This includes two logically separate changes:
- on the host, try not to require sudo when running the build scripts
- namely when interacting with the docker daemon, this requires
the unix user on the host to be part of the `docker` group
- this solves part of
- while running inside the docker containers, do not run as root
- this means that e.g. files created in mounted folders should
no longer be owned by root on the host
- there is some code duplication involved here - not sure
how it could be deduped.
the one in apt refused to install certain package versions (that were pinned by hash!!)
and installed different versions instead... e.g.:
Collecting wheel==0.34.2 (from -r /opt/electrum/contrib/build-linux/sdist/../../../contrib/deterministic-build/requirements.txt (line 112))
Downloading 521c6dc7feb90b06dc1d0b805b51ae/wheel-0.34.2.tar.gz (58kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 61kB 3.8MB/s
Requested wheel==0.34.2 from 521c6dc7feb90b06dc1d0b805b51ae/wheel-0.34.2.tar.gz#sha256=8788e9155fe14f54164c1b9eb0a319d98ef02c160725587ad60f14ddc57b6f96 (from -r /opt/electrum/contrib/build-linux/sdist/../../../contrib/deterministic-build/requirements.txt (line 112)), but installing version 0.30.0