from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * import datetime import inspect import requests import sys import threading import time from decimal import Decimal from electrum.bitcoin import COIN from electrum.plugins import BasePlugin, hook from electrum.i18n import _ from electrum.util import ThreadJob from electrum_gui.qt.util import * from electrum_gui.qt.amountedit import AmountEdit class ExchangeBase: def get_json(self, site, get_string): response = requests.request('GET', 'https://' + site + get_string, headers={'User-Agent' : 'Electrum'}) return response.json() def name(): return self.__class__.__name__ def update(self, ccy): return {} def history_ccys(self): return [] def historical_rates(self, ccy, minstr, maxstr): return {} class BitcoinAverage(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/ticker/global/all') return dict([(r, Decimal(jsonresp[r]['last'])) for r in json if r != 'timestamp']) class BitcoinVenezuela(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/') return dict([(r, Decimal(json['BTC'][r])) for r in json['BTC']]) def history_ccys(self): return ['ARS', 'VEF'] def historical_rates(self, ccy, minstr, maxstr): return self.get_json('', "/historical/index.php?coin=BTC")[ccy +'_BTC'] class BTCParalelo(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/price') return {'VEF': Decimal(json['price'])} class Bitcurex(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/data/ticker.json') pln_price = json['last'] return {'PLN': Decimal(pln_price)} class Bitmarket(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/json/BTCPLN/ticker.json') return {'PLN': Decimal(json['last'])} class BitPay(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/rates') return dict([(r['code'], Decimal(r['rate'])) for r in json]) class Blockchain(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/ticker') return dict([(r, Decimal(json[r]['15m'])) for r in json]) class BTCChina(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/data/ticker') return {'CNY': Decimal(json['ticker']['last'])} class CaVirtEx(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/CAD/ticker.json') return {'CAD': Decimal(json['last'])} class Coinbase(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/v1/currencies/exchange_rates') return dict([(r[7:].upper(), Decimal(json[r])) for r in json if r.startswith('btc_to_')]) class CoinDesk(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): dicts = self.get_json('', '/v1/bpi/supported-currencies.json') json = self.get_json('', '/v1/bpi/currentprice/%s.json' % ccy) ccys = [d['currency'] for d in dicts] result = dict.fromkeys(ccys) result[ccy] = Decimal(json['bpi'][ccy]['rate']) return result def history_ccys(self): return ['USD'] def historical_rates(self, ccy, minstr, maxstr): return self.get_json('', "/v1/bpi/historical/close.json?start=" + minstr + "&end=" + maxstr) class itBit(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): ccys = ['USD', 'EUR', 'SGD'] json = self.get_json('', '/v1/markets/XBT%s/ticker' % ccy) result = dict.fromkeys(ccys) result[ccy] = Decimal(json['lastPrice']) return result class LocalBitcoins(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/bitcoinaverage/ticker-all-currencies/') return dict([(r, Decimal(json[r]['rates']['last'])) for r in json]) class Winkdex(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/v0/price') return {'USD': Decimal(winkresp['price'] / 100.0)} def history_ccys(self): return ['USD'] def historical_rates(self, ccy, minstr, maxstr): json = self.get_json('', "/api/v0/series?start_time=1342915200") return json['series'][0]['results'] class Exchanger(ThreadJob): def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.quotes = {} self.timeout = 0 def get_json(self, site, get_string): resp = requests.request('GET', 'https://' + site + get_string, headers={"User-Agent":"Electrum"}) return resp.json() def update_rate(self): try: rates = except Exception as e: self.parent.print_error(e) rates = {} self.quotes = rates self.parent.set_currencies(rates) self.parent.refresh_fields() def run(self): if and self.timeout <= time.time(): self.update_rate() self.timeout = time.time() + 150 class Plugin(BasePlugin): def __init__(self, parent, config, name): BasePlugin.__init__(self, parent, config, name) is_exchange = lambda obj: (inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, ExchangeBase)) self.exchanges = dict(inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], is_exchange)) = None self.set_exchange(self.config_exchange()) self.currencies = [self.fiat_unit()] self.exchanger = Exchanger(self) self.resp_hist = {} self.btc_rate = Decimal("0.0") self.wallet_tx_list = {} def config_exchange(self): return self.config.get('use_exchange', 'Blockchain') def config_history(self): return self.config.get('history_rates', 'unchecked') != 'unchecked' def set_exchange(self, name): class_ = self.exchanges.get(name) or self.exchanges.values()[0] name = class_.__name__ self.print_error("using exchange", name) if self.config_exchange() != name: self.config.set_key('use_exchange', name, True) = class_() @hook def set_network(self, network): if network != if = network if network: network.add_job(self.exchanger) def on_new_window(self, window): window.connect(window, SIGNAL("refresh_currencies()"), window.update_status) window.fx_fields = {} self.add_send_edit(window) self.add_receive_edit(window) window.update_status() self.new_wallets([window.wallet]) def close(self): BasePlugin.close(self) self.set_network(None) self.exchanger = None for window in window.send_fiat_e.hide() window.receive_fiat_e.hide() window.update_status() def set_currencies(self, currency_options): self.currencies = sorted(currency_options) for window in window.emit(SIGNAL("refresh_currencies()")) window.emit(SIGNAL("refresh_currencies_combo()")) def exchange_rate(self): '''Returns None, or the exchange rate as a Decimal''' rate = self.exchanger.quotes.get(self.fiat_unit()) if rate: return Decimal(rate) @hook def get_fiat_balance_text(self, btc_balance, r): # return balance as: 1.23 USD r[0] = self.create_fiat_balance_text(Decimal(btc_balance) / COIN) def get_fiat_price_text(self, r): # return BTC price as: 123.45 USD r[0] = self.create_fiat_balance_text(1) quote = r[0] if quote: r[0] = "%s"%quote @hook def get_fiat_status_text(self, btc_balance, r2): # return status as: (1.23 USD) 1 BTC~123.45 USD text = "" r = {} self.get_fiat_price_text(r) quote = r.get(0) if quote: price_text = "1 BTC~%s"%quote fiat_currency = quote[-3:] btc_price = self.btc_rate fiat_balance = Decimal(btc_price) * Decimal(btc_balance) / COIN balance_text = "(%.2f %s)" % (fiat_balance,fiat_currency) text = " " + balance_text + " " + price_text + " " r2[0] = text def create_fiat_balance_text(self, btc_balance): cur_rate = self.exchange_rate() if cur_rate is None: quote_text = "" else: quote_balance = btc_balance * Decimal(cur_rate) self.btc_rate = cur_rate quote_text = "%.2f %s" % (quote_balance, self.fiat_unit()) return quote_text @hook def load_wallet(self, wallet, window): self.new_wallets([wallet]) def new_wallets(self, wallets): if wallets: # For mid-session plugin loads self.set_network(wallets[0].network) for wallet in wallets: if wallet not in self.wallet_tx_list: self.wallet_tx_list[wallet] = None self.get_historical_rates() def get_historical_rates(self): '''Request historic rates for all wallets for which they haven't yet been requested ''' if not self.config_history(): return all_txs = {} new = False for wallet in self.wallet_tx_list: if self.wallet_tx_list[wallet] is None: new = True tx_list = {} for item in wallet.get_history("current_account", None)): tx_hash, conf, value, timestamp, balance = item tx_list[tx_hash] = {'value': value, 'timestamp': timestamp } # FIXME: not robust to request failure self.wallet_tx_list[wallet] = tx_list all_txs.update(self.wallet_tx_list[wallet]) if new: self.print_error("requesting historical FX rates") t = threading.Thread(target=self.request_historical_rates, args=(all_txs,)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() def request_historical_rates(self, tx_list): try: mintimestr = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(min(tx_list.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['timestamp'])[1]['timestamp'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') maxtimestr ='%Y-%m-%d') self.resp_hist = self.fiat_unit(), mintimestr, maxtimestr) except Exception: return for window in window.need_update.set() def requires_settings(self): return True @hook def history_tab_update(self, window): if self.config.get('history_rates') != "checked": return if not self.resp_hist: return wallet = window.wallet tx_list = self.wallet_tx_list.get(wallet) if not wallet or not tx_list: return window.is_edit = True window.history_list.setColumnCount(7) window.history_list.setHeaderLabels([ '', '', _('Date'), _('Description') , _('Amount'), _('Balance'), _('Fiat Amount')] ) root = window.history_list.invisibleRootItem() childcount = root.childCount() exchange = for i in range(childcount): item = root.child(i) try: tx_info = tx_list[str(, Qt.UserRole).toPyObject())] except Exception: newtx = wallet.get_history() v = newtx[[x[0] for x in newtx].index(str(, Qt.UserRole).toPyObject()))][2] tx_info = {'timestamp':int(time.time()), 'value': v} pass tx_time = int(tx_info['timestamp']) tx_value = Decimal(str(tx_info['value'])) / COIN if exchange == "CoinDesk": tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') try: tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (tx_value * Decimal(self.resp_hist['bpi'][tx_time_str]), "USD") except KeyError: tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (self.btc_rate * Decimal(str(tx_info['value']))/COIN , "USD") elif exchange == "Winkdex": tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "T16:00:00-04:00" try: tx_rate = self.resp_hist[[x['timestamp'] for x in self.resp_hist].index(tx_time_str)]['price'] tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (tx_value * Decimal(tx_rate)/Decimal("100.0"), "USD") except ValueError: tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (self.btc_rate * Decimal(tx_info['value'])/COIN , "USD") except KeyError: tx_fiat_val = _("No data") elif exchange == "BitcoinVenezuela": tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') try: num = self.resp_hist[tx_time_str].replace(',','') tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (tx_value * Decimal(num), self.fiat_unit()) except KeyError: tx_fiat_val = _("No data") tx_fiat_val = " "*(12-len(tx_fiat_val)) + tx_fiat_val item.setText(6, tx_fiat_val) item.setFont(6, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) if Decimal(str(tx_info['value'])) < 0: item.setForeground(6, QBrush(QColor("#BC1E1E"))) # We autosize but in some cases QT doesn't handle that # properly for new columns it seems window.history_list.setColumnWidth(6, 120) window.is_edit = False def settings_widget(self, window): return EnterButton(_('Settings'), self.settings_dialog) def settings_dialog(self): d = QDialog() d.setWindowTitle("Settings") layout = QGridLayout(d) layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Exchange rate API: ')), 0, 0) layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Currency: ')), 1, 0) layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('History Rates: ')), 2, 0) combo = QComboBox() combo_ex = QComboBox() combo_ex.addItems(self.exchanges.keys()) combo_ex.setCurrentIndex(combo_ex.findText(self.config_exchange())) hist_checkbox = QCheckBox() ok_button = QPushButton(_("OK")) def hist_checkbox_update(): hist_checkbox.setEnabled(self.fiat_unit() in hist_checkbox.setChecked(self.config_history()) def on_change(x): try: ccy = str(self.currencies[x]) except Exception: return if ccy != self.fiat_unit(): self.config.set_key('currency', ccy, True) hist_checkbox_update() for window in window.update_status() def on_change_ex(exchange): exchange = str(exchange) if exchange != self.set_exchange(exchange) self.currencies = [] combo.clear() self.exchanger.timeout = 0 hist_checkbox_update() set_currencies(combo) for window in window.update_status() def on_change_hist(checked): if checked: self.config.set_key('history_rates', 'checked') self.get_historical_rates() else: self.config.set_key('history_rates', 'unchecked') for window in window.history_list.setHeaderLabels( [ '', '', _('Date'), _('Description') , _('Amount'), _('Balance')] ) window.history_list.setColumnCount(6) def set_currencies(combo): try: combo.blockSignals(True) current_currency = self.fiat_unit() combo.clear() except Exception: return combo.addItems(self.currencies) try: index = self.currencies.index(current_currency) except Exception: index = 0 combo.blockSignals(False) combo.setCurrentIndex(index) def ok_clicked(): if in ["CoinDesk", "itBit"]: self.timeout = 0 d.accept(); hist_checkbox_update() set_currencies(combo) combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_change) combo_ex.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_change_ex) hist_checkbox.stateChanged.connect(on_change_hist) for window in combo.connect(window, SIGNAL('refresh_currencies_combo()'), lambda: set_currencies(combo)) combo_ex.connect(d, SIGNAL('refresh_exchanges_combo()'), lambda: set_exchanges(combo_ex)) ok_button.clicked.connect(lambda: ok_clicked()) layout.addWidget(combo,1,1) layout.addWidget(combo_ex,0,1) layout.addWidget(hist_checkbox,2,1) layout.addWidget(ok_button,3,1) if d.exec_(): return True else: return False def fiat_unit(self): return self.config.get("currency", "EUR") def refresh_fields(self): '''Update the display at the new rate''' for window in for field in window.fx_fields.values(): field.textEdited.emit(field.text()) def add_send_edit(self, window): window.send_fiat_e = AmountEdit(self.fiat_unit) self.connect_fields(window, True) window.send_grid.addWidget(window.send_fiat_e, 4, 3, Qt.AlignHCenter) window.amount_e.frozen.connect(lambda: window.send_fiat_e.setFrozen(window.amount_e.isReadOnly())) def add_receive_edit(self, window): window.receive_fiat_e = AmountEdit(self.fiat_unit) self.connect_fields(window, False) window.receive_grid.addWidget(window.receive_fiat_e, 2, 3, Qt.AlignHCenter) def connect_fields(self, window, send): if send: btc_e, fiat_e, fee_e = (window.amount_e, window.send_fiat_e, window.fee_e) else: btc_e, fiat_e, fee_e = (window.receive_amount_e, window.receive_fiat_e, None) def fiat_changed(): fiat_e.setStyleSheet(BLACK_FG) window.fx_fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = fiat_e try: fiat_amount = Decimal(str(fiat_e.text())) except: btc_e.setText("") if fee_e: fee_e.setText("") return exchange_rate = self.exchange_rate() if exchange_rate is not None: btc_amount = fiat_amount/exchange_rate btc_e.setAmount(int(btc_amount*Decimal(COIN))) btc_e.setStyleSheet(BLUE_FG) if fee_e: window.update_fee() fiat_e.textEdited.connect(fiat_changed) def btc_changed(): btc_e.setStyleSheet(BLACK_FG) window.fx_fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = btc_e btc_amount = btc_e.get_amount() rate = self.exchange_rate() if rate is None or btc_amount is None: fiat_e.setText("") else: fiat_amount = rate * Decimal(btc_amount) / Decimal(COIN) pos = fiat_e.cursorPosition() fiat_e.setText("%.2f"%fiat_amount) fiat_e.setCursorPosition(pos) fiat_e.setStyleSheet(BLUE_FG) btc_e.textEdited.connect(btc_changed) window.fx_fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = btc_e @hook def do_clear(self, window): window.send_fiat_e.setText('')