import sys
import re
import hashlib
import os

from versions import version, version_win, version_mac, version_android, version_apk
from versions import download_template, download_page

with open(download_template) as f:
    string = f.read()

string = string.replace("##VERSION##", version)
string = string.replace("##VERSION_WIN##", version_win)
string = string.replace("##VERSION_MAC##", version_mac)
string = string.replace("##VERSION_ANDROID##", version_android)
string = string.replace("##VERSION_APK##", version_apk)

files = {
    'tgz': "Electrum-%s.tar.gz" % version,
    'zip': "Electrum-%s.zip" % version,
    'mac': "electrum-%s.dmg" % version_mac,
    'win': "electrum-%s.exe" % version_win,
    'win_setup': "electrum-%s-setup.exe" % version_win,
    'win_portable': "electrum-%s-portable.exe" % version_win,

for k, n in files.items():
    path = "dist/%s"%n
    link = "https://download.electrum.org/%s/%s"%(version,n)
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        os.system("wget -q %s -O %s" % (link, path))
    if not os.path.getsize(path):
        string = re.sub("<div id=\"%s\">(.*?)</div>"%k, '', string, flags=re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE)
    sigpath = path + '.asc'
    siglink = link + '.asc'
    if not os.path.exists(sigpath):
        os.system("wget -q %s -O %s" % (siglink, sigpath))
    if not os.path.getsize(sigpath):
        string = re.sub("<div id=\"%s\">(.*?)</div>"%k, '', string, flags=re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE)
    if os.system("gpg --verify %s"%sigpath) != 0:
        raise BaseException(sigpath)
    string = string.replace("##link_%s##"%k, link)

with open(download_page,'w') as f: