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update release notes

ThomasV 7 years ago
  1. 58


@ -1,31 +1,41 @@
# Release 3.1 - (to be released)
* Mempory pool based fee estimates. If this option is activated,
users can set transaction fees that target a desired depth in the
memory pool. This feature might be controversial, because miners
could conspire and fill the memory pool with expensive transactions
that never get mined. However, our current time-based fee estimates
results in sticky fees, which cause inexperienced users to overpay,
while more advanced users visit (and trust) websites that display
memorypool data, and set their fee accordingly.
* Local transactions: Transactions that have not been broadcasted can
be saved in the wallet file, and their outputs can be used in
subsequent transactions. Transactions that disapear from the memory
pool stay in the wallet, and can be rebroadcasted. This feature can
be combined with cold storage, to create several transactions
before broadcasting.
* The initial headers download was replaced with hardcoded
checkpoints, one per retargeting period. Past headers are
downloaded when needed.
* The two coin selection policies have been merged, and the policy
choice was removed from preferences. Previously, the 'privacy'
policy has been unusable because it was was not prioritizing
confirmed coins.
* Memory-pool based transaction fees. Users can set dynamic fees that
target a desired depth in the memory pool. This feature is
optional, and ETA-based estimates (from Bitcoin Core) remain the
default. Note that miners could exploit this feature, if they
conspired and filled the memory pool with expensive transactions
that never get mined. However, since the Electrum client already
trusts an Electrum server with fee estimates, activating this
feature does not introduce any new vulnerability; the client uses a
hard threshold to detect unusually high fees. In practice,
ETA-based estimates have resulted in sticky fees, and caused many
users to overpay for transactions. Advanced users tend to visit
(and trust) websites that display memory-pool data in order to set
their fees.
* Local transactions: Transactions can be saved in the wallet without
being broadcast. The inputs of local transactions are considered as
spent, and their change outputs can be re-used in subsequent
transactions. This can be combined with cold storage, in order to
create several transactions before broadcasting them. Outgoing
transactions that have been removed from the memory pool are also
saved in the wallet, and can be broadcast again.
* Checkpoints: The initial download of a headers file was replaced
with hardcoded checkpoints. The wallet uses one checkpoint per
retargetting period. The headers for a retargetting period are
downloaded only if transactions need to be verified in this period.
* The 'privacy' and 'priority' coin selection policies have been
merged into one. Previously, the 'privacy' policy has been unusable
because it was was not prioritizing confirmed coins. The new policy
is similar to 'privacy', except that it de-prioritizes addresses
that have unconfirmed coins.
* The 'Send' tab of the Qt GUI displays how transaction fees are
computed from transaction size.
* RBF is enabled by default. This might cause some issues with
merchants that use wallets that do not display RBF transactions
until they are confirmed.
* The wallet history can be filtered by time interval.
* Replace-by-fee is enabled by default. Note that this might cause
some issues with wallets that do not display RBF transactions until
they are confirmed.
* Watching-only wallets and hardware wallets can be encrypted.
* Semi-automated crash reporting
* The SSL checkbox option was removed from the GUI.
