@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class HTLCManager:
log = { ( HTLCOwner ( int ( k ) ) if k in ( " -1 " , " 1 " ) else k ) : v
for k , v in deepcopy ( log ) . items ( ) }
for sub in ( LOCAL , REMOTE ) :
log [ sub ] [ ' adds ' ] = { int ( x ) : UpdateAddHtlc ( * y ) for x , y in log [ sub ] [ ' adds ' ] . items ( ) }
log [ sub ] [ ' adds ' ] = { int ( htlc_id ) : UpdateAddHtlc ( * htlc ) for htlc_id , htlc in log [ sub ] [ ' adds ' ] . items ( ) }
coerceHtlcOwner2IntMap = lambda ctns : { HTLCOwner ( int ( owner ) ) : ctn for owner , ctn in ctns . items ( ) }
# "side who offered htlc" -> action -> htlc_id -> whose ctx -> ctn
log [ sub ] [ ' locked_in ' ] = { int ( htlc_id ) : coerceHtlcOwner2IntMap ( ctns ) for htlc_id , ctns in log [ sub ] [ ' locked_in ' ] . items ( ) }
@ -222,9 +222,9 @@ class HTLCManager:
##### Queries re HTLCs:
def htlcs_by_direction ( self , subject : HTLCOwner , direction : Direction ,
ctn : int = None ) - > Sequence [ UpdateAddHtlc ] :
""" Return the lis t of received or sent (depending on direction) HTLCs
in subject ' s ctx at ctn.
ctn : int = None ) - > Dict [ int , UpdateAddHtlc ] :
""" Return the dic t of received or sent (depending on direction) HTLCs
in subject ' s ctx at ctn, keyed by htlc_id .
direction is relative to subject !
@ -232,19 +232,19 @@ class HTLCManager:
assert type ( direction ) is Direction
if ctn is None :
ctn = self . ctn_oldest_unrevoked ( subject )
l = [ ]
d = { }
# subject's ctx
# party is the proposer of the HTLCs
party = subject if direction == SENT else subject . inverted ( )
settles = self . log [ party ] [ ' settles ' ]
fails = self . log [ party ] [ ' fails ' ]
for htlc_id , ctns in self . log [ party ] [ ' locked_in ' ] . items ( ) :
if ctns [ subject ] is not None and ctns [ subject ] < = ctn :
settles = self . log [ party ] [ ' settles ' ]
fails = self . log [ party ] [ ' fails ' ]
not_settled = htlc_id not in settles or settles [ htlc_id ] [ subject ] is None or settles [ htlc_id ] [ subject ] > ctn
not_failed = htlc_id not in fails or fails [ htlc_id ] [ subject ] is None or fails [ htlc_id ] [ subject ] > ctn
if not_settled and not_failed :
l . append ( self . log [ party ] [ ' adds ' ] [ htlc_id ] )
return l
d [ htlc_id ] = self . log [ party ] [ ' adds ' ] [ htlc_id ]
return d
def htlcs ( self , subject : HTLCOwner , ctn : int = None ) - > Sequence [ Tuple [ Direction , UpdateAddHtlc ] ] :
""" Return the list of HTLCs in subject ' s ctx at ctn. """
@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ class HTLCManager:
if ctn is None :
ctn = self . ctn_oldest_unrevoked ( subject )
l = [ ]
l + = [ ( SENT , x ) for x in self . htlcs_by_direction ( subject , SENT , ctn ) ]
l + = [ ( RECEIVED , x ) for x in self . htlcs_by_direction ( subject , RECEIVED , ctn ) ]
l + = [ ( SENT , x ) for x in self . htlcs_by_direction ( subject , SENT , ctn ) . values ( ) ]
l + = [ ( RECEIVED , x ) for x in self . htlcs_by_direction ( subject , RECEIVED , ctn ) . values ( ) ]
return l
def get_htlcs_in_oldest_unrevoked_ctx ( self , subject : HTLCOwner ) - > Sequence [ Tuple [ Direction , UpdateAddHtlc ] ] :