@ -125,18 +125,29 @@ class ChannelsList(MyTreeView):
WaitingDialog ( self , ' please wait.. ' , task , self . on_success , self . on_failure )
def force_close ( self , channel_id ) :
self . save_backup = True
backup_cb = QCheckBox ( ' Create a backup now ' , checked = True )
def on_checked ( b ) :
self . save_backup = bool ( b )
backup_cb . stateChanged . connect ( on_checked )
chan = self . lnworker . channels [ channel_id ]
to_self_delay = chan . config [ REMOTE ] . to_self_delay
msg = _ ( ' Force-close channel? ' ) + ' \n \n ' \
+ _ ( ' Funds retrieved from this channel will not be available before {} blocks after forced closure. ' ) . format ( to_self_delay ) + ' ' \
+ _ ( ' After that delay, funds will be sent to an address derived from your wallet seed. ' ) + ' \n \n ' \
+ _ ( ' In the meantime, channel funds will not be recoverable from your seed, and might be lost if you lose your wallet. ' ) + ' ' \
+ _ ( ' To prevent that, you should have a backup of this channel on another device. ' )
if self . parent . question ( msg ) :
def task ( ) :
coro = self . lnworker . force_close_channel ( channel_id )
return self . network . run_from_another_thread ( coro )
WaitingDialog ( self , ' please wait.. ' , task , self . on_success , self . on_failure )
msg = ' <b> ' + _ ( ' Force-close channel? ' ) + ' </b><br/> ' \
+ ' <p> ' + _ ( ' If you force-close this channel, the funds you have in it will not be available for {} blocks. ' ) . format ( to_self_delay ) + ' ' \
+ _ ( ' After that delay, funds will be swept to an address derived from your wallet seed. ' ) + ' </p> ' \
+ ' <u> ' + _ ( ' Please create a backup of your wallet file! ' ) + ' </u> ' \
+ ' <p> ' + _ ( ' Funds in this channel will not be recoverable from seed until they are swept back into your wallet, and might be lost if you lose your wallet file. ' ) + ' ' \
+ _ ( ' To prevent that, you should save a backup of your wallet on another device. ' ) + ' </p> '
if not self . parent . question ( msg , title = _ ( ' Force-close channel ' ) , rich_text = True , checkbox = backup_cb ) :
if self . save_backup :
if not self . parent . backup_wallet ( ) :
def task ( ) :
coro = self . lnworker . force_close_channel ( channel_id )
return self . network . run_from_another_thread ( coro )
WaitingDialog ( self , ' please wait.. ' , task , self . on_success , self . on_failure )
def remove_channel ( self , channel_id ) :
if self . main_window . question ( _ ( ' Are you sure you want to delete this channel? This will purge associated transactions from your wallet history. ' ) ) :