QMessageBox.information(None,_("Folder migration"),_("Two Electrum folders have been found, the default Electrum location for Windows has changed from %s to %s since Electrum 1.7, please check your wallets and fix the problem manually."%(os.environ["LOCALAPPDATA"],os.environ["APPDATA"])))
print_msg("Two Electrum folders have been found, the default Electrum location for Windows has changed from %s to %s since Electrum 1.7, please check your wallets and fix the problem manually."%(os.environ["LOCALAPPDATA"],os.environ["APPDATA"]))
QMessageBox.information(None,_("Folder migration"),_("This version of Electrum moved the Electrum folder on windows from %s to %s, your Electrum folder will now be moved.")%(os.environ["LOCALAPPDATA"],os.environ["APPDATA"]))