@ -20,101 +20,81 @@ Pane { |
delegate: Item { |
delegate: Item { |
id: delegate |
id: delegate |
width: ListView.view.width |
width: ListView.view.width |
height: txinfo.height |
height: delegateLayout.height |
MouseArea { |
ColumnLayout { |
anchors.fill: delegate |
id: delegateLayout |
onClicked: extinfo.visible = !extinfo.visible |
width: parent.width |
} |
spacing: 0 |
GridLayout { |
Rectangle { |
id: txinfo |
visible: index > 0 |
columns: 3 |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
Layout.preferredHeight: constants.paddingSmall |
x: 6 |
color: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0.10) |
width: delegate.width - 12 |
Image { |
readonly property variant tx_icons : [ |
"../../../gui/icons/unconfirmed.png", |
"../../../gui/icons/clock1.png", |
"../../../gui/icons/clock2.png", |
"../../../gui/icons/clock3.png", |
"../../../gui/icons/clock4.png", |
"../../../gui/icons/clock5.png", |
"../../../gui/icons/confirmed.png" |
] |
Layout.preferredWidth: 32 |
Layout.preferredHeight: 32 |
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter |
Layout.rowSpan: 2 |
source: tx_icons[Math.min(6,model.confirmations)] |
} |
} |
Label { |
font.pixelSize: 18 |
ItemDelegate { |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
text: model.label !== '' ? model.label : '<no label>' |
Layout.preferredHeight: txinfo.height |
color: model.label !== '' ? Material.accentColor : 'gray' |
} |
GridLayout { |
Label { |
id: txinfo |
id: valueLabel |
columns: 3 |
font.family: FixedFont |
font.pixelSize: 15 |
x: constants.paddingSmall |
text: Config.formatSats(model.bc_value) |
width: delegate.width - 2*constants.paddingSmall |
font.bold: true |
color: model.incoming ? "#ff80ff80" : "#ffff8080" |
Item { Layout.columnSpan: 3; Layout.preferredWidth: 1; Layout.preferredHeight: 1} |
} |
Image { |
Label { |
readonly property variant tx_icons : [ |
font.pixelSize: 12 |
"../../../gui/icons/unconfirmed.png", |
text: model.date |
"../../../gui/icons/clock1.png", |
} |
"../../../gui/icons/clock2.png", |
Label { |
"../../../gui/icons/clock3.png", |
font.pixelSize: 10 |
"../../../gui/icons/clock4.png", |
text: 'fee: ' + (model.fee !== undefined ? model.fee : '0') |
"../../../gui/icons/clock5.png", |
} |
"../../../gui/icons/confirmed.png" |
] |
Layout.preferredWidth: constants.iconSizeLarge |
Layout.preferredHeight: constants.iconSizeLarge |
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter |
Layout.rowSpan: 2 |
source: tx_icons[Math.min(6,model.confirmations)] |
} |
GridLayout { |
Label { |
id: extinfo |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeLarge |
visible: false |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
columns: 2 |
text: model.label !== '' ? model.label : '<no label>' |
Layout.columnSpan: 3 |
color: model.label !== '' ? Material.accentColor : 'gray' |
wrapMode: Text.Wrap |
Label { text: 'txid' } |
maximumLineCount: 2 |
Label { |
elide: Text.ElideRight |
font.pixelSize: 10 |
} |
text: model.txid |
Label { |
elide: Text.ElideMiddle |
id: valueLabel |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
font.family: FixedFont |
} |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeMedium |
Label { text: 'height' } |
text: Config.formatSats(model.bc_value) |
Label { |
font.bold: true |
font.pixelSize: 10 |
color: model.incoming ? constants.colorCredit : constants.colorDebit |
text: model.height |
} |
Label { text: 'confirmations' } |
Label { |
font.pixelSize: 10 |
text: model.confirmations |
} |
Label { text: 'address' } |
Label { |
font.pixelSize: 10 |
elide: Text.ElideMiddle |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
text: { |
for (var i=0; i < Object.keys(model.outputs).length; i++) { |
if (model.outputs[i].value === model.bc_value) { |
return model.outputs[i].address |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Label { |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeSmall |
text: model.date |
} |
Label { |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeXSmall |
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight |
text: model.fee !== undefined ? 'fee: ' + model.fee : '' |
} |
Item { Layout.columnSpan: 3; Layout.preferredWidth: 1; Layout.preferredHeight: 1 } |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// as the items in the model are not bindings to QObjects, |
// as the items in the model are not bindings to QObjects, |
// hook up events that might change the appearance |
// hook up events that might change the appearance |
Connections { |
Connections { |