " value " , " fee " , " balance " , " timestamp " ] )
for item in self . wallet . get_tx_history ( ) :
tx_hash , confirmations , is_mine , value , fee , balance , timestamp = item
if confirmations :
if timestamp is not None :
try :
time_string = datetime . datetime . fromtimestamp ( timestamp ) . isoformat ( ' ' ) [ : - 3 ]
except [ RuntimeError , TypeError , NameError ] as reason :
time_string = " unknown "
else :
time_string = " unknown "
else :
time_string = " pending "
if value is not None :
value_string = format_satoshis ( value , True , self . wallet . num_zeros )
else :
value_string = ' -- '
if fee is not None :
fee_string = format_satoshis ( fee , True , self . wallet . num_zeros )
else :
fee_string = ' 0 '
if tx_hash :
label , is_default_label = self . wallet . get_label ( tx_hash )
else :
label = " "
balance_string = format_satoshis ( balance , False , self . wallet . num_zeros )
transaction . writerow ( [ tx_hash , label , confirmations , value_string , fee_string , balance_string , time_string ] )
QMessageBox . information ( None , " CSV Export created " , " Your CSV export has been succesfully created. " )
except ( IOError , os . error ) , reason :
QMessageBox . critical ( None , " Unable to create csv " , " Electrum was unable to produce a transaction export. \n " + str ( reason ) )
def send ( self , address , amount , parent_window ) :
""" Send bitcoins to the target address. """
@ -879,12 +899,13 @@ class MiniActuator:
def is_valid ( self , address ) :
""" Check if bitcoin address is valid. """
return self . wallet . is_valid ( address )
def copy_master_public_key ( self ) :
master_pubkey = self . wallet . master_public_key
qApp . clipboard ( ) . setText ( master_pubkey )
QMessageBox . information ( None , " Copy succesful " , " Your public master key has been copied to your clipboard. " )
QMessageBox . information ( None , " Copy success ful " , " Your master public key has been copied to your clipboard. " )
def acceptbit ( self , currency ) :