@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def show_seed_dialog(wallet, password, parent):
show_message ( " No seed " )
try :
seed = wallet . get_seed ( password )
mnemonic = wallet . get_mnemonic ( password )
except Exception :
show_message ( " Incorrect password " )
@ -77,9 +77,8 @@ def show_seed_dialog(wallet, password, parent):
parent = parent ,
flags = gtk . DIALOG_MODAL ,
buttons = gtk . BUTTONS_OK ,
message_format = " Your wallet generation seed is: \n \n " + seed \
+ " \n \n Please keep it in a safe place; if you lose it, you will not be able to restore your wallet. \n \n " \
+ " Equivalently, your wallet seed can be stored and recovered with the following mnemonic code: \n \n \" " + ' ' . join ( mnemonic . mn_encode ( seed ) ) + " \" " )
message_format = " Your wallet generation seed is: \n \n " + ' " ' + mnemonic + ' " ' \
+ " \n \n Please keep it in a safe place; if you lose it, you will not be able to restore your wallet. \n \n " )
dialog . set_title ( " Seed " )
dialog . show ( )
dialog . run ( )
@ -404,13 +403,11 @@ def password_dialog(parent):
dialog . destroy ( )
if result != gtk . RESPONSE_CANCEL : return pw
def change_password_dialog ( wallet , parent , icon ) :
if not wallet . seed :
show_message ( " No seed " )
def change_password_dialog ( is_encrypted , parent ) :
if parent :
msg = ' Your wallet is encrypted. Use this dialog to change the password. To disable wallet encryption, enter an empty new password. ' if wallet . use_encryption else ' Your wallet keys are not encrypted '
msg = ' Your wallet is encrypted. Use this dialog to change the password. To disable wallet encryption, enter an empty new password. ' if is_encrypted else ' Your wallet keys are not encrypted '
else :
msg = " Please choose a password to encrypt your wallet keys "
@ -421,7 +418,7 @@ def change_password_dialog(wallet, parent, icon):
image . show ( )
dialog . set_image ( image )
if wallet . use_encryption :
if is_encrypted :
current_pw , current_pw_entry = password_line ( ' Current password: ' )
dialog . vbox . pack_start ( current_pw , False , True , 0 )
@ -432,30 +429,22 @@ def change_password_dialog(wallet, parent, icon):
dialog . show ( )
result = dialog . run ( )
password = current_pw_entry . get_text ( ) if wallet . use_encryption else None
password = current_pw_entry . get_text ( ) if is_encrypted else None
new_password = password_entry . get_text ( )
new_password2 = password2_entry . get_text ( )
dialog . destroy ( )
if result == gtk . RESPONSE_CANCEL :
try :
wallet . get_seed ( password )
except Exception :
show_message ( " Incorrect password " )
if new_password != new_password2 :
show_message ( " passwords do not match " )
return change_password_dialog ( is_encrypted , parent )
wallet . update_password ( password , new_password )
if not new_password :
new_password = None
return True , password , new_password
if icon :
if wallet . use_encryption :
icon . set_tooltip_text ( ' wallet is encrypted ' )
else :
icon . set_tooltip_text ( ' wallet is unencrypted ' )
def add_help_button ( hbox , message ) :
@ -548,16 +537,16 @@ class ElectrumWindow:
prefs_button . show ( )
self . status_bar . pack_end ( prefs_button , False , False )
pw_icon = gtk . Image ( )
pw_icon . set_from_stock ( gtk . STOCK_DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION , gtk . ICON_SIZE_MENU )
pw_icon . set_alignment ( 0.5 , 0.5 )
pw_icon . set_size_request ( 16 , 16 )
pw_icon . show ( )
self . pw_icon = gtk . Image ( )
self . pw_icon . set_from_stock ( gtk . STOCK_DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION , gtk . ICON_SIZE_MENU )
self . pw_icon . set_alignment ( 0.5 , 0.5 )
self . pw_icon . set_size_request ( 16 , 16 )
self . pw_icon . show ( )
if self . wallet . seed :
password_button = gtk . Button ( )
password_button . connect ( " clicked " , lambda x : change_password_dialog ( self . wallet , self . window , pw_icon ) )
password_button . add ( pw_icon )
password_button . connect ( " clicked " , self . do_update_password )
password_button . add ( self . pw_icon )
password_button . set_relief ( gtk . RELIEF_NONE )
password_button . show ( )
self . status_bar . pack_end ( password_button , False , False )
@ -606,6 +595,28 @@ class ElectrumWindow:
def update_callback ( self ) :
self . wallet_updated = True
def do_update_password ( self ) :
if not wallet . seed :
show_message ( " No seed " )
res = change_password_dialog ( self . wallet . use_encryption , self . window )
if res :
_ , password , new_password = res
try :
wallet . get_seed ( password )
except Exception :
show_message ( " Incorrect password " )
wallet . update_password ( password , new_password )
if wallet . use_encryption :
self . pw_icon . set_tooltip_text ( ' wallet is encrypted ' )
else :
self . pw_icon . set_tooltip_text ( ' wallet is unencrypted ' )
def add_tab ( self , page , name ) :
tab_label = gtk . Label ( name )
@ -1293,23 +1304,33 @@ class ElectrumGui():
wallet . gap_limit = gap
wallet . storage . put ( ' gap_limit ' , gap , True )
self . wallet . start_threads ( self . network )
if action == ' create ' :
wallet . init_seed ( None )
wallet . save_seed ( )
show_seed_dialog ( wallet , None , None )
r = change_password_dialog ( False , None )
password = r [ 2 ] if r else None
print " password " , password
wallet . save_seed ( password )
wallet . synchronize ( ) # generate first addresses offline
elif action == ' restore ' :
seed = self . seed_dialog ( )
wallet . init_seed ( seed )
wallet . save_seed ( )
self . restore_wallet ( wallet )
r = change_password_dialog ( False , None )
password = r [ 2 ] if r else None
wallet . save_seed ( password )
else :
exit ( )
else :
self . wallet = Wallet ( storage )
self . wallet . start_threads ( self . network )
action = None
self . wallet . start_threads ( self . network )
if action == ' restore ' :
self . restore_wallet ( wallet )
w = ElectrumWindow ( self . wallet , self . config , self . network )
if url : w . set_url ( url )
@ -1321,18 +1342,9 @@ class ElectrumGui():
def seed_dialog ( self ) :
return run_recovery_dialog ( )
def verify_seed ( self ) :
self . wallet . save_seed ( )
return True
def network_dialog ( self ) :
return run_network_dialog ( self . network , parent = None )
def show_seed ( self ) :
show_seed_dialog ( self . wallet , None , None )
def password_dialog ( self ) :
change_password_dialog ( self . wallet , None , None )
def restore_wallet ( self , wallet ) :