trezorlib requires "dataclasses ; python_version<'3.7'", and our min supported python version is 3.6,
so pins down a version of "dataclasses". However, when creating binaries we
use newer versions of python (typically py3.9 atm), for which dataclasses is not available (it's a backport of py3.7 stuff).
Hmhm, what to do... short-term, I am manually removing the dataclasses pin, so it won't be installed in our binaries.
Collecting construct==2.10.67
Downloading construct-2.10.67.tar.gz (57 kB)
|████████████████████████████████| 57 kB 2.7 MB/s
Preparing metadata ( ... done
Requirement already satisfied: cryptography==36.0.1 in ./build/appimage/electrum.AppDir/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from -r /opt/electrum/contrib/build-linux/appimage/../../../contrib/deterministic-build/requirements-hw.txt (line 74)) (36.0.1)
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement dataclasses==0.8 (from versions: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for dataclasses==0.8
The latest release of appimagetool bundles a new enough version of
mksquashfs. We had been building a fork of mksquashfs but all the
relevant patches there had been upstreamed.
Note: we still need a wrapper when calling mksquashfs, as appimagetool
calls it with "-mkfs-time 0" and we have the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH env var
set; and these two would conflict.
Two ways to fix: either unset SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for that context, or
build a wrapper that removes the "-mkfs-time 0". The former would be
cleaner but for some reason I did not manage to build reproducibly
that way. The latter seems to work.
> Now official squashfs 4.4 makes reproducible images by default
Note: if we used the python crowdin client (,
we would do something like this:
from crowdin_api import CrowdinClient
class MyCrowdinClient(CrowdinClient):
TOKEN = ...
client = MyCrowdinClient()
with open(locale_file_name, 'rb') as f:
resp = client.storages.add_storage(f)
storage_id = resp['data']['id']
client.source_files.update_file(projectId=crowdin_project_id, storageId=storage_id, fileId=crowdin_file_id)
- added notes about reproducibility requirements
- adapted build scripts from Bitcoin Core that can
- extract signatures from a signed .app
- apply previously extracted signatures to an unsigned .app
Turns out the Xcode CLI tools are still not enough, and we need full Xcode :(
This is only for notarization; as `altool` (which we need there) is only part
of full Xcode. So we need to download 8 gigs just for that single script...
related c1dbcab9bb
When the monkey-patch was added, we were building pyinstaller onefile
binaries; but since then we changed to build pyinstaller onedir binaries
instead. So I believe there are no embedded files inside the main executable
anymore, so doing `codesign --deep *.app` (near the end of make_osx)
should be sufficient.
for sanity...
re touching these files: not sure they are really needed
(but the ~/Library/Python/ and ~/.pyenv folders are no longer there
on the build machine)
The .pyc files would get created when a .py module is imported,
which is done during the build for some source files by pyinstaller
(when it analyses imports).
I considered setting PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 in,
to apply to all builds, but am not sure how it would affect the Android build,
where we actually want .pyc files included in the apk.
This commit ports the work of EchterAgo and cculianu from Electron-Cash,
to implement a new toolchain to scan qr codes.
Previously, on Linux and Win, we have been using zbar to access the camera
and read qrcodes; and on macOS we used CalinsQRReader (an objective-C
project by cculianu).
The new toolchain added here can use QtMultimedia to access the camera,
and then feed that image into zbar. When used this way, zbar needs
fewer dependencies and is easier to compile, in particular it can be
compiled for macOS.
The new toolchain works on all three platforms, with some caveats
(see code comments in related commits) -- so we also keep the end-to-end
zbar toolchain; but at least we can drop CalinsQRReader.
The related changes in Electron-Cash are spread over 50+ commits (several PRs and direct
pushes to master), but see in particular:
some other interesting links: