@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ import traceback
import ctypes
from ctypes . util import find_library
from ctypes import (
byref , c_byte , c_int , c_uint , c_char_p , c_size_t , c_void_p , create_string_buffer , CFUNCTYPE , POINTER
byref , c_byte , c_int , c_uint , c_char_p , c_size_t , c_void_p , create_string_buffer ,
import ecdsa
@ -84,6 +85,9 @@ def load_library():
secp256k1 . secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul . argtypes = [ c_void_p , c_char_p , c_char_p ]
secp256k1 . secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul . restype = c_int
secp256k1 . secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine . argtypes = [ c_void_p , c_char_p , POINTER ( POINTER ( c_char_p ) ) , c_size_t ]
secp256k1 . secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine . restype = c_int
secp256k1 . ctx = secp256k1 . secp256k1_context_create ( SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY )
r = secp256k1 . secp256k1_context_randomize ( secp256k1 . ctx , os . urandom ( 32 ) )
if r :
@ -109,28 +113,23 @@ def _prepare_monkey_patching_of_python_ecdsa_internals_with_libsecp256k1():
_patched_functions . orig_sign = staticmethod ( ecdsa . ecdsa . Private_key . sign )
_patched_functions . orig_verify = staticmethod ( ecdsa . ecdsa . Public_key . verifies )
_patched_functions . orig_mul = staticmethod ( ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point . __mul__ )
_patched_functions . orig_add = staticmethod ( ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point . __add__ )
curve_secp256k1 = ecdsa . ecdsa . curve_secp256k1
curve_order = ecdsa . curves . SECP256k1 . order
point_at_infinity = ecdsa . ellipticcurve . INFINITY
def mul ( self : ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point , other : int ) :
if self . curve ( ) != curve_secp256k1 :
# this operation is not on the secp256k1 curve; use original implementation
return _patched_functions . orig_mul ( self , other )
other % = curve_order
if self == point_at_infinity or other == 0 :
return point_at_infinity
def _get_ptr_to_well_formed_pubkey_string_buffer_from_ecdsa_point ( point : ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point ) :
assert point . curve ( ) == curve_secp256k1
pubkey = create_string_buffer ( 64 )
public_pair_bytes = b ' \4 ' + self . x ( ) . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = " big " ) + self . y ( ) . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = " big " )
public_pair_bytes = b ' \4 ' + point . x ( ) . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = " big " ) + point . y ( ) . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = " big " )
r = _libsecp256k1 . secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse (
_libsecp256k1 . ctx , pubkey , public_pair_bytes , len ( public_pair_bytes ) )
if not r :
return False
r = _libsecp256k1 . secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul ( _libsecp256k1 . ctx , pubkey , other . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = " big " ) )
if not r :
return point_at_infinity
raise Exception ( ' public key could not be parsed or is invalid ' )
return pubkey
def _get_ecdsa_point_from_libsecp256k1_pubkey_object ( pubkey ) - > ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point :
pubkey_serialized = create_string_buffer ( 65 )
pubkey_size = c_size_t ( 65 )
_libsecp256k1 . secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize (
@ -139,7 +138,39 @@ def _prepare_monkey_patching_of_python_ecdsa_internals_with_libsecp256k1():
y = int . from_bytes ( pubkey_serialized [ 33 : ] , byteorder = " big " )
return ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point ( curve_secp256k1 , x , y , curve_order )
def sign ( self : ecdsa . ecdsa . Private_key , hash : int , random_k : int ) :
def add ( self : ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point , other : ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point ) - > ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point :
if self . curve ( ) != curve_secp256k1 :
# this operation is not on the secp256k1 curve; use original implementation
return _patched_functions . orig_add ( self , other )
if self == point_at_infinity : return other
if other == point_at_infinity : return self
pubkey1 = _get_ptr_to_well_formed_pubkey_string_buffer_from_ecdsa_point ( self )
pubkey2 = _get_ptr_to_well_formed_pubkey_string_buffer_from_ecdsa_point ( other )
pubkey_sum = create_string_buffer ( 64 )
pubkey1 = cast ( pubkey1 , POINTER ( c_char_p ) )
pubkey2 = cast ( pubkey2 , POINTER ( c_char_p ) )
ptr_to_array_of_pubkey_ptrs = ( POINTER ( c_char_p ) * 2 ) ( pubkey1 , pubkey2 )
r = _libsecp256k1 . secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine ( _libsecp256k1 . ctx , pubkey_sum , ptr_to_array_of_pubkey_ptrs , 2 )
if not r :
return point_at_infinity
return _get_ecdsa_point_from_libsecp256k1_pubkey_object ( pubkey_sum )
def mul ( self : ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point , other : int ) - > ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point :
if self . curve ( ) != curve_secp256k1 :
# this operation is not on the secp256k1 curve; use original implementation
return _patched_functions . orig_mul ( self , other )
other % = curve_order
if self == point_at_infinity or other == 0 :
return point_at_infinity
pubkey = _get_ptr_to_well_formed_pubkey_string_buffer_from_ecdsa_point ( self )
r = _libsecp256k1 . secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul ( _libsecp256k1 . ctx , pubkey , other . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = " big " ) )
if not r :
return point_at_infinity
return _get_ecdsa_point_from_libsecp256k1_pubkey_object ( pubkey )
def sign ( self : ecdsa . ecdsa . Private_key , hash : int , random_k : int ) - > ecdsa . ecdsa . Signature :
# note: random_k is ignored
if self . public_key . curve != curve_secp256k1 :
# this operation is not on the secp256k1 curve; use original implementation
@ -148,15 +179,17 @@ def _prepare_monkey_patching_of_python_ecdsa_internals_with_libsecp256k1():
nonce_function = None
sig = create_string_buffer ( 64 )
sig_hash_bytes = hash . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = " big " )
_libsecp256k1 . secp256k1_ecdsa_sign (
r = _libsecp256k1 . secp256k1_ecdsa_sign (
_libsecp256k1 . ctx , sig , sig_hash_bytes , secret_exponent . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = " big " ) , nonce_function , None )
if not r :
raise Exception ( ' the nonce generation function failed, or the private key was invalid ' )
compact_signature = create_string_buffer ( 64 )
_libsecp256k1 . secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_serialize_compact ( _libsecp256k1 . ctx , compact_signature , sig )
r = int . from_bytes ( compact_signature [ : 32 ] , byteorder = " big " )
s = int . from_bytes ( compact_signature [ 32 : ] , byteorder = " big " )
return ecdsa . ecdsa . Signature ( r , s )
def verify ( self : ecdsa . ecdsa . Public_key , hash : int , signature : ecdsa . ecdsa . Signature ) :
def verify ( self : ecdsa . ecdsa . Public_key , hash : int , signature : ecdsa . ecdsa . Signature ) - > bool :
if self . curve != curve_secp256k1 :
# this operation is not on the secp256k1 curve; use original implementation
return _patched_functions . orig_verify ( self , hash , signature )
@ -180,6 +213,7 @@ def _prepare_monkey_patching_of_python_ecdsa_internals_with_libsecp256k1():
_patched_functions . fast_sign = sign
_patched_functions . fast_verify = verify
_patched_functions . fast_mul = mul
_patched_functions . fast_add = add
_patched_functions . prepared_to_patch = True
@ -195,7 +229,7 @@ def do_monkey_patching_of_python_ecdsa_internals_with_libsecp256k1():
ecdsa . ecdsa . Private_key . sign = _patched_functions . fast_sign
ecdsa . ecdsa . Public_key . verifies = _patched_functions . fast_verify
ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point . __mul__ = _patched_functions . fast_mul
# ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point.__add__ = ... # TODO??
ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point . __add__ = _patched_functions . fast_add
_patched_functions . monkey_patching_active = True
@ -208,6 +242,7 @@ def undo_monkey_patching_of_python_ecdsa_internals_with_libsecp256k1():
ecdsa . ecdsa . Private_key . sign = _patched_functions . orig_sign
ecdsa . ecdsa . Public_key . verifies = _patched_functions . orig_verify
ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point . __mul__ = _patched_functions . orig_mul
ecdsa . ellipticcurve . Point . __add__ = _patched_functions . orig_add
_patched_functions . monkey_patching_active = False