@ -1423,15 +1423,14 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, Logger):
self . not_enough_funds = False
self . statusBar ( ) . showMessage ( ' ' )
else :
fee_estimator = self . get_send_fee_estimator ( )
outputs = self . payto_e . get_outputs ( self . max_button . isChecked ( ) )
outputs , fee_estimator , tx_desc , coins = self . read_send_tab ( )
if not outputs :
_type , addr = self . get_payto_or_dummy ( )
outputs = [ TxOutput ( _type , addr , amount ) ]
is_sweep = bool ( self . tx_external_keypairs )
make_tx = lambda fee_est : \
self . wallet . make_unsigned_transaction (
self . get_ coins( ) , outputs , self . config ,
coins , outputs , self . config ,
fixed_fee = fee_est , is_sweep = is_sweep )
try :
tx = make_tx ( fee_estimator )
@ -1580,19 +1579,28 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, Logger):
return fee_estimator
def read_send_tab ( self ) :
if self . payment_request and self . payment_request . has_expired ( ) :
self . show_error ( _ ( ' Payment request has expired ' ) )
label = self . message_e . text ( )
if self . payment_request :
outputs = self . payment_request . get_outputs ( )
else :
outputs = self . payto_e . get_outputs ( self . max_button . isChecked ( ) )
fee_estimator = self . get_send_fee_estimator ( )
coins = self . get_coins ( )
return outputs , fee_estimator , label , coins
def check_send_tab_outputs_and_show_errors ( self , outputs ) - > bool :
""" Returns whether there are errors with outputs.
Also shows error dialog to user if so .
if self . payment_request and self . payment_request . has_expired ( ) :
self . show_error ( _ ( ' Payment request has expired ' ) )
return True
if not self . payment_request :
errors = self . payto_e . get_errors ( )
if errors :
self . show_warning ( _ ( " Invalid Lines found: " ) + " \n \n " + ' \n ' . join ( [ _ ( " Line # " ) + str ( x [ 0 ] + 1 ) + " : " + x [ 1 ] for x in errors ] ) )
outputs = self . payto_e . get_outputs ( self . max_button . isChecked ( ) )
return True
if self . payto_e . is_alias and self . payto_e . validated is False :
alias = self . payto_e . toPlainText ( )
@ -1600,26 +1608,24 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, Logger):
' security check, DNSSEC, and thus may not be correct. ' ) . format ( alias ) + ' \n '
msg + = _ ( ' Do you wish to continue? ' )
if not self . question ( msg ) :
return True
if not outputs :
self . show_error ( _ ( ' No outputs ' ) )
return True
for o in outputs :
if o . address is None :
self . show_error ( _ ( ' Bitcoin Address is None ' ) )
return True
if o . type == TYPE_ADDRESS and not bitcoin . is_address ( o . address ) :
self . show_error ( _ ( ' Invalid Bitcoin Address ' ) )
return True
if o . value is None :
self . show_error ( _ ( ' Invalid Amount ' ) )
return True
fee_estimator = self . get_send_fee_estimator ( )
coins = self . get_coins ( )
return outputs , fee_estimator , label , coins
return False # no errors
def do_preview ( self ) :
self . do_send ( preview = True )
@ -1627,10 +1633,9 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, Logger):
def do_send ( self , preview = False ) :
if run_hook ( ' abort_send ' , self ) :
r = self . read_send_tab ( )
if not r :
outputs , fee_estimato r, tx_desc , coins = self . read_send_tab ( )
if self . check_send_tab_outputs_and_show_errors ( outputs ) :
outputs , fee_estimator , tx_desc , coins = r
try :
is_sweep = bool ( self . tx_external_keypairs )
tx = self . wallet . make_unsigned_transaction (