# Release 1.7

* The wallet does not create new addresses until transactions have 2
confirmations. This makes recovery from seed more robust. Note that it
might create unwanted gaps if you use Electrum 1.7 together with older
versions of Electrum.

* An interactive Python console replaces the 'wall' tab. The provided
python environment gives users access to the wallet and gui. Custom
scripts an be loaded with a "run(filename)" command. Tab-completions
are available.

* The location of the Electrum folder in Windows changed from
LOCALAPPDATA to APPDATA. Discussion on this topic can be found here:

* Private keys can be exported from within the classic GUI:
  For a single address, use the address menu (right-click).
  To export the keys of your entire wallet, use the settings dialog (import/export tab).

* It is possible to create, sign and redeem multisig transaction, using the command line interface.
This is made possible by the following new commands: 
    dumpprivkey, listunspent, createmultisig, createrawtransaction, decoderawtransaction, signrawtransaction
The syntax of these commands is similar to their bitcoind counterpart. 
For an example, see Gavin's tutorial: https://gist.github.com/gavinandresen/3966071

* Offline wallets do not need to be resynchronized in order to sign a transaction. 
  For this, use 'signrawtransaction'. ('signtx' is deprecated').
  See the help in docs/offline_wallets


# Release 1.6.2

== Classic GUI
* Added new version notification

# Release 1.6.1 (11-01-2013)

== Core
* It is now possible to restore a wallet from MPK (this will create a watching-only wallet)
* A switch button allows to easily switch between Lite and Classic GUI.

== Classic GUI
* Seed and MPK help dialogs were rewritten
* Point of Sale: requested amounts can be expressed in other currencies and are converted to bitcoin.

== Lite GUI
* The receiving button was removed in favor of a menu item to keep it consistent with the history toggle.

# Release 1.6.0 (07-01-2013)

== Core
* (Feature) Add support for importing, signing and verifiying compressed keys
* (Feature) Auto reconnect to random server on disconnect
* (Feature) Ultimate fallback to HTTP port 80 if TCP doesn't work on any server
* (Bug) Under rare circumstances changing password with incorrect password could damage wallet

== Lite GUI
* (Chore) Use blockchain.info for exchange rate data 
* (Feature) added currency conversion for BRL, CNY, RUB
* (Feature) Saraha theme
* (Feature) csv import/export for transactions including labels 

== Classic GUI
* (Chore) pruning servers now called "p", full servers "f" to avoid confusion with terms
* (Feature) Debits in history shown in red
* (Feature) csv import/export for transactions including labels 

# Release 1.5.8 (02-01-2013)

== Core
* (Bug) Fix pending address balance on received coins for pruning servers 
* (Bug) Fix history command line option to show output again (regression by SPV)
* (Chore) Add timeout to blockchain headers file download by HTTP
* (Feature) new option: -L, --language: default language used in GUI. 

== Lite GUI
* (Bug) Sending to auto-completed contacts works again
* (Chore) Added version number to title bar

== Classic GUI
* (Feature) Language selector in options.

# Release 1.5.7 (18-12-2012)

== Core
* The blockchain headers file is no longer included in the packages, it is downloaded on startup.
* New command line option: -P or --portable, for portable wallets. With this flag, all preferences are saved to the wallet file, and the blockchain headers file is in the same directory as the wallet

== Lite GUI
* (Feature) Added the ability to export your transactions to a CSV file.
* (Feature) Added a label dialog after sending a transaction.
* (Feature) Reworked receiving addresses; instead of a random selection from one of your receiving addresses a new widget will show listing unused addresses.
* (Chore)   Removed server selection. With all the new server options a simple menu item does not suffice anymore.