1 changed files with 0 additions and 117 deletions
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ |
dist: bionic |
language: python |
python: |
- 3.6 |
- 3.7 |
- 3.8 |
git: |
depth: false |
before_install: |
- git tag |
install: |
- sudo apt-get -y install libsecp256k1-0 |
- pip install -r contrib/requirements/requirements-travis.txt |
cache: |
- pip: true |
- directories: |
- /tmp/electrum-build |
script: |
- tox |
after_success: |
- if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ]; then pip install requests && contrib/push_locale; fi |
- coveralls |
jobs: |
include: |
- name: "Regtest functional tests" |
language: python |
python: 3.7 |
install: |
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:luke-jr/bitcoincore |
- sudo apt-get -qq update |
- sudo apt-get install -yq bitcoind |
- sudo apt-get -y install libsecp256k1-0 |
- pip install .[tests] |
- pip install electrumx |
before_script: |
- electrum/tests/regtest/start_bitcoind.sh |
- electrum/tests/regtest/start_electrumx.sh |
script: |
- python -m unittest electrum/tests/regtest.py |
after_success: True |
- name: "Flake8 linter tests" |
language: python |
install: pip install flake8 |
script: flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics |
- stage: binary builds |
if: (branch = master) OR (tag IS present) |
name: "Windows build" |
language: c |
python: false |
env: |
- TARGET_OS=Windows |
services: |
- docker |
before_install: # we need a newer version of docker; 20.10+ seems to work |
- sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* |
- curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add - |
- sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" |
- sudo apt-get update |
- sudo apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install docker-ce |
- docker version |
script: |
- ELECBUILD_COMMIT=HEAD ./contrib/build-wine/build.sh |
after_success: true |
- if: (branch = master) OR (tag IS present) |
name: "Android build" |
language: python |
python: 3.7 |
services: |
- docker |
script: |
- sudo chown -R 1000:1000 . |
# Output something every minute or Travis kills the job |
- while sleep 60; do echo "=====[ $SECONDS seconds still running ]====="; done & |
- ELECBUILD_COMMIT=HEAD ./contrib/android/build.sh |
# kill background sleep loop |
- kill %1 |
- ls -la dist |
- if [ $(ls dist | grep -c Electrum-*) -eq 0 ]; then exit 1; fi |
after_success: true |
# disabled for now as travis started to always time out: |
- if: false AND ((branch = master) OR (tag IS present)) |
name: "MacOS build" |
os: osx |
language: c |
env: |
python: false |
install: |
- git fetch --all --tags |
script: ./contrib/osx/make_osx |
after_script: ls -lah dist && md5 dist/* |
after_success: true |
- if: (branch = master) OR (tag IS present) |
name: "AppImage build" |
language: c |
python: false |
services: |
- docker |
script: |
- ELECBUILD_COMMIT=HEAD ./contrib/build-linux/appimage/build.sh |
after_success: true |
- if: (branch = master) OR (tag IS present) |
name: "tarball build" |
language: c |
python: false |
services: |
- docker |
script: |
- ELECBUILD_COMMIT=HEAD ./contrib/build-linux/sdist/build.sh |
after_success: true |
- stage: release check |
install: |
- git fetch --all --tags |
script: |
- ./contrib/deterministic-build/check_submodules.sh |
after_success: true |
if: tag IS present |
Reference in new issue