@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import hashlib
from urllib . parse import urljoin
from urllib . parse import quote
from aiohttp import ClientResponse
from electrum import ecc , constants , keystore , version , bip32
from electrum . bitcoin import TYPE_ADDRESS , is_new_seed , public_key_to_p2pkh
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ from electrum.mnemonic import Mnemonic
from electrum . wallet import Multisig_Wallet , Deterministic_Wallet
from electrum . i18n import _
from electrum . plugin import BasePlugin , hook
from electrum . util import NotEnoughFunds , make_aiohttp_session
from electrum . util import NotEnoughFunds
from electrum . storage import STO_EV_USER_PW
from electrum . network import Network
@ -108,14 +109,7 @@ class TrustedCoinCosignerClient(object):
self . debug = False
self . user_agent = user_agent
def send_request ( self , method , relative_url , data = None ) :
network = Network . get_instance ( )
if network :
return asyncio . run_coroutine_threadsafe ( self . _send_request ( method , relative_url , data ) , network . asyncio_loop ) . result ( )
else :
raise ErrorConnectingServer ( ' You are offline. ' )
async def handle_response ( self , resp ) :
async def handle_response ( self , resp : ClientResponse ) :
if resp . status != 200 :
try :
r = await resp . json ( )
@ -128,7 +122,10 @@ class TrustedCoinCosignerClient(object):
except :
return await resp . text ( )
async def _send_request ( self , method , relative_url , data ) :
def send_request ( self , method , relative_url , data = None ) :
network = Network . get_instance ( )
if not network :
raise ErrorConnectingServer ( ' You are offline. ' )
url = urljoin ( self . base_url , relative_url )
if self . debug :
print ( ' %s %s %s ' % ( method , url , data ) )
@ -136,16 +133,12 @@ class TrustedCoinCosignerClient(object):
if self . user_agent :
headers [ ' user-agent ' ] = self . user_agent
try :
proxy = Network . get_instance ( ) . proxy
async with make_aiohttp_session ( proxy ) as session :
if method == ' get ' :
async with session . get ( url , params = data , headers = headers ) as resp :
return await self . handle_response ( resp )
elif method == ' post ' :
async with session . post ( url , json = data , headers = headers ) as resp :
return await self . handle_response ( resp )
else :
assert False
if method == ' get ' :
return Network . send_http_on_proxy ( method , url , params = data , headers = headers , on_finish = self . handle_response )
elif method == ' post ' :
return Network . send_http_on_proxy ( method , url , json = data , headers = headers , on_finish = self . handle_response )
else :
assert False
except TrustedCoinException :
except Exception as e :
@ -434,7 +427,7 @@ class TrustedCoinPlugin(BasePlugin):
try :
billing_info = server . get ( wallet . get_user_id ( ) [ 1 ] )
except ErrorConnectingServer as e :
self . print_error ( ' cannot connect to TrustedCoin server: {} ' . format ( e ) )
self . print_error ( ' cannot connect to TrustedCoin server: {} ' . format ( repr ( e ) ) )
billing_index = billing_info [ ' billing_index ' ]
billing_address = make_billing_address ( wallet , billing_index )