@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ options:\n --fee, -f: set transaction fee\n --fromaddr, -s: send from address
'Verifies a signature\nSyntax: verifymessage <address> <signature> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "',
'Verifies a signature\nSyntax: verifymessage <address> <signature> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "',
"Run python eval() on an object\nSyntax: eval <expression>\nExample: eval \"wallet.aliases\"",
"Run python eval() on an object\nSyntax: eval <expression>\nExample: eval \"wallet.aliases\"",
"Set wallet parameter. (gui)",
"Remove seed from the wallet. The seed is stored in a file that has the name of the wallet plus '.seed'",
"Remove seed from the wallet. The seed is stored in a file that has the name of the wallet plus '.seed'",