Browse Source

Use bucketing to choose coins

Bucketing is generalization of coin chooser logic that makes it easy
to implement other algorithms.

- Put core coin chooser functionality in base class.
- Specialize derived class to implement classic electrum algorithm of
  oldest coins first.  One bucket per output.

No intended change in behaviour.
Coin chooser now sorts the coins as it wants; remove redundant sorting
from get_spendable_coins().
Neil Booth 9 years ago
  1. 101
  2. 10


@ -16,13 +16,28 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from util import NotEnoughFunds, PrintError, profiler
from transaction import Transaction
Bucket = namedtuple('Bucket', ['desc', 'size', 'value', 'coins'])
class CoinChooser(PrintError):
class CoinChooserBase(PrintError):
def bucketize_coins(self, coins):
keys = self.keys(coins)
buckets = defaultdict(list)
for key, coin in zip(keys, coins):
def make_Bucket(desc, coins):
size = sum(Transaction.estimated_input_size(coin)
for coin in coins)
value = sum(coin['value'] for coin in coins)
return Bucket(desc, size, value, coins)
return map(make_Bucket, buckets.keys(), buckets.values())
def make_tx(self, coins, outputs, change_addrs, fee_estimator,
@ -30,47 +45,71 @@ class CoinChooser(PrintError):
greater than dust_threshold (after adding the change output to
the transaction) it is kept, otherwise none is sent and it is
added to the transaction fee.'''
amount = sum(map(lambda x: x[2], outputs))
total = 0
tx = Transaction.from_io([], outputs)
output_total = sum(map(lambda x: x[2], outputs))
# Size of the transaction with no inputs and no change
tx = Transaction.from_io([], outputs)
base_size = tx.estimated_size()
# Pay to bitcoin address serializes as 34 bytes
change_size = 34
# Size of each serialized coin
for coin in coins:
coin['size'] = Transaction.estimated_input_size(coin)
size = base_size
# add inputs, sorted by age
for item in coins:
v = item.get('value')
total += v
size += item['size']
if total >= amount + fee_estimator(size):
raise NotEnoughFunds()
# Returns fee given input size
fee = lambda input_size: fee_estimator(base_size + input_size)
# Collect the coins into buckets, choose a subset of the buckets
buckets = self.bucketize_coins(coins)
buckets = self.choose_buckets(buckets, output_total, fee)
# remove unneeded inputs.
for item in sorted(tx.inputs, key=itemgetter('value')):
v = item.get('value')
if total - v >= amount + fee_estimator(size - item['size']):
total -= v
size -= item['size']
self.print_error("using %d inputs" % len(tx.inputs))
self.print_error("using buckets:", [bucket.desc for bucket in buckets])
tx.inputs = [coin for b in buckets for coin in b.coins]
input_total = sum(bucket.value for bucket in buckets)
tx_size = base_size + sum(bucket.size for bucket in buckets)
# If change is above dust threshold after accounting for the
# size of the change output, add it to the transaction.
change_amount = total - (amount + fee_estimator(size + change_size))
# Pay to bitcoin address serializes as 34 bytes
change_size = 34
fee = fee_estimator(tx_size + change_size)
change_amount = input_total - (output_total + fee)
if change_amount > dust_threshold:
tx.outputs.append(('address', change_addrs[0], change_amount))
size += change_size
self.print_error('change', change_amount)
elif change_amount:
self.print_error('not keeping dust', change_amount)
return tx
class CoinChooser(CoinChooserBase):
'''The original electrum algorithm. Chooses coins starting with the
oldest that are sufficient to cover the spent amount, and then
removes any not needed starting with the smallest in value.'''
def keys(self, coins):
return [coin['prevout_hash'] + ':' + str(coin['prevout_n'])
for coin in coins]
def choose_buckets(self, buckets, spent_amount, fee):
'''Spend the oldest buckets first.'''
# Unconfirmed coins are young, not old
adj_height = lambda height: 99999999 if height == 0 else height
buckets.sort(key = lambda b: max(adj_height(coin['height'])
for coin in b.coins))
selected, value, size = [], 0, 0
for bucket in buckets:
value += bucket.value
size += bucket.size
if value >= spent_amount + fee(size):
raise NotEnoughFunds()
# Remove unneeded inputs starting with the smallest.
selected.sort(key = lambda b: b.value)
dropped = []
for bucket in selected:
if value - bucket.value >= spent_amount + fee(size - bucket.size):
value -= bucket.value
size -= bucket.size
return [bucket for bucket in selected if bucket not in dropped]


@ -627,15 +627,9 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
coins.append((tx_height, output))
# sort by age
if coins:
coins = sorted(coins)
if coins[-1][0] != 0:
while coins[0][0] == 0:
coins = coins[1:] + [ coins[0] ]
return [value for height, value in coins]
return coins
def get_max_amount(self, config, inputs, fee):
sendable = sum(map(lambda x:x['value'], inputs))
