@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ |
saved in the wallet, and can be broadcast again. |
* Checkpoints: The initial download of a headers file was replaced |
with hardcoded checkpoints. The wallet uses one checkpoint per |
retargetting period. The headers for a retargetting period are |
retargeting period. The headers for a retargeting period are |
downloaded only if transactions need to be verified in this period. |
* The 'privacy' and 'priority' coin selection policies have been |
merged into one. Previously, the 'privacy' policy has been unusable |
@ -43,13 +43,33 @@ |
between the acquisition and liquidation prices of outgoing coins is |
displayed in the wallet history. By default, historical exchange |
rates are used to compute acquisition and liquidation prices. These |
value can also be entered manually, in order to match the actual |
values can also be entered manually, in order to match the actual |
price realized by the user. The order of liquidation of coins is |
the natural order defined by the blockchain; this results in |
capital gain values that are invariant to changes in the set of |
addresses that are in the wallet. Any other ordering strategy (such |
as FIFO, LIFO) would result in capital gain values that depend on |
the set of addresses in the wallet. |
* A new version of the Electrum protocol is required by the client |
(version 1.2). Servers using older versions of the protocol will |
not be displayed in the GUI. |
* The Trezor T hardware wallet is now supported. |
* BIP84: native segwit p2wpkh scripts for bip39 seeds and hardware |
wallets can now be created when specifying a BIP84 derivation |
path. This is usable with Trezor and Ledger. |
* Windows: the binaries now include ZBar, and QR code scanning should work. |
* The Wallet Import Format (WIF) for private keys that was extended in 3.0 |
is changed. Keys in the previous format can be imported, compatibility |
is maintained. Newly exported keys will be serialized as |
"script_type:original_wif_format_key". |
* BIP32 master keys for testnet once again have different version bytes than |
on mainnet. For the mainnet prefixes {x,y,Y,z,Z}|{pub,prv}, the |
corresponding testnet prefixes are {t,u,U,v,V}|{pub,prv}. |
More details and exact version bytes are specified at: |
https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum-docs/blob/master/xpub_version_bytes.rst |
Note that due to this change, testnet wallet files created with previous |
versions of Electrum must be considered broken, and they need to be |
recreated from seed words. |
# Release 3.0.6 : |