2 changed files with 0 additions and 893 deletions
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ |
from PyQt4.QtGui import * |
from electrum.i18n import _ |
class HistoryWidget(QTreeWidget): |
def __init__(self, parent=None): |
QTreeWidget.__init__(self, parent) |
self.setColumnCount(2) |
self.setHeaderLabels([_("Amount"), _("To / From"), _("When")]) |
self.setIndentation(0) |
def empty(self): |
self.clear() |
def append(self, address, amount, date): |
if address is None: |
address = _("Unknown") |
if amount is None: |
amount = _("Unknown") |
if date is None: |
date = _("Unknown") |
item = QTreeWidgetItem([amount, address, date]) |
if amount.find('-') != -1: |
item.setForeground(0, QBrush(QColor("#BC1E1E"))) |
self.insertTopLevelItem(0, item) |
@ -1,868 +0,0 @@ |
import sys |
# Let's do some dep checking and handle missing ones gracefully |
try: |
from PyQt4.QtCore import * |
from PyQt4.QtGui import * |
from PyQt4.Qt import Qt |
import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore |
except ImportError: |
print "You need to have PyQT installed to run Electrum in graphical mode." |
print "If you have pip installed try 'sudo pip install pyqt' if you are on Debian/Ubuntu try 'sudo apt-get install python-qt4'." |
sys.exit(0) |
from decimal import Decimal as D |
from electrum.bitcoin import is_valid |
from electrum.i18n import _ |
import decimal |
import json |
import os.path |
import random |
import re |
import time |
from electrum.wallet import Wallet, WalletStorage |
import webbrowser |
import history_widget_lite |
import receiving_widget |
from electrum import util |
import datetime |
from electrum.version import ELECTRUM_VERSION as electrum_version |
from electrum.util import format_satoshis, age |
from main_window import ElectrumWindow |
import shutil |
from util import * |
bitcoin = lambda v: v * COIN |
def IconButton(filename, parent=None): |
pixmap = QPixmap(filename) |
icon = QIcon(pixmap) |
return QPushButton(icon, "", parent) |
def resize_line_edit_width(line_edit, text_input): |
metrics = QFontMetrics(qApp.font()) |
# Create an extra character to add some space on the end |
text_input += "A" |
line_edit.setMinimumWidth(metrics.width(text_input)) |
def load_theme_name(theme_path): |
try: |
with open(os.path.join(theme_path, "name.cfg")) as name_cfg_file: |
return name_cfg_file.read().rstrip("\n").strip() |
except IOError: |
return None |
def theme_dirs_from_prefix(prefix): |
if not os.path.exists(prefix): |
return [] |
theme_paths = {} |
for potential_theme in os.listdir(prefix): |
theme_full_path = os.path.join(prefix, potential_theme) |
theme_css = os.path.join(theme_full_path, "style.css") |
if not os.path.exists(theme_css): |
continue |
theme_name = load_theme_name(theme_full_path) |
if theme_name is None: |
continue |
theme_paths[theme_name] = prefix, potential_theme |
return theme_paths |
def load_theme_paths(): |
theme_paths = {} |
theme_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'themes') |
theme_paths.update(theme_dirs_from_prefix(theme_dir)) |
return theme_paths |
class TransactionWindow(QDialog): |
def set_label(self): |
label = unicode(self.label_edit.text()) |
self.parent.wallet.labels[self.tx_id] = label |
super(TransactionWindow, self).accept() |
def __init__(self, transaction_id, parent): |
super(TransactionWindow, self).__init__() |
self.tx_id = str(transaction_id) |
self.parent = parent |
self.setModal(True) |
self.resize(200,100) |
self.setWindowTitle(_("Transaction successfully sent")) |
self.layout = QGridLayout(self) |
history_label = "%s\n%s" % (_("Your transaction has been sent."), _("Please enter a label for this transaction for future reference.")) |
self.layout.addWidget(QLabel(history_label)) |
self.label_edit = QLineEdit() |
self.label_edit.setPlaceholderText(_("Transaction label")) |
self.label_edit.setObjectName("label_input") |
self.label_edit.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0) |
self.label_edit.setFocusPolicy(Qt.ClickFocus) |
self.layout.addWidget(self.label_edit) |
self.save_button = QPushButton(_("Save")) |
self.layout.addWidget(self.save_button) |
self.save_button.clicked.connect(self.set_label) |
self.exec_() |
class MiniWindow(QDialog): |
def __init__(self, actuator, expand_callback, config): |
super(MiniWindow, self).__init__() |
self.actuator = actuator |
self.config = config |
self.btc_balance = None |
self.use_exchanges = ["Blockchain", "CoinDesk"] |
self.quote_currencies = ["BRL", "CNY", "EUR", "GBP", "RUB", "USD"] |
self.actuator.set_configured_currency(self.set_quote_currency) |
self.actuator.set_configured_exchange(self.set_exchange) |
# Needed because price discovery is done in a different thread |
# which needs to be sent back to this main one to update the GUI |
self.connect(self, SIGNAL("refresh_balance()"), self.refresh_balance) |
self.balance_label = BalanceLabel(self.change_quote_currency, self) |
self.balance_label.setObjectName("balance_label") |
# Bitcoin address code |
self.address_input = QLineEdit() |
self.address_input.setPlaceholderText(_("Enter a Bitcoin address or contact")) |
self.address_input.setObjectName("address_input") |
self.address_input.setFocusPolicy(Qt.ClickFocus) |
self.address_input.textChanged.connect(self.address_field_changed) |
resize_line_edit_width(self.address_input, |
"1BtaFUr3qVvAmwrsuDuu5zk6e4s2rxd2Gy") |
self.address_completions = QStringListModel() |
address_completer = QCompleter(self.address_input) |
address_completer.setCaseSensitivity(False) |
address_completer.setModel(self.address_completions) |
self.address_input.setCompleter(address_completer) |
address_layout = QHBoxLayout() |
address_layout.addWidget(self.address_input) |
self.amount_input = QLineEdit() |
self.amount_input.setPlaceholderText(_("... and amount") + " (%s)"%self.actuator.g.base_unit()) |
self.amount_input.setObjectName("amount_input") |
self.amount_input.setFocusPolicy(Qt.ClickFocus) |
# This is changed according to the user's displayed balance |
self.amount_validator = QDoubleValidator(self.amount_input) |
self.amount_validator.setNotation(QDoubleValidator.StandardNotation) |
self.amount_validator.setDecimals(8) |
self.amount_input.setValidator(self.amount_validator) |
# This removes the very ugly OSX highlighting, please leave this in :D |
self.address_input.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0) |
self.amount_input.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0) |
self.amount_input.textChanged.connect(self.amount_input_changed) |
#if self.actuator.g.wallet.seed: |
self.send_button = QPushButton(_("&Send")) |
#else: |
# self.send_button = QPushButton(_("&Create")) |
self.send_button.setObjectName("send_button") |
self.send_button.setDisabled(True); |
self.send_button.clicked.connect(self.send) |
# Creating the receive button |
self.switch_button = QPushButton( QIcon(":icons/switchgui.png"),'' ) |
self.switch_button.setMaximumWidth(25) |
self.switch_button.setFlat(True) |
self.switch_button.clicked.connect(expand_callback) |
main_layout = QGridLayout(self) |
main_layout.addWidget(self.balance_label, 0, 0, 1, 3) |
main_layout.addWidget(self.switch_button, 0, 3) |
main_layout.addWidget(self.address_input, 1, 0, 1, 4) |
main_layout.addWidget(self.amount_input, 2, 0, 1, 2) |
main_layout.addWidget(self.send_button, 2, 2, 1, 2) |
self.send_button.setMaximumWidth(125) |
self.history_list = history_widget_lite.HistoryWidget() |
self.history_list.setObjectName("history") |
self.history_list.hide() |
self.history_list.setAlternatingRowColors(True) |
main_layout.addWidget(self.history_list, 3, 0, 1, 4) |
self.receiving = receiving_widget.ReceivingWidget(self) |
self.receiving.setObjectName("receiving") |
# Add to the right side |
self.receiving_box = QGroupBox(_("Select a receiving address")) |
extra_layout = QGridLayout() |
# Checkbox to filter used addresses |
hide_used = QCheckBox(_('Hide used addresses')) |
hide_used.setChecked(True) |
hide_used.stateChanged.connect(self.receiving.toggle_used) |
# Events for receiving addresses |
self.receiving.clicked.connect(self.receiving.copy_address) |
self.receiving.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.receiving.edit_label) |
self.receiving.itemChanged.connect(self.receiving.update_label) |
# Label |
extra_layout.addWidget( QLabel(_('Selecting an address will copy it to the clipboard.') + '\n' + _('Double clicking the label will allow you to edit it.') ),0,0) |
extra_layout.addWidget(self.receiving, 1,0) |
extra_layout.addWidget(hide_used, 2,0) |
extra_layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(0,200) |
self.receiving_box.setLayout(extra_layout) |
main_layout.addWidget(self.receiving_box,0,4,-1,3) |
self.receiving_box.hide() |
self.main_layout = main_layout |
quit_shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+Q"), self) |
quit_shortcut.activated.connect(self.close) |
close_shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+W"), self) |
close_shortcut.activated.connect(self.close) |
g = self.config.get("winpos-lite",[4, 25, 351, 149]) |
self.setGeometry(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3]) |
show_hist = self.config.get("gui_show_history",False) |
self.show_history(show_hist) |
show_hist = self.config.get("gui_show_receiving",False) |
self.toggle_receiving_layout(show_hist) |
self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":icons/electrum.png")) |
self.setWindowTitle("Electrum") |
self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window|Qt.MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint) |
self.layout().setSizeConstraint(QLayout.SetFixedSize) |
self.setObjectName("main_window") |
def context_menu(self): |
view_menu = QMenu() |
themes_menu = view_menu.addMenu(_("&Themes")) |
selected_theme = self.actuator.selected_theme() |
theme_group = QActionGroup(self) |
for theme_name in self.actuator.theme_names(): |
theme_action = themes_menu.addAction(theme_name) |
theme_action.setCheckable(True) |
if selected_theme == theme_name: |
theme_action.setChecked(True) |
class SelectThemeFunctor: |
def __init__(self, theme_name, toggle_theme): |
self.theme_name = theme_name |
self.toggle_theme = toggle_theme |
def __call__(self, checked): |
if checked: |
self.toggle_theme(self.theme_name) |
delegate = SelectThemeFunctor(theme_name, self.toggle_theme) |
theme_action.toggled.connect(delegate) |
theme_group.addAction(theme_action) |
view_menu.addSeparator() |
show_receiving = view_menu.addAction(_("Show Receiving addresses")) |
show_receiving.setCheckable(True) |
show_receiving.toggled.connect(self.toggle_receiving_layout) |
show_receiving.setChecked(self.config.get("gui_show_receiving",False)) |
show_history = view_menu.addAction(_("Show History")) |
show_history.setCheckable(True) |
show_history.toggled.connect(self.show_history) |
show_history.setChecked(self.config.get("gui_show_history",False)) |
return view_menu |
def toggle_theme(self, theme_name): |
self.actuator.change_theme(theme_name) |
# Recompute style globally |
qApp.style().unpolish(self) |
qApp.style().polish(self) |
def closeEvent(self, event): |
g = self.geometry() |
self.config.set_key("winpos-lite", [g.left(),g.top(),g.width(),g.height()],True) |
self.actuator.g.closeEvent(event) |
qApp.quit() |
def pay_to_URI(self, URI): |
try: |
out = util.parse_URI(URI) |
except: |
return |
address = out.get('address') |
amount = out.get('amount') |
amount_text = str(D(amount) / (10**self.actuator.g.decimal_point)) |
self.address_input.setText(address) |
self.address_field_changed(address) |
self.amount_input.setText(amount_text) |
def activate(self): |
pass |
def deactivate(self): |
pass |
def set_exchange(self, use_exchange): |
if use_exchange not in self.use_exchanges: |
return |
self.use_exchanges.remove(use_exchange) |
self.use_exchanges.insert(0, use_exchange) |
self.refresh_balance() |
def set_quote_currency(self, currency): |
"""Set and display the fiat currency country.""" |
if currency not in self.quote_currencies: |
return |
self.quote_currencies.remove(currency) |
self.quote_currencies.insert(0, currency) |
self.refresh_balance() |
def change_quote_currency(self, forward=True): |
if forward: |
self.quote_currencies = \ |
self.quote_currencies[1:] + self.quote_currencies[0:1] |
else: |
self.quote_currencies = \ |
self.quote_currencies[-1:] + self.quote_currencies[0:-1] |
self.actuator.set_config_currency(self.quote_currencies[0]) |
self.refresh_balance() |
def refresh_balance(self): |
if self.btc_balance is None: |
# Price has been discovered before wallet has been loaded |
# and server connect... so bail. |
return |
self.set_balances(self.btc_balance) |
self.amount_input_changed(self.amount_input.text()) |
def set_balances(self, btc_balance): |
"""Set the bitcoin balance and update the amount label accordingly.""" |
self.btc_balance = btc_balance |
quote_text = self.create_quote_text(btc_balance) |
if quote_text: |
quote_text = "(%s)" % quote_text |
amount = self.actuator.g.format_amount(btc_balance) |
unit = self.actuator.g.base_unit() |
self.balance_label.set_balance_text(amount, unit, quote_text) |
self.setWindowTitle("Electrum %s - %s %s" % (electrum_version, amount, unit)) |
def amount_input_changed(self, amount_text): |
"""Update the number of bitcoins displayed.""" |
self.check_button_status() |
try: |
amount = D(str(amount_text)) * (10**self.actuator.g.decimal_point) |
except decimal.InvalidOperation: |
self.balance_label.show_balance() |
else: |
quote_text = self.create_quote_text(amount) |
if quote_text: |
self.balance_label.set_amount_text(quote_text) |
self.balance_label.show_amount() |
else: |
self.balance_label.show_balance() |
def create_quote_text(self, btc_balance): |
"""Return a string copy of the amount fiat currency the |
user has in bitcoins.""" |
from electrum.plugins import run_hook |
r = {} |
run_hook('get_fiat_balance_text', btc_balance, r) |
return r.get(0,'') |
def send(self): |
if self.actuator.send(self.address_input.text(), |
self.amount_input.text(), self): |
self.address_input.setText("") |
self.amount_input.setText("") |
def check_button_status(self): |
"""Check that the bitcoin address is valid and that something |
is entered in the amount before making the send button clickable.""" |
try: |
value = D(str(self.amount_input.text())) * (10**self.actuator.g.decimal_point) |
except decimal.InvalidOperation: |
value = None |
# self.address_input.property(...) returns a qVariant, not a bool. |
# The == is needed to properly invoke a comparison. |
if (self.address_input.property("isValid") == True and |
value is not None and 0 < value <= self.btc_balance): |
self.send_button.setDisabled(False) |
else: |
self.send_button.setDisabled(True) |
def address_field_changed(self, address): |
# label or alias, with address in brackets |
match2 = re.match("(.*?)\s*\<([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{26,})\>", |
address) |
if match2: |
address = match2.group(2) |
self.address_input.setText(address) |
if is_valid(address): |
self.check_button_status() |
self.address_input.setProperty("isValid", True) |
self.recompute_style(self.address_input) |
else: |
self.send_button.setDisabled(True) |
self.address_input.setProperty("isValid", False) |
self.recompute_style(self.address_input) |
if len(address) == 0: |
self.address_input.setProperty("isValid", None) |
self.recompute_style(self.address_input) |
def recompute_style(self, element): |
self.style().unpolish(element) |
self.style().polish(element) |
def copy_address(self): |
receive_popup = ReceivePopup(self.receive_button) |
self.actuator.copy_address(receive_popup) |
def update_completions(self, completions): |
self.address_completions.setStringList(completions) |
def update_history(self, tx_history): |
self.history_list.empty() |
for item in tx_history[-10:]: |
tx_hash, conf, value, timestamp, balance = item |
label = self.actuator.g.wallet.get_label(tx_hash)[0] |
v_str = self.actuator.g.format_amount(value, True) |
self.history_list.append(label, v_str, age(timestamp)) |
def the_website(self): |
webbrowser.open("http://electrum.org") |
def toggle_receiving_layout(self, toggle_state): |
if toggle_state: |
self.receiving_box.show() |
else: |
self.receiving_box.hide() |
self.config.set_key("gui_show_receiving", toggle_state) |
def show_history(self, toggle_state): |
if toggle_state: |
self.main_layout.setRowMinimumHeight(3,200) |
self.history_list.show() |
else: |
self.main_layout.setRowMinimumHeight(3,0) |
self.history_list.hide() |
self.config.set_key("gui_show_history", toggle_state) |
class BalanceLabel(QLabel): |
def __init__(self, change_quote_currency, parent=None): |
super(QLabel, self).__init__(_("Connecting..."), parent) |
self.change_quote_currency = change_quote_currency |
self.state = self.SHOW_CONNECTING |
self.balance_text = "" |
self.amount_text = "" |
self.parent = parent |
def mousePressEvent(self, event): |
"""Change the fiat currency selection if window background is clicked.""" |
if self.state != self.SHOW_CONNECTING: |
if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: |
self.change_quote_currency() |
else: |
position = event.globalPos() |
menu = self.parent.context_menu() |
menu.exec_(position) |
def set_balance_text(self, amount, unit, quote_text): |
"""Set the amount of bitcoins in the gui.""" |
if self.state == self.SHOW_CONNECTING: |
self.state = self.SHOW_BALANCE |
self.balance_text = "<span style='font-size: 18pt'>%s</span>"%amount\ |
+ " <span style='font-size: 10pt'>%s</span>" % unit \ |
+ " <span style='font-size: 10pt'>%s</span>" % quote_text |
if self.state == self.SHOW_BALANCE: |
self.setText(self.balance_text) |
def set_amount_text(self, quote_text): |
self.amount_text = "<span style='font-size: 10pt'>%s</span>" % quote_text |
if self.state == self.SHOW_AMOUNT: |
self.setText(self.amount_text) |
def show_balance(self): |
if self.state == self.SHOW_AMOUNT: |
self.state = self.SHOW_BALANCE |
self.setText(self.balance_text) |
def show_amount(self): |
if self.state == self.SHOW_BALANCE: |
self.state = self.SHOW_AMOUNT |
self.setText(self.amount_text) |
def ok_cancel_buttons(dialog): |
row_layout = QHBoxLayout() |
row_layout.addStretch(1) |
ok_button = QPushButton(_("OK")) |
row_layout.addWidget(ok_button) |
ok_button.clicked.connect(dialog.accept) |
cancel_button = QPushButton(_("Cancel")) |
row_layout.addWidget(cancel_button) |
cancel_button.clicked.connect(dialog.reject) |
return row_layout |
class PasswordDialog(QDialog): |
def __init__(self, parent): |
super(QDialog, self).__init__(parent) |
self.setModal(True) |
self.password_input = QLineEdit() |
self.password_input.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) |
main_layout = QVBoxLayout(self) |
message = _('Please enter your password') |
main_layout.addWidget(QLabel(message)) |
grid = QGridLayout() |
grid.setSpacing(8) |
grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Password')), 1, 0) |
grid.addWidget(self.password_input, 1, 1) |
main_layout.addLayout(grid) |
main_layout.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(self)) |
self.setLayout(main_layout) |
def run(self): |
if not self.exec_(): |
return |
return unicode(self.password_input.text()) |
class ReceivePopup(QDialog): |
def leaveEvent(self, event): |
self.close() |
def setup(self, address): |
label = QLabel(_("Copied your Bitcoin address to the clipboard!")) |
address_display = QLineEdit(address) |
address_display.setReadOnly(True) |
resize_line_edit_width(address_display, address) |
main_layout = QVBoxLayout(self) |
main_layout.addWidget(label) |
main_layout.addWidget(address_display) |
self.setMouseTracking(True) |
self.setWindowTitle("Electrum - " + _("Receive Bitcoin payment")) |
self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window|Qt.FramelessWindowHint| |
Qt.MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint) |
self.layout().setSizeConstraint(QLayout.SetFixedSize) |
#self.setFrameStyle(QFrame.WinPanel|QFrame.Raised) |
#self.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) |
def popup(self): |
parent = self.parent() |
top_left_pos = parent.mapToGlobal(parent.rect().bottomLeft()) |
self.move(top_left_pos) |
center_mouse_pos = self.mapToGlobal(self.rect().center()) |
QCursor.setPos(center_mouse_pos) |
self.show() |
class MiniActuator: |
"""Initialize the definitions relating to themes and |
sending/receiving bitcoins.""" |
def __init__(self, main_window): |
"""Retrieve the gui theme used in previous session.""" |
self.g = main_window |
self.theme_name = self.g.config.get('litegui_theme','Cleanlook') |
self.themes = load_theme_paths() |
self.load_theme() |
def load_theme(self): |
"""Load theme retrieved from wallet file.""" |
try: |
theme_prefix, theme_path = self.themes[self.theme_name] |
except KeyError: |
util.print_error("Theme not found!", self.theme_name) |
return |
full_theme_path = "%s/%s/style.css" % (theme_prefix, theme_path) |
with open(full_theme_path) as style_file: |
qApp.setStyleSheet(style_file.read()) |
def theme_names(self): |
"""Sort themes.""" |
return sorted(self.themes.keys()) |
def selected_theme(self): |
"""Select theme.""" |
return self.theme_name |
def change_theme(self, theme_name): |
"""Change theme.""" |
self.theme_name = theme_name |
self.g.config.set_key('litegui_theme',theme_name) |
self.load_theme() |
def set_configured_exchange(self, set_exchange): |
use_exchange = self.g.config.get('use_exchange') |
if use_exchange is not None: |
set_exchange(use_exchange) |
def set_configured_currency(self, set_quote_currency): |
"""Set the inital fiat currency conversion country (USD/EUR/GBP) in |
the GUI to what it was set to in the wallet.""" |
currency = self.g.config.get('currency') |
# currency can be none when Electrum is used for the first |
# time and no setting has been created yet. |
if currency is not None: |
set_quote_currency(currency) |
def set_config_exchange(self, conversion_exchange): |
self.g.config.set_key('exchange',conversion_exchange,True) |
self.g.update_status() |
def set_config_currency(self, conversion_currency): |
"""Change the wallet fiat currency country.""" |
self.g.config.set_key('currency',conversion_currency,True) |
self.g.update_status() |
def copy_address(self, receive_popup): |
"""Copy the wallet addresses into the client.""" |
addrs = [addr for addr in self.g.wallet.addresses(True) |
if not self.g.wallet.is_change(addr)] |
# Select most recent addresses from gap limit |
addrs = addrs[-self.g.wallet.gap_limit:] |
copied_address = random.choice(addrs) |
qApp.clipboard().setText(copied_address) |
receive_popup.setup(copied_address) |
receive_popup.popup() |
def waiting_dialog(self, f): |
s = Timer() |
s.start() |
w = QDialog() |
w.resize(200, 70) |
w.setWindowTitle('Electrum') |
l = QLabel(_('Sending transaction, please wait.')) |
vbox = QVBoxLayout() |
vbox.addWidget(l) |
w.setLayout(vbox) |
w.show() |
def ff(): |
s = f() |
if s: l.setText(s) |
else: w.close() |
w.connect(s, QtCore.SIGNAL('timersignal'), ff) |
w.exec_() |
w.destroy() |
def send(self, address, amount, parent_window): |
"""Send bitcoins to the target address.""" |
dest_address = self.fetch_destination(address) |
if dest_address is None or not is_valid(dest_address): |
QMessageBox.warning(parent_window, _('Error'), |
_('Invalid Bitcoin Address') + ':\n' + address, _('OK')) |
return False |
amount = D(unicode(amount)) * (10*self.g.decimal_point) |
print "amount", amount |
return |
if self.g.wallet.use_encryption: |
password_dialog = PasswordDialog(parent_window) |
password = password_dialog.run() |
if not password: |
return |
else: |
password = None |
fee = 0 |
# 0.1 BTC = 10000000 |
if amount < bitcoin(1) / 10: |
# 0.001 BTC |
fee = bitcoin(1) / 1000 |
try: |
tx = self.g.wallet.mktx([(dest_address, amount)], password, fee) |
except Exception as error: |
QMessageBox.warning(parent_window, _('Error'), str(error), _('OK')) |
return False |
if tx.is_complete(): |
h = self.g.wallet.send_tx(tx) |
self.waiting_dialog(lambda: False if self.g.wallet.tx_event.isSet() else _("Sending transaction, please wait...")) |
status, message = self.g.wallet.receive_tx(h, tx) |
if not status: |
import tempfile |
dumpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) |
dumpf.write(tx) |
dumpf.close() |
print "Dumped error tx to", dumpf.name |
QMessageBox.warning(parent_window, _('Error'), message, _('OK')) |
return False |
TransactionWindow(message, self) |
else: |
filename = 'unsigned_tx_%s' % (time.mktime(time.gmtime())) |
try: |
fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(QWidget(), _("Select a transaction filename"), os.path.expanduser('~/%s' % (filename))) |
with open(fileName,'w') as f: |
f.write(json.dumps(tx.as_dict(),indent=4) + '\n') |
QMessageBox.information(QWidget(), _('Unsigned transaction created'), _("Unsigned transaction was saved to file:") + " " +fileName, _('OK')) |
except Exception as e: |
QMessageBox.warning(QWidget(), _('Error'), _('Could not write transaction to file: %s' % e), _('OK')) |
return True |
def fetch_destination(self, address): |
recipient = unicode(address).strip() |
# alias |
match1 = re.match("^(|([\w\-\.]+)@)((\w[\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]+)$", |
recipient) |
# label or alias, with address in brackets |
match2 = re.match("(.*?)\s*\<([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{26,})\>", |
recipient) |
if match1: |
dest_address = \ |
self.g.wallet.get_alias(recipient, True, |
self.show_message, self.question) |
return dest_address |
elif match2: |
return match2.group(2) |
else: |
return recipient |
class MiniDriver(QObject): |
READY = 3 |
def __init__(self, main_window, mini_window): |
super(QObject, self).__init__() |
self.g = main_window |
self.network = main_window.network |
self.window = mini_window |
#if self.network: |
# self.network.register_callback('updated',self.update_callback) |
# self.network.register_callback('status', self.update_callback) |
self.state = None |
self.initializing() |
self.connect(self, SIGNAL("updatesignal()"), self.update) |
self.update_callback() |
# This is a hack to workaround that Qt does not like changing the |
# window properties from this other thread before the runloop has |
# been called from. |
def update_callback(self): |
self.emit(SIGNAL("updatesignal()")) |
def update(self): |
if not self.network: |
self.initializing() |
#elif not self.network.interface: |
# self.initializing() |
elif not self.network.is_connected(): |
self.connecting() |
if self.g.wallet is None: |
self.ready() |
elif not self.g.wallet.up_to_date: |
self.synchronizing() |
else: |
self.ready() |
self.update_balance() |
self.update_completions() |
self.update_history() |
self.window.receiving.update_list() |
def initializing(self): |
if self.state == self.INITIALIZING: |
return |
self.state = self.INITIALIZING |
self.window.deactivate() |
def connecting(self): |
if self.state == self.CONNECTING: |
return |
self.state = self.CONNECTING |
self.window.deactivate() |
def synchronizing(self): |
if self.state == self.SYNCHRONIZING: |
return |
self.state = self.SYNCHRONIZING |
self.window.deactivate() |
def ready(self): |
if self.state == self.READY: |
return |
self.state = self.READY |
self.window.activate() |
def update_balance(self): |
conf_balance, unconf_balance, x = self.g.wallet.get_balance() |
balance = D(conf_balance + unconf_balance + x) |
self.window.set_balances(balance) |
def update_completions(self): |
completions = [self.g.get_contact_payto(key) for key in self.g.contacts.keys()] |
self.window.update_completions(completions) |
def update_history(self): |
tx_history = self.g.wallet.get_history() |
self.window.update_history(tx_history) |
Reference in new issue