import traceback import sys import json import binascii import asyncio import time import os from decimal import Decimal import binascii import asyncio from .lnbase import Peer, H256 from .bitcoin import sha256, COIN from .util import bh2u, bfh from .constants import set_testnet, set_simnet from .simple_config import SimpleConfig from .network import Network from .storage import WalletStorage from .wallet import Wallet from .lnbase import Peer, Outpoint, ChannelConfig, LocalState, RemoteState, Keypair, OnlyPubkeyKeypair, OpenChannel, ChannelConstraints, RevocationStore, aiosafe from .lightning_payencode.lnaddr import lnencode, LnAddr, lndecode is_key = lambda k: k.endswith("_basepoint") or k.endswith("_key") def maybeDecode(k, v): if k in ["short_channel_id", "pubkey", "privkey", "last_per_commitment_point", "next_per_commitment_point", "per_commitment_secret_seed"] and v is not None: return binascii.unhexlify(v) return v def decodeAll(v): return {i: maybeDecode(i, j) for i, j in v.items()} if isinstance(v, dict) else v def typeWrap(k, v, local): if is_key(k): if local: return Keypair(**v) else: return OnlyPubkeyKeypair(**v) return v def reconstruct_namedtuples(openingchannel): openingchannel = decodeAll(openingchannel) openingchannel=OpenChannel(**openingchannel) openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(funding_outpoint=Outpoint(**openingchannel.funding_outpoint)) new_local_config = {k: typeWrap(k, decodeAll(v), True) for k, v in openingchannel.local_config.items()} openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(local_config=ChannelConfig(**new_local_config)) new_remote_config = {k: typeWrap(k, decodeAll(v), False) for k, v in openingchannel.remote_config.items()} openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(remote_config=ChannelConfig(**new_remote_config)) new_local_state = decodeAll(openingchannel.local_state) openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(local_state=LocalState(**new_local_state)) new_remote_state = decodeAll(openingchannel.remote_state) new_remote_state["revocation_store"] = RevocationStore.from_json_obj(new_remote_state["revocation_store"]) openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(remote_state=RemoteState(**new_remote_state)) openingchannel = openingchannel._replace(constraints=ChannelConstraints(**openingchannel.constraints)) return openingchannel def serialize_channels(channels): serialized_channels = [] for chan in channels: namedtuples_to_dict = lambda v: {i: j._asdict() if isinstance(j, tuple) else j for i, j in v._asdict().items()} serialized_channels.append({k: namedtuples_to_dict(v) if isinstance(v, tuple) else v for k, v in chan._asdict().items()}) class MyJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, bytes): return binascii.hexlify(o).decode("ascii") if isinstance(o, RevocationStore): return o.serialize() return super(MyJsonEncoder, self) dumped = MyJsonEncoder().encode(serialized_channels) roundtripped = json.loads(dumped) reconstructed = [reconstruct_namedtuples(x) for x in roundtripped] if reconstructed != channels: raise Exception("Channels did not roundtrip serialization without changes:\n" + repr(reconstructed) + "\n" + repr(channels)) return roundtripped # hardcoded nodes node_list = [ ('', '9735', '038370f0e7a03eded3e1d41dc081084a87f0afa1c5b22090b4f3abb391eb15d8ff'), ] class LNWorker: def __init__(self, wallet, network): self.wallet = wallet = network self.privkey = H256(b"0123456789") self.config = network.config self.peers = {} self.channels ="channels", {}) peer_list = network.config.get('lightning_peers', node_list) for host, port, pubkey in peer_list: self.add_peer(host, port, pubkey) def add_peer(self, host, port, pubkey): peer = Peer(host, int(port), binascii.unhexlify(pubkey), self.privkey,, asyncio.get_event_loop())) self.peers[pubkey] = peer def save_channel(self, openchannel): dumped = serialize_channels([openchannel])"channels", dumped) @aiosafe async def open_channel(self, peer, amount, push_msat, password): openingchannel = await peer.channel_establishment_flow(self.wallet, self.config, password, amount, push_msat, temp_channel_id=os.urandom(32)) self.save_channel(openingchannel) openchannel = await peer.wait_for_funding_locked(openingchannel, self.wallet) self.save_channel(openchannel) @aiosafe async def reestablish_channel(self): if self.channels is None or len(self.channels) < 1: raise Exception("Can't reestablish: No channel saved") openchannel = self.channels[0] openchannel = reconstruct_namedtuples(openchannel) openchannel = await peer.reestablish_channel(openchannel) self.save_channel(openchannel) @aiosafe async def pay(self): addr = lndecode(sys.argv[6], expected_hrp="sb" if sys.argv[2] == "simnet" else "tb") payment_hash = addr.paymenthash pubkey = addr.pubkey.serialize() msat_amt = int(addr.amount * COIN * 1000) openchannel = await, openchannel, msat_amt, payment_hash, pubkey, addr.min_final_cltv_expiry) self.save_channel(openchannel) @aiosafe async def get_paid(self): payment_preimage = os.urandom(32) RHASH = sha256(payment_preimage) expected_received_sat = 200000 expected_received_msat = expected_received_sat * 1000 pay_req = lnencode(LnAddr(RHASH, amount=1/Decimal(COIN)*expected_received_sat, tags=[('d', 'one cup of coffee')]), peer.privkey[:32]) print("payment request", pay_req) openchannel = await peer.receive_commitment_revoke_ack(openchannel, expected_received_msat, payment_preimage) self.save_channel(openchannel) def open_channel_from_other_thread(self, node_id, local_amt, push_amt, emit_function, pw): # TODO this could race on peers peer = self.peers.get(node_id) if peer is None: if len(self.peers) != 1: print("Peer not found, and peer list is empty or has multiple peers.") return peer = next(iter(self.peers.values())) coro = self.open_channel(peer, local_amt, push_amt, None if pw == "" else pw) fut = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, chan = fut.result() # std_chan = {"chan_id": chan.channel_id} emit_function({"channels": [std_chan]}) def subscribe_payment_received_from_other_thread(self, emit_function): pass def subscribe_channel_list_updates_from_other_thread(self, emit_function): pass def subscribe_single_channel_update_from_other_thread(self, emit_function): pass def add_invoice_from_other_thread(self, amt): pass def subscribe_invoice_added_from_other_thread(self, emit_function): pass def pay_invoice_from_other_thread(self, lnaddr): pass if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 3: host, port, pubkey = sys.argv[3:6] else: host, port, pubkey = node_list[0] pubkey = binascii.unhexlify(pubkey) port = int(port) if not any(x in sys.argv[1] for x in ["new_channel", "reestablish_channel"]): raise Exception("first argument must contain new_channel or reestablish_channel") if sys.argv[2] not in ["simnet", "testnet"]: raise Exception("second argument must be simnet or testnet") if sys.argv[2] == "simnet": set_simnet() config = SimpleConfig({'lnbase':True, 'simnet':True}) else: set_testnet() config = SimpleConfig({'lnbase':True, 'testnet':True}) # start network config.set_key('lightning_peers', []) network = Network(config) network.start() asyncio.set_event_loop(network.asyncio_loop) # wallet storage = WalletStorage(config.get_wallet_path()) wallet = Wallet(storage) wallet.start_threads(network) # start peer if "new_channel" in sys.argv[1]: privkey = sha256(os.urandom(32))"channels_privkey", bh2u(privkey)) elif "reestablish_channel" in sys.argv[1]: privkey ="channels_privkey", None) assert privkey is not None privkey = bfh(privkey) peer = Peer(host, port, pubkey, privkey, network, request_initial_sync=True) network.futures.append(asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(peer.main_loop(), network.asyncio_loop)) # run blocking test async def async_test(): if "new_channel" in sys.argv[1]: await wallet.lnworker.open_channel() elif "reestablish_channel" in sys.argv[1]: await wallet.lnworker.reestablish_channel() if "pay" in sys.argv[1]: await elif "get_paid" in sys.argv[1]: await lnworker.get_paid() fut = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(async_test(), network.asyncio_loop) while not fut.done(): time.sleep(1) try: if fut.exception(): raise fut.exception() except: traceback.print_exc() else: print("result", fut.result()) finally: network.stop()