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Qt: rephrase messages, propose 'pay onchain' as the last option

ThomasV 3 years ago
  1. 30


@ -1331,9 +1331,9 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, Logger):
can_rebalance = bool(self.receive_rebalance_button.suggestion)
can_swap = bool(self.receive_swap_button.suggestion)
if can_rebalance:
ln_help += '\n\n' + _('You may receive this amount if you rebalance your channels.')
ln_help += '\n\n' + _('You may have that capacity after rebalancing your channels.')
elif can_swap:
ln_help += '\n\n' + _('You may receive this amount if you swap some of your funds.')
ln_help += '\n\n' + _('You may have that capacity after swapping some of your funds.')
lnaddr = ''
ln_help = ''
@ -1748,27 +1748,27 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, Logger):
choices = {}
if can_rebalance:
msg = ''.join([
_('Rebalance channels'), '\n',
_('Funds will be sent between your channels in order to raise your sending capacity.')
_('Rebalance existing channels'), '\n',
_('Move funds between your channels in order to increase your sending capacity.')
choices[0] = msg
if can_pay_onchain:
msg = ''.join([
_('Pay onchain'), '\n',
_('Funds will be sent to the invoice fallback address.')
choices[1] = msg
if can_pay_with_new_channel:
msg = ''.join([
_('Open a new channel'), '\n',
_('You will be able to pay once the channel is open.')
choices[2] = msg
choices[1] = msg
if can_pay_with_swap:
msg = ''.join([
_('Rebalance your channels with a submarine swap'), '\n',
_('Swap onchain funds for lightning funds'), '\n',
_('You will be able to pay once the swap is confirmed.')
choices[2] = msg
if can_pay_onchain:
msg = ''.join([
_('Pay onchain'), '\n',
_('Funds will be sent to the invoice fallback address.')
choices[3] = msg
if not choices:
raise NotEnoughFunds()
@ -1782,13 +1782,13 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, Logger):
chan1, chan2, delta = can_rebalance
self.rebalance_dialog(chan1, chan2, amount_sat=delta)
elif r == 1:
self.pay_onchain_dialog(coins, invoice.get_outputs())
elif r == 2:
amount_sat, min_amount_sat = can_pay_with_new_channel
self.channels_list.new_channel_dialog(amount_sat=amount_sat, min_amount_sat=min_amount_sat)
elif r == 3:
elif r == 2:
chan, swap_recv_amount_sat = can_pay_with_swap
self.run_swap_dialog(is_reverse=False, recv_amount_sat=swap_recv_amount_sat, channels=[chan])
elif r == 3:
self.pay_onchain_dialog(coins, invoice.get_outputs())
# FIXME this is currently lying to user as we truncate to satoshis
