@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class Exchanger(ThreadJob): |
self.parent.refresh_fields() |
def run(self): |
if self.timeout <= time.time(): |
if self.parent.gui and self.timeout <= time.time(): |
self.update_rate() |
self.timeout = time.time() + 150 |
@ -166,47 +166,50 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): |
BasePlugin.__init__(self,a,b) |
self.exchange = self.config.get('use_exchange', "Blockchain") |
self.currencies = [self.fiat_unit()] |
# Do price discovery |
self.exchanger = Exchanger(self) |
self.win = None |
self.resp_hist = {} |
self.fields = {} |
self.btc_rate = Decimal("0.0") |
self.network = None |
self.gui = None |
@hook |
def set_network(self, network): |
if self.network: |
self.network.remove_job(self.exchanger) |
self.network = network |
if network: |
network.add_job(self.exchanger) |
if self.gui and network != self.network: |
if self.network: |
self.network.remove_job(self.exchanger) |
self.network = network |
if network: |
network.add_job(self.exchanger) |
@hook |
def init_qt(self, gui): |
self.gui = gui |
self.win = self.gui.main_window |
self.win.connect(self.win, SIGNAL("refresh_currencies()"), self.win.update_status) |
self.btc_rate = Decimal("0.0") |
self.tx_list = {} |
self.gui.exchanger = self.exchanger # |
self.add_send_edit() |
self.add_receive_edit() |
self.win.update_status() |
for window in gui.windows: |
self.new_window(window) |
@hook |
def new_window(self, window): |
window.connect(window, SIGNAL("refresh_currencies()"), |
window.update_status) |
window.fx_fields = {} |
self.add_send_edit(window) |
self.add_receive_edit(window) |
window.update_status() |
def close(self): |
BasePlugin.close(self) |
self.set_network(None) |
self.exchanger = None |
self.gui.exchanger = None |
self.send_fiat_e.hide() |
self.receive_fiat_e.hide() |
self.win.update_status() |
for window in self.gui.windows: |
window.send_fiat_e.hide() |
window.receive_fiat_e.hide() |
window.update_status() |
def set_currencies(self, currency_options): |
self.currencies = sorted(currency_options) |
if self.win: |
self.win.emit(SIGNAL("refresh_currencies()")) |
self.win.emit(SIGNAL("refresh_currencies_combo()")) |
for window in self.gui.windows: |
window.emit(SIGNAL("refresh_currencies()")) |
window.emit(SIGNAL("refresh_currencies_combo()")) |
@hook |
def get_fiat_balance_text(self, btc_balance, r): |
@ -250,13 +253,13 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): |
@hook |
def load_wallet(self, wallet, window): |
tx_list = {} |
for item in self.wallet.get_history(self.wallet.storage.get("current_account", None)): |
for item in wallet.get_history(wallet.storage.get("current_account", None)): |
tx_hash, conf, value, timestamp, balance = item |
tx_list[tx_hash] = {'value': value, 'timestamp': timestamp } |
self.tx_list = tx_list |
wallet.fx_tx_list = tx_list |
self.set_network(wallet.network) |
t = threading.Thread(target=self.request_history_rates, args=()) |
t = threading.Thread(target=self.request_history_rates, args=(tx_list,)) |
t.setDaemon(True) |
t.start() |
@ -265,14 +268,12 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): |
return True |
def request_history_rates(self): |
if self.config.get('history_rates') != "checked": |
return |
if not self.tx_list: |
def request_history_rates(self, tx_list): |
if self.config.get('history_rates') != "checked" or not tx_list: |
return |
try: |
mintimestr = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(min(self.tx_list.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['timestamp'])[1]['timestamp'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
mintimestr = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(min(tx_list.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['timestamp'])[1]['timestamp'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
except Exception: |
return |
maxtimestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
@ -302,64 +303,67 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): |
else: |
return |
self.win.need_update.set() |
for window in self.gui.windows: |
window.need_update.set() |
@hook |
def history_tab_update(self): |
def history_tab_update(self, window): |
if self.config.get('history_rates') != "checked": |
return |
if not self.resp_hist: |
return |
if not self.wallet: |
return |
self.win.is_edit = True |
self.win.history_list.setColumnCount(7) |
self.win.history_list.setHeaderLabels( [ '', '', _('Date'), _('Description') , _('Amount'), _('Balance'), _('Fiat Amount')] ) |
root = self.win.history_list.invisibleRootItem() |
childcount = root.childCount() |
for i in range(childcount): |
item = root.child(i) |
try: |
tx_info = self.tx_list[str(item.data(0, Qt.UserRole).toPyObject())] |
except Exception: |
newtx = self.wallet.get_history() |
v = newtx[[x[0] for x in newtx].index(str(item.data(0, Qt.UserRole).toPyObject()))][2] |
tx_info = {'timestamp':int(time.time()), 'value': v} |
pass |
tx_time = int(tx_info['timestamp']) |
tx_value = Decimal(str(tx_info['value'])) / COIN |
if self.exchange == "CoinDesk": |
tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
try: |
tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (tx_value * Decimal(self.resp_hist['bpi'][tx_time_str]), "USD") |
except KeyError: |
tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (self.btc_rate * Decimal(str(tx_info['value']))/COIN , "USD") |
elif self.exchange == "Winkdex": |
tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "T16:00:00-04:00" |
for window in self.gui.windows: |
wallet = window.wallet |
if not wallet: |
continue |
tx_list = wallet.fx_tx_list |
window.is_edit = True |
window.history_list.setColumnCount(7) |
window.history_list.setHeaderLabels([ '', '', _('Date'), _('Description') , _('Amount'), _('Balance'), _('Fiat Amount')] ) |
root = window.history_list.invisibleRootItem() |
childcount = root.childCount() |
for i in range(childcount): |
item = root.child(i) |
try: |
tx_rate = self.resp_hist[[x['timestamp'] for x in self.resp_hist].index(tx_time_str)]['price'] |
tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (tx_value * Decimal(tx_rate)/Decimal("100.0"), "USD") |
except ValueError: |
tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (self.btc_rate * Decimal(tx_info['value'])/COIN , "USD") |
except KeyError: |
tx_fiat_val = _("No data") |
elif self.exchange == "BitcoinVenezuela": |
tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
try: |
num = self.resp_hist[tx_time_str].replace(',','') |
tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (tx_value * Decimal(num), self.fiat_unit()) |
except KeyError: |
tx_fiat_val = _("No data") |
tx_fiat_val = " "*(12-len(tx_fiat_val)) + tx_fiat_val |
item.setText(6, tx_fiat_val) |
item.setFont(6, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) |
if Decimal(str(tx_info['value'])) < 0: |
item.setForeground(6, QBrush(QColor("#BC1E1E"))) |
self.win.history_list.setColumnWidth(6, 120) |
self.win.is_edit = False |
tx_info = tx_list[str(item.data(0, Qt.UserRole).toPyObject())] |
except Exception: |
newtx = wallet.get_history() |
v = newtx[[x[0] for x in newtx].index(str(item.data(0, Qt.UserRole).toPyObject()))][2] |
tx_info = {'timestamp':int(time.time()), 'value': v} |
pass |
tx_time = int(tx_info['timestamp']) |
tx_value = Decimal(str(tx_info['value'])) / COIN |
if self.exchange == "CoinDesk": |
tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
try: |
tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (tx_value * Decimal(self.resp_hist['bpi'][tx_time_str]), "USD") |
except KeyError: |
tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (self.btc_rate * Decimal(str(tx_info['value']))/COIN , "USD") |
elif self.exchange == "Winkdex": |
tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "T16:00:00-04:00" |
try: |
tx_rate = self.resp_hist[[x['timestamp'] for x in self.resp_hist].index(tx_time_str)]['price'] |
tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (tx_value * Decimal(tx_rate)/Decimal("100.0"), "USD") |
except ValueError: |
tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (self.btc_rate * Decimal(tx_info['value'])/COIN , "USD") |
except KeyError: |
tx_fiat_val = _("No data") |
elif self.exchange == "BitcoinVenezuela": |
tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
try: |
num = self.resp_hist[tx_time_str].replace(',','') |
tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (tx_value * Decimal(num), self.fiat_unit()) |
except KeyError: |
tx_fiat_val = _("No data") |
tx_fiat_val = " "*(12-len(tx_fiat_val)) + tx_fiat_val |
item.setText(6, tx_fiat_val) |
item.setFont(6, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) |
if Decimal(str(tx_info['value'])) < 0: |
item.setForeground(6, QBrush(QColor("#BC1E1E"))) |
window.is_edit = False |
def settings_widget(self, window): |
@ -392,7 +396,8 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): |
hist_checkbox.setEnabled(True) |
else: |
disable_check() |
self.win.update_status() |
for window in self.gui.windows: |
window.update_status() |
try: |
self.fiat_button |
except: |
@ -418,7 +423,8 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): |
else: |
disable_check() |
set_currencies(combo) |
self.win.update_status() |
for window in self.gui.windows: |
window.update_status() |
def on_change_hist(checked): |
if checked: |
@ -426,8 +432,9 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): |
self.request_history_rates() |
else: |
self.config.set_key('history_rates', 'unchecked') |
self.win.history_list.setHeaderLabels( [ '', '', _('Date'), _('Description') , _('Amount'), _('Balance')] ) |
self.win.history_list.setColumnCount(6) |
for window in self.gui.windows: |
window.history_list.setHeaderLabels( [ '', '', _('Date'), _('Description') , _('Amount'), _('Balance')] ) |
window.history_list.setColumnCount(6) |
def set_hist_check(hist_checkbox): |
hist_checkbox.setEnabled(self.exchange in ["CoinDesk", "Winkdex", "BitcoinVenezuela"]) |
@ -457,7 +464,8 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): |
combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_change) |
combo_ex.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_change_ex) |
hist_checkbox.stateChanged.connect(on_change_hist) |
combo.connect(self.win, SIGNAL('refresh_currencies_combo()'), lambda: set_currencies(combo)) |
for window in self.gui.windows: |
combo.connect(window, SIGNAL('refresh_currencies_combo()'), lambda: set_currencies(combo)) |
combo_ex.connect(d, SIGNAL('refresh_exchanges_combo()'), lambda: set_exchanges(combo_ex)) |
ok_button.clicked.connect(lambda: ok_clicked()) |
layout.addWidget(combo,1,1) |
@ -475,27 +483,31 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): |
def refresh_fields(self): |
'''Update the display at the new rate''' |
for field in self.fields.values(): |
field.textEdited.emit(field.text()) |
def add_send_edit(self): |
self.send_fiat_e = AmountEdit(self.fiat_unit) |
btc_e = self.win.amount_e |
fee_e = self.win.fee_e |
self.connect_fields(btc_e, self.send_fiat_e, fee_e) |
self.win.send_grid.addWidget(self.send_fiat_e, 4, 3, Qt.AlignHCenter) |
btc_e.frozen.connect(lambda: self.send_fiat_e.setFrozen(btc_e.isReadOnly())) |
def add_receive_edit(self): |
self.receive_fiat_e = AmountEdit(self.fiat_unit) |
btc_e = self.win.receive_amount_e |
self.connect_fields(btc_e, self.receive_fiat_e, None) |
self.win.receive_grid.addWidget(self.receive_fiat_e, 2, 3, Qt.AlignHCenter) |
def connect_fields(self, btc_e, fiat_e, fee_e): |
for window in self.gui.windows: |
for field in window.fx_fields.values(): |
field.textEdited.emit(field.text()) |
def add_send_edit(self, window): |
window.send_fiat_e = AmountEdit(self.fiat_unit) |
self.connect_fields(window, True) |
window.send_grid.addWidget(window.send_fiat_e, 4, 3, Qt.AlignHCenter) |
window.amount_e.frozen.connect(lambda: window.send_fiat_e.setFrozen(window.amount_e.isReadOnly())) |
def add_receive_edit(self, window): |
window.receive_fiat_e = AmountEdit(self.fiat_unit) |
self.connect_fields(window, False) |
window.receive_grid.addWidget(window.receive_fiat_e, 2, 3, Qt.AlignHCenter) |
def connect_fields(self, window, send): |
if send: |
btc_e, fiat_e, fee_e = (window.amount_e, window.send_fiat_e, |
window.fee_e) |
else: |
btc_e, fiat_e, fee_e = (window.receive_amount_e, |
window.receive_fiat_e, None) |
def fiat_changed(): |
fiat_e.setStyleSheet(BLACK_FG) |
self.fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = fiat_e |
window.fx_fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = fiat_e |
try: |
fiat_amount = Decimal(str(fiat_e.text())) |
except: |
@ -507,11 +519,11 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): |
btc_amount = fiat_amount/exchange_rate |
btc_e.setAmount(int(btc_amount*Decimal(COIN))) |
btc_e.setStyleSheet(BLUE_FG) |
if fee_e: self.win.update_fee() |
if fee_e: window.update_fee() |
fiat_e.textEdited.connect(fiat_changed) |
def btc_changed(): |
btc_e.setStyleSheet(BLACK_FG) |
self.fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = btc_e |
window.fx_fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = btc_e |
if self.exchanger is None: |
return |
btc_amount = btc_e.get_amount() |
@ -525,8 +537,8 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): |
fiat_e.setCursorPosition(pos) |
fiat_e.setStyleSheet(BLUE_FG) |
btc_e.textEdited.connect(btc_changed) |
self.fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = btc_e |
window.fx_fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = btc_e |
@hook |
def do_clear(self): |
self.send_fiat_e.setText('') |
def do_clear(self, window): |
window.send_fiat_e.setText('') |