@ -77,6 +77,13 @@ class Timer(QtCore.QThread):
self . emit ( QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' timersignal ' ) )
time . sleep ( 0.5 )
class HelpButton ( QPushButton ) :
def __init__ ( self , text ) :
QPushButton . __init__ ( self , ' ? ' )
self . setFixedWidth ( 20 )
self . clicked . connect ( lambda : QMessageBox . information ( self , ' Help ' , text , ' OK ' ) )
class EnterButton ( QPushButton ) :
def __init__ ( self , text , func ) :
QPushButton . __init__ ( self , text )
@ -653,10 +660,6 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
self . connect ( l , SIGNAL ( ' itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, int) ' ) , lambda a , b : self . address_label_changed ( a , b , l , 1 , 2 ) )
self . receive_list = l
self . receive_buttons_hbox = hbox
self . new_address_button = EnterButton ( _ ( " New " ) , self . change_gap_limit_dialog )
self . new_address_button . setHidden ( not self . wallet . expert_mode )
hbox . addWidget ( self . new_address_button )
hbox . addStretch ( 1 )
return w
@ -753,7 +756,6 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
l . setColumnWidth ( 3 , 130 )
l . setColumnWidth ( 4 , 10 )
self . new_address_button . setHidden ( not self . wallet . expert_mode )
gap = 0
is_red = False
for address in self . wallet . all_addresses ( ) :
@ -1031,48 +1033,6 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
return unicode ( pw . text ( ) )
def change_gap_limit_dialog ( self ) :
d = QDialog ( self )
d . setModal ( 1 )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
msg = _ ( ' In order to create more addresses, you need to raise your gap limit. ' ) + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' The gap limit is the maximal number of contiguous unused addresses in your wallet. ' ) + ' \n \n ' \
+ _ ( ' Warning: ' ) + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' This parameter must be provided in order to recover your wallet from seed. ' ) + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' Do not modify it if you do not understand what you are doing!!! ' ) + ' \n \n ' \
+ _ ( ' Your current gap limit is: ' ) + ' %d ' % self . wallet . gap_limit + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' The minimum for this wallet is: ' ) + ' %d ' % self . wallet . min_acceptable_gap ( ) + ' \n '
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( msg ) )
grid = QGridLayout ( )
grid . setSpacing ( 8 )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' New gap limit: ' ) ) , 1 , 0 )
e = QLineEdit ( )
grid . addWidget ( e , 1 , 1 )
vbox . addLayout ( grid )
vbox . addLayout ( ok_cancel_buttons ( d ) )
d . setLayout ( vbox )
if not d . exec_ ( ) : return
try :
n = int ( e . text ( ) )
except :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid Value ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
r = self . wallet . change_gap_limit ( n )
if r :
self . update_receive_tab ( )
else :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid Value ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
@ -1197,15 +1157,18 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
self . nochange_cb . setHidden ( not self . wallet . expert_mode )
def settings_dialog ( self ) :
d = QDialog ( self )
d . setModal ( 1 )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
msg = _ ( ' Here are the settings of your wallet. ' ) + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' For more explanations, click on the help buttons next to each field. ' )
msg = _ ( ' Here are the settings of your wallet. ' )
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( msg ) )
label = QLabel ( msg )
label . setFixedWidth ( 250 )
label . setWordWrap ( True )
label . setAlignment ( Qt . AlignJustify )
vbox . addWidget ( label )
grid = QGridLayout ( )
grid . setSpacing ( 8 )
@ -1213,27 +1176,43 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
fee_e = QLineEdit ( )
fee_e . setText ( " %s " % str ( Decimal ( self . wallet . fee ) / 100000000 ) )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Fee per tx. input ' ) ) , 2 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Transaction fee ' ) ) , 2 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( fee_e , 2 , 1 )
grid . addWidget ( HelpButton ( ' Fee per transaction input. Transactions involving multiple inputs tend to have a higher fee. Recommended value: 0.0005 ' ) , 2 , 2 )
fee_e . textChanged . connect ( lambda : numbify ( fee_e , False ) )
nz_e = QLineEdit ( )
nz_e . setText ( " %d " % self . wallet . num_zeros )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Zeros displayed after decimal point ' ) ) , 3 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Display zeros ' ) ) , 3 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( HelpButton ( ' Number of zeros displayed after the decimal point. For example, if this is set to 2, " 1. " will be displayed as " 1.00 " ' ) , 3 , 2 )
grid . addWidget ( nz_e , 3 , 1 )
nz_e . textChanged . connect ( lambda : numbify ( nz_e , True ) )
if self . wallet . expert_mode :
msg = _ ( ' The gap limit is the maximal number of contiguous unused addresses in your sequence of receiving addresses. ' ) + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' You may increase it if you need more receiving addresses. ' ) + ' \n \n ' \
+ _ ( ' Your current gap limit is: ' ) + ' %d ' % self . wallet . gap_limit + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' Given the current status of your address sequence, the minimum gap limit you can use is: ' ) + ' %d ' % self . wallet . min_acceptable_gap ( ) + ' \n \n ' \
+ _ ( ' Warning: ' ) + ' ' \
+ _ ( ' The gap limit parameter must be provided in order to recover your wallet from seed. ' ) + ' ' \
+ _ ( ' Do not modify it if you do not understand what you are doing, or if you expect to recover your wallet without knowing it! ' ) + ' \n \n '
gap_e = QLineEdit ( )
gap_e . setText ( " %d " % self . wallet . gap_limit )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Gap limit ' ) ) , 4 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( gap_e , 4 , 1 )
grid . addWidget ( HelpButton ( msg ) , 4 , 2 )
gap_e . textChanged . connect ( lambda : numbify ( nz_e , True ) )
cb = QCheckBox ( ' Expert mode ' )
grid . addWidget ( cb , 4 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( cb , 5 , 0 )
cb . setChecked ( self . wallet . expert_mode )
vbox . addLayout ( ok_cancel_buttons ( d ) )
d . setLayout ( vbox )
# run the dialog
if not d . exec_ ( ) : return
self . set_expert_mode ( cb . isChecked ( ) )
fee = unicode ( fee_e . text ( ) )
try :
fee = int ( 100000000 * Decimal ( fee ) )
@ -1259,6 +1238,22 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
self . update_receive_tab ( )
self . wallet . save ( )
if self . wallet . expert_mode :
try :
n = int ( gap_e . text ( ) )
except :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid Value ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
if self . wallet . gap_limit != n :
r = self . wallet . change_gap_limit ( n )
if r :
self . update_receive_tab ( )
else :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid Value ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
self . set_expert_mode ( cb . isChecked ( ) )
def network_dialog ( wallet , parent = None ) :
interface = wallet . interface