@ -18,291 +18,297 @@ ElDialog { |
title: qsTr('Invoice') |
standardButtons: invoice_key != '' ? Dialog.Close : Dialog.Cancel |
padding: 0 |
modal: true |
parent: Overlay.overlay |
Overlay.modal: Rectangle { |
color: "#aa000000" |
} |
GridLayout { |
id: layout |
ColumnLayout { |
width: parent.width |
height: parent.height |
columns: 2 |
Label { |
text: qsTr('Type') |
color: Material.accentColor |
} |
spacing: 0 |
RowLayout { |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
Image { |
Layout.preferredWidth: constants.iconSizeSmall |
Layout.preferredHeight: constants.iconSizeSmall |
source: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.LightningInvoice |
? "../../icons/lightning.png" |
: "../../icons/bitcoin.png" |
} |
GridLayout { |
id: layout |
width: parent.width |
Layout.leftMargin: constants.paddingLarge |
Layout.rightMargin: constants.paddingLarge |
columns: 2 |
Label { |
text: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.OnchainInvoice |
? qsTr('On chain') |
: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.LightningInvoice |
? qsTr('Lightning') |
: '' |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
text: qsTr('Type') |
color: Material.accentColor |
} |
} |
Label { |
text: qsTr('Status') |
color: Material.accentColor |
} |
Label { |
text: invoice.status_str |
} |
Label { |
visible: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.OnchainInvoice |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
text: qsTr('Address') |
color: Material.accentColor |
} |
RowLayout { |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
Image { |
Layout.preferredWidth: constants.iconSizeSmall |
Layout.preferredHeight: constants.iconSizeSmall |
source: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.LightningInvoice |
? "../../icons/lightning.png" |
: "../../icons/bitcoin.png" |
} |
TextHighlightPane { |
visible: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.OnchainInvoice |
Label { |
text: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.OnchainInvoice |
? qsTr('On chain') |
: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.LightningInvoice |
? qsTr('Lightning') |
: '' |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
} |
} |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
Label { |
text: qsTr('Status') |
color: Material.accentColor |
} |
padding: 0 |
leftPadding: constants.paddingMedium |
Label { |
text: invoice.status_str |
} |
Label { |
width: parent.width |
text: invoice.address |
font.family: FixedFont |
wrapMode: Text.Wrap |
visible: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.OnchainInvoice |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
text: qsTr('Address') |
color: Material.accentColor |
} |
} |
Label { |
visible: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.LightningInvoice |
text: qsTr('Remote Pubkey') |
color: Material.accentColor |
} |
TextHighlightPane { |
visible: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.OnchainInvoice |
TextHighlightPane { |
visible: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.LightningInvoice |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
padding: 0 |
leftPadding: constants.paddingMedium |
padding: 0 |
leftPadding: constants.paddingMedium |
Label { |
width: parent.width |
text: invoice.address |
font.family: FixedFont |
wrapMode: Text.Wrap |
} |
} |
Label { |
width: parent.width |
text: invoice.lnprops ? invoice.lnprops.pubkey : '' |
font.family: FixedFont |
wrapMode: Text.Wrap |
visible: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.LightningInvoice |
text: qsTr('Remote Pubkey') |
color: Material.accentColor |
} |
} |
Label { |
text: qsTr('Description') |
visible: invoice.message |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
color: Material.accentColor |
} |
TextHighlightPane { |
visible: invoice.invoiceType == Invoice.LightningInvoice |
TextHighlightPane { |
visible: invoice.message |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width |
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter |
padding: 0 |
leftPadding: constants.paddingMedium |
padding: 0 |
leftPadding: constants.paddingMedium |
Label { |
width: parent.width |
text: invoice.lnprops ? invoice.lnprops.pubkey : '' |
font.family: FixedFont |
wrapMode: Text.Wrap |
} |
} |
Label { |
text: invoice.message |
width: parent.width |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeXLarge |
wrapMode: Text.Wrap |
elide: Text.ElideRight |
text: qsTr('Description') |
visible: invoice.message |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
color: Material.accentColor |
} |
} |
Label { |
text: qsTr('Amount to send') |
color: Material.accentColor |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
} |
TextHighlightPane { |
id: amountContainer |
TextHighlightPane { |
visible: invoice.message |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width //* 0.75 |
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter |
padding: 0 |
leftPadding: constants.paddingXXLarge |
padding: 0 |
leftPadding: constants.paddingMedium |
property bool editmode: false |
Label { |
text: invoice.message |
width: parent.width |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeXLarge |
wrapMode: Text.Wrap |
elide: Text.ElideRight |
} |
} |
RowLayout { |
id: amountLayout |
width: parent.width |
GridLayout { |
visible: !amountContainer.editmode |
columns: 2 |
Label { |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeXLarge |
font.family: FixedFont |
font.bold: true |
text: Config.formatSats(invoice.amount, false) |
} |
Label { |
text: qsTr('Amount to send') |
color: Material.accentColor |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
} |
Label { |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
text: Config.baseUnit |
color: Material.accentColor |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeXLarge |
} |
TextHighlightPane { |
id: amountContainer |
Label { |
id: fiatValue |
visible: Daemon.fx.enabled |
text: Daemon.fx.fiatValue(invoice.amount, false) |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeMedium |
color: constants.mutedForeground |
} |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter |
padding: 0 |
leftPadding: constants.paddingXXLarge |
property bool editmode: false |
RowLayout { |
id: amountLayout |
width: parent.width |
GridLayout { |
visible: !amountContainer.editmode |
columns: 2 |
Label { |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeXLarge |
font.family: FixedFont |
font.bold: true |
text: Config.formatSats(invoice.amount, false) |
} |
Label { |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
text: Config.baseUnit |
color: Material.accentColor |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeXLarge |
} |
Label { |
id: fiatValue |
visible: Daemon.fx.enabled |
text: Daemon.fx.fiatValue(invoice.amount, false) |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeMedium |
color: constants.mutedForeground |
} |
Label { |
visible: Daemon.fx.enabled |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
text: Daemon.fx.fiatCurrency |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeMedium |
color: constants.mutedForeground |
} |
Label { |
visible: Daemon.fx.enabled |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
text: Daemon.fx.fiatCurrency |
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeMedium |
color: constants.mutedForeground |
} |
} |
ToolButton { |
visible: !amountContainer.editmode |
icon.source: '../../icons/pen.png' |
icon.color: 'transparent' |
onClicked: { |
amountBtc.text = invoice.amount.satsInt == 0 ? '' : Config.formatSats(invoice.amount) |
amountContainer.editmode = true |
amountBtc.focus = true |
ToolButton { |
visible: !amountContainer.editmode |
icon.source: '../../icons/pen.png' |
icon.color: 'transparent' |
onClicked: { |
amountBtc.text = invoice.amount.satsInt == 0 ? '' : Config.formatSats(invoice.amount) |
amountContainer.editmode = true |
amountBtc.focus = true |
} |
} |
} |
GridLayout { |
visible: amountContainer.editmode |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
columns: 2 |
BtcField { |
id: amountBtc |
fiatfield: amountFiat |
} |
Label { |
text: Config.baseUnit |
color: Material.accentColor |
GridLayout { |
visible: amountContainer.editmode |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
columns: 2 |
BtcField { |
id: amountBtc |
fiatfield: amountFiat |
} |
Label { |
text: Config.baseUnit |
color: Material.accentColor |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
} |
FiatField { |
id: amountFiat |
btcfield: amountBtc |
visible: Daemon.fx.enabled |
} |
Label { |
visible: Daemon.fx.enabled |
text: Daemon.fx.fiatCurrency |
color: Material.accentColor |
} |
} |
FiatField { |
id: amountFiat |
btcfield: amountBtc |
visible: Daemon.fx.enabled |
} |
Label { |
visible: Daemon.fx.enabled |
text: Daemon.fx.fiatCurrency |
color: Material.accentColor |
ToolButton { |
visible: amountContainer.editmode |
Layout.fillWidth: false |
icon.source: '../../icons/confirmed.png' |
icon.color: 'transparent' |
onClicked: { |
amountContainer.editmode = false |
invoice.amount = Config.unitsToSats(amountBtc.text) |
} |
} |
} |
ToolButton { |
visible: amountContainer.editmode |
Layout.fillWidth: false |
icon.source: '../../icons/confirmed.png' |
icon.color: 'transparent' |
onClicked: { |
amountContainer.editmode = false |
invoice.amount = Config.unitsToSats(amountBtc.text) |
ToolButton { |
visible: amountContainer.editmode |
Layout.fillWidth: false |
icon.source: '../../icons/closebutton.png' |
icon.color: 'transparent' |
onClicked: amountContainer.editmode = false |
} |
} |
ToolButton { |
visible: amountContainer.editmode |
Layout.fillWidth: false |
icon.source: '../../icons/closebutton.png' |
icon.color: 'transparent' |
onClicked: amountContainer.editmode = false |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Item { Layout.preferredHeight: constants.paddingLarge; Layout.preferredWidth: 1 } |
Item { Layout.preferredHeight: constants.paddingLarge; Layout.preferredWidth: 1 } |
InfoTextArea { |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter |
visible: invoice.userinfo |
text: invoice.userinfo |
InfoTextArea { |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter |
visible: invoice.userinfo |
text: invoice.userinfo |
} |
} |
RowLayout { |
Layout.columnSpan: 2 |
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter |
spacing: constants.paddingMedium |
FlatButton { |
text: qsTr('Delete') |
icon.source: '../../icons/delete.png' |
visible: invoice_key != '' |
onClicked: { |
invoice.wallet.delete_invoice(invoice_key) |
dialog.close() |
} |
} |
Item { Layout.fillHeight: true; Layout.preferredWidth: 1 } |
FlatButton { |
text: qsTr('Save') |
icon.source: '../../icons/save.png' |
visible: invoice_key == '' |
enabled: invoice.canSave |
onClicked: { |
app.stack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl('Invoices.qml')) |
FlatButton { |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
text: qsTr('Pay') |
icon.source: '../../icons/confirmed.png' |
enabled: invoice.invoiceType != Invoice.Invalid && invoice.canPay |
onClicked: { |
if (invoice_key == '') // save invoice if not retrieved from key |
invoice.save_invoice() |
dialog.close() |
} |
dialog.close() |
doPay() // only signal here |
} |
} |
FlatButton { |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
text: qsTr('Delete') |
icon.source: '../../icons/delete.png' |
visible: invoice_key != '' |
onClicked: { |
invoice.wallet.delete_invoice(invoice_key) |
dialog.close() |
} |
} |
FlatButton { |
text: qsTr('Pay') |
icon.source: '../../icons/confirmed.png' |
enabled: invoice.invoiceType != Invoice.Invalid && invoice.canPay |
onClicked: { |
if (invoice_key == '') // save invoice if not retrieved from key |
invoice.save_invoice() |
dialog.close() |
doPay() // only signal here |
} |
FlatButton { |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
text: qsTr('Save') |
icon.source: '../../icons/save.png' |
visible: invoice_key == '' |
enabled: invoice.canSave |
onClicked: { |
app.stack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl('Invoices.qml')) |
invoice.save_invoice() |
dialog.close() |
} |
} |
Item { Layout.fillHeight: true; Layout.preferredWidth: 1 } |
} |
Component.onCompleted: { |