@ -36,6 +36,26 @@ def numbify(entry, is_int = False):
s = ' ' . join ( [ i for i in text if i in ' 0123456789. ' ] )
entry . set_text ( s )
def show_seed_dialog ( wallet , password ) :
import mnemonic
try :
seed = wallet . pw_decode ( wallet . seed , password )
private_keys = ast . literal_eval ( wallet . pw_decode ( wallet . private_keys , password ) )
except :
show_message ( " Incorrect password " )
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog (
parent = None ,
flags = gtk . DIALOG_MODAL ,
buttons = gtk . BUTTONS_OK ,
message_format = " Your wallet generation seed is: \n \n " + seed \
+ " \n \n Please keep it in a safe place; if you lose it, you will not be able to restore your wallet. \n \n " \
+ " Your wallet seed can also be stored and recovered with the following mnemonic code: \n \n \" " + ' ' . join ( mnemonic . mn_encode ( seed ) ) + " \" " )
dialog . show ( )
dialog . run ( )
dialog . destroy ( )
def init_wallet ( wallet ) :
if not wallet . read ( ) :
@ -68,15 +88,7 @@ def init_wallet(wallet):
wallet . create_new_address ( False , None )
# run a dialog indicating the seed, ask the user to remember it
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog (
parent = None ,
flags = gtk . DIALOG_MODAL ,
buttons = gtk . BUTTONS_OK ,
message_format = " Your secret seed is: \n " + wallet . seed + " \n \n Please keep it in a safe place; if you lose it, you will not be able to restore your wallet. " )
dialog . show ( )
r = dialog . run ( )
dialog . destroy ( )
show_seed_dialog ( wallet , None )
#ask for password
change_password_dialog ( wallet , None )
@ -113,32 +125,33 @@ def settings_dialog(wallet, is_create, is_recovery):
parent = None ,
flags = gtk . DIALOG_MODAL ,
buttons = gtk . BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL ,
message_format = " Please indicate the server and port number " if not is_recovery else ' Please enter the seed, the server and gap ' )
message_format = " Please indicate the server and port number " if not is_recovery else ' Please enter your wallet seed or the corresponding mnemonic list of words, the server and the gap limit ' )
else :
dialog = gtk . Dialog ( " settings " , parent = None ,
flags = gtk . DIALOG_MODAL | gtk . DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR ,
buttons = ( " cancel " , 0 , " ok " , 1 ) )
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog ( None , gtk . DIALOG_MODAL | gtk . DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT ,
gtk . MESSAGE_QUESTION , gtk . BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , " Settings " )
dialog . get_image ( ) . set_visible ( False )
vbox = dialog . vbox
dialog . set_default_response ( gtk . RESPONSE_OK )
if is_recovery :
# ask seed, server and gap in the same dialog
seed_box = gtk . HBox ( )
seed_label = gtk . Label ( ' Seed: ' )
seed_label = gtk . Label ( ' Seed or mnemonic: ' )
seed_label . set_size_request ( 150 , 10 )
seed_label . show ( )
seed_box . pack_start ( seed_label )
seed_box . pack_start ( seed_label , False , False , 10 )
seed_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
seed_entry . show ( )
seed_box . pack_start ( seed_entry )
seed_box . pack_start ( seed_entry , False , False , 10 )
add_help_button ( seed_box , ' . ' )
seed_box . show ( )
vbox . pack_start ( seed_box , False , False , 5 )
if is_recovery or ( not is_create ) :
gap = gtk . HBox ( )
gap_label = gtk . Label ( ' Max. gap :' )
gap_label . set_size_request ( 10 0 , 10 )
gap_label = gtk . Label ( ' Gap limit :' )
gap_label . set_size_request ( 15 0 , 10 )
gap_label . show ( )
gap . pack_start ( gap_label , False , False , 10 )
gap_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
@ -152,7 +165,7 @@ def settings_dialog(wallet, is_create, is_recovery):
host = gtk . HBox ( )
host_label = gtk . Label ( ' Server: ' )
host_label . set_size_request ( 10 0 , 10 )
host_label . set_size_request ( 15 0 , 10 )
host_label . show ( )
host . pack_start ( host_label , False , False , 10 )
host_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
@ -201,9 +214,17 @@ def run_settings_dialog( wallet, is_create, is_recovery):
if is_recovery :
gap = gap_entry . get_text ( )
seed = seed_entry . get_text ( )
try :
seed . decode ( ' hex ' )
except :
import mnemonic
print " not hex, trying decode "
seed = mnemonic . mn_decode ( seed . split ( ' ' ) )
dialog . destroy ( )
if r == - 6 :
exit ( 1 )
if r == gtk . RESPONSE_CANCEL :
if is_create : exit ( 1 )
else : return
try :
a , b = hh . split ( ' : ' )
wallet . host = a
@ -240,7 +261,7 @@ def password_line(label):
def password_dialog ( ) :
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog ( None , gtk . DIALOG_MODAL | gtk . DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT ,
gtk . MESSAGE_QUESTION , gtk . BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , " Your wallet is encrypte d." )
gtk . MESSAGE_QUESTION , gtk . BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , " Please enter your passwor d." )
dialog . get_image ( ) . set_visible ( False )
current_pw , current_pw_entry = password_line ( ' Password: ' )
current_pw_entry . connect ( " activate " , lambda entry , dialog , response : dialog . response ( response ) , dialog , gtk . RESPONSE_OK )
@ -253,12 +274,13 @@ def password_dialog():
def change_password_dialog ( wallet , icon ) :
if icon :
msg = ' Your wallet is encrypted ' if wallet . use_encryption else ' Your wallet is not encrypted '
msg = ' Your wallet is encrypted. Use this dialog to change the password. To disable wallet encryption, enter an empty new password. ' if wallet . use_encryption else ' Your wallet keys are not encrypted '
else :
msg = " Please choose a password to encrypt your wallet keys "
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog ( None , gtk . DIALOG_MODAL | gtk . DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT , gtk . MESSAGE_QUESTION , gtk . BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , msg )
if wallet . use_encryption :
current_pw , current_pw_entry = password_line ( ' Current password: ' )
dialog . vbox . pack_start ( current_pw , False , True , 0 )
@ -335,14 +357,11 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
self . create_send_tab ( )
self . create_recv_tab ( )
self . create_book_tab ( )
#self.add_tab( make_settings_box( self.wallet, False), 'Preferences')
self . create_about_tab ( )
self . notebook . show ( )
vbox . pack_start ( self . notebook , True , True , 2 )
# status bar for balance, connection, blocks
self . status_bar = gtk . Statusbar ( )
vbox . pack_start ( self . status_bar , False , False , 0 )
@ -352,6 +371,19 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
self . status_image . show ( )
self . status_bar . pack_end ( self . status_image , False , False )
def seedb ( w , wallet ) :
if wallet . use_encryption :
password = password_dialog ( )
if not password : return
else : password = None
show_seed_dialog ( wallet , password )
button = gtk . Button ( ' S ' )
button . connect ( " clicked " , seedb , wallet )
button . set_relief ( gtk . RELIEF_NONE )
button . show ( )
self . status_bar . pack_end ( button , False , False )
settings_icon = gtk . Image ( )
settings_icon . set_from_stock ( gtk . STOCK_PREFERENCES , gtk . ICON_SIZE_MENU )
settings_icon . set_alignment ( 0.5 , 0.5 )
@ -404,6 +436,9 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
while True :
try :
u = self . wallet . update ( )
except socket . gaierror :
self . error = " Not connected "
except :
self . error = " Not connected "
print " error "