self.password_help=HelpButton(_('Password must be at least 6 characters')+'\n\n'+_('It should contain a number, an uppercase alphabet and a special character'))
#Check for password strength if user chooses to enter a password
#Check the length
QMessageBox.warning(parent,_('Error'),_('Password is too short. It must be at least 6 characters')+'\n\n'+_('Click help beside the password button for more information'),_('OK'))
QMessageBox.warning(parent,_('Error'),_('Password must contain at least one Upper case alphabet')+'\n\n'+_('Click help beside the password button for more information'),_('OK'))
# Retry
#Check for special characters
QMessageBox.warning(parent,_('Error'),_('Password must contain at least one special character')+'\n\n'+_('Click help beside the password button for more information'),_('OK'))