@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
import thread , time , ast , sys
import thread , time , ast , sys , re
import socket , traceback
import pygtk
pygtk . require ( ' 2.0 ' )
@ -28,12 +28,7 @@ from decimal import Decimal
gtk . gdk . threads_init ( )
APP_NAME = " Electrum "
def format_satoshis ( x ) :
s = str ( Decimal ( x ) / 100000000 )
if not ' . ' in s : s + = ' . '
p = s . find ( ' . ' )
s + = " " * ( 9 - ( len ( s ) - p ) )
return s
from wallet import format_satoshis
def numbify ( entry , is_int = False ) :
text = entry . get_text ( ) . strip ( )
@ -124,6 +119,7 @@ def init_wallet(wallet):
else :
# ask for the server.
wallet . interface . get_servers ( )
run_network_dialog ( wallet , parent = None )
# ask for seed and gap.
@ -370,8 +366,9 @@ def run_network_dialog( wallet, parent ):
if host != wallet . interface . host or port != wallet . interface . port :
wallet . interface . host = host
wallet . interface . set_port ( port )
wallet . save ( )
wallet . interface . is_connected = False
if parent :
wallet . save ( )
@ -399,8 +396,8 @@ def password_line(label):
password . show ( )
return password , password_entry
def password_dialog ( ) :
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog ( None , gtk . DIALOG_MODAL | gtk . DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT ,
def password_dialog ( parent ) :
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog ( parent , gtk . DIALOG_MODAL | gtk . DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT ,
gtk . MESSAGE_QUESTION , gtk . BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , " Please enter your password. " )
dialog . get_image ( ) . set_visible ( False )
current_pw , current_pw_entry = password_line ( ' Password: ' )
@ -529,7 +526,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
def seedb ( w , wallet ) :
if wallet . use_encryption :
password = password_dialog ( )
password = password_dialog ( self . window )
if not password : return
else : password = None
show_seed_dialog ( wallet , password , self . window )
@ -568,7 +565,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
self . window . add ( vbox )
self . window . show_all ( )
self . fee_box . hide ( )
#self.fee_box.hide( )
self . context_id = self . status_bar . get_context_id ( " statusbar " )
self . update_status_bar ( )
@ -578,6 +575,27 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
gobject . idle_add ( self . update_status_bar )
time . sleep ( 0.5 )
def check_recipient_thread ( ) :
old_r = ' '
while True :
time . sleep ( 0.5 )
if self . payto_entry . is_focus ( ) :
r = self . payto_entry . get_text ( )
if r != old_r :
old_r = r
r = r . strip ( )
if re . match ( ' ^(|([ \ w \ - \ .]+)@)(( \ w[ \ w \ -]+ \ .)+[ \ w \ -]+)$ ' , r ) :
try :
to_address = self . get_alias ( r , interactive = False )
except :
if to_address :
s = r + ' < ' + to_address + ' > '
gobject . idle_add ( lambda : self . payto_entry . set_text ( s ) )
def update_wallet_thread ( ) :
while True :
try :
@ -625,6 +643,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
thread . start_new_thread ( update_wallet_thread , ( ) )
thread . start_new_thread ( update_status_bar_thread , ( ) )
thread . start_new_thread ( check_recipient_thread , ( ) )
self . notebook . set_current_page ( 0 )
@ -635,60 +654,68 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
def create_send_tab ( self ) :
page = vbox = gtk . VBox ( )
page . show ( )
payto = gtk . HBox ( )
payto_label = gtk . Label ( ' Pay to: ' )
payto_label . set_size_request ( 100 , 10 )
payto_label . show ( )
payto_label . set_size_request ( 100 , - 1 )
payto . pack_start ( payto_label , False )
payto_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
payto_entry . set_size_request ( 350 , 26 )
payto_entry . show ( )
payto_entry . set_size_request ( 450 , 26 )
payto . pack_start ( payto_entry , False )
vbox . pack_start ( payto , False , False , 5 )
label = gtk . HBox ( )
label_label = gtk . Label ( ' Label: ' )
label_label . set_size_request ( 100 , 10 )
label_label . show ( )
label . pack_start ( label_label , False )
label_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
label_entry . set_size_request ( 350 , 26 )
label_entry . show ( )
label . pack_start ( label_entry , False )
vbox . pack_start ( label , False , False , 5 )
message = gtk . HBox ( )
message_label = gtk . Label ( ' Description: ' )
message_label . set_size_request ( 100 , - 1 )
message . pack_start ( message_label , False )
message_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
message_entry . set_size_request ( 450 , 26 )
message . pack_start ( message_entry , False )
vbox . pack_start ( message , False , False , 5 )
amount_box = gtk . HBox ( )
amount_label = gtk . Label ( ' Amount: ' )
amount_label . set_size_request ( 100 , - 1 )
amount_label . show ( )
amount_box . pack_start ( amount_label , False )
amount_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
amount_entry . set_size_request ( 120 , - 1 )
amount_entry . show ( )
amount_box . pack_start ( amount_entry , False )
vbox . pack_start ( amount_box , False , False , 5 )
send_button = gtk . Button ( " Send " )
send_button . show ( )
amount_box . pack_start ( send_button , False , False , 5 )
self . fee_box = fee_box = gtk . HBox ( )
fee_label = gtk . Label ( ' Fee: ' )
fee_label . set_size_request ( 100 , 10 )
fee_label . set_size_request ( 100 , - 1 )
fee_box . pack_start ( fee_label , False )
fee_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
fee_entry . set_size_request ( 120 , 26 )
fee_entry . set_has_frame ( False )
fee_entry . modify_base ( gtk . STATE_NORMAL , gtk . gdk . color_parse ( " #eeeeee " ) )
fee_entry . set_size_request ( 60 , 26 )
fee_box . pack_start ( fee_entry , False )
send_button . connect ( " clicked " , self . do_send , ( payto_entry , label_entry , amount_entry , fee_entry ) )
vbox . pack_start ( fee_box , False , False , 5 )
end_box = gtk . HBox ( )
empty_label = gtk . Label ( ' ' )
empty_label . set_size_request ( 100 , - 1 )
end_box . pack_start ( empty_label , False )
send_button = gtk . Button ( " Send " )
send_button . show ( )
end_box . pack_start ( send_button , False , False , 0 )
clear_button = gtk . Button ( " Clear " )
clear_button . show ( )
end_box . pack_start ( clear_button , False , False , 15 )
send_button . connect ( " clicked " , self . do_send , ( payto_entry , message_entry , amount_entry , fee_entry ) )
clear_button . connect ( " clicked " , self . do_clear , ( payto_entry , message_entry , amount_entry , fee_entry ) )
vbox . pack_start ( end_box , False , False , 5 )
# display this line only if there is a signature
payto_sig = gtk . HBox ( )
payto_sig_id = gtk . Label ( ' ' )
payto_sig . pack_start ( payto_sig_id , False )
vbox . pack_start ( payto_sig , True , True , 5 )
self . user_fee = False
def entry_changed ( entry , is_fee ) :
@ -696,7 +723,8 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
fee = numbify ( fee_entry )
if not is_fee : fee = None
if amount is None :
self . fee_box . hide ( ) ; return
inputs , total , fee = self . wallet . choose_tx_inputs ( amount , fee )
if not is_fee :
fee_entry . set_text ( str ( Decimal ( fee ) / 100000000 ) )
@ -713,25 +741,68 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
self . error = ' Not enough funds '
amount_entry . connect ( ' changed ' , entry_changed , False )
fee_entry . connect ( ' changed ' , entry_changed , True )
fee_entry . connect ( ' changed ' , entry_changed , True )
self . payto_entry = payto_entry
self . payto_amount_entry = amount_entry
self . payto_label_entry = label_entry
self . payto_fee_entry = fee_entry
self . payto_sig_id = payto_sig_id
self . payto_sig = payto_sig
self . amount_entry = amount_entry
self . message_entry = message_entry
self . add_tab ( page , ' Send ' )
def set_send_tab ( self , address , amount , label ) :
def set_frozen ( self , entry , frozen ) :
if frozen :
entry . set_editable ( False )
entry . set_has_frame ( False )
entry . modify_base ( gtk . STATE_NORMAL , gtk . gdk . color_parse ( " #eeeeee " ) )
else :
entry . set_editable ( True )
entry . set_has_frame ( True )
entry . modify_base ( gtk . STATE_NORMAL , gtk . gdk . color_parse ( " #ffffff " ) )
def set_send_tab ( self , payto , amount , message , label , identity , signature , cmd ) :
self . notebook . set_current_page ( 1 )
self . payto_entry . set_text ( address )
self . payto_label_entry . set_text ( label )
self . payto_amount_entry . set_text ( amount )
if signature :
if re . match ( ' ^(|([ \ w \ - \ .]+)@)(( \ w[ \ w \ -]+ \ .)+[ \ w \ -]+)$ ' , identity ) :
signing_address = self . get_alias ( identity , interactive = True )
elif self . wallet . is_valid ( identity ) :
signing_address = identity
else :
signing_address = None
if not signing_address :
try :
self . wallet . verify_message ( signing_address , signature , cmd )
self . wallet . receipt = ( signing_address , signature , cmd )
except :
self . show_message ( ' Warning: the URI contains a bad signature. \n The identity of the recipient cannot be verified. ' )
payto = amount = label = identity = message = ' '
# redundant with aliases
#if label and payto:
# self.labels[payto] = label
if re . match ( ' ^(|([ \ w \ - \ .]+)@)(( \ w[ \ w \ -]+ \ .)+[ \ w \ -]+)$ ' , payto ) :
payto_address = self . get_alias ( payto , interactive = True )
if payto_address :
payto = payto + ' < ' + payto_address + ' > '
self . payto_entry . set_text ( payto )
self . message_entry . set_text ( message )
self . amount_entry . set_text ( amount )
if identity :
self . set_frozen ( self . payto_entry , True )
self . set_frozen ( self . amount_entry , True )
self . set_frozen ( self . message_entry , True )
self . payto_sig_id . set_text ( ' The bitcoin URI was signed by ' + identity )
else :
self . payto_sig . set_visible ( False )
def create_about_tab ( self ) :
page = gtk . VBox ( )
page . show ( )
#self.info = gtk.Label('')
tv = gtk . TextView ( )
tv . set_editable ( False )
tv . set_cursor_visible ( False )
@ -739,14 +810,84 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
self . info = tv . get_buffer ( )
self . add_tab ( page , ' Wall ' )
def do_clear ( self , w , data ) :
self . payto_sig . set_visible ( False )
self . payto_fee_entry . set_text ( ' ' )
for entry in [ self . payto_entry , self . amount_entry , self . message_entry ] :
self . set_frozen ( entry , False )
entry . set_text ( ' ' )
def question ( self , msg ) :
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog ( self . window , gtk . DIALOG_MODAL | gtk . DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT , gtk . MESSAGE_QUESTION , gtk . BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , msg )
dialog . show ( )
result = dialog . run ( )
dialog . destroy ( )
return result == gtk . RESPONSE_OK
def get_alias ( self , alias , interactive = False ) :
try :
target , signing_address , auth_name = self . wallet . read_alias ( alias )
except BaseException , e :
# raise exception if verify fails (verify the chain)
if interactive :
self . show_message ( " Alias error: " + e . message )
print target , signing_address , auth_name
if auth_name is None :
a = self . wallet . aliases . get ( alias )
if not a :
msg = " Warning: the alias ' %s ' is self-signed. The signing address is %s . Do you want to trust this alias? " % ( alias , signing_address )
if interactive and self . question ( msg ) :
self . wallet . aliases [ alias ] = ( signing_address , target )
else :
target = None
else :
if signing_address != a [ 0 ] :
msg = " Warning: the key of alias ' %s ' has changed since your last visit! It is possible that someone is trying to do something nasty!!! \n Do you accept to change your trusted key? " % alias
if interactive and self . question ( msg ) :
self . wallet . aliases [ alias ] = ( signing_address , target )
else :
target = None
else :
if signing_address not in self . wallet . authorities . keys ( ) :
msg = " The alias: ' %s ' links to %s \n \n Warning: this alias was signed by an unknown key. \n Signing authority: %s \n Signing address: %s \n \n Do you want to add this key to your list of trusted keys? " % ( alias , target , auth_name , signing_address )
if interactive and self . question ( msg ) :
self . wallet . authorities [ signing_address ] = auth_name
else :
target = None
if target :
self . wallet . aliases [ alias ] = ( signing_address , target )
self . update_sending_tab ( )
return target
def do_send ( self , w , data ) :
payto_entry , label_entry , amount_entry , fee_entry = data
label = label_entry . get_text ( )
r = payto_entry . get_text ( )
r = r . strip ( )
m1 = re . match ( ' ^(|([ \ w \ - \ .]+)@)(( \ w[ \ w \ -]+ \ .)+[ \ w \ -]+)$ ' , r )
m2 = re . match ( ' (|([ \ w \ - \ .]+)@)(( \ w[ \ w \ -]+ \ .)+[ \ w \ -]+) \ <([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z] { 26,}) \ > ' , r )
if m1 :
to_address = self . get_alias ( r , interactive = True )
if not to_address :
elif m2 :
to_address = m2 . group ( 5 )
else :
to_address = r
to_address = payto_entry . get_text ( )
if not self . wallet . is_valid ( to_address ) :
self . show_message ( " invalid bitcoin address " )
self . show_message ( " invalid bitcoin address: \n " + to_address )
try :
@ -761,7 +902,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
if self . wallet . use_encryption :
password = password_dialog ( )
password = password_dialog ( self . window )
if not password :
else :
@ -782,7 +923,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
label_entry . set_text ( " " )
amount_entry . set_text ( " " )
fee_entry . set_text ( " " )
self . fee_box . hide ( )
#self.fee_box.hide( )
self . update_sending_tab ( )
else :
self . show_message ( msg )
@ -791,8 +932,20 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
def treeview_button_press ( self , treeview , event ) :
if event . type == gtk . gdk . _2BUTTON_PRESS :
c = treeview . get_cursor ( ) [ 0 ]
tx_details = self . history_list . get_value ( self . history_list . get_iter ( c ) , 8 )
self . show_message ( tx_details )
if treeview == self . history_treeview :
tx_details = self . history_list . get_value ( self . history_list . get_iter ( c ) , 8 )
self . show_message ( tx_details )
elif treeview == self . contacts_treeview :
m = self . addressbook_list . get_value ( self . addressbook_list . get_iter ( c ) , 0 )
a = self . wallet . aliases . get ( m )
if a :
if a [ 0 ] in self . wallet . authorities . keys ( ) :
s = self . wallet . authorities . get ( a [ 0 ] )
else :
s = " self "
msg = ' Alias: ' + m + ' \n \n Target: ' + a [ 1 ] + ' \n Signed by: ' + s + ' \n Signing address: ' + a [ 0 ]
self . show_message ( msg )
def treeview_key_press ( self , treeview , event ) :
c = treeview . get_cursor ( ) [ 0 ]
@ -800,9 +953,21 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
if c and c [ 0 ] == 0 :
treeview . parent . grab_focus ( )
treeview . set_cursor ( ( 0 , ) )
elif event . keyval == gtk . keysyms . Return and treeview == self . history_treeview :
tx_details = self . history_list . get_value ( self . history_list . get_iter ( c ) , 8 )
self . show_message ( tx_details )
elif event . keyval == gtk . keysyms . Return :
if treeview == self . history_treeview :
tx_details = self . history_list . get_value ( self . history_list . get_iter ( c ) , 8 )
self . show_message ( tx_details )
elif treeview == self . contacts_treeview :
m = self . addressbook_list . get_value ( self . addressbook_list . get_iter ( c ) , 0 )
a = self . wallet . aliases . get ( m )
if a :
if a [ 0 ] in self . wallet . authorities . keys ( ) :
s = self . wallet . authorities . get ( a [ 0 ] )
else :
s = " self "
msg = ' Alias: ' + m + ' \n \n Target: ' + a [ 1 ] + ' \n Signed by: ' + s + ' \n Signing address: ' + a [ 0 ]
self . show_message ( msg )
return False
def create_history_tab ( self ) :
@ -827,7 +992,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
tvcolumn . pack_start ( cell , False )
tvcolumn . add_attribute ( cell , ' text ' , 2 )
tvcolumn = gtk . TreeViewColumn ( ' Label ' )
tvcolumn = gtk . TreeViewColumn ( ' Description ' )
treeview . append_column ( tvcolumn )
cell = gtk . CellRendererText ( )
cell . set_property ( ' foreground ' , ' grey ' )
@ -892,7 +1057,10 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
liststore = self . recv_list if is_recv else self . addressbook_list
treeview = gtk . TreeView ( model = liststore )
treeview . connect ( ' key-press-event ' , self . treeview_key_press )
treeview . connect ( ' button-press-event ' , self . treeview_button_press )
treeview . show ( )
if not is_recv :
self . contacts_treeview = treeview
tvcolumn = gtk . TreeViewColumn ( ' Address ' )
treeview . append_column ( tvcolumn )
@ -993,7 +1161,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
address = liststore . get_value ( liststore . get_iter ( path ) , 0 )
self . payto_entry . set_text ( address )
self . notebook . set_current_page ( 1 )
self . payto_ amount_entry. grab_focus ( )
self . amount_entry . grab_focus ( )
button . connect ( " clicked " , payto , treeview , liststore )
button . show ( )
@ -1013,7 +1181,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
self . status_image . set_from_stock ( gtk . STOCK_NO , gtk . ICON_SIZE_MENU )
self . network_button . set_tooltip_text ( " Trying to contact %s . \n %d blocks " % ( self . wallet . interface . host , self . wallet . interface . blocks ) )
text = " Balance: %s " % ( format_satoshis ( c ) )
if u : text + = " [+ %s unconfirmed] " % ( format_satoshis ( u ) )
if u : text + = " [ %s unconfirmed] " % ( format_satoshis ( u , True ) )
if self . error : text = self . error
self . status_bar . pop ( self . context_id )
self . status_bar . push ( self . context_id , text )
@ -1033,6 +1201,11 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
def update_sending_tab ( self ) :
# detect addresses that are not mine in history, add them here...
self . addressbook_list . clear ( )
for alias , v in self . wallet . aliases . items ( ) :
s , target = v
label = self . wallet . labels . get ( alias )
self . addressbook_list . append ( ( alias , label , ' - ' ) )
for address in self . wallet . addressbook :
label = self . wallet . labels . get ( address )
n = 0
@ -1062,16 +1235,23 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
if is_default_label : label = tx [ ' default_label ' ]
tooltip = tx_hash + " \n %d confirmations " % conf
tx = self . wallet . tx_history . get ( tx_hash )
details = " Transaction Details: \n \n "
details + = " Transaction ID: \n " + tx_hash + " \n \n "
details + = " Status: %d confirmations \n \n " % conf
details + = " Date: %s \n \n " % time_str
details + = " Inputs: \n - " + ' \n - ' . join ( tx [ ' inputs ' ] ) + " \n \n "
details + = " Outputs: \n - " + ' \n - ' . join ( tx [ ' outputs ' ] )
# tx = self.wallet.tx_history.get(tx_hash)
details = " Transaction Details: \n \n " \
+ " Transaction ID: \n " + tx_hash + " \n \n " \
+ " Status: %d confirmations \n \n " % conf \
+ " Date: %s \n \n " % time_str \
+ " Inputs: \n - " + ' \n - ' . join ( tx [ ' inputs ' ] ) + " \n \n " \
+ " Outputs: \n - " + ' \n - ' . join ( tx [ ' outputs ' ] )
r = self . wallet . receipts . get ( tx_hash )
if r :
details + = " \n _______________________________________ " \
+ ' \n \n Signed URI: ' + r [ 2 ] \
+ " \n \n Signed by: " + r [ 0 ] \
+ ' \n \n Signature: ' + r [ 1 ]
self . history_list . prepend ( [ tx_hash , conf_icon , time_str , label , is_default_label ,
( ' + ' if v > 0 else ' ' ) + format_satoshis ( v ) , format_satoshis ( balance ) , tooltip , details ] )
format_satoshis ( v , True ) , format_satoshis ( balance ) , tooltip , details ] )
if cursor : self . history_treeview . set_cursor ( cursor )