@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from electrum.util import bh2u |
from ..hw_wallet.qt import QtHandlerBase, QtPluginBase |
from ..hw_wallet.plugin import only_hook_if_libraries_available |
from .trezor import (TrezorPlugin, TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER, TrezorInitSettings, |
Capability, BackupType, RecoveryDeviceType) |
PASSPHRASE_ON_DEVICE, Capability, BackupType, RecoveryDeviceType) |
@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ class QtHandler(QtHandlerBase): |
self.close_matrix_dialog_signal.connect(self._close_matrix_dialog) |
self.pin_matrix_widget_class = pin_matrix_widget_class |
self.matrix_dialog = None |
self.passphrase_on_device = False |
def get_pin(self, msg): |
self.done.clear() |
@ -163,6 +164,72 @@ class QtHandler(QtHandlerBase): |
self.matrix_dialog.get_matrix(msg) |
self.done.set() |
def passphrase_dialog(self, msg, confirm): |
# If confirm is true, require the user to enter the passphrase twice |
parent = self.top_level_window() |
d = WindowModalDialog(parent, _('Enter Passphrase')) |
OK_button = OkButton(d, _('Enter Passphrase')) |
OnDevice_button = QPushButton(_('Enter Passphrase on Device')) |
new_pw = QLineEdit() |
new_pw.setEchoMode(2) |
conf_pw = QLineEdit() |
conf_pw.setEchoMode(2) |
vbox = QVBoxLayout() |
label = QLabel(msg + "\n") |
label.setWordWrap(True) |
grid = QGridLayout() |
grid.setSpacing(8) |
grid.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 150) |
grid.setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 100) |
grid.setColumnStretch(1,1) |
vbox.addWidget(label) |
grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Passphrase:')), 0, 0) |
grid.addWidget(new_pw, 0, 1) |
if confirm: |
grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Confirm Passphrase:')), 1, 0) |
grid.addWidget(conf_pw, 1, 1) |
vbox.addLayout(grid) |
def enable_OK(): |
if not confirm: |
ok = True |
else: |
ok = new_pw.text() == conf_pw.text() |
OK_button.setEnabled(ok) |
new_pw.textChanged.connect(enable_OK) |
conf_pw.textChanged.connect(enable_OK) |
vbox.addWidget(OK_button) |
if self.passphrase_on_device: |
vbox.addWidget(OnDevice_button) |
d.setLayout(vbox) |
self.passphrase = None |
def ok_clicked(): |
self.passphrase = new_pw.text() |
def on_device_clicked(): |
self.passphrase = PASSPHRASE_ON_DEVICE |
OK_button.clicked.connect(ok_clicked) |
OnDevice_button.clicked.connect(on_device_clicked) |
OnDevice_button.clicked.connect(d.accept) |
d.exec_() |
self.done.set() |
class QtPlugin(QtPluginBase): |
# Derived classes must provide the following class-static variables: |