@ -16,13 +16,28 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict , namedtuple
from util import NotEnoughFunds , PrintError , profiler
from transaction import Transaction
Bucket = namedtuple ( ' Bucket ' , [ ' desc ' , ' size ' , ' value ' , ' coins ' ] )
class CoinChooser ( PrintError ) :
class CoinChooserBase ( PrintError ) :
def bucketize_coins ( self , coins ) :
keys = self . keys ( coins )
buckets = defaultdict ( list )
for key , coin in zip ( keys , coins ) :
buckets [ key ] . append ( coin )
def make_Bucket ( desc , coins ) :
size = sum ( Transaction . estimated_input_size ( coin )
for coin in coins )
value = sum ( coin [ ' value ' ] for coin in coins )
return Bucket ( desc , size , value , coins )
return map ( make_Bucket , buckets . keys ( ) , buckets . values ( ) )
def make_tx ( self , coins , outputs , change_addrs , fee_estimator ,
dust_threshold ) :
@ -30,47 +45,71 @@ class CoinChooser(PrintError):
greater than dust_threshold ( after adding the change output to
the transaction ) it is kept , otherwise none is sent and it is
added to the transaction fee . '''
amount = sum ( map ( lambda x : x [ 2 ] , outputs ) )
total = 0
tx = Transaction . from_io ( [ ] , outputs )
output_total = sum ( map ( lambda x : x [ 2 ] , outputs ) )
# Size of the transaction with no inputs and no change
tx = Transaction . from_io ( [ ] , outputs )
base_size = tx . estimated_size ( )
# Pay to bitcoin address serializes as 34 bytes
change_size = 34
# Size of each serialized coin
for coin in coins :
coin [ ' size ' ] = Transaction . estimated_input_size ( coin )
size = base_size
# add inputs, sorted by age
for item in coins :
v = item . get ( ' value ' )
total + = v
size + = item [ ' size ' ]
tx . add_input ( item )
if total > = amount + fee_estimator ( size ) :
else :
raise NotEnoughFunds ( )
# Returns fee given input size
fee = lambda input_size : fee_estimator ( base_size + input_size )
# Collect the coins into buckets, choose a subset of the buckets
buckets = self . bucketize_coins ( coins )
buckets = self . choose_buckets ( buckets , output_total , fee )
# remove unneeded inputs.
for item in sorted ( tx . inputs , key = itemgetter ( ' value ' ) ) :
v = item . get ( ' value ' )
if total - v > = amount + fee_estimator ( size - item [ ' size ' ] ) :
tx . inputs . remove ( item )
total - = v
size - = item [ ' size ' ]
self . print_error ( " using %d inputs " % len ( tx . inputs ) )
self . print_error ( " using buckets: " , [ bucket . desc for bucket in buckets ] )
tx . inputs = [ coin for b in buckets for coin in b . coins ]
input_total = sum ( bucket . value for bucket in buckets )
tx_size = base_size + sum ( bucket . size for bucket in buckets )
# If change is above dust threshold after accounting for the
# size of the change output, add it to the transaction.
change_amount = total - ( amount + fee_estimator ( size + change_size ) )
# Pay to bitcoin address serializes as 34 bytes
change_size = 34
fee = fee_estimator ( tx_size + change_size )
change_amount = input_total - ( output_total + fee )
if change_amount > dust_threshold :
tx . outputs . append ( ( ' address ' , change_addrs [ 0 ] , change_amount ) )
size + = change_size
self . print_error ( ' change ' , change_amount )
elif change_amount :
self . print_error ( ' not keeping dust ' , change_amount )
return tx
class CoinChooser ( CoinChooserBase ) :
''' The original electrum algorithm. Chooses coins starting with the
oldest that are sufficient to cover the spent amount , and then
removes any not needed starting with the smallest in value . '''
def keys ( self , coins ) :
return [ coin [ ' prevout_hash ' ] + ' : ' + str ( coin [ ' prevout_n ' ] )
for coin in coins ]
def choose_buckets ( self , buckets , spent_amount , fee ) :
''' Spend the oldest buckets first. '''
# Unconfirmed coins are young, not old
adj_height = lambda height : 99999999 if height == 0 else height
buckets . sort ( key = lambda b : max ( adj_height ( coin [ ' height ' ] )
for coin in b . coins ) )
selected , value , size = [ ] , 0 , 0
for bucket in buckets :
selected . append ( bucket )
value + = bucket . value
size + = bucket . size
if value > = spent_amount + fee ( size ) :
else :
raise NotEnoughFunds ( )
# Remove unneeded inputs starting with the smallest.
selected . sort ( key = lambda b : b . value )
dropped = [ ]
for bucket in selected :
if value - bucket . value > = spent_amount + fee ( size - bucket . size ) :
value - = bucket . value
size - = bucket . size
dropped . append ( bucket )
return [ bucket for bucket in selected if bucket not in dropped ]