'validateaddress':'Check that the address is valid',
'balance': "Display the balance of your wallet or of an address.\nSyntax: balance [<address>]",
'contacts': "Show your list of contacts",
'create':'Create a wallet',
'restore':'Restore a wallet',
'payto':"""Create and broadcast a transaction.
Syntax: payto <recipient> <amount> [label]
<recipient> can be a bitcoin address or a label
options:\n --fee, -f: set transaction fee\n --fromaddr, -s: send from address -\n --changeaddr, -c: send change to address
'Broadcasts a transaction to the network. \nSyntax: sendrawtransaction <tx in hexadecimal>',
"Changes your password",
"""Shows your list of addresses.
-a: show all addresses, including change addresses
-k: show private keys
-b: show the balance of addresses""",
'history':"Shows the transaction history",
'setlabel':'Assign a label to an item\nSyntax: label <tx_hash> <label>',
"""Create a signed transaction, password protected.
Syntax: mktx <recipient> <amount> [label]
options:\n --fee, -f: set transaction fee\n --fromaddr, -s: send from address -\n --changeaddr, -c: send change to address
"Print the generation seed of your wallet.",
'Import a private key\nSyntax: importprivkey <privatekey>',
'Signs a message with a key\nSyntax: signmessage <address> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "',
'Verifies a signature\nSyntax: verifymessage <address> <signature> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "',
"Run python eval() on an object\nSyntax: eval <expression>\nExample: eval \"wallet.aliases\"",
"Get config parameter.",
"Set config parameter.",
"Create a seedless, watching-only wallet.",
'dumpprivkey':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'dumpprivkeys':'dump all private keys',
'listunspent':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'createmultisig':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'createrawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'decoderawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'signrawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'Import a private key\nSyntax: importprivkey <privatekey>',
'Signs a message with a key\nSyntax: signmessage <address> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "',
'Verifies a signature\nSyntax: verifymessage <address> <signature> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "',
"Run python eval() on an object\nSyntax: eval <expression>\nExample: eval \"wallet.aliases\"",
"Get config parameter.",
"Set config parameter.",
"Create a seedless, watching-only wallet.",
'dumpprivkey':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'dumpprivkeys':'dump all private keys',
'listunspent':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'createmultisig':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'createrawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'decoderawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'signrawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',