@ -636,7 +636,6 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow): |
self.receive_list.setColumnWidth(0, 180) |
self.receive_list.hideColumn(1) |
self.receive_list.hideColumn(2) |
#self.receive_list.setColumnWidth(2, 340) |
h = self.receive_list.header() |
h.setStretchLastSection(False) |
h.setResizeMode(4, QHeaderView.Stretch) |
@ -2461,12 +2460,12 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow): |
d.setWindowTitle(_('Electrum Settings')) |
d.setModal(1) |
vbox = QVBoxLayout() |
grid = QGridLayout() |
grid.setColumnStretch(0,1) |
widgets = [] |
tabs = QTabWidget() |
gui_widgets = [] |
tx_widgets = [] |
lang_label = QLabel(_('Language') + ':') |
lang_help = HelpButton(_('Select which language is used in the GUI (after restart).')) |
lang_help = _('Select which language is used in the GUI (after restart).') |
lang_label = HelpLabel(_('Language') + ':', lang_help) |
lang_combo = QComboBox() |
from electrum.i18n import languages |
lang_combo.addItems(languages.values()) |
@ -2483,10 +2482,10 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow): |
self.config.set_key("language", lang_request, True) |
self.need_restart = True |
lang_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_lang) |
widgets.append((lang_label, lang_combo, lang_help)) |
gui_widgets.append((lang_label, lang_combo)) |
nz_label = QLabel(_('Zeros after decimal point') + ':') |
nz_help = HelpButton(_('Number of zeros displayed after the decimal point. For example, if this is set to 2, "1." will be displayed as "1.00"')) |
nz_help = _('Number of zeros displayed after the decimal point. For example, if this is set to 2, "1." will be displayed as "1.00"') |
nz_label = HelpLabel(_('Zeros after decimal point') + ':', nz_help) |
nz = QSpinBox() |
nz.setMinimum(0) |
nz.setMaximum(self.decimal_point) |
@ -2501,11 +2500,11 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow): |
self.update_history_tab() |
self.update_address_tab() |
nz.valueChanged.connect(on_nz) |
widgets.append((nz_label, nz, nz_help)) |
gui_widgets.append((nz_label, nz)) |
fee_label = QLabel(_('Transaction fee per kb') + ':') |
fee_help = HelpButton(_('Fee per kilobyte of transaction.') + '\n' \ |
+ _('Recommended value') + ': ' + self.format_amount(bitcoin.RECOMMENDED_FEE) + ' ' + self.base_unit()) |
fee_help = _('Fee per kilobyte of transaction.') + '\n' \ |
+ _('Recommended value') + ': ' + self.format_amount(bitcoin.RECOMMENDED_FEE) + ' ' + self.base_unit() |
fee_label = HelpLabel(_('Transaction fee per kb') + ':', fee_help) |
fee_e = BTCAmountEdit(self.get_decimal_point) |
fee_e.setAmount(self.wallet.fee_per_kb) |
if not self.config.is_modifiable('fee_per_kb'): |
@ -2516,26 +2515,25 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow): |
self.update_fee() |
fee_e.editingFinished.connect(lambda: on_fee(True)) |
fee_e.textEdited.connect(lambda: on_fee(False)) |
widgets.append((fee_label, fee_e, fee_help)) |
tx_widgets.append((fee_label, fee_e)) |
alias_label = QLabel(_('Alias') + ':') |
alias_help = HelpButton(_('OpenAlias TXT record, used to receive coins and to sign payment requests')) |
alias_help = _('OpenAlias TXT record, used to receive coins and to sign payment requests') |
alias_label = HelpLabel(_('Alias') + ':', alias_help) |
alias_e = QLineEdit(self.config.get('alias','')) |
def on_alias(): |
alias = str(alias_e.text()) |
self.config.set_key('alias', alias, True) |
alias_e.editingFinished.connect(on_alias) |
widgets.append((alias_label, alias_e, alias_help)) |
tx_widgets.append((alias_label, alias_e)) |
units = ['BTC', 'mBTC', 'bits'] |
unit_label = QLabel(_('Base unit') + ':') |
unit_combo = QComboBox() |
unit_combo.addItems(units) |
unit_combo.setCurrentIndex(units.index(self.base_unit())) |
msg = _('Base unit of your wallet.')\ |
+ '\n1BTC=1000mBTC.\n' \ |
+ _(' These settings affects the fields in the Send tab')+' ' |
unit_help = HelpButton(msg) |
unit_label = HelpLabel(_('Base unit') + ':', msg) |
unit_combo = QComboBox() |
unit_combo.addItems(units) |
unit_combo.setCurrentIndex(units.index(self.base_unit())) |
def on_unit(x): |
unit_result = units[unit_combo.currentIndex()] |
if self.base_unit() == unit_result: |
@ -2555,19 +2553,19 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow): |
fee_e.setAmount(self.wallet.fee_per_kb) |
self.update_status() |
unit_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_unit) |
widgets.append((unit_label, unit_combo, unit_help)) |
gui_widgets.append((unit_label, unit_combo)) |
block_explorers = sorted(block_explorer_info.keys()) |
block_ex_label = QLabel(_('Online Block Explorer') + ':') |
msg = _('Choose which online block explorer to use for functions that open a web browser') |
block_ex_label = HelpLabel(_('Online Block Explorer') + ':', msg) |
block_ex_combo = QComboBox() |
block_ex_combo.addItems(block_explorers) |
block_ex_combo.setCurrentIndex(block_explorers.index(block_explorer(self.config))) |
block_ex_help = HelpButton(_('Choose which online block explorer to use for functions that open a web browser')) |
def on_be(x): |
be_result = block_explorers[block_ex_combo.currentIndex()] |
self.config.set_key('block_explorer', be_result, True) |
block_ex_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_be) |
widgets.append((block_ex_label, block_ex_combo, block_ex_help)) |
gui_widgets.append((block_ex_label, block_ex_combo)) |
from electrum import qrscanner |
system_cameras = qrscanner._find_system_cameras() |
@ -2578,16 +2576,16 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow): |
#combo.addItem("Manually specify a device", config.get("video_device")) |
index = qr_combo.findData(self.config.get("video_device")) |
qr_combo.setCurrentIndex(index) |
qr_label = QLabel(_('Video Device') + ':') |
msg = _("Install the zbar package to enable this.\nOn linux, type: 'apt-get install python-zbar'") |
qr_label = HelpLabel(_('Video Device') + ':', msg) |
qr_combo.setEnabled(qrscanner.zbar is not None) |
qr_help = HelpButton(_("Install the zbar package to enable this.\nOn linux, type: 'apt-get install python-zbar'")) |
on_video_device = lambda x: self.config.set_key("video_device", str(qr_combo.itemData(x).toString()), True) |
qr_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_video_device) |
widgets.append((qr_label, qr_combo, qr_help)) |
gui_widgets.append((qr_label, qr_combo)) |
usechange_help = HelpButton(_('Using change addresses makes it more difficult for other people to track your transactions.')) |
usechange_cb = QCheckBox(_('Use change addresses')) |
usechange_cb.setChecked(self.wallet.use_change) |
usechange_help = HelpButton(_('Using change addresses makes it more difficult for other people to track your transactions.')) |
if not self.config.is_modifiable('use_change'): usechange_cb.setEnabled(False) |
def on_usechange(x): |
usechange_result = x == Qt.Checked |
@ -2595,13 +2593,13 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow): |
self.wallet.use_change = usechange_result |
self.wallet.storage.put('use_change', self.wallet.use_change) |
usechange_cb.stateChanged.connect(on_usechange) |
widgets.append((usechange_cb, None, usechange_help)) |
tx_widgets.append((usechange_cb, None)) |
showtx_cb = QCheckBox(_('Show transaction before broadcast')) |
showtx_cb.setChecked(self.show_before_broadcast()) |
showtx_cb.stateChanged.connect(lambda x: self.set_show_before_broadcast(showtx_cb.isChecked())) |
showtx_help = HelpButton(_('Display the details of your transactions before broadcasting it.')) |
widgets.append((showtx_cb, None, showtx_help)) |
tx_widgets.append((showtx_cb, None)) |
can_edit_fees_cb = QCheckBox(_('Set transaction fees manually')) |
can_edit_fees_cb.setChecked(self.config.get('can_edit_fees', False)) |
@ -2610,18 +2608,22 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow): |
self.update_fee_edit() |
can_edit_fees_cb.stateChanged.connect(on_editfees) |
can_edit_fees_help = HelpButton(_('This option lets you edit fees in the send tab.')) |
widgets.append((can_edit_fees_cb, None, can_edit_fees_help)) |
for a,b,c in widgets: |
i = grid.rowCount() |
if b: |
grid.addWidget(a, i, 0) |
grid.addWidget(b, i, 1) |
else: |
grid.addWidget(a, i, 0, 1, 2) |
grid.addWidget(c, i, 2) |
tx_widgets.append((can_edit_fees_cb, None)) |
for widgets, name in [(gui_widgets, _('Appearance')), (tx_widgets, _('Transactions'))]: |
tab = QWidget() |
grid = QGridLayout(tab) |
grid.setColumnStretch(0,1) |
for a,b in widgets: |
i = grid.rowCount() |
if b: |
grid.addWidget(a, i, 0) |
grid.addWidget(b, i, 1) |
else: |
grid.addWidget(a, i, 0, 1, 2) |
tabs.addTab(tab, name) |
vbox.addLayout(grid) |
vbox.addWidget(tabs) |
vbox.addStretch(1) |
vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(d))) |
d.setLayout(vbox) |