@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
self . channel_reestablished = defaultdict ( asyncio . Future )
self . funding_signed = defaultdict ( asyncio . Queue )
self . funding_created = defaultdict ( asyncio . Queue )
self . revoke_and_ack = defaultdict ( asyncio . Queue )
self . commitment_signed = defaultdict ( asyncio . Queue )
self . announcement_signatures = defaultdict ( asyncio . Queue )
self . closing_signed = defaultdict ( asyncio . Queue )
self . payment_preimages = defaultdict ( asyncio . Queue )
@ -79,10 +77,11 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
self . localfeatures | = LnLocalFeatures . OPTION_DATA_LOSS_PROTECT_REQ
self . attempted_route = { }
self . orphan_channel_updates = OrderedDict ( )
self . pending_updates = defaultdict ( bool )
def send_message ( self , message_name : str , * * kwargs ) :
assert type ( message_name ) is str
self . print_error ( " Sending ' %s ' " % message_name . upper ( ) )
#self.print_error("Sending '%s'"%message_name.upper() )
self . transport . send_bytes ( encode_msg ( message_name , * * kwargs ) )
async def initialize ( self ) :
@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
try :
f = getattr ( self , ' on_ ' + message_type )
except AttributeError :
self . print_error ( " Received ' %s ' " % message_type . upper ( ) , payload )
#self.print_error("Received '%s'" % message_type.upper(), payload )
# raw message is needed to check signature
if message_type == ' node_announcement ' :
@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
self . print_error ( " error " , payload [ " data " ] . decode ( " ascii " ) )
chan_id = payload . get ( " channel_id " )
for d in [ self . channel_accepted , self . funding_signed ,
self . funding_created , self . revoke_and_ack , self . commitment_signed ,
self . funding_created ,
self . announcement_signatures , self . closing_signed ] :
if chan_id in d :
d [ chan_id ] . put_nowait ( { ' error ' : payload [ ' data ' ] } )
@ -749,8 +748,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
return h , node_signature , bitcoin_signature
async def on_update_fail_htlc ( self , payload ) :
def on_update_fail_htlc ( self , payload ) :
channel_id = payload [ " channel_id " ]
htlc_id = int . from_bytes ( payload [ " id " ] , " big " )
key = ( channel_id , htlc_id )
@ -762,7 +760,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
self . print_error ( " UPDATE_FAIL_HTLC. cannot decode! attempted route is MISSING. {} " . format ( key ) )
else :
try :
await self . _handle_error_code_from_failed_htlc ( payload [ " reason " ] , route , channel_id , htlc_id )
self . _handle_error_code_from_failed_htlc ( payload [ " reason " ] , route , channel_id , htlc_id )
except Exception :
# exceptions are suppressed as failing to handle an error code
# should not block us from removing the htlc
@ -770,10 +768,15 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
# process update_fail_htlc on channel
chan = self . channels [ channel_id ]
chan . receive_fail_htlc ( htlc_id )
await self . receive_and_revoke ( chan )
local_ctn = chan . get_current_ctn ( LOCAL )
asyncio . ensure_future ( self . _on_update_fail_htlc ( chan , htlc_id , local_ctn ) )
async def _on_update_fail_htlc ( self , chan , htlc_id , local_ctn ) :
await self . await_local ( chan , local_ctn )
self . network . trigger_callback ( ' ln_message ' , self . lnworker , ' Payment failed ' , htlc_id )
async def _handle_error_code_from_failed_htlc ( self , error_reason , route : List [ ' RouteEdge ' ] , channel_id , htlc_id ) :
def _handle_error_code_from_failed_htlc ( self , error_reason , route : List [ ' RouteEdge ' ] , channel_id , htlc_id ) :
chan = self . channels [ channel_id ]
failure_msg , sender_idx = decode_onion_error ( error_reason ,
[ x . node_id for x in route ] ,
@ -814,23 +817,22 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
else :
self . network . path_finder . blacklist . add ( short_chan_id )
def send_commitment ( self , chan : Channel ) :
def maybe_send_commitment ( self , chan : Channel ) :
if not self . pending_updates [ chan ] :
self . print_error ( ' send_commitment ' )
sig_64 , htlc_sigs = chan . sign_next_commitment ( )
self . send_message ( " commitment_signed " , channel_id = chan . channel_id , signature = sig_64 , num_htlcs = len ( htlc_sigs ) , htlc_signature = b " " . join ( htlc_sigs ) )
return len ( htlc_sigs )
self . pending_updates [ chan ] = False
async def send_and_revoke ( self , chan : Channel ) :
""" generic channel update flow """
self . send_commitment ( chan )
await self . receive_revoke_and_ack ( chan )
await self . receive_commitment ( chan )
self . send_revoke_and_ack ( chan )
async def await_remote ( self , chan : Channel , ctn : int ) :
self . maybe_send_commitment ( chan )
while chan . get_current_ctn ( REMOTE ) < = ctn :
await asyncio . sleep ( 0.1 )
async def receive_and_revoke ( self , chan : Channel ) :
await self . receive_commitment ( chan )
self . send_revoke_and_ack ( chan )
self . send_commitment ( chan )
await self . receive_revoke_and_ack ( chan )
async def await_local ( self , chan : Channel , ctn : int ) :
while chan . get_current_ctn ( LOCAL ) < = ctn :
await asyncio . sleep ( 0.1 )
async def pay ( self , route : List [ ' RouteEdge ' ] , chan : Channel , amount_msat : int ,
payment_hash : bytes , min_final_cltv_expiry : int ) :
@ -845,6 +847,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
# create htlc
htlc = { ' amount_msat ' : amount_msat , ' payment_hash ' : payment_hash , ' cltv_expiry ' : cltv }
htlc_id = chan . add_htlc ( htlc )
remote_ctn = chan . get_current_ctn ( REMOTE )
chan . onion_keys [ htlc_id ] = secret_key
self . attempted_route [ ( chan . channel_id , htlc_id ) ] = route
self . print_error ( f " starting payment. route: { route } " )
@ -855,14 +858,10 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
amount_msat = amount_msat ,
payment_hash = payment_hash ,
onion_routing_packet = onion . to_bytes ( ) )
await self . send_and_revoke ( chan )
self . pending_updates [ chan ] = True
await self . await_remote ( chan , remote_ctn )
return UpdateAddHtlc ( * * htlc , htlc_id = htlc_id )
async def receive_revoke_and_ack ( self , chan : Channel ) :
revoke_and_ack_msg = await self . revoke_and_ack [ chan . channel_id ] . get ( )
chan . receive_revocation ( RevokeAndAck ( revoke_and_ack_msg [ " per_commitment_secret " ] , revoke_and_ack_msg [ " next_per_commitment_point " ] ) )
self . lnworker . save_channel ( chan )
def send_revoke_and_ack ( self , chan : Channel ) :
rev , _ = chan . revoke_current_commitment ( )
self . lnworker . save_channel ( chan )
@ -871,36 +870,34 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
per_commitment_secret = rev . per_commitment_secret ,
next_per_commitment_point = rev . next_per_commitment_point )
async def receive_commitment ( self , chan : Channel , commitment_signed_msg = None ) :
if commitment_signed_msg is None :
commitment_signed_msg = await self . commitment_signed [ chan . channel_id ] . get ( )
data = commitment_signed_msg [ " htlc_signature " ]
htlc_sigs = [ data [ i : i + 64 ] for i in range ( 0 , len ( data ) , 64 ) ]
chan . receive_new_commitment ( commitment_signed_msg [ " signature " ] , htlc_sigs )
return len ( htlc_sigs )
def on_commitment_signed ( self , payload ) :
self . print_error ( " commitment_signed " , payload )
self . print_error ( " on_commitment_signed " )
channel_id = payload [ ' channel_id ' ]
self . commitment_signed [ channel_id ] . put_nowait ( payload )
chan = self . channels [ channel_id ]
data = payload [ " htlc_signature " ]
htlc_sigs = [ data [ i : i + 64 ] for i in range ( 0 , len ( data ) , 64 ) ]
chan . receive_new_commitment ( payload [ " signature " ] , htlc_sigs )
self . send_revoke_and_ack ( chan )
async def on_update_fulfill_htlc ( self , update_fulfill_htlc_msg ) :
def on_update_fulfill_htlc ( self , update_fulfill_htlc_msg ) :
self . print_error ( " update_fulfill " )
chan = self . channels [ update_fulfill_htlc_msg [ " channel_id " ] ]
preimage = update_fulfill_htlc_msg [ " payment_preimage " ]
htlc_id = int . from_bytes ( update_fulfill_htlc_msg [ " id " ] , " big " )
chan . receive_htlc_settle ( preimage , htlc_id )
await self . receive_and_revoke ( chan )
local_ctn = chan . get_current_ctn ( LOCAL )
asyncio . ensure_future ( self . _on_update_fulfill_htlc ( chan , htlc_id , preimage , local_ctn ) )
async def _on_update_fulfill_htlc ( self , chan , htlc_id , preimage , local_ctn ) :
await self . await_local ( chan , local_ctn )
self . network . trigger_callback ( ' ln_message ' , self . lnworker , ' Payment sent ' , htlc_id )
# used in lightning-integration
self . payment_preimages [ sha256 ( preimage ) ] . put_nowait ( preimage )
def on_update_fail_malformed_htlc ( self , payload ) :
self . print_error ( " error " , payload [ " data " ] . decode ( " ascii " ) )
async def on_update_add_htlc ( self , payload ) :
def on_update_add_htlc ( self , payload ) :
# no onion routing for the moment: we assume we are the end node
self . print_error ( ' on_update_add_htlc ' )
# check if this in our list of requests
@ -919,7 +916,12 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
# add htlc
htlc = { ' amount_msat ' : amount_msat_htlc , ' payment_hash ' : payment_hash , ' cltv_expiry ' : cltv_expiry }
htlc_id = chan . receive_htlc ( htlc )
await self . receive_and_revoke ( chan )
local_ctn = chan . get_current_ctn ( LOCAL )
asyncio . ensure_future ( self . _on_update_add_htlc ( chan , local_ctn , htlc_id , htlc , payment_hash , cltv_expiry , amount_msat_htlc , processed_onion ) )
async def _on_update_add_htlc ( self , chan , local_ctn , htlc_id , htlc , payment_hash , cltv_expiry , amount_msat_htlc , processed_onion ) :
await self . await_local ( chan , local_ctn )
# Forward HTLC
# FIXME: this is not robust to us going offline before payment is fulfilled
if not processed_onion . are_we_final :
@ -936,6 +938,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
next_amount_msat_htlc = int . from_bytes ( dph . amt_to_forward , ' big ' )
next_htlc = { ' amount_msat ' : next_amount_msat_htlc , ' payment_hash ' : payment_hash , ' cltv_expiry ' : next_cltv_expiry }
next_htlc_id = next_chan . add_htlc ( next_htlc )
next_remote_ctn = next_chan . get_current_ctn ( REMOTE )
next_peer . send_message (
" update_add_htlc " ,
channel_id = next_chan . channel_id ,
@ -945,7 +948,8 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
payment_hash = payment_hash ,
onion_routing_packet = processed_onion . next_packet . to_bytes ( )
await next_peer . send_and_revoke ( next_chan )
next_peer . pending_updates [ next_chan ] = True
await next_peer . await_remote ( next_chan , next_remote_ctn )
# wait until we get paid
preimage = await next_peer . payment_preimages [ payment_hash ] . get ( )
# fulfill the original htlc
@ -989,29 +993,35 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
async def fulfill_htlc ( self , chan : Channel , htlc_id : int , preimage : bytes ) :
chan . settle_htlc ( preimage , htlc_id )
remote_ctn = chan . get_current_ctn ( REMOTE )
self . send_message ( " update_fulfill_htlc " ,
channel_id = chan . channel_id ,
id = htlc_id ,
payment_preimage = preimage )
await self . send_and_revoke ( chan )
self . pending_updates [ chan ] = True
await self . await_remote ( chan , remote_ctn )
self . network . trigger_callback ( ' ln_message ' , self . lnworker , ' Payment received ' , htlc_id )
async def fail_htlc ( self , chan : Channel , htlc_id : int , onion_packet : OnionPacket ,
reason : OnionRoutingFailureMessage ) :
self . print_error ( f " failing received htlc { ( bh2u ( chan . channel_id ) , htlc_id ) } . reason: { reason } " )
chan . fail_htlc ( htlc_id )
remote_ctn = chan . get_current_ctn ( REMOTE )
error_packet = construct_onion_error ( reason , onion_packet , our_onion_private_key = self . privkey )
self . send_message ( " update_fail_htlc " ,
channel_id = chan . channel_id ,
id = htlc_id ,
len = len ( error_packet ) ,
reason = error_packet )
await self . send_and_revoke ( chan )
self . pending_updates [ chan ] = True
await self . await_remote ( chan , remote_ctn )
def on_revoke_and_ack ( self , payload ) :
self . print_error ( " got revoke_and_ack" )
self . print_error ( " on_ revoke_and_ack" )
channel_id = payload [ " channel_id " ]
self . revoke_and_ack [ channel_id ] . put_nowait ( payload )
chan = self . channels [ channel_id ]
chan . receive_revocation ( RevokeAndAck ( payload [ " per_commitment_secret " ] , payload [ " next_per_commitment_point " ] ) )
self . lnworker . save_channel ( chan )
def on_update_fee ( self , payload ) :
channel_id = payload [ " channel_id " ]
@ -1036,10 +1046,12 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
else :
chan . update_fee ( feerate_per_kw , True )
remote_ctn = chan . get_current_ctn ( REMOTE )
self . send_message ( " update_fee " ,
channel_id = chan . channel_id ,
feerate_per_kw = feerate_per_kw )
await self . send_and_revoke ( chan )
self . pending_updates [ chan ] = True
await self . await_remote ( chan , remote_ctn )
def on_closing_signed ( self , payload ) :
chan_id = payload [ " channel_id " ]