With python-ecdsa 0.15, copy.deepcopy(ecdsa.ecdsa.Public_key) started to raise.
This fixes the Travis test failures.
Also rm unused ECPrivkey._privkey attribute.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "...\electrum\electrum\gui\qt\installwizard.py", line 256, in on_filename
widget_create_new.setVisible(temp_storage and temp_storage.file_exists())
TypeError: setVisible(self, bool): argument 1 has unexpected type 'NoneType'
this is a regression from #5721
Removed the `TxInput.is_coinbase` method as I think it is a confusing API,
instead we now have `TxInput.is_coinbase_input` and `TxInput.is_coinbase_output`.
related #5872
notably this is needed when the shell itself does not get a chance to expand "~",
e.g. when a path is passed via JSON-RPC
>>> os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath("~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/delete_me2")))
>>> os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser("~/.electrum/testnet/wallets/delete_me2"))))
Slightly reduces file size, improves build speed and makes build more
The .comment section contained GCC version information which could cause
different build output from just a minor update in GCC. The information is not
needed so we strip this.
The strip command was invoked using xargs, spawning a new process for each file.
This is inefficient as xargs can correctly run the strip command with multiple
file names.
taken from 43aaf9572f
Note that there is a slight distinction between
`not tx.is_complete()` and `isinstance(tx, PartialTransaction)`,
which is that technically you can have a PSBT that is already complete
but was not yet converted to a standard bitcoin tx.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "...\electrum\electrum\gui\qt\main_window.py", line 994, in <lambda>
self.create_invoice_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.create_invoice(False))
File "...\electrum\electrum\gui\qt\main_window.py", line 1123, in create_invoice
key = self.create_bitcoin_request(amount, message, expiry)
File "...\electrum\electrum\gui\qt\main_window.py", line 1132, in create_bitcoin_request
addr = self.wallet.get_unused_address()
File "...\electrum\electrum\wallet.py", line 1452, in wrapper
addr = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "...\electrum\electrum\wallet.py", line 1465, in get_unused_address
addrs = self.get_unused_addresses()
File "...\electrum\electrum\wallet.py", line 1459, in get_unused_addresses
in_use_by_request = [k for k in self.receive_requests.keys() if self.get_request_status(k)[0] != PR_EXPIRED]
File "...\electrum\electrum\wallet.py", line 1459, in <listcomp>
in_use_by_request = [k for k in self.receive_requests.keys() if self.get_request_status(k)[0] != PR_EXPIRED]
File "...\electrum\electrum\wallet.py", line 1535, in get_request_status
if exp > 0 and time.time() > timestamp + exp:
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'
Python 3.8 changed where DLLs are searched for.
see https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.8.html#bpo-36085-whatsnew
This potentially affect our binaries when we start shipping python 3.8+, however that is not being addressed here. This commit simply addresses the usecase of running from source, on Windows, using python 3.8.
On older Python, a user could build/obtain DLLs and place them anywhere on the system %PATH%, however this no longer works with py3.8, as %PATH% is no longer checked.
With py3.8, instead, we now check if there is a folder named '.dlls' in the top-level project directory, and if so, register that as an additional search path.
A user who wants to run Electrum from source on Windows using python 3.8 or later, with their custom DLLs, should manually create the '.dlls' folder and put their DLLs there. If they also want to switch between e.g. python 3.7 and 3.8, they should also include '.dlls' in the system %PATH%.
When using Electrum, interesting DLLs include at least libsecp256k1.dll, libusb-1.0.dll, libzbar-0.dll.
widget.show() and widget.setVisible(True) results in a blink of an ephemeral window containing the widget;
that is, unless the widget has a parent explicitly set or it can be determined via which layout the widget is placed in.
.../electrum/electrum/gui/qt/paytoedit.py:221: DeprecationWarning: an integer is required (got type float). Implicit conversion to integers using __int__ is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.