@ -19,75 +19,64 @@ |
import time, thread, sys, socket, os |
import urllib2,json |
import MySQLdb as mdb |
import Queue |
from electrum import Wallet, Interface, WalletVerifier, SimpleConfig, WalletSynchronizer |
import sqlite3 |
from electrum import Wallet, WalletStorage, SimpleConfig, Network, set_verbosity |
set_verbosity(False) |
import ConfigParser |
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() |
config.read("merchant.conf") |
db_instance = config.get('db','instance') |
db_user = config.get('db','user') |
db_password = config.get('db','password') |
db_name = config.get('db','name') |
electrum_server = config.get('electrum','server') |
my_password = config.get('main','password') |
my_host = config.get('main','host') |
my_port = config.getint('main','port') |
cb_received = config.get('callback','received') |
cb_expired = config.get('callback','expired') |
cb_password = config.get('callback','password') |
database = config.get('sqlite3','database') |
received_url = config.get('callback','received') |
expired_url = config.get('callback','expired') |
cb_password = config.get('callback','password') |
wallet_config = SimpleConfig() |
wallet_path = config.get('electrum','wallet_path') |
master_public_key = config.get('electrum','mpk') |
wallet_config.set_key('master_public_key',master_public_key) |
wallet = Wallet(wallet_config) |
wallet.synchronize = lambda: None # prevent address creation by the wallet |
master_chain = config.get('electrum','chain') |
omg_addresses = {} |
pending_requests = {} |
def input_reader_thread(request_queue): |
while True: |
addr, amount, confirmations = request_queue.get(True,1000000000) |
if addr in omg_addresses: |
continue |
else: |
print "subscribing to ", addr |
omg_addresses[addr] = {'requested':float(amount), 'confirmations':int(confirmations)} |
if addr not in wallet.addresses: |
with wallet.lock: |
print "adding %s to wallet"%addr |
wallet.addresses.append(addr) |
wallet.history[addr] = [] |
synchronizer.subscribe_to_addresses([addr]) |
wallet.up_to_date = False |
num = 0 |
def check_create_table(conn): |
global num |
c = conn.cursor() |
c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='electrum_payments';") |
data = c.fetchall() |
if not data: |
c.execute("""CREATE TABLE electrum_payments (address VARCHAR(40), amount FLOAT, confirmations INT(8), received_at TIMESTAMP, expires_at TIMESTAMP, paid INT(1), processed INT(1));""") |
conn.commit() |
c.execute("SELECT Count(address) FROM 'electrum_payments'") |
num = c.fetchone()[0] |
print "num rows", num |
def on_wallet_update(): |
print "updated_callback" |
for addr in omg_addresses: |
h = wallet.history.get(addr) |
requested_amount = omg_addresses[addr].get('requested') |
requested_confs = omg_addresses[addr].get('confirmations') |
# this process detects when addresses have received payments |
def on_wallet_update(): |
for addr, v in pending_requests.items(): |
h = wallet.history.get(addr, []) |
requested_amount = v.get('requested') |
requested_confs = v.get('confirmations') |
value = 0 |
for tx_hash, tx_height in h: |
tx = wallet.transactions.get(tx_hash) |
if not tx: continue |
if verifier.get_confirmations(tx_hash) < requested_confs: continue |
for o in tx.get('outputs'): |
if o.get('address') == addr: |
value += o.get('value') |
if wallet.verifier.get_confirmations(tx_hash) < requested_confs: continue |
for o in tx.outputs: |
o_address, o_value = o |
if o_address == addr: |
value += o_value |
s = (value)/1.e8 |
print "balance for %s:"%addr, s, requested_amount |
@ -98,50 +87,54 @@ def on_wallet_update(): |
stopping = False |
def do_stop(): |
def do_stop(password): |
global stopping |
if password != my_password: |
return "wrong password" |
stopping = True |
return "ok" |
def process_request(amount, confirmations, expires_in, password): |
global num |
if password != my_password: |
return "wrong password" |
try: |
amount = float(amount) |
confirmations = int(confirmations) |
expires_in = float(expires_in) |
except: |
return "incorrect parameters" |
account = wallet.accounts["m/0'/0"] |
addr = account.get_address(0, num) |
num += 1 |
def do_create(conn): |
# creation |
cur = conn.cursor() |
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE electrum_payments (id INT PRIMARY KEY, address VARCHAR(40), amount FLOAT, confirmations INT(8), received_at TIMESTAMP, expires_at TIMESTAMP, paid INT(1), processed INT(1));") |
conn.commit() |
def process_request(i, amount, confirmations, expires_in, password): |
print "process_request", i, amount, confirmations, expires_in |
if password!=my_password: |
print "wrong password ", password |
return |
addr = wallet.get_new_address(0, i, 0) |
out_queue.put( ('request', (i, addr, amount, confirmations, expires_in) )) |
out_queue.put( ('request', (addr, amount, confirmations, expires_in) )) |
return addr |
def get_mpk(): |
return wallet.master_public_key |
def server_thread(conn): |
from jsonrpclib.SimpleJSONRPCServer import SimpleJSONRPCServer |
server = SimpleJSONRPCServer(( my_host, my_port)) |
server.register_function(process_request, 'request') |
server.register_function(get_mpk, 'mpk') |
server.register_function(do_stop, 'stop') |
server.serve_forever() |
def handle_command(cmd): |
def send_command(cmd, params): |
import jsonrpclib |
server = jsonrpclib.Server('http://%s:%d'%(my_host, my_port)) |
try: |
if cmd == 'mpk': |
out = server.mpk() |
if cmd == 'request': |
out = server.request(*params) |
elif cmd == 'stop': |
out = server.stop() |
elif cmd == 'create': |
conn = mdb.connect(db_instance, db_user, db_password, db_name); |
do_create(conn) |
out = "ok" |
out = server.stop(*params) |
else: |
out = "unknown command" |
except socket.error: |
@ -155,32 +148,32 @@ def handle_command(cmd): |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
if len(sys.argv) > 1: |
ret = handle_command(sys.argv[1]) |
cmd = sys.argv[1] |
params = sys.argv[2:] + [my_password] |
ret = send_command(cmd, params) |
sys.exit(ret) |
print "using database", db_name |
conn = mdb.connect(db_instance, db_user, db_password, db_name); |
interface = Interface({'server':"%s:%d:t"%(electrum_server, 50001)}) |
interface.start() |
interface.send([('blockchain.numblocks.subscribe',[])]) |
wallet.interface = interface |
interface.register_callback('updated', on_wallet_update) |
verifier = WalletVerifier(interface, wallet_config) |
wallet.set_verifier(verifier) |
synchronizer = WalletSynchronizer(wallet, wallet_config) |
synchronizer.start() |
verifier.start() |
conn = sqlite3.connect(database); |
# create table if needed |
check_create_table(conn) |
# init network |
config = SimpleConfig({'wallet_path':wallet_path}) |
network = Network(config) |
network.start(wait=True) |
# create watching_only wallet |
storage = WalletStorage(config) |
wallet = Wallet(storage) |
if not storage.file_exists: |
wallet.seed = '' |
wallet.create_watching_only_wallet(master_chain,master_public_key) |
wallet.synchronize = lambda: None # prevent address creation by the wallet |
wallet.start_threads(network) |
network.register_callback('updated', on_wallet_update) |
# this process detects when addresses have paid |
request_queue = Queue.Queue() |
out_queue = Queue.Queue() |
thread.start_new_thread(input_reader_thread, (request_queue,)) |
thread.start_new_thread(server_thread, (conn,)) |
while not stopping: |
@ -189,8 +182,18 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': |
# read pending requests from table |
cur.execute("SELECT address, amount, confirmations FROM electrum_payments WHERE paid IS NULL;") |
data = cur.fetchall() |
# add pending requests to the wallet |
for item in data: |
request_queue.put(item) |
addr, amount, confirmations = item |
if addr in pending_requests: |
continue |
else: |
with wallet.lock: |
print "subscribing to %s"%addr |
pending_requests[addr] = {'requested':float(amount), 'confirmations':int(confirmations)} |
wallet.synchronizer.subscribe_to_addresses([addr]) |
wallet.up_to_date = False |
try: |
cmd, params = out_queue.get(True, 10) |
@ -201,45 +204,41 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': |
addr = params |
# set paid=1 for received payments |
print "received payment from", addr |
cur.execute("select id from electrum_payments where address='%s';"%addr) |
id = cur.fetchone()[0] |
cur.execute("update electrum_payments set paid=1 where id=%d;"%(id)) |
cur.execute("update electrum_payments set paid=1 where address='%s'"%addr) |
elif cmd == 'request': |
# add a new request to the table. |
i, addr, amount, confs, hours = params |
sql = "INSERT INTO electrum_payments (id, address, amount, confirmations, received_at, expires_at, paid, processed)"\ |
+ " VALUES (%d, '%s', %f, %d, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ADDTIME(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '0 %d:0:0'), NULL, NULL);"%(i, addr, amount, confs, hours) |
addr, amount, confs, minutes = params |
sql = "INSERT INTO electrum_payments (address, amount, confirmations, received_at, expires_at, paid, processed)"\ |
+ " VALUES ('%s', %f, %d, datetime('now'), datetime('now', '+%d Minutes'), NULL, NULL);"%(addr, amount, confs, minutes) |
print sql |
cur.execute(sql) |
# set paid=0 for expired requests |
cur.execute("""UPDATE electrum_payments set paid=0 WHERE expires_at < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and paid is NULL;""") |
# do callback for addresses that received payment |
cur.execute("""SELECT id, address, paid from electrum_payments WHERE paid is not NULL and processed is NULL;""") |
# do callback for addresses that received payment or expired |
cur.execute("""SELECT address, paid from electrum_payments WHERE paid is not NULL and processed is NULL;""") |
data = cur.fetchall() |
for item in data: |
print "callback:", item |
id = int(item[0]) |
address = item[1] |
paid = int(item[2]) |
address, paid = item |
paid = bool(paid) |
headers = {'content-type':'application/json'} |
data_json = { 'id':id, 'address':address, 'btc_auth':cb_password } |
data_json = { 'address':address, 'password':cb_password, 'paid':paid } |
data_json = json.dumps(data_json) |
url = cb_received if paid else cb_expired |
url = received_url if paid else expired_url |
req = urllib2.Request(url, data_json, headers) |
try: |
response_stream = urllib2.urlopen(req) |
cur.execute("UPDATE electrum_payments SET processed=1 WHERE id=%d;"%(id)) |
except urllib2.HTTPError: |
print "cannot do callback", data_json |
except ValueError, e: |
print e |
print "cannot do callback", data_json |
conn.commit() |
conn.close() |
print "terminated" |
print "Done" |