Browse Source

async block headers
Janus 7 years ago
committed by SomberNight
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: B33B5F232C6271E9
  1. 2
  2. 212
  3. 38
  4. 28
  5. 118
  6. 3


@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
elif height == 0:
elif height < len(self.checkpoints) * 2016:
assert (height+1) % 2016 == 0, height
assert (height+1) % 2016 == 0, (height, len(self.checkpoints), (height+1) % 2016)
index = height // 2016
h, t = self.checkpoints[index]
return h


@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class Interface(PrintError):
return False
return True
async def run(self):
if self.protocol != 's':
await self.open_session(None, exit_early=False)
@ -183,11 +183,15 @@ class Interface(PrintError):
self.tip = subscription_res['height']
self.session = session
copy_header_queue = asyncio.Queue()
conniface = Conn(self.server, session, lambda idx, tip:, tip, session))
block_retriever = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self.run_fetch_blocks(subscription_res, copy_header_queue, conniface))
while True:
new_header = await asyncio.wait_for(header_queue.get(), 300)
self.tip_header = new_header
self.tip = new_header['block_height']
await copy_header_queue.put(new_header)
except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError:
await asyncio.wait_for(session.send_request(''), 5)
@ -197,6 +201,212 @@ class Interface(PrintError):
def close(self):
async def run_fetch_blocks(self, sub_reply, replies, conniface):
async with
bhi = BlockHeaderInterface(conniface, sub_reply['height'], self.blockchain.height()+1, self)
await replies.put(blockchain.deserialize_header(bfh(sub_reply['hex']), sub_reply['height']))
self.print_error("checking if catched up {}-1 > {}, tip {}".format(sub_reply['height'], self.blockchain.height(), bhi.tip))
if sub_reply['height']-1 > self.blockchain.height():
last_status = await bhi.sync_until()
assert last_status == 'catchup', last_status
assert self.blockchain.height()+1 == bhi.height, (self.blockchain.height(), bhi.height)
while True:'updated')
item = await replies.get()
async with
if self.blockchain.height() >= bhi.height and self.blockchain.check_header(item):
# another interface amended the blockchain
self.print_error("SKIPPING HEADER", bhi.height)
if bhi.tip < bhi.height:
bhi.height = bhi.tip
await bhi.step(item)
bhi.tip = max(bhi.height, bhi.tip)
class BlockHeaderInterface(PrintError):
def __init__(self, conn, tip, height, iface):
self.tip = tip
self.height = height
self.conn = conn
self.iface = iface
def diagnostic_name(self):
return self.conn.server
async def sync_until(self, next_height=None):
if next_height is None:
next_height = self.tip
last = None
while last is None or self.height < next_height:
if next_height > self.height + 10:
could_connect, num_headers = await self.conn.request_chunk(self.height, next_height)
self.tip = max(self.height + num_headers, self.tip)
if not could_connect:
last = await self.step()
self.tip = max(self.height, self.tip)
self.height = (self.height // 2016 * 2016) + num_headers
if self.height > next_height:
assert False, (self.height, self.tip)
last = 'catchup'
last = await self.step()
self.tip = max(self.height, self.tip)
return last
async def step(self, header=None):
assert self.height != 0
if header is None:
header = await self.conn.get_block_header(self.height, 'catchup')
can_connect = blockchain.can_connect(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['connect'](self)
bad_header = None
if not can_connect:
self.print_error("can't connect", self.height)
bad = self.height
bad_header = header
self.height -= 1
checkp = False
if self.height <=
self.height = + 1
checkp = True
header = await self.conn.get_block_header(self.height, 'backward')
chain = blockchain.check_header(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['check'](header)
can_connect = blockchain.can_connect(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['connect'](self)
if checkp:
assert can_connect or chain, (can_connect, chain)
while not chain and not can_connect:
bad = self.height
bad_header = header
delta = self.tip - self.height
next_height = self.tip - 2 * delta
checkp = False
if next_height <=
next_height = + 1
checkp = True
self.height = next_height
header = await self.conn.get_block_header(self.height, 'backward')
chain = blockchain.check_header(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['check'](header)
can_connect = blockchain.can_connect(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['connect'](self)
if checkp:
assert can_connect or chain, (can_connect, chain)
self.print_error("exiting backward mode at", self.height)
if can_connect:
self.print_error("could connect", self.height)
chain = blockchain.check_header(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['check'](header)
if type(can_connect) is bool:
# mock
self.height += 1
if self.height > self.tip:
assert False
return 'catchup'
self.iface.blockchain = can_connect
self.height += 1
return 'catchup'
if not chain:
raise Exception("not chain") # line 931 in 8e69174374aee87d73cd2f8005fbbe87c93eee9c's
# binary
if type(chain) in [int, bool]:
pass # mock
self.iface.blockchain = chain
good = self.height
self.height = (bad + good) // 2
header = await self.conn.get_block_header(self.height, 'binary')
while True:
self.print_error("binary step")
chain = blockchain.check_header(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['check'](header)
if chain:
assert bad != self.height, (bad, self.height)
good = self.height
self.iface.blockchain = self.iface.blockchain if type(chain) in [bool, int] else chain
bad = self.height
assert good != self.height
bad_header = header
if bad != good + 1:
self.height = (bad + good) // 2
header = await self.conn.get_block_header(self.height, 'binary')
mock = bad_header and 'mock' in bad_header and bad_header['mock']['connect'](self)
real = not mock and self.iface.blockchain.can_connect(bad_header, check_height=False)
if not real and not mock:
raise Exception('unexpected bad header during binary' + str(bad_header)) # line 948 in 8e69174374aee87d73cd2f8005fbbe87c93eee9c's
branch = blockchain.blockchains.get(bad)
if branch is not None:
ismocking = False
if type(branch) is dict:
ismocking = True
# FIXME: it does not seem sufficient to check that the branch
# contains the bad_header. what if self.blockchain doesn't?
# the chains shouldn't be joined then. observe the incorrect
# joining on regtest with a server that has a fork of height
# one. the problem is observed only if forking is not during
# electrum runtime
if ismocking and branch['check'](bad_header) or not ismocking and branch.check_header(bad_header):
self.print_error('joining chain', bad)
self.height += 1
return 'join'
if ismocking and branch['parent']['check'](header) or not ismocking and branch.parent().check_header(header):
self.print_error('reorg', bad, self.tip)
self.iface.blockchain = branch.parent() if not ismocking else branch['parent']
self.height = bad
header = await self.conn.get_block_header(self.height, 'binary')
if ismocking:
self.height = bad + 1
self.print_error("TODO replace blockchain")
return 'conflict'
self.print_error('forkpoint conflicts with existing fork', branch.path())
branch.write(b'', 0)
self.iface.blockchain = branch
self.height = bad + 1
return 'conflict'
bh = self.iface.blockchain.height()
if bh > good:
forkfun = self.iface.blockchain.fork
if 'mock' in bad_header:
chain = bad_header['mock']['check'](bad_header)
forkfun = bad_header['mock']['fork'] if 'fork' in bad_header['mock'] else forkfun
chain = self.iface.blockchain.check_header(bad_header)
if not chain:
b = forkfun(bad_header)
assert bad not in blockchain.blockchains, (bad, list(blockchain.blockchains.keys()))
blockchain.blockchains[bad] = b
self.iface.blockchain = b
self.height = b.forkpoint + 1
assert b.forkpoint == bad
return 'fork'
assert bh == good
if bh < self.tip:
self.print_error("catching up from %d"% (bh + 1))
self.height = bh + 1
return 'no_fork'
class Conn:
def __init__(self, server, session, get_chunk):
self.server = server
self.session = session # type: aiorpcx.ClientSession
self.request_chunk = get_chunk
async def get_block_header(self, height, assert_mode):
res = await asyncio.wait_for(self.session.send_request('blockchain.block.header', [height]), 1)
return blockchain.deserialize_header(bytes.fromhex(res), height)
def check_cert(host, cert):
b = pem.dePem(cert, 'CERTIFICATE')


@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import dns
import dns.resolver
from . import util
from .util import PrintError, print_error, bfh
from .util import PrintError, print_error, aiosafe, bfh
from .bitcoin import COIN
from . import constants
from . import blockchain
@ -533,7 +533,12 @@ class Network(PrintError):
if self.server_is_lagging() and self.auto_connect:
# switch to one that has the correct header (not height)
header = self.blockchain().read_header(self.get_local_height())
filtered = list(map(lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x: x[1].tip_header == header, self.interfaces.items())))
def filt(x):
a = x[1].tip_header
b = header
assert type(a) is type(b)
return a == b
filtered = list(map(lambda x: x[0], filter(filt, self.interfaces.items())))
if filtered:
choice = random.choice(filtered)
@ -668,7 +673,7 @@ class Network(PrintError):
if b.catch_up == server:
b.catch_up = None
async def new_interface(self, server):
# todo: get tip first, then decide which checkpoint to use.
@ -677,8 +682,8 @@ class Network(PrintError):
await asyncio.wait_for(interface.ready, 5)
except BaseException as e:
import traceback
#import traceback
self.print_error(interface.server, "couldn't launch because", str(e), str(type(e)))
@ -713,6 +718,29 @@ class Network(PrintError):
except concurrent.futures.CancelledError:
async def get_merkle_for_transaction(self, tx_hash, tx_height):
print("getting merkle for transaction", tx_hash, tx_height)
return await self.interface.session.send_request('blockchain.transaction.get_merkle', [tx_hash, tx_height])
def broadcast_transaction(self, tx):
fut = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.interface.session.send_request('blockchain.transaction.broadcast', [str(tx)]), self.asyncio_loop)
return True, fut.result(1)
async def request_chunk(self, height, tip, session=None):
if session is None: session = self.interface.session
index = height // 2016
size = 2016
if tip is not None and height + 2016 >= tip:
size = tip - height
#if index * 2016 < height:
# size = height - index * 2016
res = await session.send_request('blockchain.block.headers', [index * 2016, size])
conn = self.blockchain().connect_chunk(index, res['hex'])
if not conn:
return conn, 0
self.blockchain().save_chunk(index, bfh(res['hex']))
return conn, res['count']
def blockchain(self):
if self.interface and self.interface.blockchain is not None:


@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
import unittest
from electrum import interface
from . import SequentialTestCase
class TestInterface(SequentialTestCase):
def test_match_host_name(self):
self.assertTrue(interface._match_hostname('', ''))
self.assertFalse(interface._match_hostname('', ''))
self.assertTrue(interface._match_hostname('', '*'))
self.assertFalse(interface._match_hostname('', '*'))
self.assertFalse(interface._match_hostname('', '*'))
def test_check_host_name(self):
i = interface.TcpConnection(server=':1:', queue=None, config_path=None)
self.assertFalse(i.check_host_name(None, None))
peercert={'subjectAltName': []}, name=''))
peercert={'subjectAltName': [('DNS', '')]},
peercert={'subject': [('commonName', '')]},


@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
import asyncio
import tempfile
import unittest
from electrum.constants import set_regtest
from electrum.simple_config import SimpleConfig
from electrum import blockchain
from electrum.interface import BlockHeaderInterface
class MockConnection:
def __init__(self):
self.q = asyncio.Queue()
self.server = 'mock-server'
async def get_block_header(self, height, assert_mode):
assert self.q.qsize() > 0, (height, assert_mode)
item = await self.q.get()
print("step with height", height, item)
assert item['block_height'] == height, (item['block_height'], height)
assert assert_mode in item['mock'], (assert_mode, item)
return item
class TestNetwork(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.config = SimpleConfig({'electrum_path': tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="test_network")})
def blockchain_iface_pair(self, forkpoint=2002):
b = blockchain.Blockchain(self.config, forkpoint, None)
class FakeNetwork:
max_checkpoint = lambda: 0
class FakeIface:
blockchain = b
network = FakeNetwork
return FakeIface
def test_new_fork(self):
blockchain.blockchains = {}
conn = MockConnection()
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 8, 'mock': {'catchup':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
def mock_connect(block_header_iface):
return block_header_iface.height == 6
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 7, 'mock': {'backward':1,'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': mock_connect, 'fork': self.mock_fork}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 2, 'mock': {'backward':1,'check':lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 4, 'mock': {'binary':1,'check':lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 5, 'mock': {'binary':1,'check':lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 6, 'mock': {'binary':1,'check':lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
ifa = BlockHeaderInterface(conn, 12, 8, self.blockchain_iface_pair())
self.assertEqual('fork', asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ifa.sync_until(next_height=8)))
self.assertEqual(conn.q.qsize(), 0)
def test_new_can_connect_during_backward(self):
blockchain.blockchains = {}
conn = MockConnection()
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 8, 'mock': {'catchup':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
def mock_connect(block_header_iface):
return block_header_iface.height == 2
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 7, 'mock': {'backward':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': mock_connect, 'fork': self.mock_fork}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 2, 'mock': {'backward':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': mock_connect, 'fork': self.mock_fork}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 3, 'mock': {'catchup':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 4, 'mock': {'catchup':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
ifa = BlockHeaderInterface(conn, 12, 8, self.blockchain_iface_pair())
self.assertEqual('catchup', asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ifa.sync_until(next_height=5)))
self.assertEqual(conn.q.qsize(), 0)
def mock_fork(self, bad_header):
return blockchain.Blockchain(self.config, bad_header['block_height'], None)
def test_new_chain_false_during_binary(self):
blockchain.blockchains = {}
conn = MockConnection()
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 8, 'mock': {'catchup':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
mock_connect = lambda bhi: bhi.height == 3
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 7, 'mock': {'backward':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': mock_connect}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 2, 'mock': {'backward':1, 'check': lambda x: True, 'connect': mock_connect}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 4, 'mock': {'binary':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'fork': self.mock_fork, 'connect': mock_connect}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 3, 'mock': {'binary':1, 'check': lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 5, 'mock': {'catchup':1, 'check': lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 6, 'mock': {'catchup':1, 'check': lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
ifa = BlockHeaderInterface(conn, 12, 8, self.blockchain_iface_pair(1000))
self.assertEqual('catchup', asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ifa.sync_until(next_height=7)))
self.assertEqual(conn.q.qsize(), 0)
def test_new_join(self):
blockchain.blockchains = {7: {'check': lambda bad_header: True}}
conn = MockConnection()
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 8, 'mock': {'catchup':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 7, 'mock': {'backward':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': lambda x: x.height == 6}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 2, 'mock': {'backward':1, 'check': lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 4, 'mock': {'binary':1, 'check': lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 5, 'mock': {'binary':1, 'check': lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 6, 'mock': {'binary':1, 'check': lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
ifa = BlockHeaderInterface(conn, 12, 8, self.blockchain_iface_pair())
self.assertEqual('join', asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ifa.sync_until(next_height=7)))
self.assertEqual(conn.q.qsize(), 0)
def test_new_reorg(self):
times = 0
def check(header):
nonlocal times
self.assertEqual(header['block_height'], 7)
times += 1
return times != 1
blockchain.blockchains = {7: {'check': check, 'parent': {'check': lambda x: True}}}
conn = MockConnection()
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 8, 'mock': {'catchup':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 7, 'mock': {'backward':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': lambda x: x.height == 6}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 2, 'mock': {'backward':1, 'check': lambda x: 1, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 4, 'mock': {'binary':1, 'check': lambda x: 1, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 5, 'mock': {'binary':1, 'check': lambda x: 1, 'connect': lambda x: False}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 6, 'mock': {'binary':1, 'check': lambda x: 1, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
conn.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 7, 'mock': {'binary':1, 'check': lambda x: False, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
ifa = BlockHeaderInterface(conn, 12, 8, self.blockchain_iface_pair())
self.assertEqual('join', asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ifa.sync_until(next_height=8)))
self.assertEqual(conn.q.qsize(), 0)
self.assertEqual(times, 2)
if __name__=="__main__":


@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ class SPV(ThreadJob):
if header is None:
index = tx_height // 2016
if index < len(blockchain.checkpoints):
# FIXME disabled until async block header download has been merged
pass #await, None)
await, None)
elif (tx_hash not in self.requested_merkle
and tx_hash not in self.merkle_roots):
self.print_error('requested merkle', tx_hash)
