@ -283,6 +283,15 @@ def run_network_dialog( wallet, parent ):
status = " Please choose a server. "
server = random . choice ( DEFAULT_SERVERS )
plist = { }
for item in wallet . interface . servers :
host , pp = item
z = { }
for item2 in pp :
protocol , port = item2
z [ protocol ] = port
plist [ host ] = z
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog ( parent , gtk . DIALOG_MODAL | gtk . DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT ,
dialog . set_title ( " Server " )
@ -302,10 +311,53 @@ def run_network_dialog( wallet, parent ):
host_box . pack_start ( host_entry , False , False , 10 )
add_help_button ( host_box , ' The name and port number of your Electrum server, separated by a colon. Example: " ecdsa.org:50000 " . If no port number is provided, port 50000 will be tried. Some servers allow you to connect through http (port 80) or https (port 443) ' )
host_box . show ( )
p_box = gtk . HBox ( False , 10 )
p_box . show ( )
p_label = gtk . Label ( ' Protocol: ' )
p_label . set_size_request ( 100 , - 1 )
p_label . show ( )
p_box . pack_start ( p_label , False , False , 10 )
radio1 = gtk . RadioButton ( None , " tcp " )
p_box . pack_start ( radio1 , True , True , 0 )
radio1 . show ( )
radio2 = gtk . RadioButton ( radio1 , " http " )
p_box . pack_start ( radio2 , True , True , 0 )
radio2 . show ( )
radio3 = gtk . RadioButton ( radio1 , " native " )
p_box . pack_start ( radio3 , True , True , 0 )
radio3 . show ( )
def current_line ( ) :
return unicode ( host_entry . get_text ( ) ) . split ( ' : ' )
def set_button ( protocol ) :
if protocol == ' t ' :
radio1 . set_active ( 1 )
elif protocol == ' h ' :
radio2 . set_active ( 1 )
elif protocol == ' n ' :
radio3 . set_active ( 1 )
def set_protocol ( protocol ) :
host = current_line ( ) [ 0 ]
pp = plist [ host ]
if protocol not in pp . keys ( ) :
protocol = pp . keys ( ) [ 0 ]
set_button ( protocol )
port = pp [ protocol ]
host_entry . set_text ( host + ' : ' + port + ' : ' + protocol )
radio1 . connect ( " toggled " , lambda x , y : set_protocol ( ' t ' ) , " radio button 1 " )
radio2 . connect ( " toggled " , lambda x , y : set_protocol ( ' h ' ) , " radio button 1 " )
radio3 . connect ( " toggled " , lambda x , y : set_protocol ( ' n ' ) , " radio button 1 " )
server_list = gtk . ListStore ( str )
for item in interface . servers :
server_list . append ( [ item ] )
for host in plist . keys ( ) :
server_list . append ( [ host ] )
treeview = gtk . TreeView ( model = server_list )
treeview . show ( )
@ -322,12 +374,22 @@ def run_network_dialog( wallet, parent ):
scroll . show ( )
vbox . pack_start ( host_box , False , False , 5 )
vbox . pack_start ( p_box , True , True , 0 )
vbox . pack_start ( scroll )
def my_treeview_cb ( treeview ) :
path , view_column = treeview . get_cursor ( )
server = server_list . get_value ( server_list . get_iter ( path ) , 0 )
host_entry . set_text ( server )
host = server_list . get_value ( server_list . get_iter ( path ) , 0 )
pp = plist [ host ]
if ' t ' in pp . keys ( ) :
protocol = ' t '
else :
protocol = pp . keys ( ) [ 0 ]
port = pp [ protocol ]
host_entry . set_text ( host + ' : ' + port + ' : ' + protocol )
set_button ( protocol )
treeview . connect ( ' cursor-changed ' , my_treeview_cb )
dialog . show ( )