@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import re , errno , os
import copy , re , errno , os
import threading , traceback , sys , time , Queue
import socket
import ssl
import x509
import util
import requests
ca_path = requests . certs . where ( )
import util
import x509
from simple_config import SimpleConfig
@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ def Interface(server, response_queue, config = None):
- Member functions send_request ( ) , stop ( ) , is_connected ( )
- Member variable server .
" is_connected() " is currently racy . " server " is constant for the object ' s lifetime and hence
synchronization is unnecessary .
" server " is constant for the object ' s lifetime and hence synchronization is unnecessary.
host , port , protocol = server . split ( ' : ' )
if protocol in ' st ' :
@ -55,7 +54,12 @@ class TcpInterface(threading.Thread):
threading . Thread . __init__ ( self )
self . daemon = True
self . config = config if config is not None else SimpleConfig ( )
self . connected = False
# Set by stop(); no more data is exchanged and the thread exits after gracefully
# closing the socket
self . disconnect = False
# Initially True to avoid a race; set to False on failure to create a socket or when
# it is closed
self . connected = True
self . debug = False # dump network messages. can be changed at runtime using the console
self . message_id = 0
self . response_queue = response_queue
@ -250,7 +254,7 @@ class TcpInterface(threading.Thread):
def send_request ( self , request , response_queue = None ) :
''' Queue a request. Blocking only if called from other threads. '''
self . request_time = time . time ( )
self . request_queue . put ( ( request , response_queue ) , threading . current_thread ( ) != self )
self . request_queue . put ( ( copy . deepcopy ( request ) , response_queue ) , threading . current_thread ( ) != self )
def send_requests ( self ) :
''' Sends all queued requests '''
@ -271,14 +275,11 @@ class TcpInterface(threading.Thread):
self . message_id + = 1
def is_connected ( self ) :
return self . connected
return self . connected and not self . disconnect
def stop ( self ) :
if self . connected and self . protocol in ' st ' and self . s :
self . s . shutdown ( socket . SHUT_RDWR )
self . s . close ( )
self . connected = False
self . print_error ( " stopped " )
self . disconnect = True
self . print_error ( " disconnecting " )
def maybe_ping ( self ) :
# ping the server with server.version
@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ class TcpInterface(threading.Thread):
self . print_error ( " interface timeout " , len ( self . unanswered_requests ) )
self . stop ( )
def get_response ( self ) :
def get_and_process_ response ( self ) :
if self . is_connected ( ) :
try :
response = self . pipe . get ( )
@ -298,28 +299,30 @@ class TcpInterface(threading.Thread):
# If remote side closed the socket, SocketPipe closes our socket and returns None
if response is None :
self . connected = False
return response
self . connected = False # Don't re-close the socket
self . print_error ( " connection closed remotely " )
else :
self . process_response ( response )
def run ( self ) :
self . s = self . get_socket ( )
if self . s :
self . pipe = util . SocketPipe ( self . s )
self . s . settimeout ( 0.1 )
self . connected = True
s = self . get_socket ( )
if s :
self . pipe = util . SocketPipe ( s )
s . settimeout ( 0.1 )
self . print_error ( " connected " )
# Indicate to parent that we've connected
self . change_status ( )
while self . is_connected ( ) :
self . maybe_ping ( )
self . send_requests ( )
self . get_and_process_response ( )
if self . connected : # Don't shutdown() a closed socket
s . shutdown ( socket . SHUT_RDWR )
s . close ( )
self . change_status ( )
if not self . connected :
while self . connected :
self . maybe_ping ( )
self . send_requests ( )
response = self . get_response ( )
if response :
self . process_response ( response )
# Also for the s is None case
self . connected = False
# Indicate to parent that the connection is now down
self . change_status ( )
def change_status ( self ) :