9 years ago
2 changed files with 0 additions and 113 deletions
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
from import App |
from kivy.factory import Factory |
from import ObjectProperty |
Factory.register('QrScannerDialog', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.dialogs.qr_scanner') |
class NewContactDialog(Factory.AnimatedPopup): |
def load_qr_scanner(self): |
self.dismiss() |
App.get_running_app().scan_qr(on_complete=self.on_complete) |
def on_complete(self, instance, uri): |
self.new_contact(uri=uri) |
def new_contact(self, uri={}): |
# load NewContactScreen |
app = App.get_running_app() |
#app.root. |
# set contents of uri in the new contact screen |
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ |
<ContactImage@Widget>: |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/contact_avatar' |
size_hint_x: None |
width: self.height |
canvas: |
Color: |
rgba: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
Ellipse: |
source: root.source |
size: self.width + dp(6), self.height + dp(6) |
pos: self.x - dp(3), self.y - dp(3) |
Ellipse: |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/contact_overlay' |
size: self.width + dp(11), self.height + dp(11) |
pos: self.x - dp(5.5), self.y - dp(5.5) |
<ContactLabel@Label> |
color: .305, .309, .309, 1 |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'left' |
valign: 'middle' |
<ContactSeperator@Widget> |
canvas.before: |
Color: |
rgba: .890, .890, .890, 1 |
Rectangle: |
size: self.size |
pos: self.x, self.y + dp(9) |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '1dp', '22dp' |
pos_hint_y: .5 |
<ContactTextInput@TextInput> |
background_normal: self.background_down |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/tab_btn' |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '22dp' |
<ContactBitLogo@Image> |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/bit_logo' |
size_hint_x: None |
width: '32dp' |
<ContactItem@BoxLayout> |
address: '' |
label: '' |
tx_amt: 0 |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '65dp' |
padding: dp(12) |
spacing: dp(5) |
canvas.before: |
#Color: |
# rgba: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
Rectangle: |
size: self.size |
pos: self.pos |
ContactImage: |
id: contact_image |
Widget: |
size_hint_x: None |
width: '9dp' |
ContactLabel: |
id: contact_address |
text: root.address |
ContactSeperator: |
ContactLabel: |
text: root.label |
#ContactBitLogo: |
ContactsScreen: |
name: 'contacts' |
on_activate: |
if not self.action_view:\ |
self.action_view = app.root.main_screen.ids.tabs.ids.screen_dashboard.action_view |
BoxLayout: |
orientation: 'vertical' |
spacing: '1dp' |
ContactTextInput: |
ScrollView: |
canvas.before: |
#Color: |
# rgba: .8901, .8901, .8901, 1 |
Rectangle: |
size: self.size |
pos: self.pos |
GridLayout: |
cols: 1 |
id: contact_container |
size_hint_y: None |
height: self.minimum_height |
spacing: '1dp' |
Reference in new issue